How To Use A Computer Windows 11 For Beginners ALL Lessons

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[Music] hello and welcome to my windows 11 tutorial video please note that this video is a compilation of my playlist series on my channel labeled how to use a computer with windows 11 for beginners i didn't originally intend on making a full video with all of them combined so please excuse any transitions that don't flow super well in between the lessons regardless i will do my best to edit it so it's as smooth as possible there is a lot of good content here be sure to watch the video until the end and also be sure to hit the like button and subscribe and let's get started hello everybody and welcome back to another video by blissful techno health in this video i'm going to be showing you guys how to use a computer using windows 11. this is going to be lesson one or video one in a series that i'm going to create in a playlist on my channel this video series is going to be for beginners in this lesson one video i'm just gonna be showing you some basics about the computer just getting to know some things about your computer and your desktop screen here you can see my mouse cursor moving around and you can see i have a variety of different things here you have kind of a cool looking background picture that comes with windows 11. um i've got some icons over here um i've got some icons down here on the bottom i've got some other icons down here on the bottom right now for starters an icon is basically any kind of a virtual button that you can press or click on using your mouse some of these icons require a double click some of them require a single click but we'll get into that more advanced uh we'll get into that a little more detail later on for now we're just going to kind of cover some basics these are the desktop icons that i have on my computer yours will look different you're going to have different icons than i do depending on what programs you have installed and what are the things that you have going on what shortcuts you've created and etc so don't be worried if you don't if your computer doesn't look exactly like mine that is okay nobody's computer is going to look the same so just understand that but you're always going to have these icons over here as shortcuts to access programs on the computer okay and then you'll see down here on the very bottom we have this bar with some more icons on it okay on the bottom right you can see that we have the time and the date we've got this is a laptop so it's plugged in and it's showing me the battery usage i have my volume sound icon controller here my wireless internet access connection here and etc you don't need to know a lot about these now but just know that there's a purpose to all these icons here and we may go over those in more detail later now depending on your computer these will also vary over here in the middle you're going to find some more icons over here you'll typically find icons that you use more often on a regular basis your file explorer your web browsers commonly used programs and etc so these are other things that are other icons just to make it easier to access programs quickly just like these are over here on the desktop as well now a couple of important things to understand is you've got two buttons here that are going to be highly utilized on your computer you've got the search and you've got this one to the left of it as your start menu okay the search is going to be your best friend because anytime you need to find something on your computer you can search for it here and not only can you search for it um on your computer for like what apps you have or documents on the computer you can also do a web a web search from here now this will direct you to use typically your windows edge browser which is just fine we can go into more detail about that later but just understand that you have the search utility here to search very important very useful here's your start menu also very important and very useful here in the start menu it's very customizable you can customize different icons in here just like you can on your desktop you can control what icons you have in here which ones you don't want in here just for easier access and more organization down here it's going to list recommended apps things that you've used a lot in the past things that it thinks it wants you to use etc etc don't worry about it too much for now this will morph and change as you use your computer and it can make it easy to find things if you don't have anything pinned but it's something you've used recently and don't know where you have an icon for it we'll get into this more in more detail later on how to um change these icons or unpin them as they call it or pin them here for icons that you want to have in here organized and how you want to use it so for now that's a basic rundown of your desktop screen your desktop has this picture that can be changed you've got icons that can be changed you've got your time date etc okay and these icons down here now a few bits of important information at least in my opinion they're important because i think it's important to know about the hardware in your computer because every computer is going to be different and your computer will have different hardware specifications than someone else's the hardware specifications can be different things like what processor you're running in your computer what hard drive you have and how much storage how much space you have available on that hard drive how much ram you have in your hard drive or on your on your computer the ram is an acronym for random access memory and that memory is used to help um it's space on the computer for how many programs you have open to help keep things organized behind the scenes the more ram you have the more desk space per se your computer has to work with we won't go into that in a whole lot of detail right now but for now let's just talk about where to find those specifications so if you come down here you can see your start menu if i left click on it it brings up the normal start menu i can also right click on this start button and it will give me a different menu that right click gives me this menu here which has an icon on it that we want to go to that says system so feel free to right click on that and follow along and come up to system and left click on system when you pull up system this is going to give you some information about your computer okay it's going to give you the device name when it was originally set up but what we want to look at is right here the processor in the installed random access memory or ram on this computer you can see that i have an intel i5 8250u cpu or central processing unit this is running at 1.6 gigahertz and this particular processor that i have is a quad core with hyper threading so it shows up as an eight core but i'll show you that in just a minute you can see here i have eight gigs of ram installed now this is important to know because some programs on your computer are going to require certain hardware specifications in order for that program to run properly so if you're going to run a really big fancy game on a computer that doesn't have enough ram then you're going to have a problem or if the processor is not going to be powerful enough you're also going to have a problem the game may not run at all or it's going to run really slow so this is really good to know think of it as like the engine under the hood of a car if you got a little v4 car it's not going to be good for racing you get a little v6 yeah it might get a little better if you have a small car you know a little turbo v6 so think of it as kind of your engine you're looking under the hood trying to see what hardware specifications you have now this shows us our processor and our ram but one other thing is very important to know is your hard drive space so we're going to come up here we're going to click this x up here it's just gray until you come over and then the box turns red so go ahead and click on that and then you want to come over to file explorer okay that's this manila folder down here you want to click on that and when you click on it mine said to go to videos because i'm working with videos you want to come over to the left and click on this pc so you get this this fold this file or this menu open come to the left click on this pc when you click on this pc you're gonna see you have different options available here different icons now under devices and drives you'll see there's a little arrow here i can hide that or bring it down local disk c anytime you have a c labeled drive that is going to be the main hard drive in your computer that windows is actually installed on that's going to be your main storage you can have additional hard drives installed but you can see on mine i have just this one hard drive on this hard drive you can see that it says i have 148 gigabytes free of 222 gigabytes so this hard drive has 222 gigabytes available in total on the drive but i've only got 148 free because i have programs and other things already installed this bar tells you the usage in a bar mode so instead of telling you the actual numbers it gives you the bar mode if i hover over it you can see it says that information as well when this bar gets full you got a problem it means you need to clear up space on your hard drive or add another hard drive and move them move some things around so that is your hard drive space this is not a very big hard drive hopefully you got a bigger hard drive depending on what you're running i don't need a big hard drive in this computer because it's a basic office computer i use in my print shop so there you have it your hard drive you also know how to find your system information for your random access memory and what processor you're running we also did a quick rundown on the desktop what things are on the desktop or per se that there's icons on the desktop that can be different from icons in your start menu and from your taskbar down here now just remember a few of those terms that you have your desktop you have icons this down here is your taskbar and those areas where to go to find out what hardware specifications you have and like i said that's important to know because if you're going to buy a program that requires a lot you need to make sure that your computer can run that program okay that's the end of lesson one now let's move into lesson two to start this lesson let's go ahead and go into more detail on using the start menu the start menu is down here as we talked about in the other video in the on your task bar on the bottom left little windows symbol and if you have a rover you can see you know it says start so if you click on the start menu with your left click it's going to bring up the start menu here for us to look at now this start menu in windows 11 is similar to the one in windows 10 but also different to the one in windows 10. now to go over everything on the start menu let's look at the top here you can see you have type here to search okay that is the same search as you find down here as we covered in the last video the search icon it's the same thing so if i come up here and click in here it actually brings me over to the search icons menu so it's the same thing it's just more than one way there's just more than one way to get to that that search area so they give you the spot down here on the taskbar and a spot up here on the start menu below the search area you have an all apps button if you click on this all apps button this will actually give you an alphabetical list of all the programs that you can access on the computer and as you can tell there's quite a few even on a freshly installed computer anytime you install a program it's going to put that here in this list now that's important to know because if you install a new program and you forget to create a shortcut anywhere else you can always come into this all apps section and find the program now in windows 7 it used to be when you clicked on the start menu down here in the bottom left you had an all programs button on the bottom left of your start menu windows 10 was similar but they call it all apps well windows 11 is the same they call all apps but they've moved it up here same thing different location underneath the all apps we have all of our pinned icons now append icon is basically the same thing as a desktop shortcut like you would see over here but instead it's in the start menu they call them pinned when you move them here as a shortcut you can modify which icons you have pinned in your start menu if i right click on any of these icons it will give me a menu and i can unpin it from start if i do not want it here so let's say i don't want the disney plus app on here pinned i can just click on unpin from start and it's gone if i want it back i can come back to all apps find that app right click on it here and pin it to start and that'll move it back granted it's going to move it to a different location it's going to move it to the bottom as you can see here i've got two pages of pinned apps you can have even more depending on how many you want to have pinned now on top of that you can move your pinned icons around so if i click and hold on a pinned icon i can drag it and move it to a different location so i can click on clock hold it drag it up and move it where i want this way you can prioritize the apps that you have according to you know probably how much you would use the app like let's say if i use facebook all the time you're probably going to want to have it in the number one slot so you can organize and just keep things nice and tidy granted this is all personal preference i personally don't actually use the start menu very much i mostly use my desktop icons but i'm kind of old school i've been using computers since dos and when we moved into windows 95 it was always mostly dealing with shortcuts on the desktop but a lot of people do like to use the start menu and the pinned apps so it's totally optional but that's a quick review of the pinned apps section in the start menu i hope that all made sense underneath you're going to see recommended file use basically it's like recently used files or things that they think that you're going to want to use you can click more to see a larger list of that i mean it's here if you need it if you if you have a program that you know you've accessed recently but you can't find the icon for whatever reason and you don't want to look in all apps typically you can find it here or if there is a file and etc and etc so that covers the start menu pretty much as a whole for now something else that i would like to cover is when to double click when to single click and when to right click with your mouse any icons you're going to have or shortcuts that you're going to have on your desktop here you have to double click in order to open up these program shortcuts okay if i just click on it once it's just going to highlight it and select it so in order to open these i have to double click that is different from the start menu icons the start menu icons i can i only have to single click so if i single click this clock icon it brings it up if i have if i had a shortcut for that clock icon on the desktop i would have to double click in order to bring it up the other place you have to double click is whenever you have your file explorer opened your file explorer is this manila folder down here file explorer this actually lets you access all of the different files in the computer we won't go into that detail now but just know that anytime you're in file explorer you also have to double click in order to bring up the shortcut or the menu so that's just really important to know now also you need to be aware or notice that you have a right click option right clicking on any icon will give you a menu with different options to modify the or view properties of the selected icon so left clicking to select double left click to open right click for a different menu with different options as you can see here i could pin this to start i could open the file location which means it would open the program's file location in the file explorer as we showed down here i can right click show more options and get the older view that we used to get on the other versions of windows to see properties i can copy cut um open file location like you said like we said earlier and etc you can also right click and just open it this way instead of left double left clicking same in the start menu as i talked earlier you can right click to get different options to unpin these or pin these you also have options here that are similar as when they're on the desktop like run as administrator pin you can pin it to the taskbar you can pull up the app settings uninstall it from here and etc so left clicking is to select right clicking is for more options or for an extra menu for those extra options something else in this video that i would like to cover is the fact that you do have your clock down here in the bottom right hand corner i reviewed that yes we have a clock here in the last video but we're going to talk a little more in detail about this clock if i left click on the time it will actually bring up a calendar and also show me notifications the calendar you can adjust which month you're looking at etc etc you can select the day that you're looking at but most importantly you can actually right click on the time and you'll see you have adjust date and time option here with the gear meaning it's in the settings options so if i click on this you can modify and adjust your date and time so if your time is off or incorrect you can change that here and make it correct you can see the current time here is 10 27 am on sunday monday 29th of 2022 we can set the time here automatically i have mine turned off we can set the adjust for daylight saving time automatically i have mine turned on time zone i'm in mountain time or you can just set it here to manual granted if you have it set to automatic you cannot set it manually it's automatically set so uncheck make sure it's turned off now you can change it manually so this is the area in which you can change and modify your current time and etc now as i mentioned a moment ago when i right click it says adjust date and time and it shows a little gear that little gear means it's in a menu called the settings menu now you can access that settings menu via the start button if i come to start you will have a shortcut for settings somewhere in your pinned icons on your start menu if for some reason you do not have the settings menu listed or the icon you can go to all apps and it is alphabetical order so you can scroll down until you get to the s's find settings and here's your settings as well i would recommend keeping this pinned in your start menu because it is something that you will probably have to access from time to time so you may you want to make sure you right click on that and pin it to your start menu if you cannot find it or you just want to take a different route you can also use the search option by clicking search and typing settings and it will show that best match right here let's go ahead and access the settings there is a lot that can be done in settings a lot of important things that you may need to use from time to time the most important one you're going to see is on the very bottom this is your windows update settings menu in here you're going to see new updates constantly available it is important to keep your computer up to date for the latest security updates and stability updates so as you can see here i already have an update available even though i just ran updates the other day we're not going to run them now for the sake of the video you can also just click on check for updates if it's not showing any and see if any more pop up so here you have windows update under settings at the very top you have system display sound notifications power and battery storage etc a lot of different settings we're not going to go over this in great detail you've got blue bluetooth and devices network and internet for connecting to your wireless etc personalization can be nice you can change your theme for example if i click on this one here it'll change the entire theme and the color theme the background the colors etc i'll go ahead and go back to this one for now um app management and here all the apps that you have installed the accounts that you have on the computer time and language which can take you to the date and time that that brought us down to that it brought us to from earlier over here so the settings is very important because there are going to be times when you need to pop over into settings and play with some of your settings manually especially that windows update so that covers all the material for lesson two we reviewed the start menu where all the apps are all the pin different apps how to move them around how to unpin apps we reviewed left clicking versus right clicking and double clicking and when it's appropriate we reviewed the time how to adjust the date and time and we also reviewed the settings menu briefly we'll go into more detail on the settings later but for now just be aware that it's there and what's in the settings menu and now moving on to the next lesson this video is lesson three and we're going to be going over file explorer and how to move folders and files around how to copy and paste etc etc so let's go ahead and get started now file explorer is like it's super important to know and understand file explorer its functions what it does what it's for file explorer you can find on your taskbar down here on the bottom you can see this manila folder here that's your file explorer so if you click on file explorer it's going to bring up the file explorer program file explorer in a nutshell is a program that allows you to explore and browse all of the files on the computer literally all of them and what i mean by all of them is now i'm gonna just jump around for a minute here you don't have to you don't have to pay a whole lot of attention to exactly what i'm doing but you can see i am going to go into the windows directory this windows directory is the windows program itself with all of its components files and folders that are needed and used to run windows which is how we are able to run this entire program that we're looking at so everything is in here user profiles and etc now when you first open up file explorer it's going to bring you to this quick access menu where it gives you different folders to access desktop folders your downloads documents pictures music videos commonly used folders and whatnot so over here on the left you can also see that we have access to a lot of these same things desktop downloads documents pictures my healthy merch folder music ricoh support et cetera et cetera et cetera so very it's put together very well in a way that is easy for you to access things that you're typically going to need it's not very common you're ever going to need to access the c drive directly in file explorer and pull up folders and files but from time to time it may be necessary if you're a nerd like me then you kind of do it pretty often because you're doing things that require you to be in here but for the average user that's not necessarily the case now something else i want to point out is on the left over here if you look down you're going to see this pc icon if you click this pc it's going to bring you to a similar window but this window if you remember if you're familiar with windows 7 and prior this pc was known as my computer my computer when you clicked on my computer on those older operating systems brought you to this screen where it brought you to these shortcuts for your desktop documents music downloads etc and it showed your devices and drives now under devices and drives you can see i have one drive it's my c drive that's your main hard drive if i have a secondary hard drive installed it will be listed here typically is a d or an e drive instead of the c now you also have if you have if you also have like a usb drive plugged in it will show up or an optical drive like a dvd drive or a blu-ray player drive plugged in it will also show up down here so all your drives are going to show up here but you can see here like i said on mine i've just got literally the one drive it's a laptop there's no optical drive i don't have any flash drives plugged in nothing so you can see here that this is basically the same thing as the old my computer icon now if you want to create an ease of access to get here if you're familiar with this and you like this you can literally come down to this pc over here on the left click hold and drag and create a link on your desktop so that you can access that specific location menu anytime you can also access it of course is like we did before through file explorer and will bring you here to the quick access and then this pc but quick set quick access is nice because it shows you recent files you've opened plus all your folders since it's not going to be very often you have to hit the c drive or anything else unless you have other drives you need to access like your like a flash drive you have plugged in or that secondary hard drive it really just depends on the user and how you have your computer set up and what you're doing but those are both there but it is kind of nice to have this pc shortcut especially if you're used to having my computer icon on your desktop i kind of think it's silly that in windows 10 and 11 they don't give you this pc shortcut here but you know at least they've made it easy to make one so you can make yourself one and put it there so we've covered a few things here already let's talk about how to move files and folders around so i don't have a lot of files and folders on this computer but i have enough that we can play with and if i need to i'll make a quick one but you can see i'm making videos on this one so you can see i have videos here that i've made been playing with these are some files and the difference this really important to understand or to think about this as is file explorer is literally like a filing cabinet in an office it's literally got the folders and inside the folders you have your files okay literally just like a filing cabinet and just like a filing cabinet you can pull up any of these files anytime to view them or you can throw them away by deleting them and it's really pretty easy to use they've changed some of the menus a little bit in windows 11 but let's go ahead and go over that so as you can see here i'm in my videos folder and i've got these files these videos now if i want to view it i just double click on it to pull it up if i want to um manipulate or change this i can use the right click button just once and it's going to bring me up a menu bar and in this menu you have different options you can show more options you can share it over skype if you have skype view the properties etc etc now these are probably going to be the most commonly used ones you're going to use up here they these are new to windows 11 how they show these icons if you click on show more options it's going to give you the old school menu that we used to have in all the previous versions of windows 10 with cut and copy here and etc and delete but once you get used to this it really works just fine you can see the trash can over here for delete so if i don't want this folder anymore or this file in this folder i just click delete and away it goes it's gone okay now it put it in my recycling bin so i can always get it back if i need to but i don't want it so that's how you delete a file now let's say i want to move this file somewhere else okay there's a variety of different ways to do that i can either right click on it come over to copy click copy go to the location that i want to to move the file to in this case let's say i want to move it over here to pictures i can click on pictures and then i can right click anywhere in the empty space and i can come over here and click on paste and now it's going to create a copy of that file over here now since it created a copy i'm going to have that in two locations now i've got that over here and i've got it in pictures okay now if i don't want to create a copy of it i'm going to go and delete this i can actually just move it and there's two different ways of just specifically to move it so let's take this one and something else i'm going to show you in the meantime so we can track this easier is i'm going to right click on this and we're going to rename this file so i'm going to come down to show more options i'm going to click on rename and i'm going to call this video one and we'll rename this one too we'll call it video two just so we have some files to play with this one right here isn't show yet fully because i'm actually recording this video right now so that one's not showing up fully yet it's not previewable or not viewable it doesn't have a preview either so let's take video one and let's say i want to move it to pictures okay i can either click hold and drag and you can see it kind of shows a line and highlights where we're at with we're removing it now if you want to move it into the file pictures i want to make sure it's just hovering over it to where it shows how it's highlighted and you can see it says move to pictures just below it so i can click drag and let go and now it's in here and it's been removed from here i moved it i didn't copy it okay so let's say i did that on accident i can go back to pictures click hold drag bring it over till it highlights over videos and let go and it will come back now there's another way to do that i can click on it make sure it's highlighted or if i don't even i don't have to do that but i can right click on it and i can do a cut so now if i click cut it's going to show it like faded out meaning hey you've got this cut ready to move it somewhere now we can go into pictures right click in the white space and i can go paste just like copy and paste but it's a cut and paste so you actually cut it out now it's no longer in videos i moved it over i hope that makes sense so let's say i want to move it back right click we're going to cut come back to videos right click paste and now it's back so those are some different ways to move your files around from folder to folder but let's get a little more technical and what i mean by that is let's say i need to move this to a specific file but i don't see it or i need let's say i need to move this video to a specific folder but i don't see the location over here on the left well this pc is going to be really important at this point because if you drop down the little arrow here for this pc you can see on the left here i have all these different options and we're going to go ahead and move this over if you see here with my mouse i can move this right here to the edge of this and get a little double-sided arrow it's very very tricky you have to have it right in the exact spot but i can click and drag this over and give myself some more space and we're going to open this window up a little bit this way now you can see i've got the local c here now i can click on the arrow here and also bring that down okay and i can open up my user profile and i can open up this hm laptop and see that user profile and there's lots of different folders available here so you can click and drag and move these to any of these that you want so if there's one not showing up up here in your quick access or anywhere else you can always find the folders that you've created or that you have available on your c drive now let's say for example i want to create my own folder on my c drive just in the root directory okay the root directory meaning i clicked on c and it brings me right to the first location on the disk c now we're going to create a new folder the easiest way to create a new folder is there used to be a way up here in windows 10 where you can just click on create new folder up here in this area but over here you can see now it's on the left so if i click on new folder it'll give me a spot here and it says new folder highlighted because it's waiting for you to give it a name so let's call this one test folder hit enter there's my new folder that i just created now there is another way to make a folder if i right click in the white area here click on show more options i can highlight over new and folder and do the same thing but the fewer clicks the better so just new folder and away ago so i have my new folder but let's say i'm in videos and i have this video one and i need to move it to that test folder that test folder isn't showing up right here so i can open up c scroll down what we wanna it still has this open here we're gonna close all this down so just c is open and you can see in here we have our test folder that we just created now i can just click on this and drag this over till it highlights over test folder see that now you got to be careful because if i hold this over one of those with an arrow on it it's going to start opening things and moving things around not moving things around these are opening options because it thinks you want to use that so it can be really tricky so you want to be sure that you hold it over the exact file you want if you're going to move it in this way so you want to click it bring the highlight over test folder and release it now it's in test folder okay now if i don't want it in test folder or let's say i don't want to move it that way because it is kind of tricky sometimes you can always use that cut and paste feature like i showed you before so if i'm in videos right click on it cut go to test folder right click in the white area and paste it and it will move it that way as well that's the recommended way now also i'm going to teach you a little trick a little shortcut if i right click on this folder yes i have these options here for clicking i can also just click on this and hit on the keyboard control x if i hit control on my keyboard and while holding ctrl also hit x and then let go it will put it into that cut mode and then i can go to where i want to move it and then hit ctrl v and it will paste it so the keyboard shortcuts control x will cut it and ctrl v will repaste it does that make sense i hope so if you have a question about that shoot me a comment down below the shortcut for copy is ctrl c so if i hit ctrl c test folder over here ctrl v it will also move it but not only does it move it it copied it so i have that here and there the copy feature is really mostly important when you're creating a backup of a file that you want on like a usb drive totally separate drive i hope all this makes sense so far this is the basic information on how to move files around in your different folders how to navigate your folders on the left how to see your local disk c and etc and etc i also showed you how to rename files which can be very important especially if you're creating content like i am or you create a new file and you need to rename it to keep things organized or know what it is you're doing because a lot of programs will just automatically give a file a name so being able to rename that file is very important knowing how to move them around knowing how to navigate around your computer and all the different files in your computer very important to know how to do all that so while we're here let's go ahead and take a look at we're going to go to this pc and you can see our local disk c now if i double click on local disk c let's specifically talk about the user's folder in the users folder you're going to have a list of all the different users on this com on this on your computer so if you have three different people who use this computer with three different profiles it's going to show all those profiles here on mine i only have one it's always going to show a public directory as well but you really don't need to pay much attention to that so if i click on this user you can see a lot of these exact same folders as you can see from quick access the quick access is literally just a shortcut to where we are right now on the c drive so i can access my documents from here my downloads and everything else just like you could from over here in the quick menu or the quick access or from like in this pc but this is where they actually are on the hard drive they're on your local disk c which is your hard drive under the user folder under your username folder stored inside of here and you can access different things in here so i hope that makes sense how things are actually stored on the hard drive and how all these icons everywhere else are really just shortcuts for example in a little more detail if i go back to the root directory of the c drive you can see that i have a program files and a program files 86 this is where all the program files are installed for all the programs that you have installed so like i have this anna rip program or shortcut over here i'm in the program files this is where that that program's files are stored on the hard drive so they're stored in this program files under this anajet folder and anna rip this is where all the files are for that program this is just a shortcut to right here to when we're running the program from right here so very important to know just that things are actually in locations in your file explorer if you get a virus and stuff or malware a lot of times they'll embed themselves into the windows directory and other program files or in hidden locations but this is where they're typically going to be hopefully you don't get any viruses and keep helping to keep your computer clean and are not downloading anything that'll get you into trouble but the main idea here is i wanted to show you how file explorer works how you have access to different folders and files from different locations and places the importance of understanding your hard drive and where things are located in the hard drive and how everything else really is to shortcut to what's installed onto that c hard drive the c hard drive is just where they're actually stored that concludes lesson three let's move on to the next lesson welcome to my lesson four video in my how to use a computer with windows 11 for beginners series today i'm going to be going over some personalization information and how to help manage your computer regarding the power settings now your power settings are very important the personalization not as important but it's nice to have your computer look the way you like and to be able to personalize it to you to really give you that good vibe that you're looking for so let's go ahead and jump right in so for personalization settings or for manipulating the way the computer looks to more of a pleasing look for you you want to start off by going to the settings program which you can get to by going to start and then up to settings or you can go to search and just type settings and that will bring that up once you are in settings you'll see over here on the left pane there is a personalization button or tab or section that you can click on now within the personalization area there's a lot of different things really that you can do and it's very customizable now as you can see here we have different themes that windows has um pre-built in i can click on any of these themes to apply it and you can see the preview of it up here and also as you'll notice the background picture is changing as well so you can see the different colors that are being applied you can change to a theme that really changes it a lot you can see here now everything's kind of that really dark gray color on my menu also in the start menu you've got kind of this pinkish salmon tone there there's some transparency you can see kind of behind that window a little bit so there's a number of different options here that come pre-built into windows which is kind of nice and some of these are honestly pretty cool they're very pretty now if a person doesn't want to change the entire theme let's say you like the theme but you just want a different background picture you can actually come down here to background and select a different background picture so nothing changes except for that desktop background but you don't have to use this background you can use pretty much whatever background that you want so like i said you have these other pre-built in um themes which also come with these different images that you can use you can also choose a different picture of your own if you have a picture that you have taken and you've uploaded onto your computer or if you have downloaded a different picture that you want to use you can actually click on browse photos and it will take you to your pictures library under this pc and pictures your pictures folder and if you have a different picture that you want to use you can select that now you can see it's using one that wasn't shown in the list so there you can see it's different so changing your background really is a personal thing my daughter she likes to draw pictures in paint 3d and set her own pictures to her background even so it is very customizable so let's take a look here now this picture i actually this one just to verify this one did not come with windows this is one i grabbed off of a website for sampling in this video and the reason i grabbed that picture and also this picture here these are both pictures i grabbed to sample is you don't have to have a static background picture you can actually come over here and where it says personalize your background where it says picture you can do a couple of different things i've got slideshow available if i click on slideshow i can choose a picture album for a slideshow so basically you just browse to a folder and in the folder it will rotate those pictures and display them as your background it will rotate them so over the period of like right now it's set to every 30 minutes i can set that to one minute every one minute it'll change that background picture and so on you can shuffle the picture order so it's not doing them just in in order that they are in the folder and that can be kind of cool you can um down here says let slideshow run even if i'm on battery power so that will draw a little bit more battery power to run the slideshow very very very small amount but you can let it run even if i'm on battery you can turn that on or off and choose fit for your desktop image this is important because sometimes if you have an image that doesn't fit the screen exactly you can modify it here to make it fit how you like so you can choose an album modify it etc etc so that's for your background desktop image now let's go back to the original personalization area and now here you can see you've also got um yes you've got your background but you can modify your own theme however you like so let's say i like what i have right now but i want to just change oh see a minute went by and it changed that i left on the slideshow so now it's switched to the other picture that's in that folder now if i go to colors i can actually modify the colors that i'm using with my current desktop background so i'm basically making my own theme like i said i want kind of this steel blue looking color i can use that instead and you can see here the menus it shows differently and you're going to see reflected everywhere else so that's kind of neat you can modify your own theme basically so let's go ahead and go back you can see with the themes you can actually create your own and also download pre-made themes you can grab themes usually from the microsoft store for example if i go to the start menu i go to the store and let's look up um desktop themes look i already pulled this up you can see here there's three different themes that you can download and use like let's grab this one here mountain mountain dwellings oh that's right i have to log in you have to have an account logged in i don't log in on this desktop or on this laptop use an account i just use this laptop in my shop but you can download this you should have your account logged in and you just apply it so pretty awesome you can get your own themes it's kind of neat that they've made it so personalizable now let's go back you can also change your lock screen the lock screen is that first screen that when you first pull up your computer you know it shows you the time and it will give you your login password if you if you require a password for login you can change your lock screen as well so i can change it to a picture let's say i want this to be my lock screen picture then that is now my lock screen picture that's already applied so you can also do the same thing with your lock screen and you can also browse photos and select a different one that you have already downloaded so that is personalizable as well now down here you kind of get into more detailed items that are oh for different applications like you have your touchscreen keyboard if you have a touch screen um if you have you want to modify your start menu to show recently added apps you can turn that off show most use apps on i actually like to have that on show recently opened items in star so i mean you can modify your start menu here just by looking through there we won't go into great detail on the rest of it the biggest thing i wanted to cover was the fact that you can change your colors you can change your background image you can create slide shows you can grab different themes and backgrounds and etc so that covers a lot of the personalization now we're gonna go into the screen saver screen saver i don't know if you're familiar with the screen saver or not but a screen saver is something that well let's just show you now one thing that's important to understand is screen saver is actually not in settings i have to do a search and if i click on change screen saver as you can see there it brings up a different menu that's not a part of the settings the screen saver is usually off by default and the reason why is because screen savers were important back in the day when we had those big crt monitors those box monitors before we had these flat screens lcds those crt monitors actually if you had an image just stagnant on the computer for a long period of time would actually burn the image into the screen we don't have that problem anymore so screen servers or screen savers are no longer necessary but they can be kind of fun if you want a screensaver you can actually modify it and change it to however you want for example they have you they give you a few built into windows not a lot but i can let's say i do bubbles and then you can see in this little preview here and i can preview it full preview you can see the bubbles bouncing across the screen then what happens is that screen saver will turn on and activate over a certain amount of time however you designate it i have mine set to one minute um looks like by default or whatever but you can change that to however long and you can change which one you're using photos would be like that slideshow so if i click photos i can go to settings i can browse which folder is being used it defaults to the pictures directory the slideshow speed etc etc there so this is the screen saver area now like i said a screen saver is not necessary it's totally up to you if it's something you want to have just kind of for fun since they're no longer needed let's look at power management okay now that i'm in screen saver i see there's a change power settings i'm not going to go here yet i'm going to close this down and i'm going to come over to system on the left and once i have system pulled up you're going to see an area here for power and battery now i'm on a laptop a desktop is not going to have any battery functions if you're on a laptop then you're going to want to pay attention to this part if you have a laptop just understand that windows really has been optimized to try to help you with your battery life whereas a desktop it just it doesn't matter but you're still going to want to manage your power settings with the desktop so your computer's just not running all the time and there's a lot of different things you can do so let's look here on the power and batteries section right now you can see it says that my screen is using more battery than usual because brightness is set to high i could lower the brightness but i like my brightness high so i keep it cranked up now i hardly ever use this laptop on battery it's almost always plugged in but if i wanted to help conserve battery life i could lower the brightness i also have mine set to never sleep i only turn this laptop on when i'm using it when it's i'm not using it i just turn it right back off it's a shop laptop i use it to print pictures on my uh shirt printers so i don't need it on hardly ever just when i work for a few hours a day printing shirts but you typically are going to want to have your device be able to sleep whoops i'll have to go change that sleep mode is actually really important because if you don't have sleep mode your hard drive and everything's just gonna be running all the time and it's gonna be hot all the time now here you can see power under power we have screen and sleep okay i can click this and it's gonna bring down a menu if it's not already open for you which gives you different options and these options you've got on battery power turn off my screen save or turn off my screen after x amount of time now turning off the screen literally just turns off the screen that's all it does the computer will still be running when plugged in turn off my screen after x amount of time on battery power put my device to sleep after x amount of time when plugged in put my device to sleep after x amount of time now mine i'm going to turn off my sleep i don't want mine to ever go to sleep and i'm going to turn this to never i don't want mine to go to sleep i will turn it off when i'm done with it this is very up this is very much up to you so you can see here you've got some settings that you can play with now down here you've got a battery saver mode it turns on when it's a 20 battery gives you some battery usage statistics here and etc etc okay but there are more power settings to look at besides just what they give you here in the settings area if i come down to search you're going to want to type control panel you'll see that it will show you an app for control panel open that up okay follow along so open up your control panel and now we're going to go to system and security under system and security you can see there's a power options menu go ahead and click on the power options menu in here you can also play with your power settings there's a couple of big things here i find um can be very important depending on what you're doing for example over here you can choose what the power buttons do on the computer if i push the power button what's it going to do is it going to shut the computer down is it going to do nothing is it going to put it to sleep or hibernate just turn off the display so you can really modify that here now some laptops will have a sleep button so obviously you could tell it go to sleep if you hit the sleep button here's what i find very important when i close the lid to the laptop what do you do should i have it shut down or sleep or do nothing i have mine set to do nothing because i will actually plug this specific laptop into my tv and we'll watch movies from the laptop on the tv we'll plug it in hdmi so but we don't want the screen open while we're watching the movie we want it to be closed so we only have the light from the tv in the room we don't want the light from the laptop so we have it set to do nothing so when we can close the lid but still it'll play the movie i hope that makes sense so let's go ahead and go click the back button go back to power options you can change what the power buttons do uh choose what closing the lid does so just another option there but let's take a look at our selected plan balanced recommended we're going to click on change plan settings this gives us a few more options just like where it gave us options in the other settings menu so you know turn off the display after so much time when it's on battery or plugged in put it to sleep you know same thing just a different menu for the same stuff but there is something that you need to know about if you do not want your computer to ever go to sleep if i click on change advanced power settings you can see there's a hard disk section here this says turn off hard disk after x amount of time okay i don't want mine ever to turn the hard disk off and i don't want it to do when it's on battery or plugged in if the hard disk turns off it's basically going into sleep or hibernation if you don't check this off here it can conflict with the other areas and still turn off even if you have it set to not go to sleep i have run into that problem myself so if you don't want your computer to ever go asleep just be sure to come to this spot and shut that off or you know tell it to be never and zero which you can also click never in here but always just defaults back to zero after you leave so let's go ahead and cancel that and that covers the power settings so i hope the power settings make sense i hope we went over that well enough just remember that you have options under the control panel and system security power options as well as you have options in the settings under power and battery that concludes lesson four let's move on this video is lesson five in my how to use a computer with windows 11 for beginners series in this video we're going to cover the topics of how to make sticky notes how to uninstall the program and how to use task manager now i went ahead and made this little sticky note just so you guys can see my sticky note and i'm going to show you how i made this now sticky notes can be really useful if you're someone who is really busy and needs to take notes all the time i myself am always writing down to-do lists and i will put them on my computer sometimes for uh to-do's for my business and so they can be really really useful and it's really good to type things out and get it out of your head honestly and and put on a sticky note so you can come to it later you don't have to worry about it you know you're going to see it especially if you're you're on your computer a lot for whatever reason if it's your work or you know hobby or whatever it is you do so using sticky notes can be a very powerful thing um for you and your life so if you want to know how to use sticky notes you're in the right video now to use sticky notes there's a couple of different ways you can do it you can just go to start all apps you know scroll down to sticky notes and like everything else we've i've showed you before in the earlier lessons you can make shortcuts or if you don't want to go that way you can just type sticky notes and search and it will come up okay now when you first open up sticky notes it's gonna show up like this and you can make your new new note and it'll show up over here and you can close it down here once you have one here you can also add a new sticky note by clicking the new note here and make another to-do list like take a bath drink a pepsi go to gym [Laughter] so i'm just writing stuff down anyway you see how that works now it's kind of cool because you can also change the color of the note um to categorize them so let's say you're doing um personal things so you make it one color and you're doing a youtube video and you're doing notes so use it for another color and you make another one that is related to your business and you can make whoops you can make that you know a different color so you can change the color of your sticky notes and they just kind of chill out over here so it's kind of nice and if i close these all down they come back when i open up sticky notes so if we go back to sticky notes there's my note back okay looks like it didn't hold the color that's interesting but regardless you see i still have my sticky note so these are nice nice to get nice to have around if you're a really you know really busy person and need to make notes and i don't see a lot of people use sticky notes but a lot of people that i've shown sticky notes really like it i just don't think a lot of people know about it so you guys now know about it okay so item number two let's talk about programs and how to uninstall programs now in an earlier lesson i did show you um an area where you can manage your programs but we're going to be specific today on how to uninstall these programs that you don't want in your computer anymore if you go to your start menu okay obviously we know we can go to all apps and see all the apps okay but we can't manage them from here now if i go to settings i can go to my apps um in settings this this app section sorry i got distracted for seconds i see i have this update done ready to go but we can see we can click on apps and we can see here we've got apps and features and if i click on apps and features i can come down and it shows an app list of all the apps installed on my computer and i can manage them here now i can click on it it won't do anything okay i have to actually come over here to this these little three dots to manage it i can modify it which will pull up its own installer usually to modify or uninstall it which typically will bring will typically bring up its own installer as well so let's say i don't want adobe express i click on those three dots uninstall okay that's fine oh it looks like it's install installing it via windows this one didn't have a separate installer boom done it's gone now i have had some apps before not show up in that list that are installed if for some reason you can't see an app that you know you have installed and it doesn't show up you're going to want to go to control panel so go to search type control panel and in control panel you see at the bottom down here you have uninstall a program if you click on this it's going to bring up the old style program manager and everything should be listed in here but there's just another way you can do it and here you can actually click on it unlike the other one you don't have the three dots you click on whatever program it is and you can click on uninstall and that will get rid of it so there's another way to uninstall a program some programs can be kind of tricky and you need a third-party uninstaller to fully remove it if it's like malware and whatnot we're not going to get into that in this video just know that you can manage your programs from these two different areas now a third way to get to it which was my favorite way for a long time was just right clicking on the start menu instead of left clicking you know to bring up the menu if you right click it brings up this menu and at the very top you can click apps and features and it'll take you straight to the settings area that i showed you um the first time so that's just kind of a quick fast and easy way to get to it i really like right-clicking on the start menu because there's a lot of options in here that you can use um you can access your power options system settings device manager settings and etc so just a good way um to know how to do it so there's that option there to also get to the uninstall programs menu the last thing i want to show you is how to use the task manager and knowing the task manager is really important especially if you're ever having to troubleshoot your pc or look at what's going on or just to gain some information so to access the task manager you can right click here as well on the start menu and come to task manager okay your task manager is exactly what it says it is it managed tasks okay sorry i just clicked up here on the the maximize you don't have to maximize it okay now you can see it's showing programs that are running right now i've got my recording software and the sticky notes open i can click on more details and it's going to pull up everything running in the computer right now look at this huge list all this stuff's running in the background making it so windows can run and all the programs i have so that they can run okay everything's listed here so this is important to note because you can see here at the top how much of my processor power is being used up how much of my random access memory is being used in this moment 56 percent okay very very good stuff to know if your computer is running really slow you can always come to your task manager and go what is up and one of these might be maxed out if one of these are maxed out you got a problem you might need to close some things sometimes i have to come to task manager because i'll have a program for example this android program every once in a great while it'll freeze up and i can't close the program so i gotta open task manager find the program in the list here okay you find it you click on it and you can click on end task and windows will shut the program down typically if if the test if windows can't shut it down you're probably having a major problem might have to reboot your computer and address some other issues but most of the time you can come to your task manager right click on it end task or just left click on it and then task so task manager it's good it's telling you everything that's running in the background fewer details it just shows you the main programs running more details shows you all of it okay that's this first tab up here on the top left we've got a multiplicity of tabs here along the top the next tab is your performance tab this also gives you information on what's going on you can see how much of my processor is being used up all the time you can see it's fluctuating as the processor is working it's kind of like lungs breathe in breathe out your memory um what your hard disk is doing at the moment etc etc and down here it gives you more information as well um you can see here this is a quad core processor that i'm running it's got hyper threading it looks like so it's looks like it's got eight so you can get more information deduce more information about your processor here and whatnot so you can also click on memory take a look at your ram and it'll tell you you're using you know one slot on your motherboard it's sewed in which means it's laptop memory the the bus rate of your ram the available memory right now what's in use and etc so really good information here especially if you're troubleshooting and trying to figure out what's going on you can look at app history i honestly have never had to use net app history but you know maybe someday there will be a reason to start up can be important because you may have programs in the background running when windows starts that you don't want to run for example let's say spotify spotify is enabled but i don't want it running all the time i just want it to run when i tell it to run i can disable that if it was enabled same goes for anything so you might have programs that are popping up when you turn the computer on all the time and they might be programs that you do want to use but you don't want it to be running all the time you just disable it from startup and when you want to use it you just go to the program and run it and it will come up if you get a lot of things running in the background it can use that memory and processing speed you know causing more processes to run which can slow your computer down so you usually want to keep your startup programs kind of limited as much as possible but sometimes you have to have running you don't have to have you know certain things but some of these like if you have a driver for your sound card or video drivers that need to be running you want to keep those things in check windows security notifications you're probably going to want to keep that you know it's got a low impact it's not doing much in the background so good things this tells you what's going on what users logged in and what's going on here extra details services that are running which you'll probably never need to get into this be more of a tech related area but i feel like average users do need to understand the performance their hardware um your startup programs and also your processes and knowing how to close a process when something happens because we always get there we have a program that freezes up and it won't shut down so you can go to task manager and shut it down and reboot your computer if needed to try to reboot the program anyways that is how to use a task manager how to uninstall programs and how to make sticky notes and that concludes lesson five today i'm going to be showing you guys a lesson six in my how to use a computer with windows 11 for beginners series and in this lesson we're just going to cover some really real basic things on how to use the internet how to browse the web there is so much that has changed from when i was young it's actually a lot easier than it used to be but there are a couple of different things that i want to show you and some basics that i think are really important the first thing i want to talk about are web browsers on my computer you can see two icons here okay i've got microsoft edge and i've got google chrome these are web browsers a web browser is basically a program that allows you to access the content on the internet okay so all the information on the internet is out there the way you get to look at all that content is through a web browser there are like i said there's multiple different web browsers microsoft edge is the one that comes built in with windows it used to be internet explorer i don't think they're going to have it on windows yeah i don't think they even have it in windows 11. internet explorer was the older one on the older versions of windows they had to slowly remove it over time it wasn't something they were able to do just instantly because so many people were used to it looks like i would assume they're probably fully pushed over to microsoft edge by now google has their own web browser here called google chrome there's another one a web browser called mozilla firefox there's another one called opera apple uses safari at least i still i believe they still use use safari regardless it doesn't matter which one you use as long as you find one that you like that works for you i personally like google chrome the best i used to use firefox the most but my experience was it was starting to get more buggy over time and it just didn't seem as stable and as fast as google chrome now that's been a number of years ago since i transitioned from firefox to chrome so firefox is could be a lot better by now but i'm just used to google chrome so that's what i use but i'm going to show you both of these browsers so let's open up microsoft edge now if you don't have icons on your desktop here shortcuts you can find it typically microsoft edge especially in your start menu it's usually going to be pinned here in your start menu somewhere i can see mine here if not of course you can always go to all apps and find it in all apps if you don't have it pinned you don't have it pinned on your your taskbar down here like you can see i have the chrome icon you can right click on it and pin it to taskbar or i can click and drag and create my shortcut on my desktop so whatever works for you if you have a new computer that you just bought you will not have google chrome usually it's usually just going to have the edge browser so you would have to download google chrome and install it so let's first take a look at microsoft edge okay i just opened up the program now i never use edge so there's gonna be very little here that's personalized now it has memorized some of my search data from using google chrome and put it in here but for the most part it's gonna be pretty bare but there's still a lot here i can show you and you can use edge if you want it's fine it works okay most it personnel don't like to use it they use google chrome or firefox or opera like i was saying earlier but you can use it does work fine now with edge it's very similar to the other browsers they've all gotten very similar in look and feel i can browse the web now i don't know if you remember but back in the day you always had those commercials that were like go to um and you had to punch the website in to go there well they've made a lot easier to use granted dot-com signifies the signifies exactly that's the address that it is so it's kind of like a phone number so if you want to call somebody you got to punch in their phone number you want to go to their house you have to know their address you know if you're using gps gotta punch the address into gps and you can make it to their house kind of similar to the internet if i want to go to a certain website like let's say i want to go to i have to come up here into this address bar and actually type that will bring me to that website now if i go up here i i see a lot of people they don't ever type the dot com they just search etsy they don't if i don't hit com it's just going to use search it's going to use a search engine okay now i'll get into more on that in just a minute but first i want to cover something as you can see here on my main page i can search the web right here as well up here is specifically the address bar down here is your web now your your search engine now edge microsoft edge uses bing for its search engine okay microsoft b now if you want to go to a specific website you go up here you type you type the exact web address if you want to go to it's a gaming website okay it will take you straight to their website it's not going to give you search results it will take you straight to the website if i just type blizzard i could get a variety of things okay it does take me straight to blizzard entertainment is the first first search but i mean if you type something that's related to other things you could get other things that you're not looking for like blizzard it could bring up pictures of blizzards or you know like here we go if i go to images you can see all these blizzard pictures it's not pictures of blizzard there's a few here blizzard entertainment i hope that makes sense though so you can just search for something or if you know the exact address you punch in the exact address and it will take you there now up here you can see i have different tabs up here these are called tabs and i could have multiple tabs open if i click this plus button it opens up new tabs these are very handy you will probably be using tabs so let's say i want to be on multiple websites at the same time i can have all those open in different tabs okay so i can have my email open in one a search engine open one and two other websites i need to reference at the same time i have a lot of tabs usually open on my main pc because i have a lot of different websites that i have to access on a consistent basis just depending on who you are and what you're looking at this will change over time what you're doing but it's it's it's important to know about your tabs you can have multiple tabs open but if you have too many tabs open it will start to eat at your random access memory and can slow your computer down so keep that in mind so you have your tabs you have your address bar up here if you know the exact address you've got search down here now i believe i don't know if bing does it no it doesn't do it i believe google chrome will we'll show you later but you can see here i typed in the search it does not take me straight to etsy's website it does a search for because it's not the address bar it's the search engine okay this is the the search the web this is the address bar i can either search from here just like i can from down there or i can punch in the actual address and it will take me there if i punch in in the search engine it will not take me to the exact address it will do a search and show you search results instead of the exact address i hope that that makes sense if you have questions on this please shoot me a comment down below so that's the basics of how to start using the internet you need to know web addresses and how to search now if you want to favorite a website like let's say i want a favorite um my own youtube channel so let's say i go to blissful techno health okay i can go to my page it's going to make some noise pause that i can save this if you're like yeah i love blissful techno health i'm going to watch every video that he has i'm going to subscribe i'm going to hit the bell so i see his notifications i'm gonna like every video and comment how awesome his channel is okay [Laughter] i mean you can do that if you want regardless you can see over here i've got an arrow or i'm sorry a star not an arrow if i click this star it adds it to your favorites so you can come to it later makes it easier to come to so i can click on favorites and i can save it to my favorites bar or other favorites you can create other folders but i can save that here i can say yes done and now if i close that i have it favorited but i can access it easily without having to type it in the exact address i can click on these three dots over here brings up the menu for edge and i can come to favorites click on that and here you can see under favorites bar blissful techno health favorites is really handy i have found it very handy for websites i need to use on a regular basis that have really long complicated website addresses or if you have like a variety for me i have a suppliers that i use to order t-shirts and i have like nine or ten different suppliers that i use i can go to favorites and i can see all of my suppliers and i can just click on which one i want to look at so favorites is very handy you can see that there you can see your browsing history if i um come on the menu here i can come down to history and see that you have your search history you can see what i've been doing here that we can go back like let's say this has happened to me all the time i'll accidentally close down a window and i didn't mean to and i was searching up something researching something and i'm like crap what was that website i don't remember what the url was or what the website was even called i can come back to search history and go oh there it is bam so search history could be nice you've got different extensions i'm not going to go into that but you can go play with extensions and apps etc etc downloads if you click on downloads that will give you a list of all the downloads that you have downloaded throughout time you know whatever you've got downloaded so you can click on downloads and do that there that's the basic rundown of how to use edge okay so it's pretty simple straightforward gives you a program to be able to access internet websites google chrome very similar if i open up google chrome you can see here i've got the address bar just like on edge i've got the search engine down here it's the google engine instead of the bing engine now down here you can see on google though i can actually type a url let's see if it does it yeah and it takes me straight to so basically it's like having two address bars and search bars they're basically the exact same thing now you can see down here it shows you recently visited websites or ones that you use commonly um here and it's also very similar for your favorites you have the star over here but instead of called favorites they're called bookmarks so let's say i want to bookmark my etsy store click on bookmark you know done okay and i've bookmarked it i can come to the three dots just like edge i can come to bookmarks and there it is right there so it saves it under your bookmarks so pretty easy to use very intuitive really they've made it so much easier from when i was younger when i was a kid and searching things i mean it's grown so much and the programs are so much faster and more intuitive so pretty simple that's how you use the internet that's how you browse the web i will show you under more tools though or not sorry i want more tools settings so i didn't show you this in edge because i don't use edge a whole lot but in chrome you want to be sure of one thing if you go to settings and you'll notice a lot of different things in here you don't really need to play with any of these but once in a while this happens to my son all the time he visits websites where this happens i used to see this all the time with customers it doesn't necessarily mean you're infected with malware but a lot of times someone will visit a website that puts mou i don't call it malware it integrates its own search engine so instead of using google chrome it uses something else for example on here you can see i've got a couple of weird ones okay you've got the normal ones google being in yahoo we've probably all heard of these three but duck duck go and i knew how to say this ecosia i don't want these so if you come to your search engine section come over here and you can see you've got search engine used in the address bar so if i go to the address bar and i type search you know for potatoes and i'm searching for potatoes i'm going to get information on potatoes but it's using the google search engine okay that's what it's talking about if i change it to bing it'll use bing so now if i go here now it's on bing okay just like edge i don't want that though i want google now i can manage these on the next bar down here i can click on that bar and scroll down here and you can see the different search engines that were in that list i've got this one here i don't want it go away delete it get out of my life this one right here i don't even know where these came from i don't even hardly use this computer like i said before in my previous videos this is a shop computer i use this laptop for printing orders on my shirt printers so i don't know where those came from regardless they're there and i want them gone so you can remove them so if you see anything weird like i don't need being i don't use bing it's deleted i never use yahoo all i need is google so this is something that's really important to know if your search engine gets changed and it's highly possible that it will that happens a lot of time to people you can come to search engine in your settings and clear those out here that's kind of important to know just kind of an extra little tidbit but you can see you've got your tabs up here just like edge to manage you've got like i said your favorites you've got your downloads history you've got um your history your website history as well so you can go back there and find websites you used before in the past and etc so pretty basic easy rundown that's how you use the internet uh i think the most important thing to share with you is just that url versus a search knowing the website address it really surprised me how many people i met where i'm like hey go to you know or it blows me away how many people just type youtube they don't type the dot-com and they search and then they go to youtube if you just type it's just gonna take you to you don't have to search and this can be very important because if i go to like i'm gonna show you in a video in the next video how to keep your computer clean but if i there's this program called super anti-spyware that's a it's a free program you can use if i just type super any spyware it comes up and it shows this but if you have a different web browser or if you have a program that's one of those other search engines it might not show up first or if you mistype it and you accidentally type super and square because your keyboard doesn't work very well okay thankfully this one came up but you might get something else and i've had people download the wrong thing and they end up with viruses on their computer instead of cleaning the computer so you just want to be sure your your you know exactly where you're going searching can be fine as long as you know you're going to the website you want and how do you know well if you see above the search result it says the address you know that's the website okay just like you know youtube if i just search youtube you can see so you're going to you're not going to some hack website that's not real but it is important to just know the address most of the time and just type in the address oh look at that the search here doesn't do it it looks like once you get into the search here yeah you can only do it from the main page here but i hope that makes sense so if you know the address just punch it in that concludes lesson six now let's move on to the final lesson this video is lesson seven in my how to use a computer with windows 11 for beginners series and in this video we're going to be talking about how to keep your computer clean from malware and just junk files that you don't need in your computer taking up memory and slowing it down now there is a lot of malware or viruses on the internet nowadays it's really easy to get a virus if you're not careful and you don't really know what you're doing or if you get into places where you really shouldn't be so i'm going to show you some of the built-in windows features and how to keep it clean and i'm also going to show you some other third-party programs that you can use to help keep your computer clean as well now everything i'm going to show you today is free they're all free programs it's free software things that you can use without spending any money there are programs you can buy that do cost monthly fees or a one-time purchase for a license i don't feel that they're really that necessary but sometimes if the computer gets really infected and a person really needs to clean it up without formatting the whole hard drive and starting over sometimes those can come in handy so let's go ahead and take a look for starters in windows 11 you actually have built-in security okay so it's called windows security and it has its own anti-virus um integrated into the operating system so you can access it typically just by doing a search you can see you know i've searched for mine if you go to search you can just type you know security and you should it should pop up with windows security settings go ahead and click on that and it's going to bring up your settings menu you're going to be highlighted here on privacy and security you want to go ahead and either just open windows security or click on virus and threat protection that's going to open up windows security and you're going to see here that you actually have a tool that you can use this is an anti-virus that is built in with windows 11. now it's honestly not that bad it's not the best thing on the planet for sure but i mean it does work i have removed on computers multiple viruses before using the built-in windows security granted i have used better programs where they have found viruses that this has not but it's a lot better than nothing now you see here i have my computer it doesn't have much on it it says no current threats it looks like it automatically did a quick scan the other day and no threats were found the scan only lasted 48 seconds so i don't know what it could find in that quick time the quick scan is basically just going to search for commonly used areas where viruses and malware will put themselves what you want to do periodically is not a quick scan but you want to come down to scan options and you're going to see you have a full scan option you're going to want to run a full scan if you scroll all the way down you'll see scan now and you can start that scan and it will run a full scan now it could take a while to do the full scan depending on how many files are on your hard drive i'm going to cancel this scan for now because i don't want to complete it but you do want to run a full scan periodically to help kind of keep your computer clean so this is the built-in free windows protection obviously you've got the windows firewall and everything built in but just know that that's here and it is a tool that you do have at your disposal that you can use to help keep your computer clean now if you want to buy an antivirus you can but i highly recommend never to buy a windows secure i'm sorry a virus security suite you don't want a full protection suite you just want an anti-virus a full security suite they're highly invasive they actually cause more problems than they help with they're going to cause your computer to run slow they might actually corrupt some of your programs and cause them not to run right i've had this happen a lot so i would recommend just sticking with an anti-virus not a full security suite i hope that makes sense let's go ahead and close down windows security since you know that that's there now and the next thing we're going to look at if you're going to want to clean your pc is come down here to your file explorer pull that up and we're going to want to access your c drive your main hard drive if i come over here on the left and i hit this pc you'll see it pops up and gives me the c drive down here or you can usually find it over here as well and click on it there but follow along with me we're going to go a little deep here into the hard drive i'm going to go to local disk c okay i'm going to go to users and you're going to want to open the file that's your username on the computer if you have multiple users you'll want to do this same procedure for all the users so you can see there's only one here for mine hm laptop one so i'm going to go ahead and open up my user profile okay and you can see there's a variety of different folders here now you're going to want to go to view over here on the top click on view and come down to show under show you're going to want to go to hidden items check hidden items and now it's going to show folders that don't normally show up you have to tell them to show up they're hidden okay you're going to want to access the hidden folder you can see they're they're kind of they're not as they don't stand out as much they're kind of faded so you want to go and open up app data okay so open up app data and then you're going to want to go to local and then you're going to want to come down it's alphabetical to your temp folder okay you want to open up that temp folder now bear in mind i don't hardly use this laptop for anything it's used for very little you can see there's a lot of temp files in here even from just a little use that this laptop gets if you have a computer that you use all the time for a lot of things with a lot of programs this can get really full and a lot of times malicious programs will store themselves in here but what you want to do is delete everything in this folder so i'm going to hit on my keyboard control a that's gonna select everything control a that will select every file and folder in this location after that you can either right click and hit delete or just hit the delete key on your keyboard when you click on delete it's going to start sending things to the recycle bin and you're going to get some of these that are required it's going to say hey i can't i can't use i can't delete this it's got it's being used by something that's okay just hit skip you can also hit do it for all current items skip and it'll delete everything that's not in use okay it's important to to go through here and try to clean this up every once in a while because it legit can cause problems i've seen it many many times so just remember how to get to here and what we just did okay so that's an area you want to keep clean now i did show this in the previous video but i want to show it to you again especially if you're a google chrome user a lot of malware will install a program or its own browser and a lot of times you'll get little tiny things that are just little bugs little programs that are going to want to change your web browser if that ever gets changed you just come up here to settings to the three dots and then come down to settings go to default browser i'm sorry search engine not default browser come to search engine and you can manage your search engines by clicking there and removing any extra search engines now i'm not going to go over this anymore because this is in my previous video in lesson six if you want to know more go watch that video and you're gonna get an instruction on how to remove unwanted search engines that may have gotten into your web browser so this is another area you want to check so so far we've talked about opening windows defender running a full scan how to clean your temp folder and also how to keep your browser clean at least from extra search engines that try to embed themselves into chrome and take over and to be used okay so the next thing i'm going to show you is in your all apps section okay in here you can see there's a lot of programs installed now on your computer you're probably going to have more than i do regardless you can see there's a lot there right now if you go to the start menu and instead right click and go to apps and features apps and features is going to give you a list of all of the installed programs on the computer a lot of times malware doesn't hide very well and it is going to show up as a program that's installed in the computer there's a lot of lame programs out there that want to install themselves and you don't want them on your computer and i'm going to show you an easy example on how that happens okay so let's go and open up google chrome now you don't have to follow me for this but i'm gonna go download adobe reader okay it's a free pdf program now let's see where they've moved it on their website aha okay so here it is down here on the very bottom you can see we've got feature downloads i love how they're featured yet there's tucked away clear in the bottom where they're hard to find click on if i click on reader and let's say i go oh yeah i want adobe acrobat reader dc it's a free program for viewing pdfs i actually use this program all the time it's a great program but let's just follow along here okay i just clicked on it oh let's download it now if you're not careful if you see here you're gonna get extra stuff get more out of acrobat install the acrobat reader chrome extension and it'll install that extension for you as well okay which that can be fine i'm okay with that but a lot of times when you go to down go to download a free program there's going to be a lot more that's trying to install besides just the chrome extension it'll try to install other programs with it and a lot of times those programs can be malicious let's go ahead and download acrobat reader we're going to this installer adobe acrobat it's going to install old new acrobat version already installed okay whatever anyways you can see there that it was trying to install a little extra tidbit with the reader dc program okay a lot of times it looks like they don't have it anymore they used to have a mcafee secure scan or whatever with some extra program that you had to uncheck or it downloaded it with it and installed it i hope that makes sense so i just wanted to show you an example now they're not all going to look the same but you just have to be careful when you're downloading anything free to watch for extra add-ons okay a lot of times during the the installer process as well after you started installing it it'll also ask you that questions or you have to tell it to show more advanced options to see what it's installing now i know that might be kind of hard to follow along with but just keep that in the back of your mind for whenever you're in installing a free program you have to be careful about that now if those extra programs do get installed you will see them in your apps and features list and you're going to want to remove them now you can see here i've got the adobe acrobat dc already installed and there's no chrome extension that i see here it probably just puts it into chrome it doesn't show up as an app but if it had like that mcafee secure scan that would also show up here and you can remove it now i've seen a lot of programs where people have downloaded them and they've gotten the extra install pro installed programs that come with it and you gotta remove them all now there's a really important thing to understand yes you can remove it from here but i'm going to show you guys a really awesome free tool that you can use to remove them it's much better than the built-in windows app manager so go ahead and open up your web browser i'm using google chrome if i go if i type revo uninstaller free okay revo uninstaller make sure you're on the right website you've got revo you can just type that in your address bar instead to be real safe but you can see if you're on the right one you can see i've been here okay revo uninstaller come to downloads now i can come over here to the left and you'll see revo uninstaller freeware okay this is a free program okay you can buy the better versions or whatever you don't really need it unless you're attack or really know what you're doing but let's just go ahead and download this free uninstaller revo setup we're going to run the file that it downloaded down here in the left we're going to run it yes we want to allow it to make changes yes ah sure i accept your agreement sure give me a shortcut desktop okay nothing's nothing goofy here with revo thankfully okay we're not going to launch it yet we're going to go and hit finish but here thankfully you can see it's not showing any extra weird programs to go along with the free uninstaller but that is something you want to check okay so we've installed the revo uninstaller now here's the program let's go ahead and run the program now you're going to have an interface here this interface shows you all of the programs installed that it can remove okay i don't really have much here to uninstall but so i can show you we're going to go and uninstall a program okay we're going to uninstall this my acrobat dc so i can always redo it you highlight the program you want to uninstall and you come up to uninstall click that are you sure that you want to uninstall the selected program you can make a system restore point before uninstall if needed i don't need to do that i know i want this program gone i'm gonna hit continue okay here is why using onions using this revo uninstaller is good because the revo uninstaller will actually find left over files that don't get removed through the built-in uninstall process revo is really good at grabbing those extra files that don't get removed during its normal uninstall and it will remove them for you a lot of times if you go to uninstall a program from using the windows app it'll pull the program out but it leaves those files behind if you're trying to remove programs that are malicious a lot of times it will leave some of those malicious programs behind you want them gone so using the revo uninstaller is a better way to remove programs you know are malicious so we're gonna go ahead and click next we're gonna remove it's running the acrobat dc uninstaller now so these will look different depending on the program you're uninstalling now it's gonna finish this uninstall okay so it finished the built-in under uninstaller through the adobe program and now after the program's uninstaller has finished press the scan button to start scanning for left over files okay so we're going to go ahead and go with moderate that's typically the one you're going to want to use click on scan we'll see if adobe leaves anything extra look at that these leftover registry items are still installed on the computer now sometimes it takes a full reboot for them all to go away so these might have gone away after a reboot but they also might not have you want them all gone you don't want any of that program left you want to remove the whole program you don't want it leaving traces so you click on select all and delete are you sure you want to delete these yeah i'm sure found leftover files and folders select all delete yes get them out as you can see that found a lot more than the built-in uninstaller uses so that is a good way if you have programs that you know that you did not install or that are malicious that you just know you want to get rid of this is a better program to use for uninstalling i hope you're able to follow along i know this video is a little more advanced in this last lesson this lesson seven video if you have questions just shoot me a comment down below now you can see up here i've also got a tools option i can click on tools and i can do a windows cleaner junk files cleaner auto runs manager the only one here is a basic user i would recommend using is the junk files cleaner if you click on the junk files cleaner you're going to see you have scan up here so go ahead and click on scan and that's actually going to do a scan for just junk files that it finds in the computer that just don't need to be there that are taking up space and it could scan for some time depending on how much it has to scan so you just have to be patient and wait [Music] okay so mine got done running a scan you can see it did find some junk files that do not need to be there okay so they're all going to automatically be checked so you just come up to delete click on delete it's going to clean all those files out of the computer there are files that are in use by windows another program can't delete it now that's fine those are probably going to be used for something it's okay but you can see here we did just do a basic cleanup on our computer now the uninstaller coming back here before you uninstall anything you want to make sure it's a program you know you don't want on the computer if you don't know what the program is you can always do a google search on it if you have a program and you don't know what it is i've got production server here let's say that's not i don't know where that came from i can go well let's go look up production server and i go oh that's that color gate program that i use okay cool so you can go that's right i want to keep that so just do a google search if you don't know what it is and a lot of times if you don't know what it is and you do google search it might you might get some information about it not being good so it is good to do some research sometimes before you just go removing programs okay so we just went over a basic pc cleanup how to keep it clean okay you've got this revo uninstaller you can use you got the built-in windows defender that you can use i showed you that temp files directory i've showed you how to keep your google chrome to make sure to make sure you're using the right search engine as those can be overridden and hijacked if you guys have any questions please shoot me a comment down below there's a lot more to a cleanup that we could go deeper but i'm afraid to go too deep because it does get a bit more technical there are other programs you can use there is a free program called super anti-spyware free edition that you could use there's a program called adw cleaner that you could use there's paid versions like i said before they're not entirely necessary if your computer really does get too infected and you are a new user on a computer you might want to take it down to a computer store and have them do a cleanup for you on it regardless a lot of these things that i just showed you can really keep your computer clean if you're just careful on where you're going on the internet paying attention to the websites you're visiting if anything looks fishy just stay away from it if you get an email from somebody you don't know that's trying to direct you to a download don't open the email don't download anything unless you know exactly what you're getting from a family member that sent you something or a friend make sure you know what you're downloading also there's a lot of scams out there where it'll look like an amazon receipt and they'll say hey your order on amazon went through and it it says like two thousand dollars you bought something for two thousand dollars but they're fake if anything comes through like that just ignore it you can try to contact amazon directly by going to if you just see anything fishy in your email just just don't click on it don't open it avoid anything fishy that you do not recognize if you're really careful with your computer you can keep it nice and clean like i said i don't run an anti-virus and i haven't had a virus literally since i think 2011 2010 on my computer because i just have gotten you know familiar with the computer and i know where not to go and how to keep it clean on my own be sure to give this video a thumbs up subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell so you don't miss out on future uploads thank you so much guys and have a great day [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Blissful Techno Health
Views: 26,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, use windows 11, windows 11, for beginners, tutorial, videos, video, free, lessons, microsoft, for newbs, for noobs, for newbies, how to use a computer, how to use windows 11, windows 11 tutorial for beginners, computer lessons for seniors free, seniors, for seniors
Id: x0r6OUJvoiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 38sec (6758 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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