Apple Galette (Easier and BETTER than Apple Pie)

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I'm definitely making this tomorrow

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/christophwelty 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2022 🗫︎ replies
thanks to beam for sponsoring this video hey what's up apple pie is awesome but making it at home from scratch kinda sucks it's hard it's fussy and very rarely is the final result worth all that hard work so today I'm going to show you how to make a much more approachable variation called the galette it's still chock full of all the cinnamony Apple goo that you want and has tons of flaky buttery crust but it's easier a lot more forgiving and probably better than Apple Pie to get started I'll grab my food processor and into the jar of that measure 200 grams of all-purpose flour 20 grams of sugar and 3 grams of salt now the lid goes on and I'll spin this up until everything is well combined and there we go next I'm gonna add in 150 grams of very cold cubed butter but not just any butter this is a high fat grass-fed butter from Ireland called kerrygold and it has an exceptional grassy buttery flavor but regular butter would work totally fine a quick note is that this high fat butter has less water in it than regular and because of that it gets softer at room temperature much faster so to make sure this butter is firm enough to cut cleanly into the flour it needs 10 minutes in the freezer to get firmed up so now the lid goes on and I'll pulse this food processor 25 to 35 times until the butter is chopped into small pieces that are roughly the size of a grain of rice don't over pulse your butter here because that would make a homogeneous pie crust that would be a lot less flaky once we've got a nice coarse butter gravel going on like this I'm going to grab a scale and measure 65 grams of ice cold water into a container next I'll start combining this by pulsing the food processor every second or so while I stream in the water pretty quickly try to get it all in there within 12 to 15 pulses too much pulsing and again we go homogeneous here and lose most of the flakiness and too little it's going to be coarse and not really mixed together the key here is to get everything combined while also leaving little droplets of cold hard butter spread evenly throughout and that looks good it's still Sandy and loose but wet enough to hold itself together a good test is to squeeze a little bit in your hand like this it should come together into something that's dough like but still pretty crumbly next a lay enough big sheet of plastic wrap and then dump in my Sandy buttery dough from there I'll come back and give it a squeeze to get things more cohesive and slightly more round and flat then I'll close up that pile of dough within the plastic wrap and then round it and flatten it into a shape of something that resembles a large hockey puck about six inches across now I need to move this over to the fridge for about an hour to both hydrate the flour and get the butter back to 100 cold and check out the dough as you can see the butter flecks are spread evenly throughout and that's exactly what we want one hour later I'll pull my dough out of the fridge so that I can soften it slightly at room temp for easier rollout and while I'm over here I'll also preheat my oven to 375 F while that preheats and this dough softens I'll make the apple filling for that I've got two medium large honey crisp apples here not only are Honeys the most superb eating apple by far but they've also got what I think is the perfect balance of acidity and sweetness for pastry I'll just peel the sides down real quick and there we go pretty Apple next I'll cut the sides off this thing leaving behind the seeds and the core and for my there I'll slice this somewhere between an eighth and a quarter inch thick we want some girth to the Apple slice so they're not mushy when they get cooked but obviously if we go too thick they're going to be overly crunchy and that would also bum me out in total we need about 300 grams of sliced honey crisp apples once they're cut I'll add in 50 grams of white sugar white over Brown because I want the Apple flavor to shine more than anything and brown makes things taste a little bit muddy then 15 grams of cornstarch to thicken things up there we go then 2 grams of salt 2-3 grams of cinnamon and optionally some nutmeg I'll grade about a grams worth on my microplane to enhance the Warm Spice of the cinnamon I don't want to go too heavy with nutmeg though because that would step on the flavor of the Apple lastly on and a few drips of lemon juice only like five grams worth okay next I'll jump in to get things combined and I'll mention don't go too rough on these because they'll macerate and get overly weepy and obviously I prefer to keep all of the apple juice inside of the Apple once these are all tossed up to combine I'm going to move them out of the way to hang out for five to ten minutes while I roll the crust for this galette but first let's think Beam for sponsoring this video like most people I struggle sleeping well from time to time especially after I've been drinking wine but when I really struggle with sleeping is after and during travel jet lag just totally destroys me luckily beam dream has been such a huge help in battling my jet lag that it's become a critical part of my travel routine and I even packed it for my most recent trip to South Korea and if you don't know what beam dream is it's a tasty little powder that's clinically shown to help you sleep better with five natural sleep promoting ingredients it comes in flavors like original cinnamon cacao sea salt caramel that's my personal favorite and they've also got other seasonal flamers like white chocolate peppermint to take it you just mix the powder into some warm water drink it before bed and catch me snoozing you guys soundly starting today November 7th you can get up to 50 off beams entire site just use my link in the description below and get 50 off your first month subscription and 20 off all of your following orders Plus your first order comes with this sick Rother you guys this is beams best offer ever so you don't want to miss out I genuinely use this product pretty regularly and I highly recommend it when I unwrap the dough you can see that it's softened just enough to be pliable but it's also still cold and quite firm to roll it out I'll hit both sides liberally with flour to keep it from sticking to the board as the butter softens then I'll flour my rolling pin and gently lay it down at the halfway mark from there I'll push forward with some firm pressure then go back to the middle and push backward with the same firm pressure the move here is to flatten this hockey puck into a sheet but we need to do that a very little bit at a time to prevent too much cracking and butter smearing after a 90 degree turn here I'll repeat that forward press and then a backward one and if the dough starts to crack around the edges no big deal it definitely will just use your fingers to press things back together and judge it in the direction you want it to head in total it should take seven to eight rounds of rolling and turning to get this relatively flattened and once it's most of the way there we can switch over to a general rolling move to to spread it out into an even flat circle that's about 12 inches wide next I'll use my bench scraper or something like it to loosen this galette dough so that it's not stuck to my board then just as if this was a pizza dough I'm going to flip it onto my right arm and then grab a 12 by wide piece of parchment paper and then carefully lay the dough into the middle of that it should just barely be hanging off the 12 inch side next I'm going to grab my rolling pin one more time and then roll this about a half inch to an inch more in each direction it'll also mention that at this point I'm using very little downward pressure so that I don't crack the crust or smear the butter too much downward force and we would flatten all those flecks of butter that we worked so hard to get earlier and there we go it's roughly 13 to 14 inches across now so let's get to work with the apples the first move is to lay these apples out in a ring around the outside about two to three inches from the edge of the pastry by the way the following semi-meticulous Apple procedure can be totally skipped in lieu of just piling things up in the middle the results will be a little bit more Rustico but tastes exactly the same once we got a nice ring of apples laid around the outside here I'll come back and shingle some additional apples going perpendicular to the original ring I'm stacking these in the same direction with the peeled part facing out that way we get a pretty fan spiral situation going on this step is actually pretty therapeutic too feels kind of like putting together a puzzle on a rainy day very relaxing once the outer ring is shingled and arranged tightly like this I'll layer three slices flat in the middle to prop up the inner ring and then I'll repeat the same shingling process as before and once I've got two rows of Tidy apples like this I'll lay a three to four piece rosette right in the middle to cover up any space that might be left over and there we go a beautiful spiral of cinnamon sugar apples now to finish this thing I'm going to grab a flap of the rolled crust and fold it over the first row of apples I repeat that making a little pleat every three to four inches then I'll move over do it again and a little pressure to seal the fold each time there should be no space between the outer ring of apples and the folded dough by the way that's going to create a really nice pocket of melty apples under the crust later on on and it might possibly be the best bite of the entire thing once we're all closed up I'll come back and judge this a bit to make sure it's pretty and looking circular looking good so far and then to get this ready to bake I'll brush it with some egg wash by the way this egg wash is just one egg and a little splash of water stirred with a fork until it's not lumpy once I've got a generous dose wiped all around the edges here I'm going to cover that wash with a bunch of crunchy Demerara sugar or sugar in the Raw this is going to bring a ton of texture to the crust and really play off of the crust's flakiness plus it kind of caramelizes lightly when it gets baked and brings some additional depth of flavor next I'll drizzle in three to four tablespoons of the cinnamony cornstarch slurry that was left behind from the apples because I really want to make sure that these apples get set in a nice gel once they're cooled and to do that I need cornstarch next a few strong pinches of flaky Malden salt because salty sweet is better than sweet sweet then I'll add in three to four thin pads of butter right on top for some extra richness once this is all tidied up into a beautiful little package like this I'm going to lift this parchment paper and drop it onto a sheet pan and then from there load it into a preheated 375 F oven to bake for 40 to 50 minutes as this bakes it's really cool to see all the water and those little flecks of butter turned to steam and puff this pastry that's a literal visual representation of flakiness being created halfway through I'll come back and turn this 180 to ensure even baking then another 20-25 minutes of baking until the apples are tender and roasted and the crust is a medium golden brown after 45 minutes in total when I pull this out you can see this really looks like something that you want to be a part of it's beautifully round it's well baked and the apples are looking really delicious the crust is perfectly cooked and burnished with crunchy raw sugar and oh the flaky salt survived too I can't wait to Crunch on that my favorite part is the crust that's full of gooey tender apples it's gonna be an amazing bite now to serve this I'll drop this still warm galette into a bowl and then top it with some well softened vanilla ice cream to bring a little melty sauciness and for all intents and purposes this is pie but it's probably better because it has a higher crust to filling ratio than pie which for me is very desirable this galette on the other hand is buttery flaky gooey and best of all very easy to make anyone can do it and I really hope you try it soon let's eat this thing if you guys struggle with sleep check out beam's holiday sale with the link in my description below to save up to 50 percent
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 163,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple galette, apple pie, pie crust, galette recipe, apple tart, fall recipes, apple recipes, food processor pie crust, cozy recipes, easy desserts, easy apple recipe, easy apple pie, dessert recipes, best apple galette, easy apple tart, honeycrisp apples, baking, best apple pie, apple pie recipe, easier apple pie, how to make apple galette, apple galette easy, apple pie easy, best desserts, cooking, brian lagerstrom, weeds and sardines, apple galette recipe, apple
Id: sSkjBodTzGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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