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welcome everybody to another episode of latiff's inspired today i'm going to be doing a very simplified version of the base gravy which every or mostly uh about 80 to 90 of indian restaurants have in their restaurant it's just a shortcut to the curry where you make the sauce so i'm going to be making you a fantastic uh base gravy today on in this i think to episode [Music] what a wonderful [Music] so i'm using three british onions you can cut it in quarters no problem whatsoever so three british onions i'm gonna be using two carrots just roughly cut it onions are making me cry i'm gonna be using three uh tomatoes and two green peppers this one's quite small this is about medium size right guys so i've got all my vegetables ready so this is three medium-sized british onions and i've got a couple of green pepper peppers one red and one green i've got three tomatoes and a couple of carrots so here you go that's all the ingredients we're going to use no thick and there's no nothing it's the tomatoes and the onions are going to be the thickener and i'm using a bit of green pepper a bit of carrot for a bit of flavor right guys um i've got my onions ready my uh peppers so i used two peppers three tomatoes and um i used a couple of carrots so this is just roughly uh cut some are cut into quarters some are cut into halves no problem whatsoever because we're gonna uh cook this on a boil for about a good uh hour and then we're gonna blitz it so this is the shortcut to a sauce if you're cooking a sauce it simmers down and becomes thick in a curry so what we do for the brie ir is we make a base gravy sauce and we it has to be subtle in flavor and when we're cooking the curries we add all the spices so you can have sweet curry spicy curries and the base gravy needs to be a subtle sort of flavor so it just can enhance in whichever dish it goes into so there you go now we're gonna start cooking uh the cooking process right so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna make uh flavored water with the garam masala this is a very convenient way because i'm gonna actually use this water for the base gravy so i've chucked it in one two three four five six seven about eight um cardamoms these are the green cardamoms one two three four five six seven about seven or eight clove and this is the cassia bark which is the cinnamon indian cinnamon one two about three pieces and two bay leaf and all this is gonna boil it and get uh get all concentrate the water with all its garam masala flavor you can add styronese you can add so many things you can add fennel seeds but i'm keeping it nice and simple for you guys these are the usual suspects that go into most of the curries so we're going to boil this now right so i've got the garam masala boiling away and what this is going to do is obviously the garam masala is going to release all its flavors and its fragrance and then i'm going to add it to the base gravy so when i'm blitzing the base gravy you're not going to get little bits in your mouth right spoiler-based gravy got a nice medium sized pot so it's my luck one two three four right for the base gravy um i've got some ginger and garlic so what i'm gonna do this is a good teaspoon so i'm adding one two teaspoon of ginger [Music] [Music] fury the oil is extremely hot so it's just spitting at me so i had to get some water quickly put it on so you don't want the ginger and the garlic to burn when it burns it has a bitter taste so it was nice and golden and just ready right i've reduced the gas it was on a very high heat so have a look now there you go all right i'm using i'm using a fair bit of turmeric so that's about two teaspoons of turmeric reason why i'm using a lot of turmeric is it brings out a fantastic color this is general curry powder one two uh this is coriander powder one two so these are two teaspoons and i'm using chili powder because you want it to be subtle so i don't want it to be too spicy so that's about half a teaspoon or just over i'm using half a teaspoon of cumin powder half a teaspoon of garam masala for fantastic fragrance now what i tend to do is my rule of thumb is if i am cooking a base gravy depending on the amount of ingredients now the amount of ingredients that i have here i think two teaspoons of salt should be fine so one two remember you're just flavoring the gravy and when you're going to be cooking the actual curries you can add more salt or less no problem if you add too much salt here all your curries are going to be salty so be very careful guys we're going to use a lot of water so therefore this salt should be fine there you go you just want the rawness of the ginger and garlic everything's to sort of go away and bring out the flavor that roasted taste there you go right if you cook the masala uh for a little longer the flavor of the curries taste nice so what you can do you don't want the spices to burn so you can add a little bit more water like i did there and just let that reduce down [Music] and i'm going to be using this garam masala water here guys let this boil a bit more so once it's boiled and i smell that water you're going to have this lovely pungent garam masala almost you can almost taste it from that smell it's absolutely fantastic right the cooking process has been about five minutes and now i'm going to be adding lovely onions peppers tomato and carrots there's enough water here so i'm going to let this boil away the longer i let this boil the lovely and fragrant the water becomes right i'm gonna get a lovely little lid there you go and this all i wanted to soften up but i just want to boil this water for about 10 minutes more before i whack it into the base gravy right that's the garam masala water it's slightly reduced now i can see um the water has taken its concentration off the garam masala now look at this look at this beautiful all the vegetables just simmering away absolutely phenomenal very fragrant here we go this is all the mess that stays put the lid back on smelling absolutely phenomenal now i'm going to make myself a lovely masala tea with the rest of this right vegetables boiling away as you can see now you don't want the onions to stick at the bottom so just got myself some water there you go there's plenty of water there and basically i just want all the onions to soften up and once it's nice and soft then i'm going to blitz it put the lid back on put it on a high heat and let it cook and check up in about 10 minutes it's been a good 10 minutes everything's softening up beautifully there you go put the lid back on and we'll come back to it after another 10 to 15 minutes right it's been about a good hour let's check the veggies smelling mouth watering there you go it's all softened up check this thing out it's been a good hour i'm just gonna put a little bit of water and let this cook for a further 5-10 minutes and then it'll be ready to put it in the blender right so the base gravy has been cooking away for a good hour i've just added some water here and there there you go all the vegetables are softened up and breaking away when when it's doing that that's when it's ready so now i'm going to remove this from the heat i'm going to use a stick blender to blitz it all right i've got this massive stick [Music] blender so blitzed a little bit now i'm going to add a bit of water and bit of cream right i've just blitzed it so it's very thick as you can see this is not the consistency that i want so i'm going to add a bit of water and a bit of cream so that was about a couple of cups of cream and now some water [Music] so here you go the gravy is ready there you go it's not thick and it's not thin there you go sort of sticking onto your spoon so the consistency is right that's the base gravy right guys that was a very simplified version of the british indian restaurant the bir base gravy um that was the what i've made there was about seven to eight portions uh very simple and what you can do once you've used one two or four portions depending on your family stick it in the fridge or if you're not gonna cook it within a few days put it in the freezer in the nice containers portioned out all together depending on how many uh people that you're going to be cooking for so that was very nice and simple i'll put the ingredients on the description box um i've got my previous base gravy which is uh the one i sort of use in the restaurant but this one is very simplified versions for you guys to enjoy at home proper indian restaurant style cooking now if you've enjoyed this little vlog don't forget to like share and subscribe for more fantastic videos at latest inspired see you soon [Music] you
Channel: Latifs Inspired
Views: 115,861
Rating: 4.9326787 out of 5
Keywords: Cooking, Indian Cuisine, BIR, British Indian Restaurant, Indian, Bangladesh, How to cook, Indian food, Curry, Bhuna, Simple curry recipes, Food, Street food, Latifs Inspired, Latifs base gravy, Gravy recipe, Chicken tikka massala, Butter chicken, Gourmet indian food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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