How To Make Audio That Echoes In Unreal Engine 5 | How To Add Reverb

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hey guys and welcome back to another Unreal Engine 4 and 5 tutorial so in today's video what we're going to be going over is how to create echoing audio or audio with Reverb inside of Unreal Engine 5. so the example I'm going over today is just creating a basic sound effect they'll be playing inside of a cave obviously that will then Echo to have a bit of Reverb to it so we're gonna be doing that today it just makes it sound a lot more realistic and just adds that extra bit of detail which will really take your games to the next level so let me hit play and show we're gonna make today so what's been here what I'm going to do is simply just press one on my keyboard to play a sound effect and you'll hear that will Echo so let me be quiet and do that again [Music] foreign [Music] you can really hear the Echo and the Reverb in the background of that sound effect what I've done now is I've just disabled that I'll play it again and you can hear what it sounds like without the echo so you can hear it's just a much flatter sound and does not sound the same at all so it's very similar but you can hear there's no Echo there's no Reverb and this is obviously incredibly easy to change for your own project so again this is what I've got set up and again you can change this to make it sound with more Reverb less Reverb however you want you can customize it as much as you want but this is what we're going to be going over and creating today so without further Ado leverage this code and I'll show you how I've done it so the first thing we want to do is we want to actually have our sound effect that we're going to be using so I'm going to go to my content browser and I'm just using this click sound effect which I've got for you can hear it sounds like this what we need to make sure we do is we want to right click on this and create a queue and we can open this up straight away so every sound effects that you want to have Reverb needs to be an audio cue like this what you need to do is take override attenuation and then we can search for Reverb and make sure that enable Reverb send is ticked so again it needs to be an audio queue where you've overridden the attenuation and got Reverb enabled so you should have something like this for each individual audio that you want to have Reverb on then we're going to close this like so next what we want to do is we want to create the Reverb settings so we're going to right click go to sounds go to effects and then create a Reverb effect and I'm just going to name this one new cave re for Reverb effect or actually I'll do re new cave like so and I'm going to open it up like this now in here is where you can change all of the different details and parameters for your Reverb sounds now this is where it really comes in handy to know a lot about audio because obviously this will help you determine how you want it to really sound but the main one you're going to want to focus on is the Decay time here as this is essentially how big the room is so the larger the number the larger the room so I'm going to set mine to roughly 15 as this is a massive room I'm in you can see this is just a completely massive cave so to be honest I could probably even go a little bit higher even 20 and I could continue going up and up now I'm setting it as a high value because again I've got a big cave and also because I want it to be very obvious I've got the Reverb on here for the purpose of the tutorial but for you you can just mess around with all of these values see what works best for you and just get the perfect values for your project and for your area and because I've named this one new cave what I can do is I can create a new one for a different room so this could be if you're a cave I can create a new one for a bathroom for example if you want an echoey bathroom or an echoey tunnel whatever you can have these all have different effects so we'll save and close that the final step is determining where this Reverb is going to play so to do that very simply we can go to the ad up here and then just search for audio volume and we want to drag in the audio volume here under here you can immediately we have Reverb and the settings we obviously want to apply Reverb ticked and the Reverb effect is going to be the one we just created and you'll see there's already a load in here by default anyway so you've got Ali Auditorium bathroom all of these which you might want to use and again you've got cave and Cave Hall here as well but I'm going to use the one I made called re new cave like so and you can obviously increase the volume so I'll set mine to one and you can change the fade time as well fade time is essentially how long it's going to take in seconds to fade when you enter in and out of this box so if you have audio playing as you walk into this area it's going to take two seconds to fade from normal to refurbed and if you're walking out it'll take two seconds to go from Reverb to normal just so it has a nice smooth transition not a sudden cut off so I'm going to make this as big as I want for this area so again when the player is in this area it's going to be doing the Reverb so you have different rooms half different audio volumes and different Reverb effects on them and that is all we need to do so what I'm also doing is just inside my character blueprint I'm pressing one to just play the sound at location which for me is just click sound effect Q like so or compile save that now if we hit play what we can see is that if I to press one we can have that Reverb and you can really hear it in the back you can hear how long it's echoing and revealing for because again this is a massive cave oh it's a Reverb a lot so again I'll shut up and play it again you can really hear the Reverb there and if I were to walk over here what we'll hear is that we shouldn't have the Reverb if I keep doing it until we get too far away we're no longer going to hear the Reverb like so and you also heard it did fade out as well so if I keep doing it as walking in foreign you can hear it nicely smoothly transition into it it's not a really harsh cut off or sudden start it sounds very nice [Music] now obviously this doesn't make sense as I'm still in the cave but obviously you get the point I'm just showing you where it is and where it isn't so you can do that in your own projects as well so obviously if this was a real game I just make the whole audio volume the size of the entire cave but I think that'll be it for this video as we've done everything we want to do what we've done is we've set up an audio volume which will then allow us to have Reverb or Echoes so we can have audio and our sound effects echoing and reverbing as you can hear here so thanks so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it and I hope found it helpful and if you did please do make sure to like subscribe down below as it really does help me in the video a lot so thanks so much for watching and I'll see in the next one [Music]
Channel: Matt Aspland
Views: 11,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue4, unreal engine 4, unreal engine, tutorial, ue4 tutorial, unreal engine 4 tutorial, how to make a game, how to, blender, unity, games design, ue5, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 tutorial, ue5 tutorial, audio, echo, echoe, reverb, ue5 reverb, cave, unreal engine echo, ue5 reverb audio
Id: EgL9dFPX38c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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