Gut Health - Ben Warren's top 10 tips for a healthy gut.

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Have a friend who also has UC, he forked out the $ for the big time food allergy test. The weirdest stuff came up, eggs were a big one on the list. I cut them out of my diet as well and noticed a big difference.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HA1LSANTA666 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don’t know if they cause flare ups, but you are probably on to something that people can confuse a food intolerance/allergy and associated reaction as something they can’t eat because of UC.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NoRepresentative338 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

My professional working hypothesis, as a molecular biology professor and UC researcher, is that excess sulfur containing amino acid consumption may be a significant contributing factor

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/huh_phd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Has anyone undergone any professional testing and changed their diet based on this strategy?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/asaxonbraxton πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
go for it wonderful well good morning and thank you very much for having me here it's a real pleasure to be at sort of a Les Mills HQ and obviously hopefully you're enjoying your your gut week so far early in the week Tuesday but I obviously a lot of things to go through through the week so it's a real pleasure for me to be talking to you about your gut where health starts this morning and so for those who don't know me my name's Ben Warren I'm a clinical nutritionist so I have master's master's degree in nutrition amongst other qualifications I'm Clinical Director the BPO health clinic so the the the help BPO health clinic we probably the largest natural health clinic in New Zealand we do a lot of the program I overseas called the VLP program which is a program we do a lot of intensive sort of pathology testing looking at what's going on in people a lot of stuff around the gut and things like that and some of that stuff I'll share with you today as we go through this but it's not uncommon for us to do at least 60 blood tests when people come in so twelve to fourteen vials of blood and and then we're looking at all the major metabolic pathways within the body so there's no no hiding if somebody has something wrong with them we will find it and and then we start using those biomarkers to then track their health and then we obviously look at implementing diet and lifestyle factors to reverse those parameters and improve metabolic pathways for optimal expression of health and so it's a real fun fun area and for us a large part of where we work is around the gut and so for for me I never intended to be a nutritionist I always intended to be a golfer which is another strange choice as I'm really from North London I was a very good golfer out of out of North London and got a scholarship to the University of South Carolina on a golf scholarship go play golf and representing University and and studied experimental psychologists my undergrad degree met my wife who's a Kiwi so I'm kind of like a souvenir from her early that she brought me back to New Zealand so very thankful for that I had a very bad back injury even at that stage coming out of university so I tried to go pro and miss my tour car buy a shop which was devastating and proclaimed professional golf coach dice of Pressburg golf coach for two or three years and I was it was as a professional golf coach that something happened that changed my life and chain the direction of my life that led me to nutrition and I was on a course learning about optimal joint mechanics and a lady just looked at me on about the third or fourth day of this course and said Ben I hope you don't mind me saying this Beck and so you've got a bad back and I was like I yeah how do you know that she went on to say I've got you can see it twisted my pelvis scoliosis in my spine I had one shoulder higher than the other and when I swing the golf club my transverse normal muscle wasn't firing at all and I had no support for my back and it was probably trashed now I knew most of that I was working with no backs physio I was had an osteopathic chiropractor massage therapist and then she went on to tell me that was probably driven by a food intolerance and it was probably dairy which shocked me and being very scientific in my thinking I was like well that's fine and how does that work and she started explaining how when you have plums in your digestive system you start shutting down the muscles that are on the same nerve innervation from the spinal segments and she just gets she was guessing it's dairy because I didn't breathe very well through my nose and my head had migrated forward so I could breathe better through my mouth so my posture back then was pretty much saw that it's probably pretty obvious and so very scientific in my thinking so I'm like great surely there must be a test I can take for that and she's like well yeah you need to do an IgG and IgA e ELISA test that goes to America back then cost about $400 going back about 15 years now and I'm like great I want one of them please where can I get them she goes I can organise that so I got the tests done a number of weeks later the tests came back that I had a very severe food intolerance to whey protein which is a protein that's obviously found in dairy products eliminated with whey protein and in dairy products and my back didn't get better straight away but what started happening very quickly was for the first time my life I flatten my domina wall which my whole life basically look like I drank a dozen beers a day my whole life like one of my earliest memories was having a tummy out here you know in the bath next to my brother and looking down and having a tummy out here and I just always been bloated and and then my asthma after a few weeks my asthma mysteriously just disappeared and and has never come back and I had bad asthma to child and and as an adult and I was just like this is incredible that what you eat can have this kind of effect on your health and how you think and feel and and so I went and retrained through one the top health forms institutes in the world the Czech Institute in California some of you probably heard of pull check and then I ended up doing a master's degree in nutrition and at the moment I'm doing a PhD through Canterbury on nutrition genetics and mental health so that's a real area of of interest for me so so when we start looking at the gap we start looking at you know this this essentially this tube that's 20 to 30 feet long different sections within the tube a lot of people say this that this is the key to your health and I'd certainly agree with that and there's a couple of reasons why people say it's the key to health the first reason is this is where you break down the foods into the base nutrients where you could absorb them so you can rebuild your body so if the system is not working very well you're not going to be absorbing nutrients very well and if you're not absorbing nutrients very well you're not going to be building the 75 trillion cells that make up your body very well the second reason why people say this is the key to your health is because 80% of your humoral immune system so it's 80% of your immune system that protects you from the outside world is located in your digestive system so 80% a hundred percent of the t-regulatory cells that regulate your immune system are located in the digestive system so this your digestive system is the home to your immune system and the reason being for this is is our greatest surface area of exposure to the outside world it's actually not our skin it is actually our intestine so if you look at your skin the surface of your skins may be a couple of square meters the surface area of of your digestive system particularly the small intestine is 20 to 30 square meters so it's like 2 to 3 tennis courts if you unfolded it so it's got huge surface area and the reason it's got these folds they're called villi and and is to increase the surface area so you can maximize the absorption of the nutrients from the foods that you just you've been eating and so it really it really is the key to your digest to your immune system so when ever you eat any food your body and your body's immune systems looking at those foods and if your body has to decide whether those foods are our virus or whether their food and particularly protein so your body will look at those proteins and go is that is that protein food or is that protein a virus or bacteria because viruses are bacteria is a product - so your body has to differentiate with all the foods you reading whether it's that food or should I attack it and so what what we're seeing so let's jump straight into a very common food a lot of people like eating which we know is causing a lot of immune responses and we'll talk quite a bit about it as we go through today is gluten so for 70% of light-skinned people tested and it's light-skinned people because the labs in America and african-americans genetically are much better suited to eating gluten and light-skinned American but 70% of light-skinned Americans when they eat foods that contain gluten their immune system is tagging gluten as an invader essentially taken it as a virus and then they're getting some kind of immune reaction to that okay and so this this then has far-reaching effects way beyond the gut so what then starts happening is something called intestinal inflammation or leaky gut syndrome so this is when the junctures in your intestines they get loose and then half-digested foods can get into the bloodstream and cause an elevated immune response so it starts off with this intestinal inflammation which leads to their nutrient malabsorption and then you get elevated immune response you a lot of people they have gastrointestinal issues multiple food enhancers so they may well get diarrhea acid reflux they'll get bloating okay gas production and then that can then lead on to up regulation of the immune system and the pathogenesis of autoimmunity so in the clinic we found that eighty to ninety percent of people who present with autoimmunity that's coming from their digestive system so I'll give you an example of this we've just we just had a fantastic result regarding an 11 year old so we this 11 year old her name is Genevieve she basically 18 months old when she was walking she was walking in and poked out when she was walking and apparently something's wrong so ended up at Starship and she got diagnosed with reactive juvenile arthritis so an autoimmune arthritis where her body's immune system was attacking her joints and so since that time she's had 11 specialists she's a banana starship she's gone through times when she's had to inject herself with cancer medications like methotrexate on a Friday but then she wouldn't be able to eat until Monday and and so when she came to see us about 18 months ago we were actually so confident that we could reverse this condition in her that we got a film crew down from Auckland to film it before before we actually started and it was quite interesting because that but pretty much the whole film crew were in tears listening to this you know 10 year up tenure up two and a half year old story and so great news she's we seem it's common in my mind right now because just last week we signed off on her and so she's been in remission for six months so she's she's been pain-free for six months no medications for six months when we interviewed her beforehand she just wanted to be able to play sport that's all she wanted she didn't want to be an Olympian she just wanted to be able to play netball alright and so now she can she can do these things without pain how did we do that we did that primarily just by getting her gut working really well so we found that she had major immune responses especially to gluten she had a pathogenic bacteria that were living within her gut that was driving a lot of these problems so we went in corrected all of those rebuilt the immune system and yeah at the moment she's in fully remission so it's it's exciting and so it has the ability to help a lot of people and so a lot of people have gut issues that they don't even realize is a gut issue so when we start looking at this leaky gut really affects the whole body so you know affects your Sinus in your mouth so from if you have a dairy intolerance for a lot of you your body will dump out the antigens in your sinus tracts and give you a blocked up nose and so you can have to have a quick breathe in through your nose you should be how to breathe through your nose if you haven't got a cold and if you find that invariably you can't breathe through your nose it's probably a good indicator that there is not going to be going well for you all right so it can definitely then your body will start tagging proteins that look similar in your body and it can lead to rheumatoid arthritis fibromyalgia these kind of things has a big effect on your adrenal glands which make your daytime hormone and energy production so it leads to fatigue over time obviously there's the direct responses in the in the bow and the colon constipation diarrhea irritable bowel disease even Crohn's all these aspects are major association with inflammation within the digestive system far-reaching effects as well far-reaching effects into your thyroid so conditions that hashimoto's Graves disease so these are autoimmune thyroid conditions everybody we've reversed a lot of people with under active thyroid xin every case of under active thyroid we've ever seen gluten has been a problem okay in all of those cases and then affects your skin because essentially your liver gets overloaded and then the toxins will then start spilling out through your skin so these immune molecules will start coming up through your skin and you'll see things acne most Isaiah eczema and psoriasis autoimmune and then you'll also where my area of interest is very much is is around been depression anxiety ADHD in massive association with mental disorders and so it has far so literally what you eat directly affects how you think and feel when you start looking at the gut brain axis that that brain axis is a three-way intersection between your brain your gut digestive system and the microbiome so the bacteria that live within your digestive system so I know you've just been all been enjoying a bit of kombucha which is fantastic so you've been supporting that microbiome and we're going to we're going to talk about that going going forward alright so what we're going to do we're going to roll into some like my 10 top tips to really get your gut working as well as possible all right and started building out around this so when you start looking at your digestive system what we're looking at here is your autonomic nervous system it's got two branches your parasympathetic and sympathetic so your relaxation responses your parasympathetic your stress responses your sympathetic the thing that I would like you to notice is that this this vagus nerve the nerve innovation it supplies which is on the parasympathetic side it supplies the flow of your saliva and so your ability to break down those foods it controls your peristalsis and secretion of pancreatic enzymes and it controls that and stimulates the release of bile to be able to break down the fats so all of your digestive system is on your kind of parasympathetic or being relaxed side so if you're if you're stressed while you're eating you're not going to be able to break down the foods you're eating so now it's very difficult you know to just relax so if I say to you like right now okay go head and relax I mean some of you look pretty relaxed already actually but but you know if I say you go it's very difficult to learn if you less you train through meditation and things like you have to go instantly into that relaxation response so one of the best ways to go into this relaxation responses through breathing because you can control your breathing and your breathing has a direct control on your autonomic nervous system so I'm a huge fan of diaphragmatic breathing all right so I'm sure most of you know how to die from it we breathe but for those you don't you can just pop your hand on your chip on your tummy one hand on your chest you'll need to sit forward just sit forward in bed good posture so you can go ahead and do this and we're just going to go ahead and have it breathe into your tummy so as you breathe in the tummy should go out so you breathe in Tommy goes out and then as you breathe out you got it tummy goes in so we're going into this yoga type breathing diaphragmatic breathing what that does that brings your nervous system down which then when you're eating is going to very much help you break down the foods so top tip number one is going to be breathe into your stomach when you're eating and so I had one client who came to me for weight loss she was a mom of three children and she heard I was pretty good she's just trying to lose like four or five kilos and the diet was pretty good exercise was very good and we just couldn't get it or lose that last four or five kilos and I was I was like well wonder what's going on here and I said to you you are you fairly relaxed because she seemed very relaxed when she whenever I saw her and she goes our she goes I'm most relaxed when I come and see you because that's my time out of the week and I'm like okay and you know some of you probably get that regards there you know exercise that's their time out when they come and see your personal trainer or do a fitness class and so I said well when's your most stressful time of day and she goes are when I'm cooking dinner you know I've got three children under five I'm cooking dinner that's all carnage in the background and and by the time I sit down eat dinner I'm just so stressed that I don't even know you're hungry and so all we got her to do was to breathe into a stomach when she was stirring the pots that's all oh well this week what we can do is get to breathe into your stomach wait he's doing the pots and that's what she did and she lost two kilos that first week didn't even change your diet okay because she was stressed while she was eating so she was shutting down all of her nervous system so it really does yeah puts an end to dashboard dining you know like eating in the car and on the run the next tip I really would like to give you is chewing and and around chewing how many times you think the average number of times people Cheers have a guess fives a great guess it's four times okay so if you're not chewing correctly you're not going to be able to get the slider around the food you know there's enzymes in the slide you're not going to get around the food so it's going to be much harder for your body to break that food down and so we want we want people to chew more ideally to to liquid now I'll be honest with you out of all the things we recommend that is the hardest thing to do to chew too liquid having said that it is incredible gain for weight management and the reason being is because the hormones that control your sense of satiety ghrelin and leptin it's work on a feedback loop so if you really quickly those hormones don't kick in and then you then we tend to overeat oK we've all got a good example of this you go to a restaurant order a meal you eat the meal regular pace you know average for twos bye-bye you know and and then waiter waitress comes up and goes would you like some dessert you go yeah got a bit of room and look so you know so you order dessert but when a dessert comes ten twelve fifteen minutes later you're actually stuffed and then you go hard but it looks so good pay for it so you eat it anyway right and so so this it really helps with weight management from that aspect I have one one gentleman and who who lost 20 kilos in ten weeks just bite and I changed his chewing that's all I did changed his chewing and so it was funny because I cook with him caught up with him after four weeks and I'm like how you going he's like I'm doing he's doing great he's losing bunch weight already and I'm like he goes there's one problem is I can only eat about 1/3 of the steak I used to be able to eat and I'm like are you why is that and he goes well my jaw saw and I'm sick of chewing and I'm like well that's perfect that's probably about the amount you should be eating okay so top tip number two is going to be chewing to liquid and like I say that's not easy to do but but the more you can work on that relaxing ensuring is going to really help your digestive system so then the food comes down into your stomach and so your stomach is where your body makes and releases hydrochloric acid it's a very strong acid gets down to a pH of 1.5 to 2 very very strong to break apart the proteins into these amino acids for you bodied to be able to use later so a lot of people with stomach issues are traditionally going to have things like indigestion heartburn acid reflux these kind of aspects and so 80% of people who present with these kind of conditions are often put on medications like lowsec or metro sole or proton pump inhibitors to to reduce the amount of acid that they have so we know that 80% of people who present with these conditions actually haven't got strong enough stomach acid okay so what that means is this valve at the bottom this pyloric valve will only open when the pH gets very very strong 1.52 to know if so if you've only got pH of 3 this valve doesn't open and then the food sits in the stomach for too long and can burble up and give you acid reflux so there's a couple of things you can do to see whether this is you or not and so what next time you're getting into these symptoms of acid reflux what I'd like you to do is literally have a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and it's either going to make you worse or it's going to make you better okay now if it makes you better then then we know you haven't got strong enough stomach acid and we need to support the stomach acid and so you know doing that regularly is going to help and if it makes you worse well then you just you know take some bicarbonate sober so let's a alkalis the stomach acid or over-the-counter pharmacy medications that neutralize that acid because you do actually know you already have plenty of acid and if that's the case you've got plenty of acid it's often the case that this valves not working correctly and that's often the case of that valves not working very well or correctly because of the food intolerance in the small intestine okay so then you have to sort of look further down in the tube now if you've got a problem anywhere in this tube you're going to have problems elsewhere so I had an example of this I had a fourteen-year-old coming to my clinic with really bad stomach ulcers she'd just come back from Hamilton and the gastric specialist and endoscope and she had stomach ulcers she's a lowsec and so came in to see me as a nutritional consult and one of my first questions I like to ask people always is how your bowel movements you got lucky getting in here by the way without me asking that so how your bowel movements and the mother was instantly like arch really struggles in that department once every 7 days it's quite common and I'm like okay well you know I instantly started thinking the troops fault you know like as soon as she eats she gets acid reflux no matter what she eats well the food can't go anywhere and so it's full and so anyway we got a bhau's working she had a food intolerance that was driving that so we eliminated that got abouts work and got bowel movements daily and and that also has just disappeared and I mean everybody was just looking at the wrong end of the tube they were looking at this end of the tube and the problem is at that end of the tube and so so if you've got a problem anywhere in your digestive system it can back up and then affect your stomach as well all right but a good way to support stomach function is to start your day with lemon and water okay so that squeeze half a lemon in in a glass of water ideally warm water they'll help you absorb the water faster and then you can just drink now and what that does it just sets up your digestive system so okay the days here foods going to be coming get your digestive system up and running other aspects around this is to engage yourself with the food okay so you've actually got to go who foods looking good so it's coming you know like you're going to get to engage your nervous system with the food whereas if you sort of like watching TV and something over there your nervous system is responding to that it's not responding to this and we need our nervous system to be responding to the food in order to be able to to break it down so then the food is coming down into little into the small intestine and this is really where the most of the nutrients get broken down and when you start looking at the small intestine this is where the food intolerance is really occur so how do you know if you have a food intolerance or do you have any symptoms following symptoms so along lower abdominal bloating loose stools diarrhea belch or burp after meals headaches with one hour of eating excessive appetite poor appetite feel worse after eating crave certain foods domina pains or cramps so if you have two or more of those symptoms then that's a good sign that you need to improve your digestive system obviously if you've got a if you've got a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome or acid reflux then you know you actually we actually know if you've got eczema so if you have an autoimmune disease again these are real big indicators if you've got a medical diagnosis of these things that there's something going on in your digestive system so you've got to focus on the effect of the food as much as possible so you really got to start listening to your body and seeing what once you get from certain foods you know when do you get bloated when are you bloated are you bloated all the time I was bloated for the time I was bloated for 27 years and didn't know seriously I was just because I I was just always boated so if you're always bloated you don't actually know any difference and then so that was for me so it's very difficult or if you'd asked me if I had a day in hell so I go no I'm not bloated I'm just always like this so so looking at the effects of the food so when you start looking at dealing with these food intolerances you have really got to avoid the foods that are inhibiting a response in your nervous system so gluten is going to be number one dairies medical drugs so things like aspirin non-steroidal anti-inflammatories like voltaren they cause a lot of leaky gut okay and can drive a lot of these problems GM foods being isolated as being problematic colorings preserved is excess sugar because sugar then feeds the unfriendly bacteria which then gives us some it's called dysbiosis which is too much unfriendly bacteria despite a bacteria salicylates a means and sulfites invariably they those are more associated with liver dysfunction okay so we don't actually eliminate them you'll know if sulfite sensitivity if those of you who really can't handle some types of white wine and it reason being is because they've used sulfite as a preservative and then so you have one glass then you have a massive hangover that's a good indicator that your livers not handling the sulfites so you want to increase the quality of the food item so if you're having dairy you may want to try having raw dairy because raw dairy straight from the cow has the enzyme still intact has the beneficial bacteria still intact has much more be vitamin content so it's much easier for your body to digest if you're looking at bread you may want to improve the quality of the bread and so look looking at a whole grain spelt as opposed to a traditional white see a better and your body is going to be able to tolerate that much better but for a lot of people if you have a gluten intolerance or dairy intolerance you've got to actually eliminate the food for a period of time so for me I eliminated dairy for two years and then I reintroduce dairy at much lower level raw and I can tolerate dairy now I have known for the last 12 12 years not really any problems with dairy okay but certainly if I had a lot of poor quality dairy and started having a lot of it again probably my body would start tagging that as protein as an invader and my asthma would come back and so you can control these things so like I mentioned by a health and found that 70 percent of white skin people ever intolerant to gluten so we want to reduce your food intolerance by rotating your foods as much as possible so ideally over four days so it's a good idea to try and do this at least with your proteins particularly dairy and eggs so don't eat eggs every day for breakfast we clinically these days we see a lot of people who have been on say like the Paleo diet for two years because they've got digestive issues but the Paleo diet hasn't been helping them and and what we then when we do testing on on their food in times is they come back as highly intolerant almonds and the reason being they're eating almond everything you know they're eating almond bread that eating arm and muffins laughing almonds for snacks and so they've already got leaky guts the immune systems then tagging almonds as an invader and they're getting very strong reactions to almonds so you know it's just simple things like rotating nut the nuts you're eating as your snack throughout the day and I have walnuts hazelnuts Brazil's and so that you're rotating the presentation of those proteins to your bodies your body is not is not tagging them as a as a verse and then emotional responses to food can also set up these food intolerances so childhood memories and foods so so for me for many years I couldn't eat cabbage and the reason being is one of my first memories childhood memories is a school dinners in the UK as a five year old the dinner lady who I still remember the name mrs. Plummer tells you about it you know I wasn't allowed to leave that room until I finished my cabbage and and so you know every time I looked at cabbage I thought of mrs. Plummer and it set up a stress response and and it you know connect cabbage so it's not introduced with personal growth called courses you know open the box and you lift it and go oh look there's mrs. Plummer and you actually sort of see what's going on so gluten really is the big problem for a lot of people these days and so you probably probably wondering why is gluten in such a problem because you know we have definitely eaten it you know a lot of our grandparents ate a lot of it so I'll explain why but first of all let's list look at is gluten safe for non cex so in this study they were looking at the safety of gluten so there's a spectrum of intolerance to gluten at one end of the spectrum you have people who are celiac they have a severe immune reaction to 20 parts per million of gluten so then got a little bit of bread or a little bit of gluten containing food and have a severe immune reaction so and but that's that's a very small percentage of the population up here there's a whole group of people in the middle here who don't get that very severe reaction but are still reacting to gluten are still building immune molecules to it and so in this study they were looking at is gluten safe for non celiac they looked at the production of interleukin 15 which is the inflammatory marker when cxn non celiac individuals were basically challenged with gluten so they gave gave gluten to both CX and non CX and so they found that gluten listed its harmful effect through an interleukin 15 innate immune response on all the individuals with and without celiac so that basically shows that even if you're not a CD AK everybody gets some kind of low-level immune response to eating gluten okay so given that inflammation and chronic inflammation is really the at the origin of many of today's modern diseases if we can reduce this low-grade inflammation as much as possible it's going to be good when you think I know inflammation seems like a a word that's out there inflammation you can really talk about it as aches and pains so at some level when you start getting increased inflammation you will get increased aches and pains all right so so we can certainly see that that gluten really is a problem for everybody and so I'd like you to introduce you to Norman Borlaug so Norman in the 1970s was nominated was actually given the Nobel Prize for his life's work and his life's work is he developed a high yielding dwarf variety of pest resistant wheat which we now all currently eat but unfortunately what he didn't know in this hybridization process that it basically concentrated the levels of lectins which are a molecule that but the plants make to protect themselves from the environment and so in making this pest resistant high yielding dwarf wheat the lectin levels in that variety a ten to a hundred times traditional weed and so scientists are now studying these lectins dietary legends as disease-causing toxic toxicants lectin based food poisoning and new mechanism of protein toxicity so weight lectins are now being heavily investigated for the increase in inflammation associated mon communica lifestyle diseases so the point of this being is the bread you're eating now is nothing like the bread that your grandmother used to eat okay because of the dietary legends cools leaky gut and then your body tags gluten as an invader which is an indigestible protein okay so we're beginning to understand the sort of pathogenesis of why why this is happening so when it comes to testing for food intolerances there's raft and other medical tests they really only test them IgE immune response so that they're testing a very strong immune response very severe immune response we really want to test i GA and IgG food enhances so they're match a low level immune response and that they're often delayed so just just so you know in New Zealand Funt medically there's no funding for testing for these IgG immune responses are only really funded to test to see if you're a celiac so certainly by all means I highly recommend people go test get tested for celiac because it's becoming increasingly more common but it doesn't necessarily mean to say that you're okay with gluten so at least a test is a test for antigens it is quite expensive so these days it's about 500 dollars to do this blood test and it only shows up if you've eaten the food recently so there are some limitations there's some limitations to this to this testing applied kinesiology uses your nervous system to respond to tests to see how your body responds we don't use this clinically we only use gold standard medical tests in the clinic I'm actually trained in a lot of chiropractors for muscle test okay and a friend of mine Dennis tuvi he was the head pharmacist for Tauranga Hospital he got there when he was 50 got diagnosed with any chronic fatigue syndrome and he didn't want to take any of the medications because as a pharmacist he knew the side effects of the medications he didn't want to take any so he went doctor hop in he ended up finding a doctor who did muscle testing he muscle tested him and found he was deficient in born and zinc gave him born and zinc and his Emmy went into remission okay he's now like 14 years ladies written a book about it he then basically didn't want to be a pharmacist anymore and and he's a big advocate for natural health and so applied kinesiology can be very very useful all right pulse you can even just take your pulse and take measurements before and after you've eaten the food and and what you're going to be able to do is if you're having a severe immune response for that food your pulse will go up you'll have a stress response to that food obviously you know you've got to be controlling as many variables as possible so make sure you're just sitting down still and you've been sitting down for a little while but you know with the advent of the Fitbit and things like that's really easy just to have you know just to check how's my polls doing now generally a good example this is like coffee a coffee is going to be worth 10 beats per minute okay because it raises your nervous system response your cortisol so there's a good little sort of ways that you can have a look and see so top tip number four obviously is avoid gluten gluten containing foods as much as possible there's plenty of gluten-free alternatives I'm not basically saying go grain free because you just plain your buckwheat quinoa amaranth millet so these sort of grains rice I still you know they're whole grains they're incredibly nutritious prepared correctly and and so you can still be getting eating these foods but we're really just moving away from the gluten free foods as well and when you start looking at your overall in regards to your diet won't be moving away from processed foods obviously minimizing processed sugar processed grains because they act on your body faster than sugar so your body is able to get the sugar out of those grains faster than sugar and then obviously moving away from gluten as much as possible so then you can do some food elimination challenges if you have if you have concerns around you know food intolerances so the first thing to remember is you will be addicted and intolerant to your favorite food so for those of you who like love dairy and you've just got to have a piece of cheese before you go to bed that's a good sign it's really looking very guilty now I'm not looking at anybody in particular then that's a good sign or you know like you just got to have a got to have some crackers or got to have a piece of bread with your dinner that's another good sign you know you're intolerant to that food it's easier easier on your immune system to clump it up so it takes about four to seven days for those cravings to diminish you want to eliminate suspect food for at least 21 days so you want to go go gluten-free for 21 days and then reintroduce the suspected food and monitor the responses you know so responses to look out for going to be around bloating you're going to be around tiredness fatigue racing heart sleep issues then you don't sleep very well you can even monitor you know skiing how's your skiing reactions and things like that okay so there's a lot of bowel movements it's going to be a good one to monitor at the moment is that there's some talk around that people shouldn't eliminate gluten because when you then do get gluten you're going to get an elevated response and for me I'm not a fan of that I believe if somebody's gluten intolerant they should they should eliminate it because you don't want to get that low-grade inflamed response all the time and when you do then eat gluten that elevated response is actually the true response of your body to that to that antigen so it's kind of like smoking if somebody smokes every day your body habituates to the to the toxins in cigarettes and you don't coffee lungs up but if you stop smoking for six months and then had a cigarette your coffee lungs up because you're seeing the true response of your body to that exposure another option is that you can just either juice fast or a plain food diet okay so just brown rice chicken and broths and then for three days and then slowly start introducing other foods so you can start introducing the start with vegetables and then three days later add fruit and then three days later start adding animal proteins like eggs and then keep going three days later legumes and you just keep introducing foods until you get your symptoms back okay so Ravana I had a I had a woofer which is a willing worker an organic farm so down in BP I live on a farm and soy down in Hawke's Bay and so we did he was only staying with us for two weeks so we didn't have time to do the IgG IgA testing which is what we'd usually do and so we just put him on a basically we put him on brown rice chicken and some broths and that's that that's all he ate and and we got rid of his ask me to have a spare his whole life is on steroids as a 21 year old so we were able to completely get rid of his asthma but the trouble is he couldn't really eat any other foods without getting asthma which is then a problem so then we had to rebuild his system by that time he was already off around the country but that was that was all good so that can be very very useful looking at these things all right so supplements and foods to improve your digestive function obviously the apple cider vinegar in a tablespoon of warm water the lemon juice half a lemon squeeze in a cup of warm water aloe vera aloe vera is a incredible healing got a lot of incredible healing properties and the aloe vera plant this chemicals in there that make your cells replicate very quickly so it's very beneficial for your intestinal tract so taking aloe vera juice just as a often we just give it as a drink with some manuka honey and it's very well tolerated but I always like people if they've never had it before is just to test a little bit on their skin just make sure that they're not getting an allergic reaction and then having sort of five meals twice a day very very beneficial for healing the intestines l-glutamine which is the mino acid that's the fuel that rebuilds the the veal eye or the fingers in the small intestine a heat tea spoon before bed colostrum so colostrum has a lot of IgA IgG immune factors so it's immune intelligence from the mother and mother's milk and that helps modulate your immune response within the digestive system so people with a lot of gut issues across terms really beneficial digestive enzymes to support the digestive system to set up the pH as well within the digestive system can be really useful and then homemade chicken broth and bone broths okay so they have a lot of gelatin in their game very beneficial to the gut and then also a lot of like I mean our glycans which are again used by fuel for healing the intestines so huge fan top tip number five is going to incorporate broths as much as possible into your into your into your day it's not uncommon for us to sort of give people between 500 milliliters and a liter of broth a day so they have to have a liter of broth a day and to help heal their digestive system so maybe later you're gonna get into some broths moving into a large intestine okay so large intestines number one way we get toxins out of our body so I don't know about you but I've got a five and eight year old so who's our hot topic in my household so we're going to talk about the perfect poop should be well shaped consistent in contour pass easily light brown smell natural and float without needing several attempts the flash nobody likes that unflushable and and then we look at poop Patrol dark and sink that's a sign of dehydration or longer transit times white and won't flush is a sign amount excess fats diarrhea or loose stools bodies attempt to get rid of toxins at all costs foods intolerance allergies stomach bugs recognition of food particles you know you shouldn't be able to go all there's that blueberry muffin I just ate it shouldn't be able to do that for two reasons obviously cuz your medium blueberry muffins but anyway it's our different conversation so it's an indication of insufficient enzymes poor chewing and two shorter transit time so the foods literally just going through you so fast you can't absorb it so these people often skinny they often fatigued because they're not absorbing the nutrition from the food or eating often have a diagnosis of Crohn's or ulcerative colitis pebbles pebbles chronic constipation dehydration indication eating gallbladders dysfunctional alright so there's an opportunity with this this bowel movement you know on a daily level to really check in and see what's going on with your digestive system so you really want to be using this as a as an opportunity to see what's going on so when you start looking at the elimination through and bowel you really want to check your transit time so transit time is the time into timeout okay so it's the time that food is actually inside of you and it should be 12 to 24 hours and you can check this with a corn on the cob and beetroots one the best way so with beetroot you just need a bunch beetroot start the clock and then when you get red in the stools stop the clock corn on the cob that's the exception to the chewing rule so just bite and swallow and then you get to play spot the corn and so it should be 12 to 24 hours ideally and so for a lot of people less than this the foods not staying in your long enough to get the adequate nutrition from it but for a lot of people you know people go oh my transit times are ok but really when we look at the transit times the transit times are 40 to 50 hours so even though they're having a daily bell movement there's another aspect to having you're not being constipated and for me that's I like people to pass 30 centimeters of fecal matter a day a 30 centimeter poo I don't mind if it's 1:30 to 15s or three tens don't mind how you get there 6 5s is no good again it's going through so fast so a lot of people will say oh you know Ben I have daily bowel movements but yeah you know I'm not getting my 30 centimeters but like yeah I'm having daily bowel movements and then we're getting to do the transit time test and the transit times will be 4050 hours so the foods just staying in them way too long unfriendly back to you then really propagating heavily and so we're getting we're getting a lot of problems so longer than 24 hours and it's basically poisoning you from the inside out so top tip number 6 is really to know your transit time you really want to just know your transit time and so you know know exactly what's going on and so things to help with large in testing obviously probiotic foods so probiotic foods are probiotics are really defined as a bacteria that has been shown to have a health benefit and so part of probiotic foods are foods that have these beneficial bacteria that have a health benefit so there's there's in regards to dairy there's raw milk kefir yogurt and yogurt containing cultures if your dairy tolerantly all very good vegetables sauerkraut understand something a little bit coming to show you how to make some fermented vegetables later in a week which is going to be fantastic pickled foods kimchi natto tempeh regards to grains you've got sourdough bread and then probiotic drinks got kaffir kombucha tea which you've all been you know been it's sampling today it's fantastic now these things are really powerful case you have to be a little careful with kombucha so some of you're going to be having some fun over the next 24 hours on the frame so yeah it's all good so a friend of mine was traveling with me on my seminars and I'll often drink kombucha just as a you know a nice drink at a CAF and so I ordered a bottle of kombucha and I didn't even think and and he was like oh what's that I'm angry but I guess I'll have one of them so he have one too and so I just drank the bottle and didn't think anything above it because I'm used to it and he drank the bottle and he had such a die off of his unfriendly bacteria they basically put him in bed for 24 hours so yeah so if you hit not used to having a lot of fermented foods just just go easy just just start off slowly and build up it can be a bit of fun it's very cleansing so it's all good fermented cavasso of juvik so this is a fermented beetroot drink from from russia and then your cult you'll be familiar with these sort of similar drinks and then vinegar apple or apple cider vinegar so you know many of you probably be using apple cider vinegar on your salads and will just buy the raw one okay so then you're getting a beneficial bacteria whenever you're putting that on there so top tip number seven is going to eat fermented foods daily alright so you really so traditional cultures show that they get 12 to 15 servings of probiotics every day why because they didn't have refrigerators so they were basically having to ferment their foods and so they're Ricola nating getting all these different beneficial strains strains of bacteria in the gut as they were going along and then we also want to feed these beneficial bacteria okay so we want to because they need specific foods and they need specific actually usually most most often specific types of fibers so garlic and onion are probably going to be garlic onion leek are going to be in your beet root Peas so the you know these are all going to be very beneficial again many fruits are very very beneficial especially and then legumes going to be chickpeas lentils kidney beans baked beans so we've got to be getting these foods into our diet to feed the beneficial bacteria so it's not only the probiotic food so for a lot of people you know getting these foods is going to really help with constipation especially with children if any of you have children are constipated or have slow transit times you know getting these foods in they're going to feed those beneficial bacteria and that's going to be really beneficial nuts cashews pistachios and then obviously some grains as well alright so there's plenty of you know again coming back to these Whole Foods yeah yeah you certainly could if you've got a digestive issue you can certainly rotate them as much as possible often with with food intolerance it's often the proteins that are the problem and so it's most most often with the with the protein so you a lot of people you don't have to necessarily rotate that the garlic of the onion and things like that it's more the proteins great question okay supplements and foods for better large intestine so prebiotic probiotic foods so basically getting these into the diet get large intestine working better you know probiotics actually taking a probiotic I think it been mentioned talking about bio cult I'm a huge fan of bio cult which is a fourteen strain acid resistant probiotic facili enhance for some people that's a insoluble fiber that just adds bulk to the stool and that can help a lot of people but again everyone's different for some people for psyllium husks will block them up okay so you just you have to see if that works for you slippery elm is a is a herb that makes the intestines increases the mucus secretion of the intestine so it kind of makes everything nice and slippery and it helps it food move down and through vitamin C to bowel tolerance can be very very good even with magnesium the bowel tolerance as well so magnesium and vitamin C when you when you start getting too much and you're not absorbing it it'll attract water into the into the intestine and then give you a loose bowel movement so it's quite a nice gentle way to get things moving without having to take a laxative and then trifler which is an Indian herb constipation and digestive health very very nice to just for people who you know generally have a slower kind of Constitution around their bowel movements always tend to have longer transit times just to keep things moving around really really important so when everything else doesn't work colonics you sometimes have to reset reset the bow and because there can be a lot of impaction of fecal matter over years of buildup and so then there's no surface for the beneficial bacteria to really thrive and live in and so with that that just involves colonics and I'm flushing out the bowel so you've got a nice clean surface to work with from get working really well for a lot of our chronic patients we often don't see a breakthrough in their health condition until until they've done a series of colonics and we refer them out for that and and then we often see a breakthrough in their condition and an improvement in blood parameters so top tip number eight is daily bowel movements or a must okay so this thing it's really got to happen and for many people there's only like one time a day for this thing to happen so you've got to schedule it to happen you've actually got to make time in your day because for many people if they've missed this opportunity that's it's gone got to wait till tomorrow now and so instantly at that stage you at 48 hour transit time which is a problem all right so when you start troubleshooting the digestive system there's something called small intestine bacterial overgrowth so this is where there's no growth of bacteria literally in the small intestine so that the bacteria should primarily be in the ascending colon here but what happens when the pH gets out in the digestive system you'll get a bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine and so these people they'll get bloated no matter what they what they eat so particularly carbohydrates whenever they any carbohydrates you know like cumin or pumpkin pumpkin soup they get bloated okay so this is a good sign I've got small intestine back to your overgrowth for probably a couple of you having the kombucha is going to make you more bloated and that that's potentially because you have SIBO small intestinal your overgrowth and so with this at least the bloating whenever you eat carbohydrates there's a urinary into can test as a you know test that we can do to find this and it basically requires minimizing probiotics and probiotic foods short-term using a bacterial kill agent to knock down the bacteria in a small intestine before you can then go ahead and eat those foods again okay so just just to be aware that there are it's not just a case of everybody should have loads and loads more probiotic foods because for some people that will make them worse okay so then we start looking at yeasts and things like that so you start looking at gut pathogens so if you're doing all of these things already and you still experience a lot of gut issues then potentially there it's going to be pathogen in the gut so we do the most parasitology testing of anybody in Australasia and we find a lot of pathogens and these things can be worms round worms hook worms pin worms we see neighbors we even see very disparate bacteria with even isolated strains of the bubonic plague in you have a lab called us from America saying we had a health emergency because we have your senior isolated from one of our samples so we find some pretty gnarly bacteria in the intestines and these people is often driving chronic fatigue and other issues within more than the individuals or spilling over and affecting other systems so you know being aware of these things are knocking them out everything within the digestive system any problems the blood from the intestines large intestines all directly to the liver and so you're after more then C liver problems okay and so for liver problems for men is invariably increased belly fat you can see LDL cholesterol increase for women it's going to be increased storage of body fat on the hips and menstrual menstrual imbalance I can hormone hormonal imbalances you the liver fails to clear the metabolites of hormones okay so I wanted to give you a top tip for exes for your liver function which is exercise okay exercise helps clean your liver as much as anything like as any foods that you can give you exercises absolutely incredible for clearing your liver all right so I'm a huge fan of exercise for that reason and then the proteins from the liver will spill over and start damaging your kidneys and so I want to give you a tip for your kidney function and that's to drink water okay so I go with dr. Batman high league for recommendations on water he's one of the top doctors in the world so if you if you're 60 kilos that's 2 liters a day 75 kilos 2 and a half liters a day 90 kilos 3 liters a day and then for every hour you're exercising you're going to be having another liter of water ideally with electrolytes in okay and so it's you know the cellular hydration is it's really really important so when you start looking at your digestive system it really is it really for me is the key to your health it's the foundation of rebuilding your body and the nutrients from your diet it's also the key to the immune system and it's also the key to aches and pains and and inflammation so getting the digestive system is working really well so hopefully you know you've got some good strategies with those 10 tips that to get into and get into it so what questions do you have any questions you're in shock you're like oh what kind of profs so yeah yeah how do you make this boss so basically you could just start off if you roasted a chicken just take that carcass and chuck it in some water with some carrots and some onions and some garlic boil it up just start off by boiling it up like overnight and then then you've got a chicken stock and so then you can either use that chicken stock you can just just just take it in a thermos to work and put some Mediterranean herbs in it or you can put it as a base for a soup and then and then drink it that way and so there's a couple of ways to get it in so that's going to be one way to make it bone broths a little bit more intensive so invariably with bone broth you take get the bones you buy specific sort of soup bones that have been cut in half put them in a big pot some apple cider vinegar and you boil a bit usually boil it up for about 48 hours stinks out the whole house you have to have really friendly flatmates to do that and and then and then you can then use that and just drink it there's there's very great great place in in Auckland war essentials royal essentials and they're actually a pet food company but they do do some fantastic drafts great value do really good broth and so a be pure we we have account accounts with them and so like for me I usually order about 24 24 liters a month and then for me in the afternoon I just I'll just have like a big mug of chicken stock every afternoon as it's just like nice warm hug in the afternoon in winter it's lovely and so yes so there's a few different ways on our website VPO code on NZ we've got how to make chicken how to make drafts we've got how to make sauerkraut fermented vegetables our crafts really easy as well takes a little bit of timers in you know you can get a good jar like this of sauerkraut for for literally a couple of dollars to make so it was if you buy our jars like at like $10 so it's very cost-effective to make yeah good yeah mm-hmm yes it will do as an allergy but with most allergies you're going to know if you have an allergy to a food because as soon as you eat it you're going to get an immune response so like with peanuts or strawberries people get you know welts and hives you so with an eye Dae immune response it's a severe immune response direct so you're generally going to know with foods anyway so yeah it's not testing for the IgA IgG S which are those lower level immune responses yeah I would have yeah I'll definitely eliminate it yeah yeah definitely eliminate for a little bit and after 21 days or so and and and and and just just monitor how she goes does she also could like catch up a lot of catching a lot of bugs and things so we know her immune systems under load and so yeah that's yeah that's ovary because I think a viral and so yeah yeah and so yeah so it's good you can start you can start putting all this stuff together and you can see start seeing why people's immune systems are are under load and and not as strongest we want your immune system to be like a heading dog in with the Sheep so you want your immune system iver eSchool DUP knows exactly when to go in when to come back whereas a lot of people's immune systems with autoimmunity you'll see people's immune systems more like a more like a couple of Labradors in with the sheep so the immune systems running around just causing carnage but it's not actually doing what you want it to do and so then they have low-grade systemic inflammation which then you know causes a whole bunch of other issues depending on their genetics so yeah yeah yeah the main ones probably going to be the real orange apricots dried apricots so they're cured with sulfites but what you can do invariably we've found people with a sulfite sensitivity are not converting the sulfites to sulfates very well which is a liver pathway and so we often find by having giving them Epsom salt baths which is magnesium sulfate that helps this pathway in the liver so that they're more tolerant I'm not not justifying white wine consumption but it just makes them more tolerant of then sulfites in their diet and so yeah so you know magnesium salt baths so just a couple of cups of epsom salts in the bath a couple of times a week and that'll just increases your magnesium blood levels by fourfold which is very nice helps the muscles relax for a lot of people and and then it just helps this specific pathway regarding the liver and sulfate I think I'm not sure not yeah I'm not I'm not sure anyone know go go to ask the audience on that one yeah I'm not sure around the red wine I it's my understanding that primarily they're used in the white wine because the antioxidant levels as a preservative but yeah I'm not sure I'm not sure exactly on the wine front very good yeah it's pretty much the same thing yeah for some people they don't for whatever reason they don't necessarily get along well with the lemons so therefore solve it in a good way and it's just really basically what you're doing is just introducing a little bit of acid into your stomach to get your digestive system fired up and and that really just helps them when you're eating that your systems already already started to get fired up as opposed to just putting foods in and expected it to come straight online that's a good point that's good questions so you're probably 10 to 15 minutes beforehand is going to be good the water we don't necessarily want a lot of water in the in the stomach when you're eating because you will dilute the hydrochloric acid to a degree and and so warm water you're probably will know this just an experience but warm water your body will only absorb water out of the stomach when it gets to body temperature and so this is why if you go to gym you buy a cold bottle of pump and drink it you can then be on the treadmill and you can hear literally hear it sloshing around it's because it's got to get up to body temperature before it can be absorbed so warm body temperature water will be absorbed faster and so I kind of like a like a warm a warm water with lemon juice just to get through the system a little faster very good good good well coffee is very Coffee is very acidic anyway and so our systems are very robust and really only if you've got problems in the system do you then have to start worrying about that so you know our system can handle putting multiple different proteins carbohydrates fats in all together so it's kind of it's pretty robust so I would say that coffee is quite acidic so I've never seen any research around it or anything like that but I would suspect that for most people that's not going to be a major problem yeah yeah yeah probably elite elite electrolytes which literally they're just electrolytes no sugar the reason that they put you know so much sugar in with electrolyte drinks is because the glucose does actually help drive the electrolytes into the entire site into into absorption and so but having said that you know most people don't need extra sugar and so you elite le le tes is a brand elite electrolytes I'm sure you'll be able to get them around okay it's Graham online all right well I think that's my time I'm very well happy to stay and answer any personal questions you may have I just want to again thank those meals for having me here and thank scaring me down and organizing all this and yeah just checks out BPO K&Z if you need any help any time don't hesitate to contact us okay so thanks very much
Channel: BePure Wellness
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Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2016
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