DIY Gaming - How to Make a Tri-fold Gameboard

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today on DIY gaming the long awaited finale of a board making Trilogy unfolds as the forces of of good and of glue and a little indigestion come together in an epic conclusion so epic that the epicity rivals that of of of Gilgamesh with with romance and and sarcasm and some sabotage the fate of game prototyping comes to an Ultimate Clash as paper and ink what are you doing could you stick to the script today on DIY gaming we make a trifold [Music] board welcome to DIY gaming your source for tips and walkthroughs for making your own prototype and play testing components I'm your host Brown Beach and today we have a cool opportunity to supplement one of my favorite games with a trifold board to savur Links below first some housekeeping if you've come looking to make a board like this or like this you're better off going to DIYs how to make a bfold board and extrapolate baby what we will be making is a board like this more commonly known as a quadri fold board but if you're like me we have an insatiable desire to display our Mastery of the English language as well as a tendency to pointlessly but common conventions therefore we will be calling this a trifold board see threefolds trifold if you are unfamiliar with the DIY how to make a game board and how to make a bfold board you may want to review these as I assume you're familiar with some of the techniques there're in before starting this project supply list Buckle in for a long one we'll need enough chipboard to make two layers of your game board the old backing paper you've seen that before spray glue and a glue sticker too scoring tape and the double-sided permanent mounting film we use when making tokens and tiles for tools I got a good pair of scissors and a not so good pair for the adhesive paper we'll use a table knife for today's scoring methods and introducing our first time to use an xacto knife or a razor blade bringing a pencil in a good way to sharpen it and lastly you'll need a game board printout the one we're using in this example is one that's available for download we used CG textures to make for a game called savitur oh but not lastly get a ruler and maybe an optional tape measure I'll also pull out some masking tape or painters tape later on okay if you're familiar with the uniboard and bold tutorials there's nothing new here cut out your game board measure and cut the chipboard a/ in larger to give us our 1/4 in frame and mark the four quadrants of the front side of this board with ones and designate the top left and the top right Cor quadrants for later now duplicate this layer by cutting out an identical piece of chipboard and this time Mark the quadrants with a two as this will be our bottom layer give us a big top label across the top half and a left and right label in the bottom left and right quadrants uh what can I say about the trifold board the uh trifold board is uh perhaps one of my uh favorite boards because it's nen clature shares a rich and Noble Heritage with things like the the Triceratops and um uh Triumph and the the the Triforce which is better than the force because there is three of it wait what so haters can hate in the comments but the numbers don't lie that's ridiculous now take layer one and make a perfect vertical line down the middle as you've seen before measure from both ends to make sure that this line per perfectly bcts are plain score the line with the dull side of the table knife and cut this perfectly on the line you should end with two identical Hemi planes next take Layer Two and measure Mark score and cut a horizontal line also ensuring that it is perfectly centered ending with identical pieces this time a top and a bottom piece now you'll have a top layer of vertical planes and a bottom layer of horizontal planes using the first layer Mark the bottom half of the second layer where the inside edges of the top layer meet as I'm showing here Mark the same line using the inside edges of both of those halves to get the most accurate cut now score and cut this line making identical bottom left and right quadrants for Layer Two that match the bottom halves of each half of the halves of layer one okay when done the bottom layer will be divided into two lower quadrants and an upper half the top layer will be made of a left and right half so so no you're saying Link from Zelda could take out a Jedi no I am saying that the Triforce is superior to the force that's what I'm saying now let's assemble the plan is to take layer one and flip it over so that its back side is up so this is now the right side and this is now the left side of the back we're going to glue the top of layer two to the top of layer one by applying spray glue to the front of two in a f fing it to the back of layer one before getting started I'm stitching the front of layer one's seam with little pieces of masking tape to hold layer one in place and now after applying the spray glue to Layer Two I've permanently affixed this to the back of layer one following a similar process for the bottom quadrants spray glue is applied to the front of these pieces and are fixed in their respective places remove the stitches and on with the folds before folding identify the top front of layer one facing up we'll now use a razor blade to cut part way along the vertical seam into Layer Two it's important that this cut does not cut all the way through but only partially penetrates Layer Two about halfway several passes with little to no pressure can do the trick using the razor blade especially if you lift the seam up slightly to encourage the split when done you should be able to fold the board back on itself and your hinge should remain intact now locate the back and repeat this process for both of the back's horizontal seams take your time on this part and don't break your seam carefully fold this up and watch the magic now bust out the double-sided mounting film cut 1 to 1 and 1/2 in strips and remove only one side of the protective wax to apply to the inside of each hinge Center these strips along each seam this will reinforce the hinges while assisting in mounting along our edges first do this for both of front seams when you're ready to fold them in for the first time apply pressure to help keep the film as flush as possible and in place once you've got these repeat this for the vertical hinge on the top half of the back side and now our hinges are set okay so who'd win in a five link or Luke Skywalker I think your question is absurd Luke and Link would never fight because they're both on the side of good now take out that score tape and line every Inside Edge this will keep all of our mounted paper from peeling away with use try not to overlap as this becomes problematic when stripping the wax the front of the board will get six of these strips while the back will get four along the vertical seams trim the ends and let's go get that backing paper ready you could unroll this backing paper and mount the whole thing as we've done before then use the knife to cut the seams I'll demonstrate this for the front but for our back side I'm going to start by wrapping the top only and then wrap the bottom when using scissors I don't always get the perfect straight edge that I want to match the inside edge of my board so what I'm going to use is the already straight edge of the manufactured paper and use that to line up the Inside Edge of the board and remember in wrapping the back we want a 1 in Border along the top and the sides here I'm going to measure this 2 in longer length and widthwise as we've done before and then later I'll trim off the extra inch from the top here I've marked the natural straight edge for my inside seat I take the back of the board and identify the same inside seam on the back of the top half we'll apply the spray glue to this half only while it's folded over and then once it's wet with the spray glue we'll flip it over and hope we don't mess up before applying the spray glue first remove the protective wax on the film and score tape for the part of the board receiving the glue Mark your matching seam it's probably wise to also Mark the corners and edges and even the center where the seams going to meet on the backing paper this will give you a guide as you spray on the glue and carefully line up that seam edge with the edge of the paper make sure you get this centered left and right and it's always best to press down Center and then out now since I originally cut a little extra on top I'm trimming that down to the 1in frame I make my 90 and 45° Corner Cuts you've seen on our previous videos scirate my edges and I'm set for this hat there's absolutely no way link could defeat Darth Vader okay first of all link isn't just just waiting around for Vader to show up okay he goes to Vader's dungeon and faces him in a chamber at the end of a series of rooms filled with puzzles after letting this settle a bit I take the first fold slow and I keep the paper from bunching up with some pressure on and around the hinge now you notice that I'm lazy so I'm just tracing my second side and duplicating the whole process some of the spray glue gets on the inside edge of my backing paper but since I've already score taped it I'm okay it's best not to get too much spray glue on there is that'll cause it to wrinkle up but a little won't hurt this time notice I apply the paper to the board instead of the board to the paper lining up the edge and centering left and right smooth it down the center and out unfolded I have a pretty ugly back seam here where the paper wants to overlap this is a better problem than the alternative where the paper might have gapped cuz there wasn't enough so it's best to air on the side of overlap to fix this I take a piece of scrap cardboard for a cutting board and trim the inside edges of the backing paper you you can also do this if you ended with uneven edges on your backing paper now you no some blemishes on the seam but I'm happy with the flush finish here all right real quick finish the corner and scoring tape on the edges and now we find ourselves a good place to take a break as the next part is all done in one city now Vader could totally choke link using the force before he even made it no no halfway through the level link finds a treasure chest filled with yamari which he puts in his bottles just for the occasion and if you have to look that one up you don't belong in this conversation I'm not buying it okay with the front of the board up we want to remove all the protective wax from the film and score tape on the front of the board you'll wrap the edges as we've done before in the past focusing on one Edge at a time remember to finish with your 45° cut Edge sides or trapezoidal sides once wrapped up place the board in a safe place but don't Fold It Up just yet keep it flat and out of danger take the front cut out of your board games print out and line the front edges with the score tape and take your time on this and get this right working real slow and in small sections don't overlap these strips on the corner as this makes a problem when tearing off the wax trim what you need to and set this aside all right take out that glue stick and apply it to the quadrants avoiding the backing paper border and the sticky mounting film and sticky score tape but all the exposed chipboard in each quadrant should get a healthy even dose of the the glue stick all right remove the wax from the score tape from the back of the board's graphic and carefully Center and apply to the front of your board surface if any of your graphic references a center line or Corners these may be useful in lining this up but take your time and press down the center seams and out towards each quadrant Corner careful to avoid creasing now let this sit out for a bit maybe go watch a movie or take her significant other to dinner or take me out to dinner he's called the hero of time I mean have you seen how long that dude can run I'm just saying here it done here stops giving this a spell to settle we're ready to make our final cuts and folds using a ruler and our cutting blade and the example we're doing here the first Hing is already ready to go and just in need of keeping creases from cropping up on the front of our board so now I'm going to find the seam that separates the two bottom quadrants if you've lost these in the process look for the impressions of the double score tape avoiding the wider impression made by the mounting film carefully cut this seam along the back and then free the same seam along the front Okay we're in a great position we have the two arms here but we don't have the ability yet to fold this back we still need to cut the top seam along the front and we need to do this without risking cutting through the back of our board so we'll need to be very very careful and retract our blade to a very small size carefully make the incision and free up the EDG most wraparound and we are gold and by gold if you've printed this board out to its original size you're well on your way to gold digging in a component long Mist in this great little zman game sabur which apparently I need no sabator as I've demonstrated my inability to get to a goal card playing solo there are few things more rewarding to a game designer than seeing one of your games come to life now there's some variation and techniques we did today on the trifold board that can be applied to the bfold board that we've done before hopefully these walkthroughs are giving you some uh ideas on how to prototype quickly and without the use of expensive equipment so you can save more of your time on game design and maybe more of your money on a manufacturer demo later down the road thank you for joining me today for DIY gaming make sure you subscribe to the channel and like the video if you want and do and until next time May the forces be with you all three of them or at least the one that you're endowed [Music] with [Music] the
Channel: Pub Meeple
Views: 80,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Do It Yourself (Hobby), board, game board, table top, game mod, tutorial, game design, prototype, playtest, games, trifold, tri-fold, quadrifold, saboteur, saboteur game, game components
Id: 4sTWbtpk_I4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2015
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