How To Create An eCommerce Website FREE With Wordpress 2020! [Elementor WooCommerce Tutorial]💰✅

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hey what's up guys my name is Darrow and welcome to this ecommerce tutorial today in this video I'm gonna teach you all how to create your own professional and beautiful ecommerce website step by step and you don't need to know a thing about coding or know any HTML whatsoever because everything in this video is done with a free drag-and-drop page builder for WordPress so after watching this video you'll be able to fully customize and control your own personal online store and you'll also be able to take payments and credit cards right away right after watching this video and setting up this ecommerce website is super easy you pick your domain you install WordPress you install your free theme and then simply select the free e-commerce template and you'll have your website up and running in a few clicks then feel free to change things like the text you can change the size the color of the font you can move stuff around you can swap images and put any text you want on your website so let me give you a tour of the website and show you what you can expect to learn from this ecommerce tutorial so first what we're gonna do is I'll show you how to make a home page so you can use any image you want right here you can use any font any color I'll show you how you can incorporate a menu right here and also put a logo right here if you don't have a logo don't worry about it because I'm gonna give you a resource on where you can get a really nice logo then I'll show you how to set this section up right here where you can have something like different categories so for example this can be dresses this can be sunglasses and this can be tank tops and it doesn't matter what industry you're in this can be any category that you want right here I'll show you how you can set products on your websites where you hover over it and now it has like a different kind of style right there so you can have it either people hover over it it'll change or you can have it just plain where they hover over it and nothing happens it's up to you here we have some icons so I'll show you how to put in these icons right here and then we'll go ahead and finish it off with this call to action and then our footer right here now I've shown you the home page so let's talk about products now I'm gonna teach you how you can create your own products here so for example right here I'm selling this iPhone now you can sell this iPhone for any price that you want you can sell it for any currency that you want there sky's the limit here so for example I have this black iPhone here I'll put in some description of its this is a must-have phone here I actually let them know that I have 20 left in stock there's categories of iPhones and I put some tags and below that we have reviews we have description and also upsells as well now for the review you can actually disable this if you choose to not have reviews on your website you can go ahead and disable that as well also I'll teach you how to create variable products as well so for example let's say you're selling iPhones or you're selling something with t-shirts and you have different sizes and colors I'll show you how you can have different variables so for example right here I have a red 16 gig foam that cost three hundred dollars and if I go to 32 gig it changes to 400 also what I can do here is do a black phone and right here I have a four hundred dollar 32 gig black phone and then we change that back to a 16 gig and vice versa so I'll show you how you can set up variable products as well on your website so you'll be basically like all ready and set to go after watching this video and they'll go ahead and talk to you about the shop page as well now on your shop page you'll have all your products right here you can go ahead and list them right here you can also add sales to your products as well right here on the right side we have widgets so you can have your bestsellers you can have certain categories you can list any sort of category you want or any sort of topic that you want on your right side right here right here we have browse by categories as well and then of course we just have a lot of other products right here and also right here we have a search products and then right here we have a filter by price by popularity average rating etc now what we can also do is we can actually have specific pages just for our products so for example right here I have a the men's section right here now what this is going to do is that it's only going to display the men's products on this page right here so we can category to all of our products onto a specific page so right here we have men women accessories etc now also what we can do is every customer that buy something on your websites they'll have their own personal account section so right here they can see their orders they can have their own dashboard they can see their payment methods and they can check their account details as well so I'll show you how you can set all this up and of course you can customize all this as well right here we have the about a section so this page right here it's just like an about Us page guys like how we got started and this is our website you know we all started in our mom's garage and you know now we're here etc so I'll show you how you can set up your about Us page as well on your website and then we'll go ahead and fish it off with the contact form so right here people can come to your website and if they have any questions or they want to know anything about your products for your store they can go ahead and fill out a contact form and this email will go directly into your email inbox and you will get it right away so it's a pretty clean contact form really nice really simple now let's just say they're all okay you know Daryl you showed us all that but what do my customers actually go through you know what's the checkout process how do I get paid how do I make money etc so right here for instance I'm a basic customer and I decided to say you know I want to go ahead and purchase one of these and one of these and I also have a coupon code so I'll put in a coupon code right there and you'll see that I get a small discount off of the total price so I'll show you as well how you can set up coupon codes as well on your websites here I'll click on proceed to checkout I'll go ahead and scroll down right here and right now the customer can actually put in their credit card right on your websites and they can get paid you can get paid right away on your website so let me just give you a test run right here so I'm putting in a fictional credit card right here and it's right here something like that and right now your customer will say okay I put in my credit card I'm gonna go to place order so this is the exact same checkout process of what your customer is going to go through they can also pay with credit card and they can also pay with paypal if they have PayPal and if you want to set it up as well so right now the transaction is taking place and voila it is all done you have received money they have paid you now whatever your customer buys something you are going to get an email and they will also get a sales receipt as well so the transaction has taken place and everything is done so let's go back to our home page so this is something that you can expect to learn by watching this ecommerce tutorial now after we create our e-commerce website I'm gonna go a step further and I'm gonna help you guys out I'm actually gonna give you resources and websites where you can find products as low as 10 cents and resell them on your website for any price that you want after that I'm going to show you all how you can import all of your products instantly to your Facebook fan page so people can actually click on a product and they'll go to checkout on your website and it'll be added to the cart and instantly being able to purchase right away and right on your websites now after that I'm gonna give you resources on where you can actually list your products then we'll finish it off by giving you more information on how you can get more traffic and sales to your e-commerce websites so this is gonna be like the ultimate ecommerce tutorial so not only am i showing you how to create a website step-by-step but I'm gonna help you guys out after we make this such as finding products how to promote it on Facebook where to post your products and also how to get more traffic and sales for your e-commerce website because I truly want you guys all to be successful so if you guys are ready to learn how to create ecommerce websites let's go ahead and get started let's go to the first step so we're going to do this in four simple steps step one is we are going to get your domain and hosting so for example your website com step two is we're going to install WordPress step three is we're going to install our theme and our free page builder so we can import our three templates and step four is I'm going to show you how to make your website look amazing now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page that looks just like this right here and this is sycron com now I've been through many web hosting companies Hostgator Bluehost and hands-down psych round is the best it's the fastest it also has the best uptime as well and I even tested them against 15 other way posting companies for three months and cycroid came up as number one as the fastest and the most reliable with 24-hour customer support and even a 30-day money-back guarantee so you can be searching that this is the ultimate and the best web hosting company to choose from now there's three plans right here so we have the grow big the startup and the grow geek now in all my videos I recommend the grow big option because with the grow big option you can host unlimited websites rather than just a single website right and personally if you're just getting started out I don't think you need to go geek just yet and remember you can always upgrade later so right here under the grow big click on get plan now we're going to register your domain name so get a coffee do what you got to do to think about your new website so right here I'll just do something like elements or guide element or guide comm and I'll click on proceeds so remember this is your website address so this is going to be the name of your website so give it some thought all right and right here we're gonna go ahead and put in our account information so you put your email your password yada yada I'm sure you've all seen these these screens before you give him your social security number and your bank account I'm just kidding you don't do that so here you put in your client information your payment information with credit card etc now scroll down right here and I want to talk about the hosting services so in all my videos I recommend the 12 months because 12 months will give you the biggest discount and remember you also get a 30 day money back guarantee so you're really not risking anything at all in this video and right here for the extra services I'm just gonna say click this right here the domain privacy because if you don't click on this people can actually see your personal information they're gonna send you spam they're gonna send you viagra they're gonna send you sex pills all this really weird and bizarre stuff that you're gonna get in your email so please make sure you protect it and have the domain privacy checked and once you're done with that so you'll scroll down you'll click on I have confirm I have read and agreed to the sycron terms I'm sure you're all gonna read this right here and also this right here right so I'll just look the other way what you guys do that's and if you want to receive emails from psych round you can check this box right here and once you're done filling in all your information you'll click on pay now and that will meet you on the very next page alright cool so I sign up for my hosting package now right here you click on proceed to customer area right now they're basically getting our web hosting account set up for us right here you can see we have set up sites so click on set up site now right here we have the option to start a new website and migrated websites and right here under start a new website we'll click on select right here and choose the application so right now we're gonna use WordPress so click on select now right here make sure you enter in your email and a password now this is actually to log in and make changes to your website so later on when we build our website and you want to log back in and kind of change stuff and modify stuff make sure you write this down so you don't forget it so once you put in your email and your password you'll click on continue right here now they're offering another service but for right now I'm just gonna decline it you can always get it I have this on my websites icon site scanner it will basically scan your website every single day to see if anyone's like put anything like malicious code or anything but for people getting started you probably don't need that right now so right here click on finish now right now sycron is actually setting up your website and it's installing WordPress on to your domain so we can build our websites also while you're waiting go ahead and let me know what kind of website you're building if you're building a website for your friend or for your business I'm always interested to hear what people are building with these tutorials alright cool so our website has been created so go ahead and scroll down right here and go to manage websites alrighty and this is basically your new dashboard so this is the dashboard to always do something and if you want information about your website this is where you're going to get it so here you can make email accounts you can see your name servers you can see your IP address pageviews and also visitors for people who are visiting your websites now on the left side right here you'll click on WordPress and click on install and manage now scroll down right here and you should see your domain right here now we already have WordPress installed so to log in to your new website right here just click on login to admin panel all right now right here it's gonna ask us for like a setup wizard personally you don't need to do this and you can just click on exit right here and congratulations this is your two WordPress websites your website is now live on the Internet's if you want to see your websites you can go over here and click on visit sites and this is now your new WordPress websites let's go back over here click on dashboard and let's go ahead make some changes now to your websites now right here under plugins click on plugins and click on install plugins we don't need this plug-in installed this WordPress starter it's just basically something to like help us get started but we don't really need this and we'll talk about what plugins are a little bit more just a bit but right here click on deactivate now also over here under users if you don't want to change your your password or your email go to your profile right here under users and also right here you can kind of change the scheme of your how it looks I like midnight's I just think it looks a little bit better but if you want to change the email and password for your accounts right here under nickname you can change this and then right here and your email you can also change this as well so this right here is the email where you're going to if you do like forgot password this is where it's going to go also to change your password right here you click on generate password and you can put in any password you want and then right here you'll click on update profile alright and there's one more thing we need to do before we start getting a little bit more to the building process right here in their settings we'll go to permalinks now I want you to change your permalinks right here to post name and the reason why we do this is because usually when you go to a website right you see your website comm slash about us right or you know your website com - contact us knots - 0 9 - 10 - 13 there's no reason to have all that so put it on our post name and click on Save Changes alright so we updated our links and I also switched my domain I hope you guys don't mind now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page to download the free piece below that we're going to use to build our website now it'll take you to a page that looks just like this right here you can also get here we going to Darrell Wilson comm slash Elementor and just go to enter and I'll bring it to this page right here I do seem a small credit if you guys decide to upgrade in the future but for most of us we will not upgrade it we just the free version is just what we need so right here you'll click on free download and go ahead and put in your email address my pants and they'll go ahead and they'll download the free page builder for us alright and let's go back to our websites and we're gonna go and upload that plugin so over here in our plugins go to add new right here now right here under upload plugin click on this click on choose a file and then go ahead and simply open the file and install it so what we're doing right now is we're basically uploading the page builder to our website so we can build out our website but we're gonna be using templates that are provided by the theme so we don't have to build this from scratch you know we're we're lazy you know 2019 2020 you know we're lazy we want easy templates we don't want to build it from scratch we want a one-button demo importer and that's exactly we're gonna do in this video so I activated the Builder I'm gonna click on close here right now and click on this right here now the next thing that we're gonna do is we're going to install the WordPress theme and import the demo content so over here to appearance click on themes now how WordPress works in a nutshell in case you've never used WordPress right here click on add new is that basically every single website has a certain scheme to a different style to it and you can see here from all these other themes that every single theme has a different style but this can all be achieved with the page builder I mean you can basically build out any of these styles with the page builder that we're gonna use and the one that we're gonna use is called Astra now you can also find it by going over here to search themes and typing in Astra and click on install now I personally use this on my website so I really use it I'm not some guy who's like hey go ahead and do this and then like they don't use it right I really have this on my website durable centcom along with the elements our page builder now right here you'll click on activate alright cool so we activated our theme now on the left side right here you notice that astral options now appears click on Astra options and on the right side right here I want to click on install importer plug-in now this is gonna do is that it's going to import our entire website for us and make everything for us so we don't have to do it from scratch and then we're going to modify it and then we're going to turn this into a money-making machine so right here you'll click on Elementor and click on next now they have a lot of demo template websites for us to choose from and we're gonna choose an e-commerce free layout that they've already made for us oh that's a cool one a little dogies it's a new one they added it's cool but right here you'll click on ecommerce and these are the layouts that they provide now the ones that are free are the ones without the agency now if you do want to later on purchase the these themes right here there's a link below to purchase this theme they're pro version but you don't have to you can use the free version for now right here you'll see brands store so click on this and this looks a little familiar to our website right it looks just a little bit and we're gonna modify this and make this look really really cool so on the left side right here click on import websites and now what it's doing is that instance it's installing all the pages all the demo products all the plugins everything that we need to get your e-commerce website up and running so it's gonna take a few minutes alright so that took around 2 minutes and 41 seconds a little longer than usual but right here just click on visit sites and voila your brand new e-commerce website now again this is a fully functional ecommerce website and let me show you how to set it all up so let's go ahead and scroll down right here just take a look right here so you can see here how all of the demo content was imported we have everything ready to go we have some demo products and I'll show you how you can price your own products will delete all these products a little later and I'll show you how to make your own products how to price them how to add shipping tax whenever you want etc but you can see right here our website is all done and ready to go so let's go ahead make sure everything's working correctly so right here I'll click on store now this right here is my store now if you actually get it a bug or there's nothing here I'm gonna show you how to fix that because that actually happened to me one time over here go to dashboard now this is only if people who actually clicked on store don't see anything over here under pages and click on all pages and these right here are the pages that you actually have now right here under store just click on edit right here and all you need to do is click on update or you can actually just go on the top edit page and then click on update and once you do that you'll click on View page and the page should be displayed correctly again also you can click on edit page up here so for example you'd have the option to go to edit page just click on edit page and then go to update and that should fix your store I have heard complaints that that was a small bug and glitch it's happened to me once before so I just decided to throw the Senatorial just in case it happened to you okay so that's how you would fix that glitch or bug over here we have men and these are categories so for example if you're selling I don't know if you're selling weed you could have indica sativa you're selling water you can have bottled water or spring water or I don't know and then here another category women so you can have something like phones Androids Apple etc so these right here are just categories and I'll show you how to set of categories in this tutorial this right here is your customers account dashboard and we can go ahead and change this image to anything that you want we can also change the font as well but this is basically where your customers are going to get all their info such as their orders and everything else their account details etc here we have the about Us section or you can talk about yourself saying about your company how you got started how you were in your mom's garage and now you're making a million dollars you gotta buy the e-book kind of thing drive in Lamborghinis etc and this right here is the contact us page or I'll show you how to set up a contact form a little bit later after we talk about the home page so let's go back to our home page right now now let's go ahead and kind of mess around the settings and let's get you comfortable with this page builder so the first thing you want to do if you want to edit a page you'll click right here on edit with Elementor alright so this right here is how we would design our page so for example let's just say you want to change this text you can go and say good offers I get Ottawa Oh what was that Darrell was all that and let's just say you want to add in an element so let's just say you know what I want to add in some text right here you see that little blue line you can drop it right there under style this is where you're going to change everything so you're going to change the text color the typography etc so let's say for instance I want to make this white and you want to change the font you want to add a bold you want to add an underline the Style section is where you're going to design everything here again you can kind of move stuff around and say alright I want to here I want it there on it there and right here these dots right here this is where you're going to go back to the elements section and you can go ahead and drag in for example you can drag in a button you can drag in a video player right here to talk about your service clicking back over here we can put in some more text right here etc so I've added all this stuff in now let's just say alright alright I want to get rid of all this I want to delete it simply right-click any elements or it'll let me see this video right click any elements and click on deletes for this one right here right click on the elements deletes right here the button we don't want right click and click on delete right there now we can go ahead and take things out so for example right here on the demo I have over here I chose to actually get rid of this right here I don't really want this because you know these companies they're not really real so I just want to get rid of this section so I'm gonna click on the X right there delete it now right here we have these images now there is a link below in this video again and you can go ahead and download all of the demo images that I use for my website to help you follow along so you know what to do so go ahead and download those images so I'll go ahead and I'll download them as well but right here I'll click on this section right here and go to style you see how we have this image right here click on choose the image upload files select the files and then go ahead and download the folder in the description of this video you're gonna get these images right here I'm just gonna go ahead and right click or hold shift and download all of these so right here I'll click on open and now what I'm doing is I'm uploading all those images now to my WordPress website so I can use them on my website and you might want to do the same thing so if you have image is that you need or that you want to add to your website this is how you would upload images all right so my image is finally uploaded now I'm gonna click on this one right here with this girl and then click on insert media and now you can see that the girl is right there now right here under the position we can kind of control like the position so center left center Center center right bottom left etc so you can kind of you know get customizable and decide where you want to put the image so I'll just do something like like I don't know this one's good right here right and then again you can always change the text right here so we can put like a we'll put 30% off and then maybe right here in their style you want to change a typography to something so you want to do was an architect's daughter we're doing or as architects daughter something like that you know you can always do that but I think that looks a little tacky so I don't want to do that so I'll just go ahead and click on default now again right here you can do the same thing I'll click on this section right here which controls the background the column style and then choose the image and then I'll go ahead and add in an image of this guy right here and then I can't see him right now so let's let's see if we can fix this here I'll do top right and there you go that works perfectly fine now also we have different options right here so you can use a gradient color if you want to do a gradient so for example right here we have a gradient background now so we have black and a red and also you can add in a classic which is again just an image you can also add in a slideshow as well which is just multiple images it's just basically a slider that loops images over and over personally I think that's too much and that's gonna really gonna make your your audience like dude there's too much stuff going on on your website now there's also the option for hover right here and hover means that when someone hovers over this section what do you want to happen so for example right here I'll just put in gradients and I'll just throw in this these two random colors now right here you see I have normal but if I hover over it you see now how it has that gradient you see that so now that we've done that we'll go to this one right here and we'll do the same things now over here on my websites I have a picture of this girl right here so I'll go on over here and I'll simply do the same thing style and I'll go to choose the image and I'll select the girl right here insert media and let's do center left or center right since her rights good there we go now if you ever want to save something just click on this update right here on the bottom left and there you go it's saved and if you want to see your site live just click on this hide panel right here and now you go there you go so now you have this section all done then there you go so let's go on and keep going so before we talk about the advanced stuff like margin and padding I just want to get you all comfortable with the page builder to kind of understand how things work so for example these dots right here this controls every section so whenever you see these dots it usually controls the entire section and then this right here is inside of this section and it controls this section so just click on these dots right here and let's just say we go to the Advanced section now we'll talk a little bit more about margin and padding and just the bits but margin and padding is space and you might use those eventually on your website but for example right here there's 50 margin to the top right but if I get rid of this you're gonna see how it goes up like that and if I add margin you're gonna see it goes down like that so what I want to do is I want to get rid of the margin you know I think there's too much white space right there so we'll talk more about margin padding a little bit more when we decorate our homepage let's just keep scrolling down here so here we have featured products and right here is where a product will be displayed while you're editing the page you cannot see your products but once you click on update and save you are able to see your products now let's go ahead and change this section right here so now my website right here you can see that I have this section and I like this section a little bit more better I think this section looks much more attractive than something like this right here so what I want to do here is I want to go ahead and change stuff now right here you can kind of see we have one middle section so right here I don't need this box right here right we don't need two boxes so I can just right click on this I'm sorry I can click on this right here and right click and click on delete so now all I have one section right now let's just say I want to send her stuff you know cuz this stuff doesn't look good I'll click on this text we'll go to I think it's style but I think alignments right here actually this will work yeah there we go guys I use a lot of page builders I use like six oh all right super proud every single one you know sometimes I forget exactly where they are right here the text-align here again a line and this section right here I just want to delete it you know I don't think we need this section right here so let's just go ahead and right-click and delete this section and then also for the button right here I want to Center this button right there now I want to go ahead and add it in a different background image now do you know how to do that I think you know how to do that by now right these buttons up here control this whole section so buttons style are you getting it so you understanding its now I'm gonna go ahead and upload that image I think the image is right here it's hard to see because you can see right here how these people are in the end and I'll click on insert media so now that I put that in I want to actually take this and I want to bring it down here because if we actually have our products displaying right here and I just don't want this banner so what I want to do here is I want to add a new section right here so I'm gonna click on this plus icon right here just put in a single space right there and then I'm gonna take this right here and I'm gonna drag it into this right here right there alright sweet so now that that's there the product will display right here with my icons right there and then I'll have my footer section right here so because I want to expand this across so what I'll do over here is I'll go on here to this section right here change this content width to full width and then below that we have the column gap so I want to get rid of all these little gaps right here so under this section right here I'll just say no gap and now you can see how the gaps have now disappeared and it stretches all the way across now what I want to do now is I want to fix this image so whenever you have images and you add them to your site you can kind of position them where you want them to be so right here I'll click on these dots right here and these these dots they control this section right here now right here under style I'll go over here to position and I'll do something like a top center or default and you can kind of get an idea of where it is but a better thing to do is actually to take the size right here and actually just go to contain and now you can kind of see where you're at right now you kind of get an idea of what you're doing so over here in our attachments I want to change its default right now and I don't want to repeat and then right here we can do something like you know default or you can kind of position this different parts etc so we're here I'll just leave it as defaults now for this image right here you know maybe I want to go ahead and do something like automatic which looks a little bit better something like that and then maybe right here instead I can do the position of something like center center to kind of achieve something like that right there instead so you just kind of have to move stuff around and find out what works for you so now that I did that let's go and add in an overlay so over here background overlay I'll go ahead and select the color I'll select black and I just wanna select an overlay over this like that right there so now we have this section right here and it looks beautiful so that's how you can achieve this section now guys we're right now we're just designing the page I'm just getting you comfortable with the page builder so the next section what I want to do is I want to add in three little blurbs below this section so to add a section I'll click on this plus and right here I'll click on these three sections so I want to add three blurbs so right here I'll click on this and then I'll go ahead and find an icon box and I'll just drag it in there like that and then what I can do here is I can actually just duplicate this like this right here so it duplicates and then I'll go ahead and duplicate it as well and then here I can just go ahead and delete and then delete as well so right here I'm just gonna go ahead and put in something like you know you can change the icon right here in the library you can change like a dollar sign so for example you can add reassurance for your website's so for example like money's money back gaurantee you got put money back money back and then here we can add some demo contents you know something like you know we offer 60-day returns etc and also for this style you can always go ahead and change the color of the icon as well so for example right here changes it to that or that or this or that or something that you want and what we can do here is I'll say alright we have this right here that looks good now again instead of actually doing all this from scratch you can just delete these and duplicate this as well so I'm just kind of like opening up your your brain to just different scenarios on how you can use duplicate so right here I'll click on this pen right here and I want to add a border so I want to add something that goes around this so over here under the under the Advanced section well I will go to border and then right here under solid I will add a 1 there we go one pixel like that and there you go and then what I can do here again instead of doing all this from scratch is just delete these and then I'll go ahead and duplicate this so using the duplicate function is really helpful it'll save a lot of time and effort you can see now I have this full section made and I can just you know duplicate it and move on to the next section now if I want to add padding right here there's a few ways I can do this so right here under edit section I'll go to the Advanced section right here and I want to add some padding right here so I want to add some padding to the top right there now I want to click on this right here and just say I only want it to the top so padding again is space so the whole reason why I'm teaching you this section is because I want you to be able to change stuff later whenever use templates or something else from another tutorial and that's it we made this section and here I'll click on update and the last thing we're going to do here is we're simply going to go ahead and just change this section right here so I hope hopefully by now you know how to kind of rearrange stuff and change things so up here I'll click on these dots and I'll go to style I'll choose the image and I want you to upload that image that I have in the folder which is this one right here and voila so here what we can do is we can go ahead and change this font to something like I think the font I use and the demo is called architect's daughter or some like that architects the architect's daughter you know yeah that was it you know that's the font I use it's it's pretty bizarre looking here I'll take this text and I'll just drag it up there and I'll just delete it I'll just delete this text actually I don't really want it and then here I'll just put in my fashion now what I can do here is I'll go right here and I'll take this text I'll put something there and then right here I'll take this text and I'll drop it in right there all right and then here I'll just put it in like summer sale and I'll make this a little bit smaller so I want to make all of this small now on my demo website over here I have this as black so what I can do change all this up to black right here so again style typography or attire text color and then change all this to block right here style and then also change this to black and what I might want to do is I might want to reduce the opacity right so I might want to go ahead and go back over here to this section go to background overlay and slightly just reduce this you know so this stands out a little bit more I think I use a blue section like that yeah so the blue and that picture kind of kind of comes off as grey you can see so that's how I'm achieving this section and then right here I just made this Tech's a little bit bigger so typography I have the size a little bit bigger like that and then what I can do here is under the margins section I can add in some margin like that it's just to kind of get a little bit closer like that and then the same thing for this one right here this one actually has let's see there's not margin on this yeah it's actually has margin on already we can just get rid of this margin and then there you go and now we have this section and it's it's all ready to go so you can see it looks very very similar to ours right here of course there's just a little space right here and then you can go ahead and mess around with that now for the button right here all's I did was I added a background color so if I click on this button right here you can actually go to style and you can kind of design it so for the background color right here I just put in a black background like this right there and then you can kind of go ahead and we're gonna go ahead and link that to other parts of our website later but let's just go ahead and save all of our progress so guys congratulations we have done our homepage so hopefully by now you have enough training to kind of understand how to use the page builder let's go ahead and move on now away from the page builder and let's go on to the other pages and see if there's anything that we want to change or just talk about how to even add pages so let's go ahead and close this right here I'm going to view page all right now over here we have our menu so let's go to our about Us page now again our about Us page and go ahead and change to anything that you want right here by simply clicking on edit with Elementor and you can go ahead and add anything that you want you can change anything that you want etc this little little pop-up they have for a new feature or something like that and also what I want to note is that this page builder actually has blocks and templates so whenever you want to add a section like this right here you see this little folder right here now this Boulder has pre-made templates now some of these are free and some of these are pro if you do want to purchase the pro I'll leave a link in the description of this video and you can go ahead and purchase the pro version and you get access to these templates right here now that the pro version you also get other things like you get more modules more elements more templates more blocks etc now what blocks are blocks are basically just pre-made sections that you can just kind of pick and add to your website so for example if I want to click on insert right here and add this block to my website you can see here now the block was added to our websites and this section is now a part of our website so I'll go ahead and delete that and that is just a quick way on how you can you know change stuff and add blocks and templates etc so now that we've done that let's go ahead and go to our contact form and make sure that your contact form is working it's got a view page you know I think there's a plugin that was not installed it looks like WP forms is being weird remember we talked about short codes so short codes again are from plugins so let's go over here to dashboard and we're gonna go to plugins and let's go to installed plugins really quickly I want to see if this plugin was installed oh it is right there it's just not activated that's it's a little weird so WP forms light now if you can't find this it's not in your dashboard go to add new and right here go to paste and you will find WP forms and this is the plugin that you need right here so I have it installed so I'll just click on activate alright it's activating alright cool so now that's that that's activated our form should actually be working let me just go ahead and double check right here let's go back to visit sites and contact us and now see if our form will display right here send us a message it's going to refresh the page really quickly No so let's go back over here to dashboard and let's go ahead and make a contact form let's go over here to WV forms all forms and right here we'll go to add a new and right here simple contact form so we'll create a simple contact form now this contact form you can kind of drag in drag and drop stuff so you can drag in like numbers right here and you know if you want to make it required you click on this and then make it required so something like that and then I click on save now to make sure you know what email this goes to now by default this is going to send it to the email that WordPress was installed with so if you want to change that email you go to settings right here and you can go ahead and put in whatever email that you wants right here and it'll send it to that email and then this right here is your email subject so like a new email from e-commerce website this will basically remind you where the email came from etc so I'm going to save that close this now that we have the shortcode copied and pasted let's go ahead now and paste it on to our website so here visit sites contact us and I will edit the page that Elementor now right here it looks like this charcoal thing is not working I'll just delete all this because this site didn't it was for another contact more something there's a few ways on how you can do this just type in code and short code right here you can just drag this and just go ahead and paste that show code right there and then go to apply alright and there is our contact form I'll click on update and now you have a beautiful contact form and when someone emails you it will go directly to your email inbox pretty amazing right so it looks like we're all done creating the website so I've shown you how to kind of use the page builder how to make an about Us page Contact Us page now if you want to make a new page from scratch you're gonna go to plus new and go to page and let's say you want to make like a services page I'll just list really quickly so over here I don't want a sidebar right and I want it to be all the way across full with stretched and I want to disable this title so services I don't want that to display on my website so here I'll disable the title click on publish and now I'll click on edit Elementor so this again is whenever you want to make a page so you can just add a page and make it in an add it to your menu so right here I'll just use a template really quickly I'll just grab this one right here and it's just gonna import this templates now what I want to do here is I want to add it to my menu right here so let's go ahead and go over here to view the page or actually I should have just gone exit a dashboard huh yeah for those people or experience like what are you doing Darryl let's go to exit so over here I'll go to appearance and I'll go to menus now simply whenever you want to add a page to your website so right here I'm gonna make sure this is my primary menu I'm gonna select my primary menu and I have my services section right so I want to take my services and add it to the menu now this the services is right there now let's say for instance you want to have a drop-down menu so maybe you don't want to have men woman accessories all show up right we can do here as we can draw these like that and then click on save menu so now let's watch what that does to your websites so here I'll go over here to visits and now you see right here home the services the store and now these are drop-down menus so when I hover over it it'll display those pages so now if I click on services right here it's going to display the services section and voila there we go it's all set up seeing a little funky right here so I don't know maybe I want to delete that page or something like that maybe it's being a little weird or something like that so I've shown you all now how to make your home your services your contact page I've shown you how to create pages now just in case you don't know how to link pages I'm just going to show you really quickly so let's say for example if someone clicks on find more you want to take them to your contact page or if someone clicks on shop now you want to take them to your shop page right here I'll go ahead and click on the contact us page and right here I'll just go out and grab the link copy this and we'll go back to our home page right here and I'll click on Elementor and all I need to do is take that link and put it inside the button so let me just go ahead and show you really quickly right here find more go ahead and paste that and updates and here I'll go ahead and click on View the page now when someone clicks on this button right here it'll take them directly to your Contact Us page alright so that was just one section that I wanted to cover just make sure that you understand how to link pages let's go ahead and get away from the Builder experience and let's go ahead now and go to the theme customizer options and then we're gonna start making products so ensure the theme customizer controls the outside of the website so it controls what the page Buller isn't controlling basically so right here click on customize and now we're gonna kind of mess around the theme customizer it just basically adds like options for your footer and basically your header option as well as some commerce features as well so right here we have header and site identity so by default they had this logo right here but I'm just gonna go ahead and remove this I don't really want this right here and I'll add in my own logo so right here under logo I'll click on select logo and I'll go to upload files and go ahead and upload a logo now if you need a logo you can go to there is a link in there skipping this video it's a fiver so I'll go over here to Darrell Wilson calm - fiver I do have a coupon code as well I think I use the code Darrell 10 you'll save 10% off your first order but right here just type in logo and this is where I personally got my logo and you can get a logo for as little as $5 so over here under budget just put like something like 5 to 10 and then you'll come across like oops there we go there we go you'll come across they'll come across these people making logos for like 5 bucks and I got my logo from these guys so when you see my logo you're gonna say well as logos not bad at all you know it's actually pretty nice they make really good good logo is just have to kind of go through each seller find out which one's good find out which one sucks and just kind of work your magic I mean right here this guy is offering logos for $10 $10 $10 ten dollars right here as well so in the folder I gave you all there is my logo I actually made it all whites for this tutorial I think it's actually right here and this is it right here I'll click on select and right here you can't see cuz it's all white so I'll just go ahead and do this right here and then we'll go ahead and do trial and error and we'll kind of measure on my logo a little bit later so there's my logo right there I'm gonna go ahead and say don't want this for different local devices know what's here here different logo for Retina devices yes now what I need to do here is I probably need to add this for the transparent menu as well so let's go ahead and go over here now what I want to do here is since this is a transparent menu this section is gonna be controlled in the transparent menu option so right here different logo for transparent header I'll take that off I'm saying no I want to use my logo for all of them right now let's go back over here to primary header and I want to change the size of this right here I'm sorry it is under site identity I'll scroll down right here and under logo with I can reduce the width of my logo right there see that I'll leave it right there now for site icon the site icon you can see right here on fiber this is the actual site icon so what you want your to do is probably put your logo right there instead so I'll grab my logo right there and go ahead and put it up there and then up here now you can see that my logo is now displaying on the browser pretty cool right so let's go back over here primary menu right here so last item in the menu so we'll talk just a little bit about Commerce but you can add stuff like a button on the last section right here you can add something like a search box a widget but I think Commerce is probably one of your best options so right here this is like the shopping cart basically and we'll talk more about that when we start adding products and stuff right here you can change the border color you can change the divider color and you can kind of go to these options and mess around with this stuff such as mobile menu etc going back over here transparent menu you can see here how you can kind of mess around with all these settings now right here I can't really see the text right it's pretty hard to see so I might want to change the site title I might want to change the actual color of everything right so over here we can go to site title and then site title color now the site title color is basically when you have a site title right here so that's not gonna really apply for us but under menu right here right here I'll do something like the link color all changes to black right there so now you see that the menu is now black and it's a little bit easier to see now for the hover option now on summon hovers over this you want it to be what color well you can say well I want this to be red so if I hover over it now it now turns red but I'm gonna leave it all as black you know I think black is more easier on the eye it's easier for people to see etc here I'll click on publish to save the changes and let's keep going let's keep going let's keep going so you have other options right here like sidebar etc we'll talk more about sidebar when we talk about our Google commerce page right here we have footer so again footer is what controls the bottom right here so footer widgets if you want to take out the footers you can take this out like that or if he wants to mess around with the bottom bar which is this section right here on the way bottom you can go ahead and put in whatever text you want right there going back right here now for widgets right here footer area one right here so this is where you can kind of put stuff in right here so let's say for instance right here this section you want to add in like a navigation bar or you want to add in widgets so right here click on add a widget and you can add in like products you can add in anything that you want basically so for example right here I'll put in products and I'll get rid of this navigation menu I'll remove this and now you see that we have products displayed right here and then we can actually control how many products we want displayed something like that so what I'm saying is you can kind of add stuff so there's little widgets that you can add to your footer etc so that's just basically a rundown of your footer I'm not gonna go too much into the footer there's a lot you can do with it but I do have another tutorial on the limits our page builder where I talk a lot about the footer but for most of us we don't really need all this stuff now for home page settings you always want to make sure that your home page is set to home usually the theme will actually do this for us automatically but if you don't have demo content and you want to Paige you will need to assign the home page to your home page all right I know that sounds weird but yeah so you'll need to always assign like for example if someone comes to this website what's the first page you want them to go to your home page right duh so you want to assign it to your home page right and let's go back over here and these other settings right here I'm not gonna go too much into them like breadcrumbs and blog CSS just forget about that like she's not even Connard you're gonna get that at all but this theme does have pro features if you do want to check them out there's a link below to purchase it but for most of us we don't really need the pro version i think the free version is just enough to get started so now that we've done that right there let's go ahead and move away from the theme customizer and now let's talk about how we can create product now in this section I'm going to teach you all about variable products and simple products I'm gonna show you how to set it up how to create categories etc so you can start making money yeah that's why you're here so the first thing you want to do is when you install WooCommerce which is the plugin that you need you'll click on run the setup wizard now for any reason you don't have this or if you don't have the WooCommerce plugin installed you go to plugins go to add new and go on over and type in WooCommerce just like this new commerce and this right here is the plug-in that you will need it has more than five million active installs so right here go to dashboard now in case accidentally you close this or you don't know where it is or you just click clicked on the Skip setup and you and you're lost what you can do here is go ahead and paste this right here into your browser make sure you're logged in so for example right here the name of my website is elemental horse so just type in this code right here then we feed admin question of our page setup and then press Enter now right here you'll make sure that you're logged in so remember me and then give it one more try so I'll go and click on paste and then right here I'll do elementor's Elementor is like that's and she brought to this page right here okay now I'm going to close this really quickly and I'm just going to go ahead and just click on and run the setup wizard through my dashboard now what we're doing here is you're basically setting your address we're setting the currency how you want to sell products etc so where is your store based go ahead and put in whatever country you're from here I'll just put in some fictional older I'll put it like one of my old addresses here Valencia California California and then right here and I want to get paid in dollar do you want to sell physical and digital so you sure yeah do you want to help with Commerce yeah whatever yeah no now I don't have you guys let's go I'll do it later I'll do it later alright now I'm going to show you all how to set up stripe on your website and also how to set up PayPal as well on your website but for right now we're just going to go ahead and set up PayPal and again we're gonna run some test payments to make sure that your website is fully operational that people can come to your website with a credit card and pay for your product and you can make money after watching this video alright so I'll just do paid off for now and later on I'll go ahead and use stripe right here click on continue all right now right here it's asking for shipping now we're gonna mess with all this a little bit later but for example right here what do you wanna charge for shipping so I'll just say 5 bucks now what do you want to charge for shipping that are basically not covered by your area so we're gonna assign shipping zones so for example la or sorry California and then someone from Mexico or Canada wants to buy our products they're gonna be charged $10 because they're not in my district right they might charge they might you know cost more shipping so right here we'll use ounces pounds grams kilograms or Mainers I know United States is on the you know I had a big debate about this you know California in the United States is just much larger so it makes sense for us to use like towns and miles and not like you know millimeters and centimeters although that's more accurate I'm very aware of that United States it make more sense because I mean the miles you know we drive so much in California it wouldn't make sense to use meters you know because the miles are bigger anyway so right here it's saying recommended for all commerce stores automated taxes yes with Commerce admin yes MailChimp yes and from Facebook yes and I'll also show you how you can integrate all your products onto your Facebook fan page so right here click on continue this is gonna take some time it's gonna to install all these plugins for us now right here you will need to install the jetpack plug-in what this plugin allows you to do is allows you to get automated taxes and automated shipping so you don't have to go through and set shipping rates and tax rates oh that's a pain in the butt in fact Shopify charges you all 300 dollars a month for this and you're getting it for free with this platform WooCommerce it's pretty is pretty incredible I mean that's right am I kidding Shopify charges $20 a month for that feature so what you'll need to do is you'll need to create a wordpress com accounts so I already have one so it's already authorizing my connection so it's gonna prompt you through a process on creating a wordpress com account just go ahead make a free account it doesn't cost you anything at all it's free and it'll actually give you the ability to have automated taxes and automated shipping for your website so now that we've done this let's go ahead and create our first product so right here I'm gonna click on create a product now by default with this demo they gave us a bunch of demo products and to be honest you don't need any single one of them but right here we're gonna pretend that we are selling iPhones now so I'm no longer clothing store guys I'm selling iPhones here I'm gonna dismiss this so here I'm gonna do iPhone black and right here I'll just go ahead and add in some dummy content so let's see right here this right here I'll just go ahead and take this then we'll go back to my product now here I'll just do this right here I'll just put bottom in description bottom description you'll understand why did this later all right but this is actually the description on the bottom of your product now you can see how's messing around with this earlier so this right here is the iPhone now if you want to make a new product or a new category to say like iPhone I phone I don't know iPhones all right we'll just do iPhones and then um yeah iPhones or yeah so iPhones and we're not going to use this one we'll use an upper case one okay so basically every product that I make is going in the iPhones category all right so right here we have a price so regular price what is this cost well this cost around $300 but it's on sale for 250 only between the 24th to the 31st so only for like a Halloween special this is taxable yes or you could put no but we'll talk about taxes all that stuff a little bit later product tags I'll just put phones and iPhones now inventory do you have a SKU number if you do put it in if you don't don't put nothing managed stock how many of these do you have so this is I have 20 of these allow back orders do you want to allow back orders yes sure but notify the customer or do not allow now when you want to be notified when you're running low on this product let's just say after 10 so right now we have 20 but once we sell 10 and then we have 10 left reading it emailed and the store's gonna notify us that we're letting running low on this certain product all right sounds simple right shipping right here go ahead and put in the pounds and the dimensions such as inches etc a shipping class we're not gonna cover that just yet link products so what's an upsell and what's a cross out now does this same method so here I'll just put in like I'll just grab a random product so an upsell and then also I'll do shoes right here all right well grabbing shoes I'll grab these shoes so an upsell so an upsell is a product that you recommend instead of the currently viewed product so that means if someone clicks on this product right here the iPhone black they're gonna be recommended this product instead now what a cross sell is is that let's say for example somebody added this product to the cart and they are on their way to checkout it is then going to offer an additional product of the cross-sell so remember upsell is there is recommending a product that you are currently viewing and a cross sell is recommending a product that you are leaving so as you're leaving the store as you're checking out it'll recommend this product right here alright and I'll show you more you'll get you'll you'll understand what I'm talking about attributes we are not gonna mess with attributes because this is not a variable product advanced purchase note do you want to notify the customer about anything so for example if someone buys this do you want to say you know thank you so much screw you here's a 10% discount whatever you want to do you can go ahead and put in the purchase note do you want to enable the reviews yes or no etc now right here we're gonna put this is a must-have iPhone and then right here you can go ahead and leave some information like this like this and like this now scroll down right here under product image now we need to actually put some product images here so I actually downloaded some images from the internet and I'm just gonna go ahead and use those really quickly just to make this as a clean example here so I'm gonna go ahead and upload this product of an iPhone because now we're pretending that we're an iPhone store so yeah that's how it goes set product image and then also right here set product gallery so for example if you have another picture of the iPhone you can go ahead and put it in I'll just throw in this one right here just to give you an example of what we're talking about what I'm talking about I don't know why we say we like there's a guy behind me or something there you go and then right here I'll do publish alright cool so our product has been created right here I'll go to view the product and let's take a look all right cool so iPhone black this is a must-have phone remember we have the three little dum-dum-dum and then remember the description that I put on the bottom right there bottom description this description right here now what you may also like you see how this is the upsell right here do you see that now let's go add this to the car right here I'm gonna add this to the carts I add this to the carts and I'm gonna view the carts now when I view the cart right here it's gonna say you may also be interested in these right here so you see here how now this is the cross sell so that's an example of upsell and also a cross sell okay hope you understand that so now I've talked to you about a simple product let's talk about a variable product so right here this is this is the shortcut right here plus new and go to products all right so this is a variable product so I'm gonna do variable iPhone all right and then right here I'll just put us on dummy contents right here I'll just say that this is well add this to I don't know others said the iPhones again and also the androids well I'd love to both you know but but this is an iPhone but I'm just giving you an example of Android and iPhone so you'll see what I'm talking about when I wanna show you categories so right here we're gonna select variable product now you've noticed the price disappears and the reason why it is because we need to set a price for a specific size or color right so over here on attributes we're gonna click on add right here now what color is this iPhone so put color and then our here I'll do black then we got red used for all variations save attributes all right it's loaded okay now right here click on add what size is this iPhone so is this a 16 gig is this a 32 gig what size is this 16 gig now this next button right here it's above the enter science I'll hold shift and press the slash above the enter sign and that's how you get that symbol right here 32 gig used for all variations and click on save attributes so now I have two sizes and two colors right now let's go to variations right here create variations from all attributes and click on go and just click on OK alright for variations added right here click on OK now this is this this kind of sucks but very 8 or very products they take a while to make but for example we have a black 16 gig and a black 32 gig a red 16 gig and a red 32 gig now what you need to do here is to come to an arrow and select a color and also a price so right here we have black right so this obviously is the black phone and how much does a black phone cost well the 16 gigs only costs around 300 bucks all right and that's it I'll close this now what is the 32 gig black costs so again put the black here but the black one cost $400 all right now you need to put the picture and also the price if you don't have the price the product will not display at all so you need to make sure that that's correct information so right here I'm gonna put the red and I think I have a red iPhone I found red there we go so this now is the red iPhone and this would be again something like t-shirts something with a variable something with multiple variables with size color weight something in that manner set variation here I'll do 300 go ahead and close this and this right here cost us $400 and select this right here and there you go and I'll close this so we're finished that's it now right here remember product short description this is the description they see first okay so this is the description they see first here I'll put in these bullet signs all right and product image we'll just select the product image and there you go all right now right here it says default form values so what is the default selection that you want people to select when they click on this product well you can say well I want them to click on the black this one or you can just say no default size etc and again you can go through all these settings right here and set these up but I'm not going to because I already told you how to do that and I'm super lazy so I'll just click on publish okay cool so let's click on View the product all right awesome so variable phone so let's go ahead and take a look at the color so red and then right here I'll do 16 gig $300 I see black yeah 5 16 gig and then black 32 gig you see how the price goes up like that now let's go to the red the red 32 gig 400 dollars and the red 16 gig three hundred dollars so this is how you can create a variable product and right here this is the description they see first remember we have the bullets and then also right here this is the description at the bottom now I do have a tutorial as on mu commerce and it's in my channel alright so I have a full tutorial on who commerce and it's about an hour 30 minutes long it has a lot of likes it has a lot of views people really find my information valuable and I cover every product so I talk about the group products I talk about the virtual downloadable affiliate products and I go through every single option of basically everything so I'm not gonna cover the other stuff because I already have tutorials for that just like I already have a tutorial for Elementor so for example we'll go back right here and this right here is my newest Elemental tutorial so if you want to go ahead and learn how to use the page builder a hundred percent like the see right here and how did I what did I do here but anyways like learning a hundred percent I have a full tutorial on elemental and also another tutorial on the Commerce plugin but for the information that I'm giving you right now what I'm telling you right now this is enough that you'll need you don't need any other information to be honest because right now you're you're on your way you already know how to make simple products and very little products so I think by now you're probably good so this right now covers the product section now let's go ahead and dive a little bit deeper and let's talk about the blue commerce city [Music] all right so now that I explain products let's go ahead and talk about where your products are displayed let's talk about the pages that goes on and it's also talked about where you can put them on your website now whenever you create products by default they are going to end up on your shop page now your shop page again is your default area where products are displayed now let's just say for instance that your shop page do you accidentally got rid of it or you don't know where it is or you just can't find your shop page or even your account page or your car page etc now if you're missing pages what you can do here is go to WooCommerce and go to status now this is for everybody just in case you want to delete something on accident and then you panic because you need every page for this plug-in to work now over here under tools you'll go ahead and scroll down right here and you'll click on create default commerce pages now what this is gonna do that's gonna create all the pages that are automatically created with WooCommerce now remember if you delete any page with WooCommerce it will not work you need every page for the checkout process to work right I mean you need a car page you need a checkout page you need a you need the pages so this will basically recreate all the pages that you have just in case you have them gone let's go back to visit sites now let's talk about short codes now by defaults you can go ahead and place certain products in certain specific areas right let's say you have the best-selling products maybe you want those displayed on the front of your page like such as featured products so right here I'll click on edit with Elementor and we'll quickly talk about these short codes and this is basically where you can display certain products based off categories so let's go ahead and scroll down right here I'll click on this now this right here is a shortcode so they have featured products they want five columns and they want more than they want no more than 10 products showing now I'll leave this page in the description below this is basically where you can go ahead and list products you can list products by columns and you can also list by popularity etc so you can basically have your best-selling products matically feeding on your front page you can also have the random products displaying there are a lot of different char codes that you can use if you want to display specific categories or specific products on a specific part of your website there's basically no limitation on what you can do here now if you're using Shopify god help you if you are you get yet you can't do any of this you cannot do any of this and you have to pay a developer like $1,000 but here we can go ahead and do it for free so for example right here I'll do featured products and I want four columns and I want no more than eight products here I'll click on update or on even click on update so now you see we have four products right here and then we also have these no more than eight so it's actually basically showing eight as well now what you can also do is display by category so for example right here we can do category so let's go ahead and do this right here I'll go ahead and take this shortcode right here and don't worry I'll put this in the description below so right here I'll paste this and then right here I'll go ahead and take this put it like that and then end the shortcode so what I'm saying here is that or no I don't even have buddies what am i doing I'll put a sort of a woman alright so what I did here is I'm using now the woman's category so only I want woman's category being displayed on this page I want eight products listed and only four columns now let's just say I only want four products so now it's just going to display four product and that's it so there is a lot of short codes that you can use to kind of add anything that you want now remember to add this shortcode just going on over here type in shortcode just go ahead and display this anywhere you want and then go ahead and give it any command that you want so right here I think men's right so I have to do I have men's category or as men's a category here yeah so now this will display all of our men's products so that's how you can display products on any part of your website that you want to display them on alright so I think you understand how to do that I think that's easy to understand now you can also display specific categories as well instead of the products alright so that's just a way of how you can display products and also categories you can just put it over here and just do like a category limit instead and they'll display the categories now let's just say you have a specific category of product and you want to display it on your menu like this right I mean that makes a lot of sense let's go ahead and do that so what I'll do here is I'll go to store and we just made the iPhone section right so I'm gonna click on iPhones now I'm gonna take this permalink right here and copy it now what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna go to our menu so let's go to dashboard and over here I'll go to where is it appearance and go to menus all right so watch me closely here while I watch this watch this custom links the URL go ahead and paste that in there now what is this right here this is iPhones so iPhones and then add this to the menu all right and then right here I'll just drag that up there and place it and save it now you can also give your your your categories a description as well so over here under products and categories you can give your categories an image and you can also give them a little bit of description so right here we have the C right here I'm gonna delete this one guys alright sorry I don't know why I have to all right and then right here I'll do something like edit and then I'll put this is the iPhone section i phone section welcome and then we can go ahead and we can upload an image now the reason why you upload an image to categories is because if later you want to display categories only on your websites then you need an image of categories right so categories will show like that right there that thumbnail so now let's go ahead and take a look at our page and see if everything is successful so right here store iPhones and right here this is the iPhone section welcome and then now we have our products they're available all right so that's basically how we can achieve this specific section the reason why it looks like that is because I actually have the the second image and this one's actually bigger so yeah it's yeah I should have changed that this image is way too big but it's just all for the taller purposes I just want you guys to understand what I'm doing so now that you know how to basically put your shop somewhere you know how to use the WooCommerce shortcodes you know how to get the pages back and you also know how to label the categories let's finally talk about the commerce settings so let's go on over here to dashboard and then we'll commerce settings and guys after this I'm gonna buy something on this very website and we're gonna make sure that this website is fully operational for you now right here is your general section so for example where is your store address selling locations where do you want to sell it to so do you want to sell it to only USA so right here you can put United States so you're basically saying you know guys I don't want to sell the United States and that's it or you can do this I want to sell to all the countries except for or I love this part we're gonna pick on who or who are we gonna pick on today let's do a country from Europe let's do uh let's do so this country cannot buy on our websites Norway oh you know ignore way you're way too cold Norway sorry I love Norway I've been there I've been Oslo in Tromso but it is too damn cold there and if we're selling like water they probably don't want us so we're gonna say look we'll sell to every country in the world except for Norway all right shipping locations shipped to all countries and then the same thing applies so you might want to make sure that this matches with each other geo locate leave that leave that setting on this is a feature that will Commerce has that is amazing enable taxes yes enable coupon codes yes right here you can change your currency so right now the Thai Baht is pretty strong well not really but yeah a dollar euro etc so you're just gonna go to put in your currency right there etc and then once you're done with that you'll click on Save Changes so that's like the basic settings of of Commerce now let's go ahead and move over to products right here so shop page so let's say for instance you make a Paige what shop page do you want it to assign it to so remember how I told you earlier how if you decide to lose a page gotta make sure that still recording if you lose a page you want to assign your shop page to another page you can do that right here placeholder image just go ahead and leave that there leave it as 8 weight units you can change this to pounds you can change this to ounces or whatever you want to change it to and also dimension units as well you can change that to that as anything that you want and then we'll reviewed and also product ratings you can kind of understand what that is all right now also right here we have inventory enable stock management this is exactly like the products are displayed remember how we talked earlier about product management about how it'll display the number of products you can set a global amount for all of your products right here instead of each individual product but I've already explained how to do this so you can go ahead and read through this downloadable products I talked more about this in my toriel but downloadable product guys are really easy like you just upload a product and then there's no shipping there's no tax you just they get the product so it's pretty easy to understand taxes so right here we have automated taxes enabled powered by commerce services so we are super lucky that we have automated taxes now I'm at a taxable do is they will automatically calculate the taxes owed in that specific area and they will charge the customer accordingly now you do have an option to say I don't want automated taxes I want to disable automated taxes so personally I think you should leave it as enabled but for those of you who who want to be really annoying and you want to get complicated you want to get nasty then we'll do we'll do disable automated taxes so I disable automated taxes now right here we have standard rates so basically what this is is these are categories for taxes so let's say for instance you want to go ahead and charge your rates so for example digital products in California have no sales tax so right here country code we're trying to find us a California CA and then I don't even need to put a zip code states and then zero sales tax and then go ahead and say compound so what compound is is that do you want to charge taxes apply it as other taxes as well and also do you want to tax on top of shipping as well so I don't know where you're from and the laws of that but if you want advice you can go to tax jar comp tax jar comm and they will actually notify you see tax jar states tax car states state and local taxes now you can just go ahead and pick anything on the graph right here like Nevada and they will tell they'll tell you the local tax and the sales tax rate etc and then you can actually manually create all of your taxes like this if you decide to do that if you want to charge more tax or less tax I am NOT giving a legal advice but do whatever you want this is your store but you can go ahead and charge whatever you want so right here I'm saying people from California will get a zero rates however people from I'll just say for example USA will just say who do we not like let's say do we not like well I don't like California but we'll do Montana actually that is really beautiful so sad I shouldn't say no no I can't pick on them little state Florida will say Florida so I'll just say people from Florida are gonna be charged a six percent tax rate and it's gonna be compounded and they're going to pay tax on top of the shipping as well so now I'm basically saying people from Florida get charged around six percent so this right here is the zero rate so you probably want to put all the zero percent here and then reduce rates and then also standard rates as well so that's how you can apply taxes to certain specific areas if you decide to do that so that covers the tax section but guys just just have the automated taxes set up you know make my life and your life easier you know I don't have to talk to you you don't got to talk to me it's all automated right now shipping so shipping is a little different here so right right now we have the United States and then we have areas outside of the United States so for example right here I'll go to edits and we'll go ahead and edit this shipping rate so right now we have a flat rate and right here I'll click on edits so I'll be charging people you know a flat rate of $5 for for shipping and this is taxable in USA right so that's basically what that means that's pretty simple to understand right now what I can do here is I can go ahead and delete this and I'll add a shipping method I want to offer free shipping so let's go and offer free shipping for people in the United States so here now free shipping requires what's free shipping requires a valid free shipping coupon a minimum order amount of $50 you can do a minimum order amount or a coupon which I'll show you how to do in just a little bit and a minimum order amount and a coupon or both so I'm just gonna say 50 bucks all right $50 so they have to pay $50 in Friesian in fees and it'll get free shipping all right so let's go ahead and go over here now to add a shipping method now a flat rates I'm gonna say well what happens if they don't well that's if they don't hit $50 then they're gonna be paying a flat fee of $5 and there you go so that's it so now we have set up free shipping and also we set a flat rate for people in the United States and you can also select other various regions so let's come over here let's go back to shipping zones now what about people outside of USA well everyone else outside of the USA that we don't really have on our list right here I'm just gonna say well guys you know sorry I don't know where you're coming from so I'm just gonna charge you a 10% or a $10 fee you know sorry you know that's that's what you get so people from Mexico and then Europe sorry guys so what I'm saying here is that anyone outside of the area that you're selling in is gonna be charged this rate by default so that's kind of how that works and that's basically what that means all right so that's shipping zones in a nutshell now there is a lot more comprehensive shipping rate you can charge people based off the pound you can charge people based off the quantity and right here you can see that you can charge them a $20 fee plus a minimum order amount of this and you're charging 10% I will leave all this in the description below for people who have very complex shipping because I know I've worked on websites before people sell refrigerators and that can be very complicated especially when you combine refrigerators with spoons and they want you to ship everything at the same time so I know it can be confusing I will put this right here in description below I also will be having a tutorial on a flat rate shipping plug-in that will make your life a lot easier I will put that in the description below I'll be making in a few weeks from now all right so that is basically shipping in a nutshell payments we're gonna talk about payments last right here just because I want to make sure that you understand this and we're gonna talk about this loss because this is the most sensitive accounts and privacy this is actually a new feature now this basically has to deal with deleting people's personal information over a certain amount of time so remove personal data from orders on request you can have that checked personally I would not have that checked because maybe they might come back later and then their information is deleted or you can you know remove access to download on request now personally guys I'm not a legal adviser I really don't know the laws of this I'm just letting you know that's this is here and in every country is different especially socialist Europe where they have GDP are now and they're trying to censor the internet so we don't like them but that's how it goes you know so you can go ahead and check those if that's what you want but again I don't really know if that's the correct or incorrect way so I can't really speak for this section too much right here about customers to create an account during checkout no have this one checked right here because this will automatically create an account when someone creates and purchases something on your website so you they don't need to go to their email they don't need to make a password everything is automated for them so make sure this right here is checked emails now right here you can actually go ahead and design your emails now I have a tutorial on this and there's a plugin that you can use to make it really really beautiful and that will be in the blue commerce tutorial there is the email section there's a plugin called condense your emails look really beautiful but I'm not really gonna cover this in def because I've already covered it in another tutorial so check out that video check out that video integrations now this is for people who have any sort of third-party integration api's such as printful such as Facebook etc and we'll talk more about this at the end of the video and we're gonna set your Facebook up with your products and we're gonna have them totally integrated you're gonna make a lot of money it's gonna be amazing advanced this right here is just basically saying okay guys your account page is what page your checkout is what page you probably will never have to deal with any of this stuff right here so now that we've all done this right here let's actually start making money right now so now that I've shown you all how to use the new commerce settings let's go ahead now and use the payment methods this is the most important part of the tutorial [Music] now in this section I'm gonna show you all how to get paid so I've showed you all how to create products I've showed you all the settings for who commerce now let's talk about how you can actually get paid now one quick note that if you're from Middle East or you're from India stripe is not available in some countries so as PayPal the best payment gateway for you to use is to check out but for most of us no one's I'll be showing in this tutorial I will be showing PayPal and I will also be showing stripe as well so first let's go ahead and set up your PayPal account now first we need to go to PayPal calm you need to go to sign up and you can make a personal account so right here just go to sign up and you can do a personal account now once you actually do this the email you have right here that you sign up with this is the email that you're going to use to get paid okay so you can see from my PayPal account that I have a lot of money going in there so I basically withdraw money to my bank so it goes to PayPal I'm gonna go to my bank so that's basically how I use PayPal so I'm gonna show you how to set that up on your website so once you actually go ahead and you make an account you'll go ahead and go over here to commerce and you'll go to settings and you're first going to go ahead and put in the paypal email address that you have on file so right here PayPal or sorry payments and then right here under PayPal you'll click on manage all right now right here I have a paypal email address my other one that I have so I'll be using this one right here so once you make an account you're gonna put this paypal email address right here an able PayPal standard and then you'll go ahead and go to Save Changes and then now people can actually check out with PayPal on your website so let's go ahead and purchase a product on our store so right here I'll click on store and I'll go ahead and buy these jeans for this jacket for just two dollars two dollars now this right here is optional now this right here is the other PayPal method and you can actually disable it personally I would disable it and I'll explain what it is after this but I already added this to the cart earlier so this right here is just basically a faster way so instead of going to view car checkout you can just simply click on Pay Pal and you can checkout directly with PayPal but are right here abouts to view the carts and right here I have this and I'll go ahead and proceed to checkout now the reason why this costs seven dollars because remember how we have a five dollar shipping rates so here I'll click on proceed to checkout and I'll go ahead and scroll down and I'll click on proceed to PayPal so now I'm gonna go ahead and log in with PayPal and I'm gonna pay PayPal and then that money's gonna go into my PayPal accounts alright so I went ahead and paid for the product and right now I went to back to websites and voila so now I have received money and the customer has purchased something they have been charged and that's it so now you know that this website is fully operational and everything is ready to go now that is one method now there's a second better method of using stripe I recommend stripe because with stripe they don't have to leave your website they can stay on your website and check out directly and I think that's how like maybe like 99% of all websites work today so although PayPal is a good alternative it should be a secondary option it should not be your first option because people want convenience they want to checkout fast they don't want to have to go to PayPal and make an account etc so let's go ahead now and go to stripe and you're gonna go ahead and make an account for stripe I'm gonna go ahead and sign in right now and then I'll meet you on the dashboard page okay so this is stripe right here and remember this is the best method for accepting payments if you are in the United States these guys charge like a two percent fee and it'll automatically send money from this account to your bank automatically everything is automated you just need to go to the process of verification and putting in your bank account information now once you do that once you actually sign up for stripe you'll go back over here to your website now you will need an ssl on your website and psych ground gives us one for free but right here you might not have this green padlock right here it might say not secure if it says not secure which yours is probably not secure we're gonna go to plugins and go to add new and we're going to install the ssl on our websites so right here really simple SSL now in short what an SSL is is that it'll encrypt personal information so right here really simple SSL you're going to go ahead and click on activate and remember in an encrypts personal information so that basically means that you cannot see anything from the customer that makes your site secure all right I mean that's why you get the green padlock and basically stripe is the one that handles all of the sensitive information so right here you'll click on go ahead and activate the SSL now once you do this it's going to log you out of your websites I'm going to close all these tabs right here I have quite a bit of tabs huh hey all these notices so once you actually do this it'll kick you out of your website and you will have to real aughh in as well so make sure that you write down your more a password and your email okay so make sure you have that written down it's gonna kick you out so once you have that set up it's going to say that your website is secure and then you will be able to use stripe but remember you don't have the SSL you cannot use stripe but sycron gives you a free one so they give you unlimited free ones so you'll never have to pay for them if you're with Hostgator you got to pay every single year like like $100 or something that every single year it's a joke if it's terrible so once you have this all set up you'll go back over here to commerce and go to settings and we're gonna set up a live payment guy so we're actually gonna really do this right now so right now we're gonna go to payments and right here under stripe we'll click on manage right here it's saying link your PayPal accounts no this is I don't want to do that no no no so right here right now we have a natal stripe and right here we have enable test mode now right now this is in test mode if you ever want to take it out of test mode you're just gonna simply click on this and then whatever API that you have you'll put it in let me just show you you might have got lost but I just said right there so right now you click on developers and API keys right now this isn't test data so I need this push a publishable key and I'll need the secret key as well so right here I'll click on reveal key I'll go ahead and copy this right here go back over here publishable key see that publishable key I'll go ahead and paste it oops sorry I'll go ahead and paste it there and secret key I will go ahead and paste it right here as well and that's it our our account is now successfully hooked up together so let's go ahead and test this let's go ahead and see if this is actually working so let's go back to our website visit sites and you know I really want to buy a lot of stuff guys let's go ahead and it's go ahead and go shopping so I'm gonna go ahead and buy this I'll buy I'll buy the three of these I'll buy three so I'm buying four hundred and fifty dollars worth of bracelets bracelets right now remember I have the option for free shipping because remember now that we spent more than 50 bucks so we have the option for free shipping so right here I'll go to proceed to checkout all right and now right here stripe now remember this is in test mode so right here I'll enter my seeker credit card number and then here and then there now this is totally fake information guys so don't worry this is in test mode and right here I'll click on place order now this is exactly what your customers are gonna go through this is the same exact checkout process there's no difference alright so the order has been received we have received a payment of $450 and credit card was used now we can also get rid of stripe you can edit in the edit settings to get rid of stripe because we don't really need that now let's just really quickly go to our stripe accounts and see if this is working look at that we just made four hundred and fifty dollars so now you can see that this is linked and that's it you just need to copy and paste now you need to activate your stripe account obviously but what you need to do next is right here when it says viewing test data just click on that and it's then going to say okay the this now is real data and it's just going to give you your real your publishable key in your a little secret key and just copy and paste that the same exact process so it's the same exact way if there's no difference you would just go ahead and copy and paste this once you activate your accounts and that's it now you can take payments I mean that's it this website is fully automated it's ready to go now now that you know how to accept payments and everything like that let's just go ahead and create a quick coupon code to make sure that you can offer this coupon code on maybe Facebook or you can give it to your mom and you can give her a discount or something like that so let's going over here to WooCommerce and we'll go to coupons now I think that I didn't really talk about coupons and they're pretty easy to understand I made one earlier I made this one about a year ago that's a long time ago here goats to add a coupon and right here I'll go ahead and say this is the this is the Daryl discount or Daryl Daryl and then I'll put like is 15% off so right here we have different options now we have a fixed cart discount or we have a percentage discount so a percentage is going to give them a percent off the total order a fixed amount is going to give them a dollar amount off the total cart or a dollar amount off a specific product does this coupon code also give free shipping if it does you'll click check if not no when does this coupon code expire well I'll say this is a Halloween special so after Halloween this is gonna go ahead and expire uses restrictions do they need to spend a minimum dollar amount if they do but put it there if not then no maximum spin yeah I never put nothing there that's a stupid so here I'll just say you guys spent least 50 bucks and then maximum no no max can they use this with other coupons if yes click check if no click don't leave anything check this box if this coupon could not apply to items on sale so Candace also work for items on sale yes or no products what products is this good for if you want to have this coupon good for a specific product you can put those products here so for example this coupon code is only good for the variable products this coupon food is only good for the variable product and the cross product or the cross t-shirt or you can say this product is good for all of the products on my store except for except for the blue sports shoes because those are brand new I just got them and I don't want to discount them so that'd be a reason why you would want to exclude certain products and you can do the same exact thing with categories as well so just like we did products you can do the same thing with categories as well usage limits so you should limits per coupon so unlimited usage or the first 100 people etc limit usage - what items so apply this to all items qualifying in the carts etc right here usage limit per user so how many times can the same person use this coupon code I'll just say two times something like that now that we have this we'll go ahead and select your percentage discount and then 15 that's what I wrote and then click on publish so now let's go ahead and go back to our cart and see if this is actually working so it's going over here to visit sites well go on over here we got we got to buy something because we have nothing in our cart so let's go back and purchase something really quickly and right here I'm going over here and we'll add three of these or five why the hell not because we have no limit remember and this should give us fifteen percent off our product or order right here so apply coupon and you'll see the price go from 750 now one hundred twelve dollars and fifty cents was removed and this said now is our total order and they can go to proceed to checkout and they can go ahead and purchase our product right away so that is how you set up coupons now that's basically everything there is with Luca Merce and payments so that will basically cover all of the payment section now I'm going to talk to you a little bit about widgets and also the theme customizer with the store so if you notice here on our store we have a theme customizer that will actually allow us to display our store in a specific manner so we can actually kind of style our store a little bit so right here in the theme customizer which we've talked about earlier we saw commerce so here click on WooCommerce and right here we have single products you can go ahead and enable breadcrumbs or disable breadcrumbs breadcrumbs is this right here dad's breadcrumbs so that's basically it over here we have cart we can enable upsells we have checkouts and the checkout will basically just make some fields required so you can kind of go through these options and read these options to understand them go back over here single products yes product images leave this by default we don't really need to set this up product catalog so product catalog if you notice right here these don't have the short description and they don't have the Add to Cart if you want to actually have the Add to Cart on your products you can click on add to cart and enable display you can also show the short description as well and the short description for these products will display if you want to get rid of those such as the ratings and a short description you can have it like this right here something like that and then right here you can actually set the shop columns you can have all this stuff set up like you know show products show subcategories and products etc so make sure you go to these options right here and the last thing I want to talk about is the side bar so the side bar right here for WooCommerce we can have on the right side or you can have it on the left side right here all right something like that now you might want to know how you can actually change these right here so what else can we add right here you know maybe we can add a filter by price right so let's go and click on publish right here and over here we'll go back go to widgets WooCommerce sidebar and let's go ahead and add something in right here I want to add in we have filter by price maybe I didn't see it or it's actually sometimes if you have something it might not display until you actually click on publish and then close so if you want to add something to your sidebar right here like bestsellers just click on add a widgets here they can do you know product categories products by rating etc and also product search you already have a product search right here I mean we can even have two so now we have two product searches so this is where you can actually start adding stuff to your shop right here and you can kind of design in etc to make it a little more customizable as well so in a nutshell that is like the sidebar that's also the settings for WooCommerce etc now let's go ahead and talk about the actual account page so if you want to go ahead and design the account page you can just click on edit Elementor and you can actually design this page right here so right here add it with Elementor and then right here you'll go ahead and say alright I want to change this background to something like I think I gave you what guys all the images this one right here insert media etc now right here we have the WooCommerce shortcode so whenever you want to make a custom WooCommerce page you would simply go ahead and create a new page and then paste this shortcode and now this is considered the new user area so in a nutshell that is basically some of these settings I didn't really cover and talk about so I've showed you all how to accept payments I've showed you all basically how you can use different payment gateways we talked about the shop page the widgets etc now let's go ahead and talk about the last section where I'm going to talk to you about the emails the Facebook integrations and I'm also going to talk to you about where you can list your products on more than 19 to 20 different web sites and I'm also going to show you how to properly market it so let's go ahead and go on to that section right now so congratulations you guys got your ecommerce store you can make products and you can accept payments now in this section I'm gonna talk to you about where you can get products how you can market it how you can integrate with Facebook all the important stuff that you'll need to have a successful business now first off let's say you're saying okay I know how to make an e-commerce website there oh where can I get something to sell well you can go to Alibaba or even Aliexpress and these guys are basically Chinese manufacturers and they're also from other countries they're from India they're from various other countries in fact you can even search from Africa Asia Europe Middle East North America South America etc and you can go ahead and shop around and find a trusted supplier now you can go ahead and basically say look man I can find some products here I can purchase them in bulk you can actually these companies will actually send you a sample so you can basically pick a niche and then purchase products and then sell them on your store for example right here we have nail clippers now I know for a fact that these things go for around seven to eight to ten dollars in the store and you can buy them here for around 18 to 45 cents apiece so there is a lot of money that you can make here and it's all about research guys you know I don't really know what's the best product to sell I mean that's like the hardest part basically you know so here I'll put in like I don't know I'll type in like what's a what's a niche stickers or I don't know sticker maybe there's something that's they sell that they sell these right here so they sell adhesive stickers something like this right here also like I phone cases that's a really popular line that's also a to congested market I think the reason why I phone cases are so popular is because they're so cheap and you can sell them for so much like for example you can buy this for 35 cents sell for like 10 bucks I mean that's a very big profit margin so again you can go ahead and go to this website do some research guys I know that's the hardest part is finding a niche trust me even right now my girlfriend's having that same problem she's trying to find a niche and it's just there's so many products to sell like you can just happen like baby stuff you know baby toys and there you go that's another lie million products right there and this website guys has millions and millions of products and I'm serious millions of products I mean just this right here just babies has three hundred eighty-seven thousand products so there's a lot to go through also you can go to Aliexpress this website right here is also another website and one thing I want to note too is that these companies will actually brand your product so let's say for instance you have a brand they will actually put your brand on these products so they don't see their brand you know they're the manufacturer you know you're the person that is basically putting your name out there and saying this is my brand so you can go ahead and put your brand on these contacts supplier get some information new electronic cigarettes that's interesting right now there's like a whole war with like East cigarettes going on in USA but look at the amount being sold right here you know 1023 and i know for a fact these things probably sell for like 20 30 bucks and they're being sold on this website for three dollars so that's just a way on how you can find products for your ecommerce store so once you have a product your ecommerce store maybe you want to integrate it with facebook right maybe you want to go ahead and have your Facebook your WooCommerce store on Facebook now what this will do is that it'll actually take all of your products and put them on your Facebook page and when someone clicks on this and saying oh this is really cool I want to go and buy this they can actually check out and I'll direct it'll take them directly onto your website and it'll even add it to the cart so it gets them fully ready so let me go let me show you how to do that really quickly so over here I'll go to dashboard and I'll go ahead and show you the plug-in that you'll need so right here plugins installed plugins and it install this for it I think it was automatic right here Facebook for WooCommerce so right here just click on settings and then right here click on get started now you'll go ahead and need to log in to your Facebook page now I am already logged in but you'll need to make a Facebook fan page okay it cannot be your personal account it must be a fan page so right here I'll click on next and go ahead and select the page and I'll go ahead and log in right here alright and then it'll automatically install the Facebook pixel now what that does let's say for instance someone visits your website it'll then recommend the products later to that same user if you decide to run a marketing campaign so it tracks them you ever like go to websites and then you leave it and then later on you find out that they're advertising that same product to you again you're like what the hell how do they know this is how they know all right right here next so it's gonna say import the 35 products in your inventory finish and you are all done so after this it's going to go ahead and take all the products on your store and it's gonna put them on to your Facebook fan page so that's how you can actually integrate your products from WooCommerce to Facebook and that's it you're done so you're gonna see all of your products from your store being integrated onto Facebook you're done so now if you go back to your Facebook page you're gonna see all of your products on your Facebook page alright so that's how you can integrate your page there's another plug-in that I want you to download and I actually have a full tutorial on MailChimp so right here under plugins you'll go to install plugins now when we first did the WooCommerce wizard MailChimp was automatically installed for us right here a MailChimp for WooCommerce now this is a free email provider and all you'll need to do is simply connect this now I have a full tutorial on MailChimp you know it has more than 200,000 views a lot of people like it and I show you step-by-step on how to open and manage your mail chip accounts now in this plugin right here what's good what it's going to do is that every time someone purchases a product or signs up to your website it's gonna automatically store their email in your MailChimp account and then you can always send them a campaign later with coupons and discounts etc so email marketing is a big part of this please watch this video please don't ignore email marketing it is it's it makes money okay it really really makes money alright so once you're done with that you have your so let's just step back here you got your product you integrate it on Facebook you're ready to go on Facebook you have a mail chip accounts and now you have products right where do you sell those products well I just made a new video on 20 websites where you can list all of your products as well so after you you basically take your products you can list it on various websites and you can make you know sales from those other websites so that's another good way on how to kind of increase the exposure of your products and another video I have is how to get more traffic to your websites so this is basically showing you once you have a website and you just made it what do you do how do you get it ranked how do you you know get customers etc I have a full video explaining all of this in the description below as well I'm not gonna cover all I mean I could have put all this guys in one video but maybe people don't want to use MailChimp maybe people don't care about websites though to put their stuff on so I'm just giving you all the resources that you need and this is all free none of this stuff costs anything I'm not selling anything at all it's all a hundred percent completely free and another thing is that once you actually decide to say all right there oh I've done all this right here what we can do here is we're gonna do Facebook Ads and I do have a Facebook tutorial and I will be having a new updated one so this video I actually made and I do talk about how I use Facebook for someone marketing so I'll also leave that in the description below as well storing an e-commerce website guys can be a little overwhelming but just keep at it don't stop and I guarantee you I've actually ran successfully commerce websites I've had partners I have one person that I'm helping with an amazon astore and he has four employees and the guy Nets around like 50 grand a month but that's different he he has a warehouse and he's it's a real business and he actually buys a lot of products in bulk and it's not for the average person and he has to buy purchase orders of $200,000 a month so it's it's a lot of money and I will be having a full tutorial on Facebook as well coming up very soon and lastly I will be having another tutorial guys on the complete ecommerce guides I wish you guys all the best of luck I think that concludes the tutorial I've shown you how to make an e-commerce website how to make products and then all the tutorials I showed you how to integrate with Facebook the list goes on oh really guys please give me a like I spend a lot of time with these tutorials I hope this was very helpful congratulations on your new store and my favorite beer is Modelo so if you got to this part of the tutorial put that in the comments below so maybe later you can buy anyone alright my name is Darrell Wilson and I will see everybody in the next video take care guys
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 384,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ecommerce website, online store, how to, make website, create website, website, wordpress, wordpress website, ecommerce wordpress tutorial, wordpress ecommerce tutorial 2018, how to make an ecommerce website using wordpress, ecommerce tutorial, darrel wilson, ecommerce website wordpress, how to make an ecommerce website, elementor woocommerce, elementor, elementor tutorial, woocommerce, woocommerce elementor, woocommerce tutorial, free ecommerce website
Id: mDu_WyMABnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 16sec (6796 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.