Six Learndash Plugins For Your first Wordpress LMS

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i recently went through a process of setting up a learndash lms for a wordpress website in this post i'll share with you a few learndash plugins that i have chosen to add to get this training website going [Music] so learndash is an excellent wordpress lms version 3.0 released in 2019 brought lots of new features requested by users by now we are in version 3.2 but there are still some things on my wishlist that haven't been added they are mainly in the area of enhancing site style functionality or improving courses management and this is where plugins come to place so in this post i will show you several essential wordpress learn dash plugins that will help you on various stages of web course development they will enable you to complete your projects efficiently and allow greater customization of your online training website all the links will be either in the description below or in the notes on the screen and i'm not ranking these plugins but rather presenting them in the order that i needed them when working on my projects okay so let's see what's on that list learn dash content cloner to duplicate course hierarchy i don't like wasting time and one of the things that i usually check when i start working with the new system or on the new project is whether the book import cloning or migration is possible so the content cloner add-on makes it possible to clone the entire course with the click of a button including all associated content so lessons topics and quizzes you can duplicate course hierarchy and edit titles in bulk and after cloning the entire course the book title editor makes it easy for you to change the title of each course lesson topic and quizzes eliminating the need to visit each of them individually so this plugin is a real time saver login press to make beautiful login pages login press will help you to customize your login page for wordpress and you can completely modify the look and feel of your login page and make it look like it's a part of your site layout so for example you can change the background the menu icon or icons and all the error messages you can change the size and the content of your login box and all of this will make learners think that they are on the custom login page not the wordpress login page so one functionality that i particularly like here is the social login it's a pro functionality but definitely worth to consider i think users often expect that the website gives such an option social login makes it super easy for people to register on your site and log in just within one click with their social media account it even automatically creates an avatar pulling from the user's profile photo from that social network so login press is free but you need to pay for some upgrades so definitely check it out and kind of learn dash toolkit to give you tons of additional options the uncanny learn dash toolkit is really popular when i came across this plugin for first time and installed it to test it the best thing was that it gave me really good few ideas of what are other functionalities i might need or i might like so it's a free plugin with selection of several functionalities that can be activated for free on your site and examples of free enhancements include enabling a login form logging redirect resuming courses and the full list of all these features is on the plugin site and in the uncanny plugin menu section on your wordpress dashboard so you can find many of these unique individual features as separate add-ons in the wordpress repository but what is really really cool about this uncanny plugin is that you have all of them added to your e-learning site with only one plugin so one installation lots of functionalities so again real time saver course grid add-on to enhance the visual experience of your website visitors in past i was not happy with this basic display that i learned gave and i wanted the course to be displayed in a more visually appealing way and the course grid add-on is a native land dash plugin that was designed to create this responsive course library that can be inserted on any page or post of your site and brings a bit more visual appeal so you can choose to display your courses in one two four i think up to 12 columns and courses can be displayed with their featured image with the short custom description or even use a video instead of the featured image so i used it in the past but recently i came across some wordpress themes that had this enhanced greed functionality built in so i think really depending on the team you use you might need it or not and also if you go for paid version of uncanny toolkit you'll get the greed option as a part of the upgrade and just one other last thing i have checked a second ago and the course grid was not updated for the last seven months which seems quite a long time so maybe just be careful with this one design upgrade the design upgrade for learndash has a free version and you can also upgrade to a pro i used it in the past but in this case again i do not seem to be able to see any significant change after activating it it might depend on the theme you're using and mine is actually quite powerful so perhaps most of the things that the free version of the design upgrade offers my team already has it apparently it has really great paid version with over 100 additional functionalities but i haven't tried this one yet so what it does or really what it should help with the premise was that it redesigns some aspects of learn dash so it resembles the existing wordpress theme and in my example here because of the theme i used uh is quite powerful the free version does not really make any a huge difference so i would say if you think you might need it just try it maybe it will help under construction to have beautiful placeholders while you work on your site so this plugin is not only for learn dash it's one of the plugins that i install as just one of the first plugins when i set up any wordpress website and it can be described as really easy one page builder that allows you to create install and configure beautiful maintenance mode pages coming soon pages or landing pages or actually page that should be singular there is a pro version but the free version has plenty to offer and it's usually enough if you just need a simple under construction or coming soon page with links to your social media okay so that's it for now i know there are lots of other plugins out there in the wordpress repository these are just some examples of basic plugins i installed in my early days with this learn dash project if i missed any plugins that you could recommend or you would install us first or if there are any nuances this post was published please let me know feel free to post the comment below the video or subscribe if you want to receive updates and see you next time
Channel: eLearning-ninja Learning Design
Views: 4,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x457-fdqSSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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