how to make binding in clo

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three thing you must know about the binding tool  in clothes ready hi I'm Rose Willie from encoder   fashion I have a tips to make designing fun and  efficient for you where is the binding tool the   binding tool is located in the 3d tool bar I'm  going to the binding tool and you see right here   there are two tool icons which are very similar  so above here is the piping tool in this video   we will focus on the binding tool so if you not  familiar with this tool you just hover your mouse   over the tool and you see the text appear so  we want to select the binding tool to select it   we're gonna click on it how do you use the binding  tool to use the binding tool again we are here in   clothes ready I'm going to go to the binding tool  in tool bar click on it then come over here let me   zoom in by scrolling your mouse wheel forward to  zoom in and I'm going to pan it down just love it   to pan it down press on alt and left click on your  mouse and then click on the object and you can pan   it down pan left pan it right how are you like  okay so I'm going to apply binding tool we are   going to click on you see this blue point right  here click on one to begin then continue clicking   one one and then at the end point we want to click  it twice okay now to be sure about the reapply the   binding on the fabric we're gonna come down here  to the Edit binding tool click on it and if you   come over here you see just hover your mouse over  it you can see the yellow highlight that mean you   just apply the binding on top of your project  and if you look to the right while the binding   is active you come over here you see type is under  we want to change that to over done you see I'm   the dimension we want to change the whip to one  centimeter just click on it to highlight or you   just select and then type in number one and press  Enter next we're gonna come down here to fabric   you see to the right I want the binding to have  a different color rather than red so you click   on the arrow right there you see what project  that we have available for us the fabric that   I created earlier so I'm gonna click on trim okay  so as a result you come over here to you project   and zoom in dis 11 again scroll your mouse wheel  forward to zoom in and you see we have like this   perfect finding that's what we want I'm gonna show  you another tip guys so come down here this is a   hack so go okay let's see we instead of start her  binding from the beginning over here we want to   start around this area however we can't do that  because you see this red dot that red dot it's   a warning dot which means you can't apply the  binding you have to apply it where you see this   point so to apply the binding on to this area we  have to create a point right there to do so I'm   going to the 2d windows and I'm going to select  this you see right here if you hover your mouse   over that tool it's say at point slash split line  click on it and then you come over here click on   the edge right here to place the point after  that come back to this 3d even though and then   go to the binding tool click on it and now when we  come over here to a project now we see this blue   dot that means OK for us to apply the binding so  click on the blue dot one to begin the binding and   continue clicking make sure to continue clicking  one along the line or your binding doesn't know   where to go and it doesn't work okay so now we  come to this endpoint we want to stop to stop   that we're gonna double click on it now to check  whether we apply the binding on to a project or   not you come back to the Edit tool right here then  click or just hover the mouse over it you will see   the yellow highlight now we can come over here  you see to the property editor and below that we   want to chain from under to over again you can  select but there over and there is your choice   but for this demonstration I'm going to choose  over now you see under dimension I'm going to   change it to one centimeter click on it and then  type in one and press Enter next come to fabric   and to the right hand side we gonna do the same  we're gonna select trim and guys just a tip in   the fabric property right here you must create  the fabric or add more fabric before you can see   the selection of fabrics right here if you only  have one type of fabric you can only see once ok   and now come down here on the grain direction  we want that to be biased if you click on this   arrow right here just hover your mouse over it you  will see where custom or by it we're gonna select   bias after we check the property off the bias  we're gonna zoom in just a little bit more to   see what looks like it looks really pretty let's  say we don't want that bias okay we decided to uh   I don't want to bias there so what we're gonna do  again go to that edit finding tool then click on   it and after we select the binding we come back to  click delete on a keyboard to delete the binding what do we use the binding for next I'm gonna show  you how to apply the binding onto a dress to do so   I'm going to pan her up a little bit so I'm going  to press down oh and then left click and then drag   her up just love it and I'm going to zoom in again  scroll your mouse wheel forward to zoom in and I'm   going to hide the avatar which is easier for us  to apply the binding to do so we come over here   you see this avatar and just click on her - hi  next I'm gonna want to rotate the garment so it's   easy for us to apply to rotate the gamin press  on Alt + right click on your mouse and then drag   left to rotate to the left drag right to rotate  to the right and drag forward and down just love   it so we can apply the binding on to the next ok  so again guys we're gonna go to the binding tool   click on it and right here is just hover your  mouse over it and click on that Blue Point one   to begin and then continue clicking again guy be  sure to keep clicking if you don't click along the   way the binding tool doesn't understand where you  want to place the binding and it doesn't work ok   now at the end we want to double click to finish  ok so I'm gonna zoom in just a little more scroll   down the mouse wheel forward to see whether we  apply a binding on to the dress it looks like   we did ok next I'm going to rotate the garment  by press down alt and right click on your mouse   because we can apply the binding to sleep again  come to the binding tool click on it then click   on one to begin continue clicking and then the  book click to finish and next we're gonna rotate   the garment to the right side so we can apply  more binding again press down all right click   to rotate and there we go so actually you can see  right here it is hard to see whether we apply the   binding on to the sleeve or not to check that and  where if I we come to the Edit binding tool click   on it and you see as soon as you click on this  added binding tool you see the yellow highlight   that means we applied the binding onto the sleeve  except you see right here we did not apply to this   area however because when I create the pattern I  did not link this side to the other side I only   link certain part of the patterns but that's ok  we're gonna go back to the binding tool click on   it and we're gonna begin the binding by click on  one onto the blue dot then continue clicking then   come to the end double click to finish alright  so it looks like we apply the binding onto the   dress then we can again go to the property editor  before we gonna do that I'm going to edit binding   tool one more time click on it to make sure if  we have apply all the binding to the dress and   just how are your mouse over to the binding area  you can see the highlights right there right there   ok so just click on it to make sure then you  come to the right we're gonna change the type   to over change the width to 1 centimeter again  guys you have to wait till its render or locked   up so after its render we're gonna change the  width to 1 centimeter type in 1 press ENTER and after that we're gonna come to fabric I'm gonna  change that to trim one I'm going to you see   under granite direction it's always default to  bias because we use this binding tool before and   it's remembered that we wanted bias okay so now  we're gonna do the same with this Lee so after   we finish with the neck we're gonna continue with  the sleeve I'm going to click on the Edit binding   tool and then click on the sleeve and this time  I'm going to hold down shift and select another   area as well then come over here I'm going to  check you over then chain here to type line 1   then press Enter man died under dimension I'm  gonna chain you with to one centimeter to do so   you click on it and then tap on 1 and then press  Enter next I'm gonna change you see under fabric   we can I change it to trims and below that you  see grain direction we don't need to change it   again because last time we use the binding tool  we select the bias so go try to make it easy for   us and remember last shoes so let it render  it looks like the binding around the sleeve   is a little bit too big for one centimeter so I'm  gonna edit and change it to a smaller width to do   so come down here to the Edit finding tool click  on it and then he come down here again click on it   and then hold down shift to click on some other  part that's not yet selected then I'm going to   come over here under edit property and click on it  and check it 2.5 press enter and now we're gonna   view or a binding i canta like once in a meter on  the neck and point 1/2 centimeter on the sleeve   let me get out off the binding tool so guy if you  see the matching arm around this dress that means   your binding tool is still active so to get out of  that binding tool just go to the move tool right   here click on it now you are out of the binding  tool so I'm gonna rotate the dress one more time   to do so press down all and right click and then  drag a dress looked really really cool now you   have it we just master the binding tool in close  3d there is more information under this video
Channel: Encoder Fashion
Views: 2,302
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Keywords: how to make binding in clo, clo3d, clo, 3d, fashion, virtual, marvelous designer, fashion design, digital fashion, tutorial, 3d fashion, virtual fashion, marvelous, designer, fashion college, online fashion college, online fashion class, pattern drafting class, pattern making class, how to use clo3d, online clo3d class, how to draft a pattern, how to make your own clothes, how to start your own fashion brand, fidm, parsons new school, encoderfashion, diy, learnclo3dforbeginners
Id: ljO1bj1nV4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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