How To Make Brisket Trim Sausage From Start To Finish

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welcome to mike brown barbecue today i'm going to show you how to take your leftover brisket trimming and make it into beef sausage and smoke it on a 250 gallon offset smoker but uh i'm going to show you how to do it start to finish stay tuned all right guys in this video i'm going to show y'all how i make sausage for my leftover brisket trimmings i would have done a video of me cutting this up and weighing it out but i normally do that right after i trim i go ahead and i cut everything up way my mat my fat to meat ratios out which is 70 30 in this mix and uh i already mixed my dry ingredients saved a little bit of time right here i will put the dry ingredients in the comments below but it's roughly 85 grams of kosher salt 56 grams of black pepper 50 grams of garlic powder 40 grams of onion powder 20 grams of paprika 30 grams of red pepper flakes 13 grams of pink currant salt and i'll explain that in a minute 29 grams of sugar 30 grams of ground mustard three grams of sage and eight grams of dark chili powder i put it all in this bowl and gave it a real good mix technically on beef sausage if you cook it fast enough you wouldn't have to put pink pink curing salt in it but the cure to me gives it a more sausage flavor if that makes any sense and allows me to smoke it longer at a a lower heat if i didn't have pure in it i'd be running on my smoker for about you know 200 to hit an internal temp of 150 trying to get it done within three to four hours but doing it this way it'll take me roughly about five to six hours and i smoke it about 165 170 as my target temp but we're going to go ahead and we're going to throw in our dry rub ingredients sprinkle them like that over the top now when you're making sausage you also want to add liquid this whole recipe calls for 521 grams of liquid which on liquid i'm using water this is a roughly 11 pounds of brisket trim which translates to 5 215 grams of meat so what i like to do the day before is mix this up and then put in half of my water today when i mix it up then i'll add the other half after i grind and put my milk powder in for a binder so we'll go ahead and put us a little water in there not a whole lot and we'll go ahead and get this mixed up real good make sure it gets incorporated that little bit of moisture water helps everything stick and i typically like to let this cure the night before sausage for me is typically about three day process but i like to mix this stuff up let it rest in the fridge overnight tomorrow morning we'll grind it up and we'll get it cased up this is really this recipe particularly kind of a homogeneous texas hot gut sausage not quite pretty close get that mixed up real good incorporated and you'll see some of that stuff like to stick to the bottom oops make a mess make sure we get it all mixed up real good smell that garlic and onion powder but yep this is why i trim my briskets aggressively and when you know you can trim your briskets aggressively make sausage it steps your brisket game well you can buy a big brisket trim it down shape and not have to worry about wasting your meat and all that cool stuff because it ain't cheap right now all right so we got that mixed up pretty good and the next time y'all see this will be when i get it ground up start tasting stay tuned all right guys welcome back it's time to go ahead and get our meat grounded up before you grind your meat you need to put all these parts in the freezer make them cold everything runs better with sausage when it's cold so the first thing i like to do is load up my meat pan as much as it'll fit in there that way i like to try to put my sausage back into the same tub that it came out of that way i don't lose no my seasonings it all mixes real good and i'll slide my pan underneath here and as that feeds out in there you know i'll be it's also me to be going in there and i'll keep passing it on and loading it up you don't want to forget that you're going to need that eventually so let's get started so the first plate that i run through is the kidney plate and then i hit it up with a horse plate double grind and me gives me this texture i'm looking for my sausage the way i like it way i prefer but run it through of course uh twice [Music] it in chunks about that big right there go through your grinder this is a lem half horsepower number eight stick bite grinder it uh it's got some mass to it does a good job it'll eat stuff up you want to keep things moving you want to do this as quick as you can so you don't [Music] get hot the best thing to do with this stuff is put it in the freezer for about 30 minutes to an hour before you grind it your meat they stay cold [Music] sometimes you put too much in there to shoot out at you skied on you watch that [Music] now we're going to change our die that was the first style we ran through which is kidney dye kidney plate there's a bunch of net games for it everybody's got a name for it next one we're gonna run through is our uh number eight 10 millimeter die now you could just run it through your 10 millimeter die twice if you wanted to so i'll run it through the kidney die first and then i run it through 10 millimeter die all right so we're gonna repeat the same process we're gonna put all this meat back up here we're gonna send it through for a second grind and what this does is it helps with your bind also this is a little bit slower process when you do this the meat's not as big as chunks so it takes a little bit longer but not much longer [Music] tell you what this smells amazing already let's try test patty here a little bit try it out see how we did sometimes you got to use that plunger especially when you're on your second grind help speed things up [Music] so this mix is already pretty good because it's already tanky which means it's going to make a good time for sausage [Music] [Music] another little pro tip right here at the end to get the rest of your sausage meat out let me get a piece of ice cream in there gonna push the rest of that meat out and then clean all the meat out of the tip right there we still got to add liquid to this so that'll help keep everything cold also all right so we got this ground up i'm going to clean this mess up a little bit and then i'll show you the next part of our mixing we still gotta add our milk powder for binder so stay tuned all right so we got our mix right here and now i'm going to add 100 grams of milk powder for our final binder to help the stuff really stick together and then we're going to add the rest of our liquid at this point you just got to get your hands dirty you can wear gloves while doing this they always slide off for me so now we're just going to mix this up incorporate all of our milk powder i do have a little mixer i could use but it's kind of a pain in the butt to clean so i'd rather just have cold hands get everything incorporated in there you need it like that push it down and use from every direction and just mix it up real good i like to take it and turn my tub that way catch this side just give it a real good mix guys run your fingers through it get after it that's all there is to it at this point you want to take your little patty stick it up and if it's sticking to your hand like that without falling off or barely falling off and that's a good bind it's mixed up so i'm happy with that mix my hands are dirty i'm going to fry me up a test patty here in a minute and make sure i like my flavors and don't need to add nothing and the next time you see this i'll be loading it up in my stuffer and i'll show you guys how i case it i'm going to put it back in the refrigerator for another hour before i case it keep it so cold bring you back you guys back here in just a minute stay tuned all right one of the first things you want to do before you stuff your sausage is clean all the salt off your casings and now the inside of your casings so what you want to do you want to find the end of this thing let your casing soak in water for about 10 or 15 minutes rinse them off and let them soak in water for about 10 or 15 minutes these are natural hog casings that i got from my local butcher shop you can order them on amazon or you can go down to your butcher shop i recommend going here butcher shop the ones off amazon i was not impressed with we'll find the end of this one day oh dang it just freaking tangled up that's what you run into there are a lot of problems with sausage casing freaking they get tangled up knotted up into each other so i found the end of this one right here i'm gonna put it over the side make sure it ain't caught up in all these knots all right so we're finally to the end of this thing without nothing being knotted up okay it's going to be a pain in the ass the next thing you want to do is come over here to your clean water and get you a bunch of it in your casing i'm going to stretch your casing out and then clean the salt out of the inside and you just work your water through there now we really want it in this one right here it stretches your casing out and if you lose all of your water out of it that means your casing had a hole in it all right i like to see how dirty that water is how salty it is i like to dump this out and i like to repeat the process again and put clean water back through the casing again find the end of it open it up with your fingers get you a lot of water up in it and just let it wash back through once more just like so and i know this is a good casing and i don't have no holes in it because when i ran it through the first time i lost no water that's what it looks like when you got the water in it just like that i'm going to run that through there this is a really really long contest but this should do the 11 pounds of sausage i got all right guys there you have it so i'm going to get this stuffer set up let's get you to view that i'll bring you guys back stay tuned all right so the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna stuff our sausage meat into our stove this is a seven pound stuffing that i got you want to shove it up in there and pound it down in there like that to uh get rid of any air pockets i'll also put the sausage stuffer in the freezer keep everything real cold in this process it'll help you out a lot pound that up in there just like that all right we got her full now it's time to put her on i've got a haka seven pound stuffer that's what i'm gonna use to do this key to this is keeping everything wet you want to wet your horn real good so your casing slides on find the end of your casing again like we did a minute ago spread it out put just a little bit of water through it make sure this is nice and wet put it on your horn and then just run it up on there like so this was a pretty long casing so i'll probably cut it about halfway through can't help but laughing google with this [Music] follow your meatballs folks as long as everything's wet and nice and incorporated go up on there real good all right so i'm gonna call that good mountain casing up on there so we're gonna hack it off right here run that up on there we'll start working our stuffer down you see the air bubble coming out of that as i'm pushing on it you don't want to tie your knot yet not till you get a little bit of meat to the tube that's showing just like that pull it off just like that tie your knot pull it up on there make sure you get a nice tight knot keep one hand on like this and i'm sorry it's hard to see what i'm doing and you want to feel the casing up just enough not too tight but not too less just like that make sure you don't catch no air bubbles in it and i don't like a leak as i go i like to make a rope and then length try to get you a little better angle what i'm doing here just want to load that casing up like so just like that every time then i can stop make a rope out of it that's why you want all this stuff right here wet stuffing up real nice having no issues ain't busting no casing yet it's always a plus i'm normally good for that about one or two times just keep it going really ain't nothing to do it to do it to it but to do it folks just trial in there i can't say the first time i ever made sausage i did it perfect i busted cases left and right it happens just gotta keep going at it all right folks that's it so we'll take this cut it off there's plenty of room to tie your knot up tag it down real tight like this let me bring the camera around to the other side i'll start right here on this end so i like to pinch down real hard turn this one that way that's nice and tight set that down you go opposite ways every time you you link one so we'll go this way i'm going to have a little baby one right here that's case and kinked on me then you just eyeball them make them how you want them and if you're going to do this like this and don't case your casing up too tight or to bust on you just like that we got us some little links made up beef lakes with a little baby leak right there because the casing kinked up on us all right folks well i'm gonna get the rest of this linked up and the next time you guys see this will be when i put it on that 250 gallon smoker out there and we smoke it off stay tuned all right guys so it's the next day and it's time to smoke this sausage i like to start out the full chimney up charcoal just like that and then i'm smoking sausage i like to use these dense green barky logs and we're only going to hold a temperature of around 170 at the most 150 to 170 so we don't want to put a whole lot on here so this log is pretty much going to smolder we'll stick this dude right in here just like that and let it do its thing we'll give it a minute to kind of get up the temp and then we'll be throwing our sausage on here very soon next time y'all see me is when we put the sausage on stay tuned all right guys it's time to load the sausage up on the smoker we're up to 150 that's what we need to be at oh wow there's a lot of dirty smoke there guys that's what you want for that sausage start by putting them in the back okay so i guess i shouldn't put any breaks on this pit a little bit make sure they're spacing not touching whoo i'll get smoked out here my damn over there crowing yes just kind of make these fit in where you can get them in that because uh they're not quite dry enough to snip the ends yet where they won't come undone and there you have it folks we got our sausage loaded up into the smoker and we're ready we're ready to smoke these things down we ended up with a pretty good bit of link so i didn't exactly count but got a lot all that dirty smoke coming out is what you want on soft smoke so we'll close this lid and the next time that we look at this i'm probably in about two and a half to two hours i'll flip them over and clean them off stay tuned all right guys so we're walking rocking a temp a little under 160 and uh we're gonna check on these for two and a half hours in our target temp was 150 for the cold smoke been been riding around there i hadn't gotten 120 degrees above that so that ain't too bad it's time to open it up see what we got oh man heck yeah those look good look at that nice red color that's beautiful it's time to snip them in half and make them individual links just like that look at the color on that that's what you want beautiful look how pretty that is that's what you want so what i'm going to do is go through here and get all these separated snip the part get the underside cleaned off flip them over and give the other side some smoke and then i'm going to take my thickest one which i'll go ahead my thickest one and i'll put a paint probe in it i don't want these to get over 150 degrees internal temp we'll see you guys here in a little bit i think i have to manage that fire for the second time you'll see what i do on my fire managing for my sausages also so y'all stay tuned so it's time to manage fire for the second time this will be the last time during this sausage cook that we do it and as you can see our original log that we put on there pretty well not far off from being gone so we'll take it and turn him sideways and scoot him up over here on the side we got a little bit of coal in there we'll take a smooth dance bar key log and i don't know if i mentioned it y'all earlier but today we are using red oak for this smoke we're just going to take him and put him right there he'll catch here in a little bit and smolder on and this will carry us over to the end of the cook so the next time y'all see the sausage i'll be when we give it an ice bath here in about two and a half to three hours stay tuned all right so we just pulled our sausage off the smoker now it's time to give it a good old ice bath what this does right here is it shocks the sausage the cooking process and tighten up your skin it'll help the color look how good that looks that's a good looking link right there good color nice and clump let that sit there for a minute what i like to do is take them and wipe them off wipe them off dry them off set them in here we've done stop the cooking process at this point so uh we're gonna be good and i'll do this with all of them and then i will put them in my refrigerator overnight and then i'll take them out and i'll vaccine in the morning but we're going to throw a couple of these back on the pit and finish them off and then we'll slice them and see how the snap bit and see what she looks like then i'll bring y'all back then stay tuned all right guys it is now time to see how we did on this brisket sausage you can see it's all that beautiful color and look at that nice pop juicy put mass for some better sausage so let's go ahead and get some of this a slice of quarter inch slices right here see how juicy that is some red pepper in there and a black pepper nice and juicy so we'll give it a little taste test here oh man that's awesome that's this best brisket sausage i've made so far another thing i want y'all to notice is now nothing's crumbling out of the case it's nice tight vine nothing's falling apart that's what you want when you miss the sausage again i made this from uh from my brisket trimmings from about three to four bristles this right here will up your brisket game you know you can make sausage out of your biscuit tenders because uh they'll trade more aggressively you'll save money with it in the long run because you won't be wasting nothing especially with how high these prices are i highly recommend doing this so we've got one more little test to go here what we're going to do that's going to be our snap test yeah put that snapped right apart i need to see how juicing there is that's what you want your brisket sausage so now we're going to do one more test take so here we go oh yeah that's awesome like i said that's the best biscuit sausage and i've made date it's got the right amount of heat it's juicy the meat fat ratio is perfect which is 70 30. that's what you want sausage and it's smoky it definitely tastes the red oak smoke flavor and that red pepper will sneak up on you like it's doing me right now so if you guys like this video and you like and subscribe let me know what you want me to cook next and uh recipe down in the comments how i made this and uh next video we'll be doing some bacon iron ins so stay tuned for that thank y'all for watching
Channel: Mike Brown BBQ
Views: 2,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #SmokedSausage, #250GallonSmoker, #TexasBBQ, #Brisket
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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