How to make a Tri-fold game board for the Walking Dead All Out War - Pimp My Hobby

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[Music] hi folks welcome back to the channel apologies for my voice 'dear a little bit of a call coming on but I've got to stop was making some videos so today's video is going to be concerning the pit mats from The Walking Dead bio magic games the quality of them isn't the best I should always hear and it's probably the only thing that really lets the starter box down but never let that stop us we've tried making our own board which is great if you've got a little bit of time on your hands and you don't mind having em a more permanent board in place but I thought I'd do something with a pipe and wax that means we can still put them back in the box but just gives a little bit of durability to them so here we turn the pyramids into a game board okay first of all we're going to start off with the materials that you need to make these boards so for each muck that you've got to make you need it one ear one sheet of mountboard this one's black will you come by other colors and you can buy the white a roll of tip then this is black because the four I'm using is black some adhesive spray a steel rule a sharp scalpel or a hobby knife and some colored pens just for engine the side of the board's you can buy the boys which are also the same color in the core as well but they were just much more expensive so we're going to start hopping it by just putting the matter that you choose into to make just put it onto the the white side here of the mountboard and I'm just going to mark the size of it so we can cut it out okay I've kept away from the edge too so we've got a little room just to trim things up rather than they have a little too tight and they're not being quite big enough so once you've walked all the way around the edge take this deal real line it up and just very slowly just run run the nave over it and just do it multiple cuts make sure you're doing on the cutting board there as well not cutting through the carpet there no responsibility for angry wives husbands girlfriends partners and mothers and fathers just keep cutting through the board until you've got a nice clean cut and then they'll break away and then just turn it around and do the other side to get your square [Music] okay next stage then is to overlay your mat again and what we're going to do is we want to mark the center point through where through the board will fall remember slightly from the bottom edge just take a pen and Mark where the crease is through the bottom of it of the map there and then do exactly the same thing on the top as well then just stick in there the scrap part of the offcut which we know is that is the straight edge from the lip from the edge of the board just join those two points up and just draw a line straight down the middle of the board and this is where we're going to cut to create the fall so now we've got a line just take the steel rule and usually exactly the same method just slog and clean cuts cut all the way through that center line okay so what we'll do is we're just going to line those two pieces up now and we're going to take that tip and we're just going to tip right the way across that joint to create almost a hinge for the fork so take a piece of tip and just smooth it down from one end to the other getting out any air bubbles it needs to be nice and smooth and making sure that we don't get any wrinkles in it then take your steel rule in your knife and just trim off the edges at both the top and the bottom then just fall it over but a little bit of pressure on it just to make sure it's well stuck down you get a nice crisp pull next what we need to do is to take the mass that you're using and fall it in half and really kind of press down and put a good crease in that is what we're going to do now is we're going to cut the main off yep unfortunately we need to take it take it apart before you can put it back together again so now you're mudflat use your steel rule and just line up against the crease you should be able to see it quite well because it seems to break the print a little bit and you get a nice weight line which is one of the issues with them out really so just one there this doesn't take much pressure as it's only paper but just nice gloss talks we don't want to tear anything up or slip so just lay slow strokes and cut all the way through next stage is to apply the adhesive glue and what I've done is I've put some greaseproof paper down just as well it doesn't stick just make sure that you're covering because it is very extremely cool we'll make sure you get a good covering right the way across the entire back of the mat and then just leave it for a few seconds just to go tap next tick that you're bored and folded to it or breaks just put something behind it hold it in place and tick the mat make sure that you have at the right orientation what we're going to do is we're going to push it up against the the crease all against the hinge in the morning you just take it take it very slowly get it lined up perfectly you can always take it back up again if you just take it slow but once it's tucked down it really is stuck down so just take your time and get it right once it's in the right position just smooth it along the edge make sure it's stuck and then very glide gradually working away from there just with a piece of paper towel just to get it nice and smooth on any air bubbles or any wrinkles in it let's move out from the center towards the sides and they should push any arrow and then sure you get a nice smooth adhesion to the board ok next up we're going to do exactly the same thing with the other half of the mat again just putting on top of greaseproof paper to protect any surface underneath and take the spray adhesive and give it a good coating again wait a few seconds afterwards just until it cools tacky now the reason we do it in two halves one you just put on is one piece because this sprayer DS it really is so sticky it clicks close to your fingers and kind of mix everything very difficult and trying to stick the whole board down in one core is very very difficult it's much easier to do it in to ops we've got to put the two pieces back together anywhere so you won't see any jobs [Music] so ticket bought again and again just probably by the with just so you have a an edge to work against think the other piece of the market again remembering to make sure that we get at the right way around so the two line is the two parts line up again just push it up against where the where the board hinges I let me help you get a nice kind of hard a to push up against and you can see from where you've cut through the mat there's certain points that line up and also have the the form part on mental as well as a good indication of witnessed where the start front and again just as we did with the first part make sure it's lined up and then just smooth out along the fold and then to move out from the center point ensuring we get no wrinkles and no air bubbles again just take a paper towel and just read quite hard across the the joint and make sure everything stood break down and smooth everything right out don't worry too much about the the joins or the creases in them in the mathematical ease that call it ends just to kind of two must climb now that we have warpath stuff down the heart moves over really now which of the kids have trimming everything up and making it fit so as you can see with the you can see some of the white of the board sticking through at the bottom there so this is where we need to trim this off and the best way to do this to make sure we get a Mason square is to quit while it's folded in half that way of both sides will rain or problem so tip your steel rule and trim down the edge just just enough to take away the excess board and not cutting into the mat do the same again around or all the edges then take the black pen you're much better if you've got a mark okay with this with all I have time and and just rub that a lot on the white edge of the board again if you've bought a mount board that was how to colored call you might not need to do this but I just found it was a distant with the white core was about half the price so this was a cheaper option just one of the pen right the way along the edge and what this does is it just takes away that harsh whiteness and just blend it into the edges of the board stand out we need to put the two edges of the board's against each other as well when you use them math together so this just kind of hides in your joints also give the next stage now is we need to cut it in half again but we need to cut in the opposite where to where with tear so we're not cutting through the joint where we tip afford it we're cutting through the the opposite one so again just line your steel rule up with the crease in the mat and again very small you just cut all the way through now we have the morning to art it's just worth taking a bit of a kitchen drawer and just running it along them joins as well as you run the blade through sometimes it's it seems to lift it a little bit as the glue still drying so just run it down there make sure we've got nice tight seals and the next job now is to you you can tick with the colored pens that just run along the edges as well this time I'm using the green pen because the joint is going to be where the grass is so this is the problem where you tend not to be able to see that white line melt and where the creases of the paper been originally so by using the green water pen just color that in you can use black it'll work just as well put the green blends in slightly better and also where the board sections are I've used a grip now we make the cross them you need to just tie the back up again and flip them over and what we're going to do is we're going to tip across half of the split not the full length just half so that we create a hinge and the easiest way to do this is to fold the boat in half so again line them to up tick your tear and tear pulley across the joint and similarly dip before make sure that you start on one end and smoothing it out to make sure again that we don't get any windows [Music] then take your steel rule in knife again and turn off the excess right to the edge and there we have it the board's now finished really a fourth up in the same size it was when it was just a folded piece of paper if you bought the Kickstarter or you're buying your later editions as well you can do both mats and then you can join them together as well to play a bigger games I think that this joins the max together much more securely than when they're just lying flat as pieces of paper as well and it looks much more effective and much more hard-wearing as you can see you can just fold them up again as well and the beauty of this method is if it back in the original okay look folks hope you enjoyed the video please leave a like please subscribe to see more videos from me please leave a comment down below as well just so I know what you thought of the video and also just let me know so any other games you play up I'm interested in making more videos and obviously we can't make every single video about The Walking Dead so I'll be interested to know what kind of games you guys play I'd also be interested if you if you're on Facebook please take a look in the description below you'll see a link to my facebook group as well and that's an opportunity for you guys and girls to kind of come together and share some of the work that you're doing as well so whether it's something that you've seen one of my videos or something you've seen in someone else's video and you've done some some kind of hobby work then please just join the group and you can share and we can discuss things there as well so thanks very much for watching and I'll see you again in the next video you
Channel: BlackJack Legacy
Views: 14,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game board, how to make a trifold board, fold, pimp my hobby, how to make a board game, how to make a game board, How to make, gaming board, tri, mat, walking dead, games, deadzone, infinity, dropfleet commander, hobby, make my own, paper mat, miniatures, mantic, all out war, how to play, wargaming, dead, warhammer, how to, tutorial, the walking dead all out war game board, the walking dead allout war
Id: 7qzEKjrhbec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2016
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