Diane's Crafts Vol 3 how To Make Sea Glass Wind Chimes 9 26 2020

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hi this is diane tavija again today i'm working on my uh wind chimes and out of the four containers that i got shipped from michaels this is pretty much all that is not teeny tiny pieces so i'm gonna do this one and then i'll also uh kind of make it up on my own okay i'm going to be sweating mosquitoes while we do this it's fallen georgia and they're it's those asian mosquitoes and boy do they hurt so just ignore me if i'm waving so what i've done here is i've and i couldn't put them really according to colors because i had so few that were large and so few that were medium and so i just thought well you know i'm going for the sound nobody's going to stand there saying oh there's two blues together so i've uh laid them out and i'll put the link to this pattern i found it on the internet and i'll put the link to it on the bottom of my in my comment section so you can uh look for that one or if you go online you can find so many so many uh different styles so what i'm doing right now is i'm putting a little dab of the hot glue only because the um it's really muggy and the e6000 takes a long time to dry anyhow and i want to make sure that i get the um the wire the fishing line caught in the e6000 wouldn't do many good if i did all this and they felt i'll put it and then when when these are totally dry i'm going gonna flip it over and do the other side with more fishing line and we chose the 20-pound fishing line just because it gets we get some pretty bad storms here and a lot of wind so you know these things probably don't won't stay together for years and years but i love the sound of wind chimes and i'm crazy i love the sound of thunderstorms i love to hear the birds early in the morning it doesn't bother me that my neighbor's dogs hate the mailman mine are only quiet because my husband's got them locked up and it's usually very quiet here but i don't know who's driving that mail truck today it's not the usual lady because that was crazy loud so uh as you can see i have strings and we'll get rid of those later i'll let the wind do it for me and then here's the e6000 okay i'm going to try to make sure i push down the fishing line as i go can't get it caught in there really well it's kind of boring to watch isn't it so we live in a little town in georgia that the name means gold city or city of gold we were actually the first uh town where gold was discovered before the gold rush the and we still sit on the largest uh amount of gold in the united states but it's like lace and because it's like lace and so spread out it would cost more to uh mine it than the gold would be worth so we have a little pine let's see pine something gold museum here in town where you can go and see this story and see the remains of um the houses that some of the people who did strike it rich had you know a few people found found enough gold to make it worth their while and people still go and pan for gold you can do that many places here in town but honestly it's just the dreamers the get rich quick people who spend all their time doing that and nothing comes from it so i'm doing this out on my deck because this glue does not smell nice and i have no intention of getting ill from smelling gunk so it's almost our anniversary october the 10th will be 50 years can you believe that i don't know how that can happen i'm only 35 so that can't really be true though can it cause my oldest son is he was born in 1970 no 71 we were married in 70. so now when i do the other side i probably won't do the hot glue i don't think that'll be necessary so i don't know if you can see my backyard or not it goes up very steep and we have uh we counted them one time but we we've cut down some of the smaller trees we probably have about a hundred trees out there and the leaves get oh so deep but we have no grass absolutely there's a little patch behind me um way over toward the fence but this is um this is just if we had if we had known what we were getting into we never would have bought this house because what we get is even with the windows closed i don't get dust i get the red ash from hell is what i tell people because we've got to be sitting over the portal to hell everything is red you have to just constantly clean um you know the different vents and the window sills i mean with the windows closed it gets in and my one dog that's brown and white looks orange and white and she doesn't like baths and she's pretty heavy and it's hard to get her to bathe so she stays orange and white most of the time you'll see her later her name's daisy we have daisy may and um emmy joe emmy's a very tiny border collie so well i'm going to let these dry and go in the house so the mosquitoes don't eat me and then i'll come back and i'll flip these over and i'll remember to give you the link to this guy who does sea glass wind chimes crafts so um i liked this one though the way he does it i'm going to put um a dowel rod across the top and then feed the two strands through the hole in the dowel rod and then through a bead so we can keep it from slipping through so hopefully this will dry soon and then come back out and we'll finish chatting okay all right i'm gonna lean up and turn you off okay it's dry so i'm going to start with the just the e6 that e6000 on this side and i'm going to do top and bottom i'm doing it this way instead of going straight down so hopefully i won't get stuck in the glue ooh that stinks should put some perfume in it i think i wouldn't smell it so much outside so today is saturday i think it's really hard being stuck home for six months and a week to keep the day straight i didn't have to take my thyroid medicine i'd never know what day it was got a pill bottle you know pill box the days of the week in it it's really funny i guess you don't like having to take any medicine let's see straighten this little fella my husband's gonna help me with the dowel rods i wish i had more places to um hang this i do have a shepherd's hook over there but i'll probably end up putting it in i'd like to have it where i can really hear it i told you i like all kinds of sounds i love the sounds of the birds we have woodpeckers we have loads of cardinals eastern bluebirds number of the gross beaks tit mouse fly catcher used to have round-headed cowboys now i haven't seen any in two years and i don't know why because they have a really nice call sometimes we get an owl and um we used to have loads and loads of morning birds morning doves but i think what happened with them was their ground feeders and you know i have the two dogs and they don't want to be around the dogs so they don't um they don't come around like they used to most of the other birds are perch feeders so and i used to feed them expensive food and all that did was encourage the squirrels i try to feed the squirrels and they're not interested in squirrel food corn suet whatever they want the nice bird seed so if i put out like a songbird feed they throw everything else on the ground and they eat the fruit and the sunflower seeds so i've started putting out just the cheaper food and i have a lot less birds a lot less birds so but it's a dreary day uh not much going on so this has got to dry and then now we'll do our drilling and uh probably be tomorrow and so you'll know i won't wear the same clothes and i'll probably curl my hair who knows who knows what i'm gonna do i don't know what i'm gonna do how could you okay so all i used here was the e6000 and my husband had helped me tape them down so oh and i have this awesome lazy susan this thing weighs a ton it has metal it has a stainless steel uh ball bearings i wanted a lazy susan to make things easier to reach and i looked on a facebook marketplace and there was a woman right down the street who had remodeled her kitchen and she had bought it used when she was a newly wed and used it for spices under the counter and i mean it it has no spots on it it looks it's solid wood and it's really really nice so i didn't even you know dick her price or anything uh she gave me it was twenty dollars and i was happy so and it really spins beautifully but it's a heavy one so i'll keep it protected i won't leave it out here i'm going to set up a table out here for pretty days to do my crafts and hopefully the mosquitoes will die down soon i don't feel them bite me but three hours from now i'll have all these little red dots that just itch like crazy so okay i hope you're having a nice day find something fun to do i'm thinking about doing some um crafts for christmas uh to kind of help families that might be struggling there's so many things that you can make for virtually nothing and you know little kids don't know it's not you tell them santa made it in this workshop they're going to be happy i did it over the years now there's stuff that's a lot of work like stuffed animals if you really do nice stuffed animals they take quite a while i'm not talking just you know something that's one same and stuffed but my son that i mentioned earlier scott he has the uh corduroy lion that i made him when he was probably five and it's um it's a golden color and then it has a big orange mane and a fluffy orange tail and i don't remember what the other kids got the lion stuck out stuck in my mind and and it was the most difficult because of the maine and then i made raggedy ann and andy for uh the kids the the our daughter and son erin and john that are only 15 months apart i made those and they liked the little show cartoon uh raggedy in and andy it's a full-length movie um so i'd made that and i mean you you make every little hat every little you know blouse every everything so that's something that you start way in advance but over the years i had made things like some little dolls out of felt and you can hand stitch them if you don't know how to sew or don't have a sewing machine and it's almost shaped like a gingerbread man but the arms are not sticking out straight and then i took felt and i cut out clothes and glued them on and it was the old woman in the shoe and all of her children and then i did noah's ark i did noah and loads of animals and those were a big hit with my kids and it was stuff i could do after they went to bed at night um there's also on the internet so many people who take a piece of furniture like a an old nightstand and turn it into a kitchen stove for a three or four year old and um you know take a piece of furniture and buy a little bit of paint and make a kid happy and you can go to dollar tree and get measuring spoons and plastic cups and you know put a cut a hole and put a dish pan in there and tell them they're washing dishes and those type things are can be free you might even have the paint laying around so i'm going to make up a list and make some samples or pull out some of the ones that we still have and uh you know maybe help some people who are are dreading the season because they think they'll have nothing and yet uh little becomes much so uh let's think about it you might even have some suggestions so uh but i'll talk to you soon let this dry uh i don't smell it now but uh hopefully it'll make a nice loud sound you hear my water fountain behind me okay guys i'm gonna go in i'll talk to you later hang on okay hi guys well the sun came out so everything dried very quickly and the mosquitoes are getting worse and worse so i'm gonna finish this up what we've done is we took the dowel rod we drilled the holes and our gym did i keep saying we and so now i'm going to feed these through the little holes that he put for me and i'm going to tie these around the bead so they won't the thread won't go back or the wire fish line won't go back through so start that way then going through the other side you can't really see what i'm saying but uh you'll figure it out you might even come up with a better idea so all right so i'm tying three knots and then i'm going to uh after i show you what it looks like i'm going to put some e6000 on it and lay it back down to let that little bit dry but i did want you to see it and try to finish this today so here's another one i didn't paint the dowel rod i thought about it but uh that would have taken extra time and then i got some crazy paint colors as you can see by my um patio chairs that we're gonna repaint um and white and i i didn't want it um crazy colors if i had had something muted like the sea glass i could have done it maybe that color so we went up to our dollar tree today and you guys have it made our dollar tree is so small most of the shelves are empty they have a couple of halloween things they had maybe a couple of cups one plate for thanksgiving uh none of the signs that you're getting um really it's pitiful and it's it's always like that and it's a new store used to be right down the street from my house and uh when they moved we were all excited because we thought it was going to be more like the one in the we call it the big city it's really not a big city but the town next to us it's about um 20 some miles from us but it they have a one-way and they they have a larger uh dollar tree and uh but it's you know you get on the highway and thankfully we didn't go today the highway was shut down so many wrecks but then you gotta fight the traffic over there so we don't we don't go there very often but if i get desperate i guess i will we have a town and store and a store in our town called dollar days and it's owned by some friends of ours but what they do is they buy uh stuff at auctions they've been there for years and years and i remember gosh maybe 10 years ago uh i went in and they had john deere lunch boxes for one dollar metal kids lunch boxes for one dollar well i thought this can't be right you know those things have got to be really worth something especially around here where there's so many uh farms and everybody owns a truck except us we sold ours but i bought them and i put them on ebay and i sold them for dollars each so plus plus shipping they had to pay their own shipping so um but you know they don't they don't ship so it's not something i can give you an address to and then you never know what they're going to have every tuesday is a different shipment we haven't gone there since the virus started in fact i've been to dollar tree i think three times in six months and walmart or maybe twice and other than that i went for a flu shot that was one of the walmart trips and i've been for thyroid blood work and i don't know i don't think i've gone anywhere else in six months and seven days that's why i told you i'm going crazy not really i'm not depressed or anything it's just boards stiff so okay so like i told you i've got these tied on really well and after i show you what we got here after we've signed off i'll um i'll glue those both sides i wanted to show you this paper forgive the bird dookie i got this off the internet and i'll give you the uh link to it it's actually two pieces and then you just fold folding tape and lay you know the largest pieces out to the smaller pieces and i found that very helpful and very thankful to the person who uh did that for us because i you know i'm pretty creative for some things but i don't know so what do you think not bad for the first time huh okay well thank you so much for stopping by and visiting and like i told you i'm gonna start thinking of some other things i still have the flower pot to do but um i watched one woman do one and it took her uh seven or eight hours just to get the beads on or the bobbles on so that's a bit long for me especially with the mosquitoes so uh i could do it in the house i guess but oh no that's the e6000 and that stuff does it does have an odor and it says that the odor is dangerous so they want you to use a really well ventilated area so one day i'll show you all my other craft things i have and the scissors i told you about that are all different designs and shapes and i don't know if you've ever painted rocks i use uh permanent markers and color rocks i have one in my front flower bed that i made it looks like a copperhead snake and i have it coming out from under the mulch it's been there three or four years and it looks perfect i can't tell that it's so old and then i like coloring pages and i also knit i used to knit quite a bit and i would once i got about 25 scarves made i would take them to the homeless shelter um well a church that helps the homeless in the next town they go out into the woods and and deliver sandwiches and medical supplies to the men out there and it's not a safe place for women so um i did that and they were very appreciative so okay well listen guys it was nice seeing you today and i i hope you'll keep checking in on me i promise not to ever pretend to be some great artist because i'm not but let's have fun okay bye
Channel: Diane Tavegia
Views: 924
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: Crafts, Dollar Tree, Wal-Mart, The Home Depot, Sea Glass, DIY, Wind Chimes
Id: zs2erZABbVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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