Broccoli Cheddar Soup With Potatoes

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hey y'all welcome back to my channel I have another cooking video for you guys today today I'm gonna be making broccoli and cheddar soup with potatoes so let me show you everything that you're going to need for this recipe and let's get here's everything that you're gonna need of course you're going to eat broccoli some potatoes and onion vegetable stock you can use chicken or vegetable stock I have some sharp cheddar cheese here some flour and some half-and-half okay so first I'm gonna start off by cutting up my vegetables I'm gonna go ahead and cut this broccoli up I'm gonna peel my potatoes and dice those as well once I'm done with that I'll come back and show you what to do name y'all havin to peel my potatoes the old-fashioned way because my potatoes slicer broke just broke right off the handle so don't like the old-fashioned way the way my mama and my grandma taught with me we didn't have no potato slice had to use a knife and just do that skin off but anyway I'm gonna go ahead and dice this up and I'll be back so now I am done cutting my potatoes and this is about the size that I cut on it doesn't really matter what size your potatoes are you just want to make sure you cut them as even as you can so that they'll cook evenly also I'm soaking it and water so that they'll keep this color until I'm ready to use them so we're just gonna leave this open on water and sit down beside and the next thing I have to do is cut up my cheese so you can buy your cheese already shredded but I like to use the block of cheese cuz you know they're shredded cheese in order for it to not stick together to have like this powder stuff that they have to put on there I don't know what it's gone but I rather use the block of cheese and just cut it up myself we won't taking room just I just want to show you how much of the cheese I'm using it's about 2/3 of the cheese I'm gonna go ahead and dice so here we go I'm gonna go ahead and add half a stick of butter to my pot that's already been heating a little so now that my butter is melting I'm gonna go ahead and add a whole onion we want to add a little bit of salt and pepper [Music] flour this is just creating the roof our street so that our sweet dude I am using potatoes so that and we just gonna let this cook down when our flour to cook a little bit so I'm just gonna let this cook for a couple of minutes indeed nothing yet so now I'm gonna go ahead and add my brother whether you then chicken or vegetable broth and that's this is about four cups so the whole carton of this is about four cups and now I'm gonna add my diced potato so you want to let this cook for about ten minutes until your potatoes are stuff so I'm gonna let this sit down come back and check on it in about ten minutes and I'm going to add that to that so I'm waiting on my potatoes to boil I went on and cut me up some bacon to make some little bacon bits because I like to top mine my soup off with some bacon bits I don't put it in the whole pot cuz everybody in my house don't eat bacon slaw just got me some but I have on the side that I can just put on top and I'm gonna cook this until they're crispy your distance away so my potatoes have been gone for about ten minutes and they're almost off so I'm going to go [Music] all right so we want to let this go for about I say six to eight minutes I don't like my broccoli to sauce but yeah so six to eight minutes and then I'll show you what to do next I saw my soup has been cooking for about eight minutes and now I'm gonna go ahead and I have and also my cheese and the cheese right in give that sir okay so I'm gonna add my lid back on pretty much once the cheese starts to melt or once the cheese is done melting your soup is pretty much done so here is my broccoli cheddar potato soup bacon some green yeah and a little mouth cheddar cheese thank you so much for watching my video if you like what you seen here today just give it a try leave me a comment down below and give me a big thumbs up and I'll talk to you guys in the next video bye
Channel: What’s Cooking with Metree
Views: 5,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sVsF8PT0emk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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