How To Make Cheesy Broccoli: Awesome Broccoli With Cheddar Cheese Sauce Recipe

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i'ma show you guys how to make cheese broccoli using fresh broccoli okay I've done a video on how to make cheese broccoli before but that was a video that was on my old channel so I'm going to be doing a updated version okay what you're going to do first is you're going to get your broccoli and you're going to remove this part here okay move that part there okay don't you want to do is you're going to just pull each broccoli off like that and you're going to remove these hair just remove them just break every floor of broccoli off like that so now we chopped our broccoli into broccoli florets okay those are our broccoli florets so we wanted to look now we're going to get ready to cook them okay guys so you're going to get a pan and you're going to place it over medium heat and you're going to add some water to the pan and we're going to wait until the water comes to a boil then we're going to add our broccoli florets okay so our order has come so for you so we're going to add our broccoli now and we're not going to cook these very long some people stay in their broccoli but I just boil it in water for every short period of time so we want to add our broccoli we're only going to cook down for a few minutes we don't want them to be super tender to the point where that meant we want them to be rather firm but at the same time tender alright it's not going to take these IV learn they will change a bit in color okay guys so they've done you want to cut your fire off in D you're going to remove the water like I said you don't want to cook these very long because you don't want them to be yeah okay so I want to remove the water and then we're going to season them very like me with some salt garlic powder and pepper okay so we're going to season on with some salt not too much just by the my half a teaspoon but I have a teaspoon of garlic powder and some pepper and it's going to continue cooking a little bit because of the heat from the pan it's going to continue cooking it a little while longer so they will definitely be tender enough okay guys so now we're going to focus on our cheese sauce what you're going to do is going to get a pie you know place it over medium heat and you're gonna add your margarine or butter then you're going to add your flour and you're going to stir that in until the color of the flower changes stir that up that's the color you want your blog with a bit okay then you're gonna add your milk you wanna start in your milk just stir that in really well stir in the flour then you're gonna add your cheese monster B's until the cheese melts into a nice cheese sauce and that is pretty much it don't take long at all you're going to catch a fire off one took a few minutes look at that nice cheese sauce ah alright yeah so now we're going to pour the cheese over broccoli and we're going to sprinkle some more shredded cheddar on top of the bottom just like that there okay so I just cut the fire on to low heat and we're going to cover the Rakhi with the top and we're going to cook it a little more until the cheese on top melts then you're all done so that's our cheese broccoli let's plate it now here's our broccoli hope you enjoy peace you you
Channel: PhillyBoyJayCooKingShow2.0
Views: 889,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheesy broccoli, how to make cheese broccoli, broccoli with cheese sauce, broccoli and cheese recipe, awesome cheese broccoli
Id: tQ3s656zQ9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2016
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