How to make BBQ MEATBALLS!

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[Music] all right you guys we are back we are back we are back in daddy's kitchen all right daddy all right daddy we're gonna cut a little shorty today we are back in daddy's kitchen today for another meal daddy what are we cooking today ground beef and ground turkey mixed together meatballs nice nice so ground beef and ground turkey mixed meatballs so i told my dad that he had to make this again for everybody because he made it for us and we didn't record it and i know that this is a perfect meal for you guys because it's shorter and it was just so flipping good all right so how are we getting started daddy [Music] break it up and mix it up together okay so this is actually the type of meat you guys that i like despise the most touching wise because like it's just mushy yeah but you know what it's it's it's so tasty so you just gotta get over it but okay so you started off by mushing it all up well not mushing it all up but breaking it all up right daddy mix it together and mix it together because we're mixing both meats here so turkey so you can you can so they can do chicken uh ground chicken too right you can do ground chicken you can do ground turkey you can do ground beef there's some people i heard there's like a ground tofu so you guys you know you guys can get creative always this is your masterpiece and we already know we got rules wash those hands at all times you guys wash those hands [Music] okay i'm gonna put the ingredients in it okay so now we're going to put in the ingredients so you can always do this ahead of time guys but we like to show you how it's done look at that oh daddy green onions sweet peppers sweet pepper [Music] garlic garlic [Music] onions onions according to my dad [Music] scotch bonnet pepper oh i mean you have to be chill on this you guys because if you know if you haven't had scotch bonnet i'm gonna have it today if you don't know that it's hot all right look at that and we are mixing okay you know since i've been doing this with my dad like i'm actually amazed at how much easier it is like it's not easy don't get me wrong like the whole cooking thing is not easy it's not easy at all because it's not easy to be great at least that's what i think because you got to have a real knack in order to like be amazing but like what i mean by easy is just it's not as hard as i've made it in my head you know it's all these years i'm like oh my god it's just so much work it's so hard how is it going to taste this good because i was tasting such good food and i'm like there's no way i'm going to be able to cook that but then seeing how my dad makes all this stuff it's like wow like i could actually chef it the heck up and be on like top of top level not true daddy maggie you guys already know how i feel about sister maggie sister maggie come and spice up the place these are all the spices you're gonna use today all right so some paprika not too much [Music] crushed garlic crushed garlic very good garlic is a very good fail i agree daddy season song seasoning salt pinterest sister maggie is a little bit salty okay i'll pray for seasoning oh good and what's that daddy plus garlic plus a lot of garlic but that's what makes so many meals so good i agree honestly daddy like so many people keep on saying yo we don't have the seasonings that you have so i think our solution to that is we're gonna have to make your deluxe seasoning bottle it and get it ready to send out to all of our our our family members now i think so too you guys need to drop it down in the comments if that's what you want us to do too and that's black pepper right daddy black pepper look at the seasoning guys seasoning is everything if you're not seasoning your food come back over here i eat okay following you daddy we follow we follow we follow put your back into it clearly like he's leaving it like he's saying like every ball is going to taste like heaven every last one i'm needing the floor i don't play yeah just like how you would need flower dumpling okay now wash those hands you don't want to cross contaminate because we have other things to add all right so now what are we adding daddy breadcrumbs italian italian breadcrumbs okay we need to buy the meat so you don't break up when i mix it okay so he's putting it in to bind the meat so that it doesn't break up when he makes it okay two heads two eggs inside okay okay daddy oh yeah that's cracked the egg so that mash up every shell in there okay we're gonna bind it again eat it enrich your hands oh that looks yummy this is like the transition of minced meat to me is like on another level because looking at it in this state it's just like i'm sorry and then there are eggs but let me tell you when it's done in nice that's how you know you're really with when you're fighting the ball ball trying to run away but [Laughter] all right so next step steady pot is on pot is on high pour liquor partner girl not too much no brother make sure it's hot oil in the pan coat the bottom okay so what do we what are we doing here daddy okay okay like you rolled it for one spill a second and it was already a perfect ball like how did that happen okay and you roll it let's see what the ball looks like buddy okay [Music] that's the sound of perfection that looks so perfect in that pot it almost looks like a photo that like a fake photo [Music] [Music] hmm you're just going to continue doing that for the rest of the pot right okay gotta turn them so we'll watch how you do this [Music] i can smell it then i can smell it like three seconds in and i already start smelling all the seasonings that he added to this meat like this when he made it for us the first time i was so mad at myself for not recording it because that meal was so delicious oh my gosh so i'm just so glad that you guys are getting it today [Music] so daddy just turned down the fire to medium if you feel like it's too hot use your discretion and pull it down okay because you're gonna be turning these and you don't want them to burn that's the first one okay it's coming together okay so he's not gonna put any more for now there's still more in here and remember guys we cook for a big family so maybe this might be all that you need for you and your household right for your leftovers for the next day for you and your man you and your bull you and your mom you and your sister you and your roommate whoever it be [Music] use your discretion [Music] okay so now we're just turning them over so you got to be careful with them right buddy [Music] even though the breadcrumbs help you bind them you still got to be careful because you want them to keep their shape that's the whole point [Music] so guys it's really important that you know that you're not cooking these all the way through i just like realized that we haven't said that to you guys you're not cooking them all the way through basically you're cooking them on the outside because it's then going to stay in this pot and cook in my beds sauce okay because the sauce is what's really gonna cook it all the way through so don't worry even if you look in the center because i know you can see the center in there it's not cooked all the way it's gonna cook through during the sauce so when they've been browned properly you just kind of put them on the side because you gotta make room for the other ones right buddy okay you guys so this doesn't mean that they're cooked all the way in the middle just means that they're brown you know like self tanner okay it's a pen it's not the real thing [Music] and then you repeat you guys i am going to flip it back once all of these are complete or at least brown [Music] so guys you guys you guys look how delicious these [Music] balls back into the pot big bow um some chicken broth so what are we doing right now today so like what okay so this is gonna help it cook down but it's also gonna make the gravy okay all of the box here i was thinking that you only lose a little bit was i even speaking english a second ago okay look at that simmer down guys not making all that noise let me still look like okay okay this is when you turn the stove back up to maximum guys back up to maximum ketchup then the jamaicans with their ketchup i swear to you you guys like i swear to you when my when i first started learning a couple weeks ago with you guys and i saw my dad pull up the ketchup for the stew chicken i was like or no for the oxtail i think it was both but i was like wait what so then i asked other people and they're like yeah man we use it and some people like tomato paste but jamaicans really stay on that ketchup they prefer it okay so what do we have here diana sauce diana sauce is one of my favorite sauces ever so this is the original sauce original okay this is why that damn thing tasted so good last time daddy holy mack there's only who knows you guys don't know how i'm ready oh my gosh my favorites i always take so hard so some of the honey garlic one in there too okay both of those are barbecue sauces guys diana's sauce to me is one of my favorite barbecue but different flavors i don't know when that carefully because you can still break it right okay so carefully stir it up guys so all of you guys with the heavy hand try lighting up your hand i'm gonna mash up the things [Music] now it's time for it to cook down or cook done [Music] guys i'm not over exaggerating i know you're probably looking at me and like hearing me voice over right now and you're like she's so extra i am telling you there's never a point in time where i'm being extra okay i might be not even doing the level of extra that i should be because my dad's food is ridiculous okay so tasty like you guys are if you guys are cooking like this and really taking this in okay so we're doing a little checkup look at it guys look at the gravy look at it coming together [Music] if you could smell it if you could smell it scratch your screen guys scratch it scratch and see if you can get a little snap okay we're gonna try it so if you guys are really feeling fancy you can actually add some jerk sauce to your meatballs if you really want like a sweet and spicy type of feel listen you're gonna up the ante by a million not true daddy excited betty why you always have to put your foot in it i realize my foot is [Music] sweet yes [Music] look at that that's what you're looking for nice and thick man my belly right now is ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready you write about that you write about that okay guys guys honestly that one's gonna be right that one's gonna be mine that one's gonna be my that one that one the whole pot is gonna be my honest turn because you are done approximately how long do you think it took for it to be done daddy from the time you put it in with the gravy and whatnot half an hour max i think so too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please love always
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 124,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make meatballs, meatballs, bbq meatballs, korean meatballs, quarantine cooking, quarantine, cooking lessons, how to cook, jamaican cooking, at home cooking, deddys kitchen
Id: s9UMlrMVXOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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