CHICKEN BROTH | How to Make It At Home

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what's up guys today I'm gonna show you how to make a simple and delicious chicken broth there's so many uses for broths and stocks you can use it to make risotto with up some polenta use it as a base for sauces make a soup I mean the possibilities are pretty much endless but most importantly use it to make my tortellini in brodo recipe that I uploaded last week there's a link let's get going the first thing you absolutely have to do is rinse your chicken off and then Pat it dry next we need to break the bird down into smaller pieces so that it fits in the pot easier first cut you need to make is between the breast and the thigh leg section just run your knife down between these two sections and that's going to expose a joint that connects the thigh to the body right here and then when you see that joint you're just gonna run your knife right through it like so so again we're just gonna run the knife making sure my hands are out of the way here run the knife between the breast and the leg thigh area then I'm just gonna expose this joint right here then I'm just gonna run the knife right through it like that alright next cut I'm gonna remove the drumsticks in the the wings here and I'm just gonna find the joint and take it same thing over here find the joint take it so I'm gonna separate the breasts from the back do that by just running the knife right down through the ribs and you literally just kind of pull it apart at this point like so I'm gonna cut the back into two pieces just to make it easier to get in the pot and finally we have two breasts and yeah turn it this way I'm gonna run a knife right through the breastbone to separate the breasts and then I'm gonna cut the breasts in half too so just a good sturdy knife will do this just push right through the breadth of the bone and separate breasts and then I'm gonna go right through so you'll have four pieces of breast like so oh yeah one more cut that I forgot what we needed to do was separate the leg from the thigh so that's pretty easy you just flip flip the part over and you'll see there's like a membrane some fat right here in between the leg and the thigh you just run the knife on the inside the leg side of that should separate pretty easily just like so okay one more time for good measure membrane right here I'm gonna make a cut on the inside the leg side there you go all right let's count how many pieces we have we've got two thighs we have two legs that's four two pieces of back where's that other back right here that's six two wings and drumsticks that's eight a breast in two pieces ten another breast into pieces twelve that's twelve pieces of chicken that are going to go into a pot so let's do that get them out of the way so we can cut up our vegetables and get the broth going on the stove [Music] okay now we need to talk vegetables here so for a five pound bird which is what I used for this recipe I typically add one medium sized clean carrot a single rib of clean celery and a half of a medium yellow onion that's been cleaned the total weight there is about eight to nine ounces so go four ounces of yellow onion two to three ounces of carrot 2 ounces of celery and cut those up into you know about 1 inch dice maybe you don't need to be super accurate here and just toss them right into the pot yeah get away from me all right that does it for veg now we're going to talk about our herbs and by herbs I mean sort of a standard sachet of aromatics that help flavor the broth so with that I use a few sprigs of parsley 3 or 4 sprigs of fresh thyme 1 bay leaf dried Bailey if you can use fresh - if you have it and then I don't know a half dozen black peppercorns that pretty much does it now we just need to add some water to the pot get it on the stove and let it cook for four to six hours all right if you're wondering how much water I typically use just enough to cover everything in the pot by about an inch or two so and I use cold water and bring it up to a you know just below a simmer not hot water that looks pretty good alright time to go to the stove I'm gonna get this pot over medium-high heat and when the liquid comes up to just below a simmer I'm gonna cut the heat back down to low and try to maintain the temperature of that liquid through the entire cooking process one really important thing here is to not let the water boil okay I just turned the heat down to low and I'm starting to see some scum forming on the surface of the liquid it's really important to remove that from the broth rustle it'll end up clouding your your liquid so just go around with the kitchen ladle and carefully scoop it up and toss it and you'll notice that the the liquid is just about the right temp now I'm getting some bubbles come to the surface and that's where I want to be so I'm gonna let the stock go for about 6 hours and then we'll be ready to move on to the next step all right this broth is done so what I'm gonna do here is remove all of the solids or at least as much of them as I can though and get them onto the sheet pan now don't throw away any of this meat you can use it for other things like chicken salad or quesadillas or you can keep it for a soup that you can make with the broth here do not throw it away but you can describe the bones and all the vegetables and the herbs so once I have all of the solids removed I'm gonna pass the liquids through a strainer and hopefully some cheesecloth if I can find some yeah found some cheesecloth all right so I have my stock I have another pot I have a strainer right here it's a fine mesh strainer and I'm gonna go in with some cheesecloth you're gonna line the inside of a strainer with my cheesecloth now if you don't have cheesecloth don't worry about it just use the strainer be perfectly fine but this just adds another filter another layer in here to filter some of these solids and some more impurities that are still in the broth out of it so I'm just gonna pour it right in don't pour it all in at once steady stream is good steady stream you don't want it going all over the place in the hair this is where all the bits start falling out everything's at the bottom of the pot there that's just about everything yeah it's good looking broth the cheesecloth in this strainer are doing a great job of just getting every last bit of chicken mien and vegetable and herb and stuff out of out of the broth cool if you guys want to use this right away go for it it'll be delicious it'll be better than any broth that you can buy the store hands down I usually take an additional step though I put this in the fridge overnight and what happens is the fat and the water and the liquids separate fat on top and I can scrape that off with a spatula or some other kitchen utensil and I get a less cloudy less greasy sort of better overall product so I'm gonna do that now and I'll show you what it looks like tomorrow morning all right it's the next morning and you can see that the broth has tightened up because of the gelatin from the bones and joints in the chicken but most importantly the fat has come to the surface and it's solidified so it makes it really easy to remove so what I'm gonna do is just gonna take a little bit at a time here using a slotted spoon instead of a spatula I'm gonna remove as much of this fat as possible without taking any of the broth I'm just going through like this and scooping it up and then gonna toss the fat all right this looks pretty darn good we're in a good place here so if I plan on using this broth within the next week or so then I'll transfer it to a container slap a lid on it and throw it in my fridge but if I want to hold on to it longer than that then I'll divide it into a series of smaller containers and hold them in my freezer that way I can just pull one as I need to and I'm good to go so that's it if you have questions just hit me in the comments below don't forget to subscribe and I'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Kitchen & Craft
Views: 171,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken broth, chicken broth recipe, chicken broth vs chicken stock, how to make chicken broth, chicken bone broth, chicken soup recipe, chicken stock, chicken stock recipe, bone broth, how to cut up a chicken, how to make broth, how to make chicken stock, how to make chicken stock from scratch, make chicken stock at home, beef stock recipe, cooking, homemade, how to make, how to make stock, kitchen and craft, soup, stock, tim bereika, youtube cooking series
Id: f7UP2BdnG1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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