Instant Pot Chicken Bone Broth That Gels Every Time

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today we're gonna make roast chicken bone broth in the 8 quart instant pot and we're gonna see exactly how gelatinous this is gonna come out hi sweet friends I'm Mary and welcome to Mary's Nest where I teach traditional cooking skills from making nutrient-dense foods like bone broth sourdough ferments and more so if you enjoy learning about those things consider subscribing to my channel and don't forget to click on the little notification bell below that'll let you know every time I upload a new video well for those of you have been with me for a while you know I love to make bone broth in the slow cooker and before I started making it in the slow cooker I was making it on the stovetop for years and I love the slow cooker because I can leave it unattended I don't need to worry about it and it makes a beautifully gelatinous bone broth and you don't know how important that is to me but I have been hearing from a lot of you how you really enjoy making bone broth in the instant pot and for this past Mother's Day my husband surprised me with this wonderful 8 quart instant pot so we're gonna give it a try now normally when I make roast chicken bone broth in the slow cooker I use the carcass of three chickens and then I add and what I like to call my insurance policy 6 chicken feet because we got the carcass of three chickens so that means 6 feet now today when I make roast chicken bone broth in the instant pot I'm going to do this a little differently than the way I make it in the slow cooker and the reason is because I discovered I'm learning here that and you'll see this is wet because I had filled it with water the there's a mark that you can only fill it to a certain extent you can only basically fill it 2/3 full even though it's an 8 quart instant pot you can only fill it 2/3 full if you use the pressure cooker option and so what I did was I measured how many cups of liquid I could get in there or quarts and it's basically around five and a half quarts so and also to when I looked at it just really didn't look that big and so as compared to the slow cooker so I said well I'm not gonna try to mash three chicken carcass in here along with the vegetables and the water and all of that so instead of the three I've just got two chicken carcass here and four feet and the feet are my insurance policy don't worry if you don't have chicken feed you can do this without that so what I've got here are just the two carcass and the four feet and this is just from chickens that I've roasted and after we've eaten it and pulled off the meat that we want and so on and so forth I just save the bones and the skin in my freezer and then when I get two chickens worth or three chickens if I'm doing it in a slow cooker then I say okay I'm ready to make bone broth and also since this was kind of small in comparison toda I'm used to working with with my slow cooker I'm also going a little light on the vegetables too because I want to make sure that I have enough room in here so I've got one onion and all the onion skin too you know when we make bone broth it's nothing fancy throw in the skin it adds color nutrition flavor everything and I've got about two carrots here just chopped up and often I use the vegetables that are looking a little past their prime they're perfect for when you make bone broth and then I've just got the bottom of the celery cut and I've just quartered it and then I've got my usual Bailey if you know me every time I make bone broth oh we've had a Bailey and then just a bunch of peppercorns and that's it this is going to be your basic roast chicken bone broth we're not going to do anything fancy because the big reason we want to do this is to see does it come as gelatinous as what we can get out of the slow cooker folks have said that they've gotten a gelatinous but when they look at the video where I made it in the slow cooker and the bone broth is so gelatinous like jello they've told me that theirs isn't quite like that but I called the manufacturer and I talked to them about making bone broth in here and they said definitely put it on the low pressure setting now that is going to be over a hundred and eighty degrees Fahrenheit but let's see what happens and the reason I mentioned that a hundred and eighty degrees Fahrenheit is that generally the best temperature to simmer bone brought that to extract all the collagen from the bones and make the bone broth nice and gelatinous now can it go slightly higher possibly I think the gelatin may not be as firm as if the bone broth is simmered for the entire time at 180 degrees but I think maybe it will still be a little gelatinous at least that's what I've heard from all of you who have been making it in the instant pot so I'm gonna be very curious to see exactly how it comes out and what other thing I want to say is you might be saying why would it be different in the instant pot maybe the instant pot is at 180 degrees Fahrenheit and actually on low pressure it averages around 230 degrees Fahrenheit and so that's why it'll be interesting to see can the gelatin kind of hold its own so to speak or the collagen and a hold its own and in the end since it will only be under pressure for two hours and held at that temperature of about 230 degrees Fahrenheit can it withstand it and can it come gelatinous so we're gonna find out now I'm gonna go ahead and add everything in to the instant pot my carcass and my feet and I just wanted to say whenever you make roast chicken save everything save the carcass save the skin save any little bits that you don't eat and save all the pan drippings and then put everything into some kind of container and just throw it into your freezer and whenever you think you have enough bones make bone broth you know I often say you know chicken bone broth it cost pennies a jar because you're really just using a bunch of scraps and it's delicious and if you can find chicken feet definitely buy them and include them because they are loaded with collagen and they really help to make chicken bone broth gelatinous and you can usually find them sometimes at your grocery store sometimes at your farmers market and you can also order them from us wellness meats the place I've mentioned in the past to you where I buy my beef bones from they sell all kinds of meats they sell chickens they sell chicken feet and don't forget to check the description below underneath this video because the people at Us wellness meats are so sweet and they gave me promo code a discount code for 15% off regularly priced items for my viewers so be sure to check that out if you ever want to order anything from them alrighty well I'm gonna get all the little last bits of this in and then we'll go ahead and add in the veggies now I'm gonna put in the carrots in this celery and the onions here now I don't add any extra salt when I make chicken bone broth because having been a roast chicken there's already some salt on it but even when I make beef bone broth I don't add any salt at all because for the most part I like to be able to season my bone broths after they're cooked but in the case of you know we're just using the roast chicken carcass here so there's already got a little salt on it so it's going to have a pretty nice flavoring you could just drink it straight you probably won't need to add any sea salt to it with the beef bone broth and when we drink that I generally do add a little sea salt to that because that really helps with the flavor so I'm just gonna dump these peppercorns in and the bay leaves and as some of you have asked me what do you do with all this bone broth and generally my husband and I drink the beef bone broth straight we just drink it with breakfast add a little sea salt warm it up and that's the other thing I wonder should we do warm it up people ask me do we take it in the gelatinous State I just warm it gently on the stove and add a little sea salt we enjoy it in a coffee cup it's wonderful chicken bone broth I generally use in recipe preparation I use it as a base for soups I use it as a base for making gravies I use it in place of water when making rice or other grains and things like that so that's sort of my modus operandi so to speak when it comes to beef bone broth and chicken bone broth well this is filled with the two chickens the feed and the vegetables this all together is reaching in terms of the solids the halfway mark that's marked in this slow cooker and I was looking used to in the instant pot and so that's halfway which i think is a good amount I don't think that I would fill it with the solids up to the two third line I think that's a good place for your liquid measure but for the solids I think just going halfway up is a good idea so I'm glad that in this 8 quart I've got two chickens for feet and then just a few of the vegetables now whenever we make any kind of bone broth we want to add some acid to it and the reason we add the acid is because that's gonna leach all the collagen out of the bones and in this case out of the chicken bones now when I make chicken bone broth I like to use white vermouth but you can certainly use apple cider vinegar I'm just not a fan of it but I'm gonna when I do use white vermouth which is a fortified wine you can also use white wine if you want just regular white wine but I like the fortified wines because they're the ones that come with a screw top and you can just keep in your pantry for cooking versus a regular wine that you'd uncork and it may over time if it's not being drank it'll it'll take on somewhat of a vinegary flavor so the fortified wines are lovely to keep on hand for cooking and so the white vermouth which is a fortified wine I like to use for making chicken bone broth now if you know I'm gonna got about a cup here now if you use apple cider vinegar I recommend only going with about a quarter of a cup because it can have a strong flavor and a quarter of a cup should be sufficient to leach out to acidulated water enough to leech out the collagen from the bones and make your bone broth gelatinous so here I'm just gonna go ahead and add in that white vermouth and then next thing that we're going to do is use water basically to cover and what I'm going to do is just go up to the pressure cooker two-third mark that should have everything well submerged and I think we're gonna be in good shape now a little secret when it comes to making bone broth any type of bone broth you never want to add too much water now I have actually stopped before the two third mark and the reason is with the two carcass and the four feet and the veggies that I've added and the water that I added I just wanted to add enough water to cover you don't want to add too much water so I'm just slightly below the pressure cooker two-thirds full max and I think that's smart to do because I don't want to take any chance in it because this was enough water to cover everything and I don't want to add too much water and risk this being not gelatinous since we're already experimenting with the pressure cooker I want to give it as much help as I can to make it come as gelatinous as possible by adding the chicken feet and adding just enough water to cover well I let this soak for one hour in the acidulated water the water that I've added with the white vermouth and the reason that I do that is because I like to give the bones a little head start this is what I call another one of my insurance policies insurance policy number two the feet are number one and then the soaking for one hour is number two and the reason I do that is because I want to allow the acidulated water to start leaching the collagen out of the bones to give it a little one hour head start before I actually heat it up now you can skip this step if you want but I really like to do this I do this whether I make bone broth on the stovetop in the slow cooker or now in the instant pot I just let it soak let that acidulated water leach out some of the collagen to give it a head start in hopes of creating the most gelatinous bone broth as possible now I'm gonna get ready to put the lid on and for those of you who may be new to the instant pot this little valve up here has two settings one says venting and one says sealing we're gonna want to keep that on the ceiling for the pressure cooking meaning that it seals everything in and that's for the pressure cooker option so let me just put this lid on just make a little song and then we'll lock it in place makes another little song and then we'll make sure that vent is on sealing and I just want to mention one thing about this if you are new to it in some pot and you're experimenting with it I thought that this vent and sealing thing would really be like really clicking and locking into place it really doesn't it just kind of moves up and down so in case you're new to it I'll let's just tell you that little tip so I've just got to turn down to ceiling now we'll get ready to turn turn it on to the amount of time we want now this instant pot has a soup broth option so I'm going to press that option soup broth and I'll take a close-up picture so you can see and then you've got to do bone broth for two hours so I'm going to increase the time up to two hours and once I've got that up to two hours I'm gonna also change the pressure level to low because when I talk to the manufacturer they said that for bone broth you want to do it for two hours on low pressure which is approximately two hundred and thirty degrees Fahrenheit and there it goes so that's all set and we'll let that come up to pressure and then it'll cook the bone broth for two hours and after that we'll come back and I'll show you how I strain it and go through that whole process and then we'll decant it we'll chill a bit and we'll see just how gelatinous this is gonna come well this cooked for two hours and I let the pressure come down naturally because I don't like to move it from the ceiling to the venting because the steam comes out very forcefully if I want to do that I usually have my husband do it and move it with a ruler so a little bit of a chicken but it's vented now I let it come down from pressure naturally and so now we'll go ahead and open it and we'll see how this bone broth came this chicken bone broth well it looks quite good and I'll overlay a picture so you can see exactly what it looks like the color is very rich beautiful golden color so it looks at least so far it looks like it's come very nicely this is still a little warm so I'm going to use pot holders to lift this out of the instant pot and I'm going to put it right down over here so we can get ready to start straining out all the solids so what I'm gonna do is just use my hand strainer here and remove all of the solids into this bowl and I'm anxious to look to see the ball still have quite a bit of firmness to them so I'm thinking maybe we can reuse this and make another batch of bone broth with these chicken bones I want to see how look at the feet the feet are actually fairly quite intact it's still quite hot so I can't pick it up but there still seems to be a lot of collagen still intact in these feet so I think I'm going to save all this and try and see if I can do another batch and I'd find this very interesting that even after two hours of pressure I'm quite fascinated after being under pressure for two hours how how these feet are still very much intact I'm thinking that this actually might come gelatinous we shall see okay I've got as much of the solids out as I can so I'm gonna move this to my back counter and we'll proceed with the next step now those of you have been with me for a while know how I like to use these flour sack towels over a strainer over a another stockpot or in this case I do it over a large measuring cup so you can see exactly what I'm doing because I like to strain my broth through this to get it really nice and clear and get out every little bit of debris that I can but you don't have to do this if you don't want you can certainly just transfer it at this point once you've removed all the solids to your refrigerator let the fat in this case the chicken fat the schmaltz congeal on the top and then in the morning after it's had a chance to get nice and cool in your fridge you can just remove that schmaltz from the top don't throw it out chicken fat is wonderful and it's especially delicious and almost basically considered a necessary ingredient ingredient if you make chopped chicken livers but in any event what will happen is the fat will rise to the top and be solid you can skim that off and the little bits of impurities and debris and whatnot that are floating around in the warm broth now will sink to the bottom so you can skim off the fat and then skim off your hopefully gelatinous broth and then leave that little debris on the bottom to discard but what I like to do is go through the process now where I strain this through the cheesecloth I meant to say strain through my flour sack towel you can certainly use cheesecloth but cheese cloths become a little expensive and it's only good for you know a couple of tries a lot of people will discard it after just using it once you can rinse it out and you know it may hold up for a couple of rinsing --zz but then it starts to really begin to disintegrate but anyway so this is what I like to do and then I'll show you how the flour sack towel looks so that you can see all the debris that I'm catching so this is the debris that I catch in my flour sack towel and that's why I like to strain it like this certainly you know as I said it'll sink to the bottom so you don't have to go through this step if you don't want but I like to get this all out in one fell swoop and then do it now so but I'll overlay a picture too so you can see this up close now I've still got some more broth to strain but I just wanted to show you how there's a layer of fat the chicken fat that's showing right at the top here and I'll take a close-up picture so if you wanted once you strained out some of the debris you could go ahead and refresh or refrigerate this just like this 1 2 3 and you could either you know if you were straining this into a stock pod or into a large glass measuring cup like this and you could go ahead and put this in your fridge and then in the morning you could just remove the fat if you wanted or you could just leave that layer of fat which would allow this broth to stay fresh in your refrigerator for about a week because that fat makes almost like an airtight seal however I like to go one more step and sometimes I do these reverse you'll see in other videos sometimes I do it like this it's really just there's no particular order but what I like to do at this point is I like to strain off the fat now using a fat separator and the reason is I like to decant this either in a large jar like this which is a half gallon which is 8 cups and if I'm gonna make a soup in the next day or two I'll remove that fat and I'll decant it in here without any debris and any fat and then I have nice beautiful chicken bone broth ready to make a nice chicken soup if I think that I'm not going to use it quickly or anything other than the aid cups which is usually the amount I use when I make a soup if I think I'm going to only use those 8 cups or if I'm not going to use any right away I like to store it in these glass jars maybe they're either called French working jars or French jelly jars I forget exactly and I'll put a link below in the description I just you can find these pretty much at any of the kitchen stores and also on Amazon they're very affordable and usually sometimes they come with the lid sometimes they don't sometimes the lids are white these are old or I've had these a long time and they hold about two cups so it's perfect for when you're making a recipe and you just need about 2 cups of bone broth either to just defrost and drink and warm up and drink or to make a soup if I wanted all eight cups I'd just take out four of these or just the two cups to make a nice chicken gravy this is the perfect size and I love using these to freeze a number one I like working with glass as opposed to plastic but I love these little plastic lids because I usually leave Sofia I only fill it up to about here so I leave a good inch headspace to allow it to expand when it freezes but just in the event that I put too much in nothing happens the jar doesn't break it simply just pushes this top off that I can't remember if that's ever really happened to me but sometimes I'll see it when it freezes it freezes with kind of a little mountain almost in the middle so if and sometimes it's like right at touching the lid but if it were to expand even more the lid just comes off so it's no big deal so let me show you how I use my fat separator what this the gadget is terrific and I'll put a link to this below because there's so many of you have asked me about this when you've seen me use it in my other bone broth videos and all I'm gonna do is just pour the bone broth into here and you will see just like when I showed you the picture the up-close picture of how the fat was floating at the top of this measuring cup the fats gonna float right up to the top here I'll take another picture and I'll overlay that so you can see it's about it's like a good maybe 1/2 inch or inch of fat that's sitting on the top there so I took a picture however there was a lot of reflection but hopefully you can see that there's just this layer of fat here now and there's all this broth underneath well this has a little lever right here and when you press on it it opens a little hole in the bottom of this fat separator I love this it's so modern compared to the old-fashioned ones where you poured and you know the the woody cool things stuck up stuck out like this the spout and you just kind of poured and tried to be careful but it was never an exact science this is perfect because all you do is drain your broth until you see the fat come down to the bottom here and then you stop so we'll just go ahead and we'll just drain our bone broth our chicken bone broth it's a beautiful color by the way I'm very impressed and we just drain this right down until we see that fat is lowering and then when the fat gets down to the bottom there we'll just stop almost there perfect now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get another container and I'm gonna drain that schmaltz the chicken fat into that container so I can save that in my fridge and now I'll just go ahead and drain that fat right into this container so I'll go ahead and continue to do this until I get this jar filled well this is wonderful I've got a half a gallon here which is 8 cups I've got a two cup measure here and a one cup measure here now I'm gonna take a little bit of this and I'm gonna transfer some to a small cup I'm gonna put it in my refrigerator we're gonna let it chill down and we're gonna see how well it gelled well I've got that little bit of broth chilling in the refrigerator so we can see how well it gels and I'm just going to take a taste of this let's see how this chicken bone broth came in the instant pot mmm not bad it's pretty good it's interesting the color is very rich but I do find that the chicken bone broth that I make in my slow cooker has a little bit of a richer flavor this is a like a lighter flavor it's not bad by any stretch of the imagination it's just not as strong not as intense as what I get from the slow cooker but it's quite lovely and I think it would definitely work beautifully with for making soups or gravies really anything even drinking it in a mug I think that I might add even though I used the carcass from roast chickens that had been salted and went up I think I would add a touch of sea salt if I drank this as a beverage a you know a hot beverage out of a mug the way I do with the beef bone broth and I think it'd be perfect well this actually has a bit of a gel to it now it's it's it is more of a looser gel it's not as like jello like as the I want to just get the plate here as the the bone broth the chicken bone broth that I get out of the slow cooker so it's got quite a bit of jiggle to it and it's quite cold I had it in the refrigerator for a good while it's but it's not bad it does have some gel to it and all things considered a pretty good gel it's got a nice jiggle I'll take a handsome fellow I'll take a picture so you can see it so that's the verdict it does have a gel but it's not jello like similar to what I get from the slow cooker so I'm wondering could I do a second batch and maybe it would also come like this maybe it just creates a you know second batch using the same bones or is this the best that we can get when we put it under pressure because maybe some of the gelatin breaks so to speak and and just can't hold the tight gel like it can in the slow cooker so it's interesting but I think this is well worth it it's relatively quick and it has a lovely flavor and it does have some gel to it so I think if you are in a hurry and you don't want to do it in the slow cooker but now keep in mind chicken bone broth in the slow cookers only six hours so you're not making a huge investment but this this is quicker with the two hours and maybe you know add a little bit of extra time on that for bringing bringing it up to pressure you know you can release the pressure at the end quickly and not spend the time waiting and waiting for it to come down to pressure but this is very interesting so now these gelatinous as the slow cooker but it is gelatinous so something to consider when you want to make chicken bone broth in the instant pot you can make it gel and what are the three most important things that I think are to secure that you're at least going to get this much gelatin out of it number one low pressure for two hours number two not too much water just enough water to cover and my third tip if you can find them add in a few chicken feet I'll tell you I think it's the chicken feet that help to it get get this at least somewhat gelatinous if you'd like to learn more about traditional cooking be sure to subscribe to my channel and then click on this video over here where I show you how to pick out the best bones for making beef bone broth and I'll see you over there in my Texas Hill Country kitchen love and God bless
Channel: Mary's Nest
Views: 99,858
Rating: 4.9066429 out of 5
Keywords: instant pot chicken bone broth, instant pot bone broth, instapot bone broth, bone broth, instant pot, instapot, chicken bone broth, pressure cooking, pressure cooker bone broth, pressure cooker bone broth recipe, healthy bone broth recipe, chicken bone broth recipe, homemade bone broth, how to make bone broth, gut healthy bone broth, pressure cooker chicken bone broth, bone broth pressure cooker, Instant Pot Chicken Bone Broth That Gels Every Time, marysnest, marys nest
Id: Wx8Hoo3vXkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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