Epoxy Resin Art Sculpture Step By Step In Ga.

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good morning everyone how's everyone doing on this beautiful beautiful pretty beautiful it's not raining it's 51 degrees in georgia y'all and i'm helen from georgia in case y'all don't remember oh you hear my wind chimes it's just a little bit of breeze blowing okay this is your cup i'm gonna let you have the red bird it's hot it's good and hot i i can't hardly put my hand on it it's so hot and mine's hot too i can't probably drink it because it's so hot y'all know these old flowers same old ones that i'm using because i don't have anything blooming right now and this is my coffee look at the hummingbirds oh how beautiful i'm gonna taste of it but i know it's gonna burn me oh it's not too bad that's good black coffee uh how y'all doing today i'm so thankful it's rained every day just about but it's not raining now in it and siri said it might rain this afternoon or to this evening or something i don't know i i can't keep up with nothing i can't keep up with the weather i can't keep up with what day it is i have to look on my phone to see see what day it is cause i i think what what is today monday or tuesday or what but anyway i guess that comes along with getting old uh your memory starts playing tricks on you my mind does a a pretty well job of playing tricks on me i put my coffee down can't find it i i know no one else has that trouble but me but it could be worse it could it could be a lot worse than just losing my coffee cup or can't remember what day it is it is that's the truth i mean oh thank the lord this virus is still raging and i heard that it's coming some uh another kind that's worse than the one we just go well we hadn't even been through it yet we still got it and then now we got another one to contend with and try not to get and try to stay home and not i don't touch i don't i don't touch doorknobs with my hand i get a tissue and i open it with the top up there where nobody else touches and then you know i i don't have my hand on it but anyway you you have to do what you can do to stay safe and that's but there's a lot of my friends are are leaving this world that's my age uh that i went to school with but you know i guess that's life you things are not gonna always be happy and cheery and uh everything's okay but we gotta make the best of what we got right now and just keep on going and ask the lord to help us with with this day and uh and he he has certainly helped me so far i'm so i'm so blessed to have my youtube family and my youtube friends and y'all have helped me oh god gracious y'all have shared my last video y'all know i made pizza i eat pizza and i eat pizza i shared pizza with my son i went up i went to see him and uh he's he's all into this new stuff he's not really down to earth yet he's still in another world up there anyway i was telling him about i made that pizza he had not even seen my video because he's always watching something else that he's very interested in anyway he uh i said it was so good and uh he it's about four o'clock in the afternoon he said you got any left i said yes i do and i said you want it he said yes ma'am i do i would like it if you know i i'd like to have a son so i came down here and got the leftover pizza the last bit of it it's about four or five sli up pieces you know i cut it in squares i come down here and got it i took it up there put it in the microwave and heated it up and he eat that stuff every bit of it and and he loved it he he had never eat my pizza he he was already married and gone whenever i started making pizza like that and my my grandson his son called me up last night and told me they watched that video and and they loved it i was so surprised you know and he told me that uh they shared it with uh his fiance's dad and said he would love that video so they shared it with him and a lot of people are sharing it on you know on a facebook and i don't guess you could share it on youtube i don't know i don't really know about that oh i was gonna tell y'all what i'm gonna do see how i forget where where is my stuff y'all not gonna believe it i hadn't brought my stuff out here let me get it lord help y'all how could i forget this i don't know i don't know good gracious how y'all y'all know i made a sculptured little base and i put some little stones around it that i cut i made them myself i cut them and and i've been doing some more of that there's there's um and there's some that's purple and it and here's some i've been cutting glass with with my little snips here and here's some y'all see that he's i've been cutting some of this this is [Applause] and i've i've been cutting some of this let me let me get some of it out i'm gonna make another sculptured uh vase the other one i made i love it it's beautiful and someone told me that they had some at the dollar tree and i went up there and i got some i wanted a color they didn't have so this is my big old plastic bag here i'll try to [Applause] i'll show y'all okay here's some this is this is what i've been cutting on this they don't look purple in the picture but it's purple and i've been cutting some of it because it it's very very time consuming you can take this bag and and you can [Applause] put your glass in there you can't see that let me let me get up a little talk higher so y'all can see okay here here's the here's the plastic bag and here is the the pieces here's here's some of the where are here's here's some of the pieces you can put it in this bag i hope i'll try to hold it up close where y'all can see it you just take little snips and all your little pieces are caught in this bag like if you was out if you didn't have this bag it would be popping all over everywhere and you know you don't want little pieces of glass all over the yard or surely not all over the house so this big bag helps you to confine the little flying pieces i'll try to hold it up close to the top you just take this is my little cutters uh that i use so i've got an idea what colors i want uh you know before i wanted blue some blue in there and the uh the uh alcohol ink that i had did not have i i didn't think it had blue in it i don't know i i couldn't find it if it was in there i ordered it and i didn't know what i was ordering i i just ordered alcohol ink i thought that it was i thought it would be some blue and purple and all colors in it but there wasn't this is the second time that i've even attempted to do this the other one just so happened it turned out beautiful i don't know i don't even know how i did it really i know i know how i did that and but sometimes i've seen i've seen some people trying to do that it didn't it didn't turn out too too great it was uh uh i saw one lady trying to do that and she had a heat gun and i don't know if it was a heat gun or whether it was a a fire a flame thing that had fire in it or what but anyway that thing caught on fire oh my goodness she had to put it out so you don't you don't really exactly know what what's going what you gonna have i i don't mind doing this you know when i'm just sitting here or sitting i could be doing this uh i i don't mind it i i enjoy doing something that that i think is gonna be pretty at the end that's really it yeah it's what you can do and i'm getting him close to the edge of my thing oh that's so pretty oh look y'all can you see that but anyway i'm going what i'm gonna do now is when i get through out here i'm going in the house and i'm gonna mix up resin and i'm gonna pour my resin and make the forms for this other uh vase i or sculpture i'll call it i don't i don't think it's a vase it's a sculpture it is so pretty this is what i do i say i'm gonna quit and i keep right on goals i keep on doing it when i say i'm gonna quit i'm gonna quit and go in hello i'm in the house y'all i'm i'm i'm about to uh mix my resin up and pour it and let it uh do what it's supposed to do okay i'm gonna get my resin over here y'all i've got some plastic down here and i've cut some little plastic pieces like this like this there i bought this shower little thin shower curtain and i cut it and i'm gonna put the resin on it and i've got one on this table so so the table won't get messed up and now i'm gonna pour my resin as i'm gonna mix my resin up i'm gonna these are the two cups i'm gonna pour i'm gonna make sure the table is uh covered okay let's see how many is that this is that's eight ounces okay here this has got to be eight ounces let's see if i got eight ounces in both of them okay i found my stir okay i'm gonna pour all this this is eight ounces i'm gonna pour it in here this is a lot of resin y'all and this stuff ain't cheap either but if you're gonna make something uh you gotta have the resin and you gotta put what you need in there okay i'm gonna put this other in here and let it be oh it's gonna be full these two little cups here is 16 ounces i've got some little pieces of stuff here that i i'm putting you can't even see where i've got this stuff i've got this down here i'm gonna put this this is clear stuff i'm gonna put this clear stuff i think this is the one i'm going to put right here okay i've got uh let's see okay i got that one for right there i'm gonna put this piece over it kind of give you an idea where i am and you let this rest a while and you don't put it on there right away you let it kind of heat up a little bit okay this is this is this one and that's that i i'm just putting this under here where you can see where i'm at and what size it's going to be because it's all clear and it's hard to see it's beginning to get warm okay if y'all if y'all have never worked with resin it it does what it wants to and it heats up and it will i had some one time i was outside working and i i wasn't in no hurry i was just you know kind of taking my time with it and i i dug down in there with my little thing and that stuff it done got hard and it was hard as a rock and it would not you can't do nothing with it it's ruined it's getting warm y'all and i sure don't want it to burn i i'm gonna pour i'm gonna pour some in some more cups i'm gonna pour a little in these cups so in case i want to put some color or something with it i'm gonna yo i don't know if i know what i'm doing or not okay i'm gonna pour some of these in here not much it's getting warm i'm going to start pouring the resin now and okay i'll put some over here can y'all even see over here back up a little bit so y'all can see i'm gonna put put the stuff in the resin i may put other colors i i really am not 100 sure yet how i'm gonna do it okay this is i'm gonna put it on this one can find the edge okay y'all i don't know my camera's not doing right i i i thought it cut off and it did i turned it back on but i don't know how long it'll be on so i hope it i hope the camera is still on it it says it is i don't know i i'm having such a time with that camera yo i'm just experimenting again okay y'all i'm gonna turn it off and let it dry i'm gonna put a few more blue ones on here so but i'm gonna turn it off right now and i'll i'll see y'all when it gets dry okay y'all uh it's been about five hours and you can touch it and it doesn't come off and that's you know i've heard that's how you do when you can touch it and it doesn't it's sort of still flexible but it's not sticky so i've got this thing right here that i'm gonna i'm gonna put this over it and and drape it on here okay lay it lay it on here this is the same day y'all it's not another day this is the same day that i made made it up it's not another day has it passed yet uh oh let's see i need something about out of my category put a paper bag i don't want a whole lot but let's see if it works [Applause] this is the other one oh good goodness so okay now i'm gonna put [Music] [Applause] so so so so okay y'all i've got them let me i've got them draped and they're going to be drier tomorrow not as not as dry as they are now they're not you know they're still flexible and they'll be flexible tomorrow but i'm gonna leave these here overnight and in the morning i'll get up and i'll arrange them together because it's gonna be one it's three but it's gonna be one so i i've i've got them sort of put out the way i i want them to be so in the morning i'll get up and i'm going to put them together and i'll let y'all see how they look they are beautiful now uh i hope they stay this way but you i don't ever know you know i'm i'm just uh a beginner at this stuff i'm just a a very beginner i don't know that much about it i just know that i don't know a whole lot i'm i'm just uh trying to learn this stuff it is really really uh pretty stressful to me uh it's it's something that i've not dealt with that before one time and that one turned out great i don't know about these but uh we'll have to see how they're gonna do all i know is to wait to to morning put them together because they'll still be flexible in the morning they they won't be stiff so you can't do anything with them they'll be still where you can push them around and that that kind of stuff so i think i'm going i'm gonna go uh it's late it's 10 30 and i i'm gonna uh i'm gonna go lay down and rest on and i'll get up tomorrow morning and i'll turn the camera on when i get up so y'all can see the whole process and see how they look it looks beautiful but you can't really tell till you get it together so thank you all again for being so patient and kind uh with me uh trying some new things this is it's beautiful stuff but it's it's a lot of mixing resin and cutting all these uh little stones and and i don't have to cut the stones i can use other colors but i wanted the colors i wanted and i didn't have that color so oh i had some little pieces that you know i could use so i cut them and it didn't take all that long but to me to get what you want you have to go to a little more trouble than just buying some and sticking them on here i i wanted this to be like this and so that's it y'all have a good good night and sleep well and and i'll see y'all in the morning thank you so much for watching me but anyway i'll see y'all in the morning good morning everyone how's everyone doing this morning uh this has been sitting overnight let me get me a cup of coffee and i'll be right back goodness gracious oh that crop is hot good morning everyone how's everyone doing this beautiful morning i don't think it's gonna rain today this is this is your copy i brought we're not we're not going to be in here long so i i'm going to send it right over here y'all have some when you when you like to i don't think i don't even think i can drink mine it's so hot oh good gracious yes it's hot okay i put these on the forms last night and i went to bed i've got up this morning and i haven't done anything to them so i'm going now take them uh apart and put them together or whatever i can do okay let's see let's take i'm going to move that in a little bit i'm going to take this one down i think i got it taped okay let's see oh that's pretty oh y'all can't hardly see it let me let me take them all loose first let me get this loose oh how pretty this is pretty y'all okay let's let's see let me get this other one over here now this is y'all know this is new territory for me uh okay now i'm gonna i might need to bring it up close where y'all can see when i take it loose let me do that because okay i'm gonna take this plastic stuff off [Applause] oh i had a good night's rest and i don't think i think i think it's not gonna rain today oh [Music] that is pretty can y'all see this is shadow oh how pretty all right let's let's get this one loose let me set this one over here oh y'all see it let me zoom out a little i think i'm making it [Applause] oh that is pretty can y'all see that okay let me get the other one it's still you know it's not hard is a rock it's not not like it will be when it sets up a little longer oh gosh oh look okay let me go over here let me get back over the other side let me see how i'm going gonna fix them they're they're still flexible they're not hard like like they will be oh how pretty oh i love it oh how pretty okay y'all that is so pretty oh i keep forgetting about y'all i keep forgetting that y'all can't see everything the way i do i'm going to tape tape it where where you see it's moving a little bit i'm going to tape it up where it won't move and it will stay where i put it this is so pretty the colors are beautiful good gracious i keep moving it y'all okay y'all i'm i'm uh finished with the placing it the way i want it to be i'm gonna let it dry till this afternoon and i'll i'll come back and take it out it's gonna be sunshiny this afternoon i'm hoping so i'm gonna uh when i get when it gets dry er and i'll i'll take it outside and show y'all the final how it looks i'll see y'all afternoon after a while when this dries won't take too too awful much longer now because it's it's set up good it just needs to harden just a little bit and it'll be finished thank you all for watching my videos subscribe and share and click the bell and thumbs up and and be a blessing y'all are so sweet i am so blessed to have so many caring people on my youtube channel it is a blessing and this was a uh experiment y'all cause i'm not really quite used to this stuff doing this and so i see my red light flashing already i i'm telling you i got to figure out what's wrong with my camera all right i'll see y'all later on in the afternoon bye bye hello out there it's afternoon and i'm this is dry now and i showed y'all me putting it together inside and i i let it dry it's it's it's hard it's good and hard and let me take the tape off and i'm hailing from georgia y'all don't y'all don't forget that i just wanted to remind y'all uh i'm helen from georgia and i'm out here taking this uh resin sculpture it's what like art resin and sculpture art that's that's what this is going to be and this is just over oh freezer tape or whatever you want to call it i don't know what you call this stuff but anyway it holds this sculpture together until it completely dries and i think it is beautiful it's kind of sticky but it doesn't hurt this resin uh it just holds it together till it dries and and keeps its shape it will kind of bend over it will move a little bit until it dries like it's supposed to then it won't move it is it's here to in it's here and it's not moving is that not beautiful no it's so pretty oh my goodness i think it is beautiful y'all look at it can you see it it's it's not really in the sun uh right now but and the sun's not gonna come up here either but i was going to show y'all i i have a candle that you can put a candle in here and light it it will be beautiful anyway i was telling you i'm gonna take that back out i i was telling you all all these little pieces here that that i cut i cut some lavender color well i used that up and then i had i needed more i used up about everything i had cut whatever color it was i put all colors on here let me turn it around so y'all can see it is that is that just beautiful y'all i think it's just beautiful i hope y'all can see it oh let me let me move it back just a little bit anyway i think that is absolutely beautiful oh and this is one of a kind nobody has one just like this i know they don't it might be similar but it's not like this because this i don't think this can be duplicated not this exact piece because it's got colors in it all colors of uh stones that i could hand cut all them little pieces let me let me zoom up a little closer so y'all can see it real good let me i don't even know if y'all see any good all these all these pieces that's colored it's got everything in here of of every color you can think of so i know they maybe somebody got one similar but it's not like just like this one this is one of a kind by helen wyatt i think it is beautiful look at all the colors you can see oh let me get back over here look at all the colors you can see in here oh it's just awesome and you can put a candle in it and light it and have a beautiful thing for our table or whatever it's just beautiful it's just absolutely beautiful i love it i love it it is so pretty okay y'all i'm gonna take the candle out because that's not you know you could put it in there if you would like but you it's not i didn't really make it for that candle but you can use it for that so this has been kindly oh let me move back this is a pretty steady project this is something is kind of time consuming but you have the most beautiful uh outcome when you get it finished it is so pretty so pretty and it's got all colors of little stones hand-cut hand-cooked i cut them i cut every one of these things and that's what makes it unique i cut the stones i didn't buy them i didn't buy well i bought the little things that i broke that was glass i bought the little plates and stuff from like salvation army and places that that you can find old dishes that's colored and i cut all the little stones that's in this edge around this thing it has red it has every color you can i put about everything i had cut i cut some along you know but i sometimes when i want a certain color i started out with like purple a light purple but i did not have enough of light purple so i had to dig out some of my other colors that i have been keeping to finish it out like i wanted it so this is a creation of mine and i'm so so proud of it and i'm so thankful to be through with it let me let me turn it so so pretty all right that's it oh the wind's blowing i'm finished with this project and i'm going to go in there and start editing a lot i got a lot of editing to do because this you know you don't want to see this so long and uh but i hope you enjoyed this i enjoyed it it's it's kind of tedious and it's you have to try to figure out you want you know what you want to do but you don't know what it's going to do that's my problem i don't know what it's going to do so but it does great it done beautiful i love it i love it so thank y'all for watching my video have a blessed blessed day subscribe and share and click the bell and try one if you if you like uh a challenge i'll say it's it's really uh i don't really know how to tell y'all it's it's really pretty time consuming you're doing something and you're letting it dry and then you're doing something else to it and then you're doing this and you're doing that and then you let it dry overnight and uh all kinds of stuff anyway it's beautiful it was worth every minute of it i hope y'all like it and y'all are a blessing blessing to me y'all have helped me so much and my my subscribers have went up some and i'm so thankful because y'all are sharing my video thank y'all so much y'all are y'all are awesome y'all be kind to uh elderly or people that that are less fortunate be kind to them and let's let's make this year great i know it's a challenge but we can do it we can we can do our part anyway we can just try to have a blessed day every day even in spite of things that's happening just have a blessed day anyway okay i'll see y'all in the next video bye bye you
Channel: helen wyatt
Views: 31,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Epoxy Resin Art Sculpture Step By Step In Ga., Epoxy Resin, Art Sculpture
Id: rShaBcXEDqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 32sec (3872 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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