Dungeon Tiles (Again) Without Walls and What I learnt from the Heroquest Board

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[Music] hello welcome to the battling barrow gaming and another terrain video and another dungeon tile video um so this is what the third system of constructed on the channel may even be the fourth if you include the warhammer quest tiles i made um and we'll touch on that in a moment so what's the reason for this it's because i was never very happy with either of them of the previous ones so we started off just a little recap of tiles like this this is um a little tile with a 2.5 d wall on it and slots in so you could clip it together um create the wall uh it helps because all the tile is gray so the wall helps uh show you where there's separation between this and say i've got cabin towel here but the next room is you can see clearly see that this is a separation there's a wall here that's great um but it always took seems to take a bit too long to set up with pushing in the sort of bit here and then slotting the tar on to it and to build up a room made solely out of these two by two square tiles just seemed to take an age so then i came up with the magnetic tile system so these are just walls they have a magnetic strip at a bomb and these slot onto um magnetic sheet and so you can fit loads of these on really quickly and gets up quickly great problem with this is uh you've got this wall which impedes player sight it looks great being please impede to play a site and i think as a trademaker you want something to look as good as possible so this looks the best but practically probably not the best solution to use does that mean i won't use it it does not because there are times when i can see a system like this being of high use particularly if the encounter is really important perhaps a boss battle encounter where the combat is going to be more tactical so line of sight and cover becomes more important then yeah i'm definitely going to be using this but i wanted to go back to like the traditional tile system and see if there was a solution and really it kind of i've already hit on the solution when after i made these a few years back i went to make my own warhammer quest and i made sort of 3d 2.5 d tiles for that rather than what i do now which is just print out the pdfs onto cardstock and make my own actual cardstock tiles i made my own warhammer crest tiles out of foam and in there laid the solution between that and looking at the hero quest board was the solution um i would make it wallace i'd bring down the wall so there won't be any walls but then how would you know the difference between just laying out all this gray you don't have it as grey you have your corridors grey like on the uh what a hero quest board and all the rooms on different colors but not only different colors but i have a different pattern on the squares if you look at the hero quest board you can see that here and we're just going to mimic that with the tiles and maybe take some inspiration from poor hammer quest so what this video will be it won't be necessary a how to make tiles as such because they're pretty much the same as this i'll quickly go over it as a recap so you don't have to watch this video but if you do want a bit more information watch this video and then i'll just show you the different tiles that i made and that's the other thing i'm not just going to be making two by two tiles i'm going to be utilizing sort of warhammer quests by making some of them will be for sure they're useful but there will be corridor tiles so they'll be like four by two and even longer possibly i'm planning um six by two um whatever and the rooms just won't be made up of these they'll be um i'm going to plan to make three different size rooms uh that can be combined to make one big room so there'll be a four by two a four by four and a six by four i'm planning to make and then obviously the four by two uh uh four by four go together to form the same size as the bigger room and they go together um let me just show you what i mean so we will have the four by two sort of tile this is i've already made these so it's recorded after the fact you'll have a 4x4 board and you have a 6x4 board and so these are going to be rooms and so i could have two there are three individual size rooms of different sizes i can have two rooms of the same size and i can combine those i have two masks one massive room one bigger room like that so that's the tiles i'm also going to make just even bigger tiles these are actual uh five by five size tiles uh yeah so that is my plan that's my plan of action for this tile system so it will still be flexible modular but it'll be quicker because you can just put down bigger tiles and the corridors themselves will be bigger so i'll be just be quicker to get stuff laid down and speaking of getting things laid down we need still need to cover the locking fact locking issue you can put tiles down just as they are but you get them they'll get knocked about and that's no good is it you don't want that and the solution actually hit me whilst i was setting up to record a warhammer quest game for the channel uh whenever i do that i just flip a battle mat over and my battle mats i use are mouse mats mouth map materials so something like this on the back you've got a mousemate and i flip it over really for the fact it's dark so on camera what you would you look at is the actual game board pieces so it doesn't distract but it also has the adding advantage of having a fairly non-slip uh material on so you know you can put that on and it's not moving and so whilst doing that the solution come i don't need to worry about locking mechanisms whenever i play my games i just flip over a a battle map and it acts as a non-slip material obviously if you don't have a battle mat you can either buy one or you can buy a uh i think you buy them for carriages like a non-slip material for tool boxes that go in the back of cars and garages and so forth you can do that so job done so yeah let's get on with the video and have a look at making the tiles a quick recap and then show you the the specific details of for these tiles quick recap on making tiles i'm gonna make my tiles are one and a quarter inch grid rather than one um so because of that the tiles themselves are two and a half by two and a half for single tiles or two and a half by five for double and i might make longer ones um so i'm just gonna use the hot wire castle that i've measured out so it's five here so i get a nice straight line and the previous tiles had a um base of chipboard but i also had chipboard spaces in to allow for this gap here so you could put a locking piece in and put them together and lock them in um my new ones i'm not going to bother with that i am just gonna use chipboard on the bottom as protection uh what that will mean is there will be a little one mil thick height difference i'm not too but worried about that as um i've only got 10 of these i'm using so there will only be 10 places or meow i'm making a corridor out of all these only one and it could be classed as a step down is a dungeon floor perfectly even no so i'm not worried so i'm going to do come in with some glue switch that on uh just make sure that's all foreign pushing down onto a flat surface until try and make sure it's try and make sure it's even and then you can come in with another test and just get some other tiles just to make sure you can put them all together and line them all up which you can and then any other thing got to do now if you've got to dry uh don't do this with just one it's pointless but just put a heavy book on top just to weigh it down possibly do more than one so you can put one book and cover multiple tiles leave that to try when that's uh dry mark a grid that is an inch and a quarter by an inch and a quarter and it's divided into four coming with a uh tool we can use a ballpoint pen or i'm using a sculpting tool i'm just gonna so the differences between this and a ballpoint pen is this is rounded and it doesn't really tear as much gives a much nicer indentation and which i'm doing here like so and then just come in and let's put some uh wear and tear into it doing some cracks this crack countdown there we go i'm crack and then finally a rock and just because these are corridors i actually want them to be quite fairly uh well worn so it's going to be a lot of [Music] indentation so i'm using rock finish you could if you wanted to use the tinfoil method i really want some deep uh some gouges into this and you notice what i'm doing is using different parts of the rock and as i'm doing it i'm spinning the tile around so it doesn't become uniform and that is what i'm doing for the corridors which will paint up in a bit so now i want to make some 45 degree angle pieces the reason for this is because in a lot of old-school modules you'll see things where the dungeon will go virtually up and i'll just bend off at 45 degree angle like so and you'll see that a lot um so i want to make this piece quite easy to make a bit of foam come in at two and a half uh inches here so let's measure this two and a half but it'll mark there again i need a protractor line that up with the projector mark uh a little mark at 45 degree angle [Music] measure them like so and then because you want the next bit to join up here two and a half inches here go corner to corner and that will be your 45 to 3 angle piece then cut that out once you've got that cut out you can sort of line it your previous pieces up and just mark out it's easiest way to mark out that [Music] coming with sculpting tool and put the grid mark in and then texture up and base it as normal for those that like some black magic in your craft it's time to undercoat in mod podge and black but if you're more of a bard in your craft you'll certainly like this step which is to dry brush in a gray dry brush of ivory tusk and finally wash the entire piece in a homemade black wash [Music] so rooms are made in pretty much the same way but we're gonna do something different so we're gonna look at this room here on the hero quest board and we're just going to sort of mimic that so we're going to have powers like this i'm just free handing it just to get that feel from the game it's going to add just different pick out different details from it so i'll carry on and get this done also i did the same texture on a by four section and also a uh six by four section and the nice thing about this is you can put them together to form a bigger room and these will also be painted in the same manner so they'll go together really nice um gonna be to talk about texturing now i could come in with the old trusty rock um give it a texture like the corridors as you can see once the corridors go in you can see there is a clear difference already uh but i don't want to what i want to do is make my own texture roller um because i don't want the corridors are heavily textured because they're more well worn i want these to have just a slight light texture so for this you could revert to uh the old tinfoil way baltimore but that'll just take too long so what i'm gonna do is make my own texture roller you've got a lot of tiles to texture like i'm going to have in this project from forthcoming projects default of uh texture it can leave me a bit worried um so what i'm going to do is make my own sort of texture roller so instead of using the um all the tin file rock i'm going to have a roller i'm just going to roll over so just give it a slight texture so i'm gonna use various different materials so i've got some sand here some slightly thicker grit and then some some really deep bits some uh ballast this is actually small ballast because you don't want i don't want anything too major it's just to give it a rocky texture i don't need too deep if i want to go deep and make any more sort of heavy texturing i shall do that by hand i just want the general overview some got this just to catch all the sprinkles down because what i'm going to do now i've got a bit of pipe cut out doesn't really matter about the thickness just a bit of off cut piping it's about 10 inches and i'm going to cover it in pva glue but not i wanted to leave that two finger whips at the end just so i couldn't say to hold on to without touching the texture too much the electrical parts all i'm gonna do for this is coming with some pva glue i'm just gonna effectively pull it all over here the heavier the better with this now if this will work pva you'll find out i really want it watered down and then [Music] manipulate it around with the brush [Music] it doesn't matter if you and all of it has stuff stuck on it now just adds to the final texture [Music] then come in with heavy on just the sand give me my fairly heavy of this but not as heavy do and then maybe i haven't actually won't use much of this but this is the palace so it says no i don't think there's any right or wrong here it's just that's wrong because i've been scraped enough to paint the glue it's just however you feel it should be what i'm going to do here is then just make sure that the rest of it sand [Music] [Music] and what i'm going to do is i'm going to let this dry and when it's dry i'm going to go over with some water down pva and let that dry [Music] so it seals it in yeah let's see how that we get on with this and once it's dried coming with some water down pva and i'm just gonna drench that all over and then once that's all covered let it dry once more hopefully this will seal in the sand in place and then with the texture roller i can just come in and just add in some texture and i'm just spinning around and and in there hopefully you can see this nice texture on there for really quick simple quick roll boom texture happy with that the painting rather than using black as this could be yellowish room i'm going to come in with some brown undercoat this has mod podge in uh i made this mixture in the tavern magnetic tavern build dry brush with some bailar brown and a lighter dry brush of zamzi desert and this is what the rooms will look like in conjunction with corridors and you can already see there is a clear distinction between these areas here not only in color but in the actual design of the tiles so i think i'm on to a winner here so what i'm going to do now is paint the rest of the room pieces and i've got some i've got like this are going to be on a brown shade and some i want to be gray and blue so i'm going to uncoat them in slightly different ways i've got a stack here i've undercoated in brown mod podge color and a stack here that i've undercoated in black mod podge uh these ones here going to be sort of browns reds and yellows so that sort of color floor these here will be blues greens and there will be gray uh just won't be this gray there'll be more of a bluey gray so i'm gonna get painting and quickly just highlight the sort of different designs we're gonna have here you can only see this lovely wood ones here we'll cover those now okay so i thought we'd have a look at what i've done uh with the rooms um so a little miniature just for uh precise purposes and got some tiles some bad corridor tiles here just to have a color comparison the first one to look at is one we've already just seen is this one i won't go over this one uh too much void it's in it so you can just see that's it kind of comparison so really you can really notice the difference between this one and um the corridor uh and we've already seen that i've got a big piece medium piece and a small piece let's have a look at the rest of what i dubbed the uh the brown uh undercoat palm um so the first time i did was this um i've only got this size because i quickly decided that this was a lot of effort um just to get this it just took too long i quite like it whenever i need a store room i'm gonna use utilize this um it was undercoated in the um burnt under mod podge mix and then i dry brushed it with drag bark and then still legion drab i also before i did all that i obviously carved in a wood plank pattern and then texture you with a still wire brush and then added in the little dots and nails that took ages but we can see here you can really see the difference between this and if i just quickly do that you'd be able to tell that that's a corridor that's a room and that's a really small room big model here one thing you'll notice there's no grid on this i figured room you don't have to need i think it didn't need a grid one if you're surrounded by a corridor you can see that it's four deep so you can tell that that's going to be uh 20 it's each square is five foot so you know if you're over here you've got a movement of 30 you know you can get out obviously no doors yet so we'll cover that in a future video so we've got that piece um sticking with the wood i decided to do a parky type floor and what i should do as we go along is if it's influenced from warhammer quest or uh hero quest i'll sort of add in just a little show little picture showing you what i was influenced by but this is from uh hero quest so you can see the parquet floor here and obviously if we add the previous brown one in you can see there is a clear difference between this and this these are two separate rooms so again i've got a big bit small bit and a medium bit so i can form multiple different i can have two big rooms one really big room three uh individual room that's my thinking with this so i can quickly lay down stuff the next one is again most of these are hero quest influenced this one again big medium small is a oh it has a weird color tone it has it's a kind of a reddish brown but i you achieved this by uh having the brown undercoat dry brushing in talong flesh i guess you could use the cardigan flesh now still call it cardigan rather than cardigan flesh and then it was washed with a rackling flesh shade i just got some red ink and did a splash of blood and yeah again you can really tell the difference between rooms just really uh rooms and corridors our hero here yep that's one of my favorite rooms i think i think i'd like it too much uh next up we are moving into the yellows so again big small medium and it's sort of a triangle checkerboard effect inspired by hero crest uh with this you gotta make sure you get the room lined up properly don't release all manner of issues and problems uh yeah but anyway that's this is the room there we go that's how it goes nice and yellow i'm feeling really happy with how these have come out i'm finally getting the tiles i want next up i'm on to a sort of reddish room now this one i was really worried about initially i've only got one of these the only size i've got because i thought it would be too red too ominous looking having a red room so this is inspired by uh a hero quest room and so this was uh dry or over brushed in cool red and then some of the lighter reds i picked out in astra roth red a dry brush color and then taking inspiration from the flesh chamber room the flesh catacomb picks out some of them in the italian flesh and this has actually become one of my favorite rooms now just because it is so visually stunning it's it's reddish now rather than red so when you put it down people aren't going to instantly think oh it's an evil room because you don't really have an evil-ish room so yeah pleased with how that came out again this is another one that's coming up that i was worried about it's this one here so uh this was painted in um baylor brown i believe first of all and then i've got no other use for it i painted it using a plate bearer flesh um i actually probably won't ever use this for anything else really i bought this expect it to be a good undead flesh tone but it's far too illuminous green for what i thought would be but for this turnout for this room on heroes it's brilliant it's got this brown green look which is what i was going for so i love that and i can't keep doing this i love putting them together the contrast clearly see two separate rooms and a corridor yes the uh next room is inspired by war hammer crest it's the uh orange room with the spiked mason which i forget what it looks cool of the top of my head but also has little bits of grass in it so if you static grass you can see me actually make this in the warhammer quest tile video um like i did just after starting making dungeon tiles uh yeah this is a good favorite of mine as well just looks good and our final room in the browns is a checkerboard just one big room this one just wanted one big room just to ease if i change my mind i haven't put any backing on so i can still cut it up but i think i'm just going to leave this as a big room so if ever i need a largest room just going to slam this down and this is a favorite of mine so this was a bailar brown and dry brushed with talon sand and then picked out these colors in um graveyard earth still legion drab so yeah brilliant so now we are on to the the shades gray um now for these i had to be really careful um because i think i wanted to clash with these so they're all undercoated in black mod podge mix the first one dig was perhaps my first foray into odd shaped rooms for uh stuff like los amanda fendell which is a three by two room just a really small room because there is a room like this in los angeles and so this was painted in dark reaper undercoat and then i picked out in a turquoise color which i forget but just give a nice blue type room next up i wanted a nice light gray room so this was inspired by um i should say that was a room inspired by uh hero quest this was inspired by warhammer crest and it was a grey room so this was just over brush with dawn stone and then dry brushed with administration green and you this was a good experiment because it's now even though it's gray i haven't done any wash on it so it's quite light which i wanted because with the dry brush over the black it's got definition there we can clearly see that it's master is gray two different grays which i like this is another hero crest room and another grey room but this is a a blue green so again you can clearly see the difference this is probably about as close as much as i come across in the uh construction this was rupert gray over brush and a rust gray dry brush so it's got that nice gray look but without still not matching this so if you do want gray dungeons you can still have them here i've made these these are again hero crest rooms but these are almost black this is uh it's a coat arms paint actually which i forget what it's called um panzer gray is what it was over brushed with and then i dry brushed it with um shadow gray i forget what it's called now uh oh i've only got the old shadow gray version of it but i think it's called shadow fang or fang now i've got four of these for a particularly big room so i just felt i'd need a big room perhaps boss battle which i left it quite dark as well without this ominous big ominous room or obviously two large rooms or four individual rooms so again whilst it's got i've got flexibility but quickness to set up as well so once more you can see that whilst it is gray it's a different gray to this and just flipping back to the other one which is a different gray to this which is a different gray to this so here you can see i've got great corridor grey room grey room grey room but you can clearly see the difference there so i feel i've achieved what i set out to do even with using greys by changing color and pattern [Music] next up is hero quest once more and it's checkboard so as well as marking out the big big big squares uh i went back and not as deeply marked out divided those squares into quarters and then just painted it each square wire and again like before you need to make sure you set them up right so the pattern matches obviously don't need to worry about being able to see the rooms you can clearly see this is a room uh pleased with how that came out uh still with hero quest i think most of these now are hero crest only took a few warhammer quest inspirations a green room just again really add a splash color to your dungeon so pray it this was a acrylic green i can't remember what it's called it's just my standard green i use for green earth it's called or doing big projects it was then dry brushed with lauren forrest and then a wool boss green before a coralie green shade was applied next up is a red checkerboard room i've only got two of these uh they're large and a medium but these can be two separate rooms or maybe an l-shaped room um so this was corn red dry brushed with the astro of red and then washed with the crimson shade games workshop forget what it's called but the crimson shade they do uh yeah again i wanted to not have just because it's red i didn't want that on make it ominous but i think i've achieved that just want it to be a red checkered room and the last room tile is a big one again like how we ended the brown batch and this is uh dark reaper and ross gray so whilst i've already got one of them you can see the pattern is different on them so i'll find that rough gray ones yet so here we are these were both painted the same uh is it that one no it's not it's this one here so these are both painted the same but you could clearly see that these would be separate rooms okay so here we are gonna set up so what i do when i play board games and stuff is just use a belt mat and mouse mat material and when you lay down the uh tiles you know you really struggle to move them so when you button up against each other [Music] they are in place you know you're not gonna you're not gonna knock them with these i mean sure you can tap them and get them to move even that is not moving that much so you don't really need a locking mechanism if you just lay down a mouse mount so what i'm going to do now is use the tools to set up some different layouts so first up and that's something that's quite gridless now this is the layout for the hooded man in what's happened from uh knight of bloods world adventure this is gridless and what we're going to be doing is laying out the tavern bit here consists of a main tap room kitchen store room and the corridor with stairs then we're not doing stairs in a moment but that will be in a future video so all we're doing is the rooms and the corridor and if i was going to do that that is how i'd lay it out that's quick and easy so you got the bar here the kitchen here using this checkerboard one so that makes sense for a kitchen store room and then the corridor so what we need to do in that in the next video is add in some doors but that is how i would do this room and so the next one we'll look at is from the classic module class will call girl and beyond because this is a big layout with lots of rooms and corridors so i want to see how it matches up um it's going to be a perfect one to once we don't have any circle ones i'll probably use squares for that if i say this up anyway but it's just really concentrating on this middle section here and so we'd have the big double corridor here no double door here just pan up so you can see whilst it's really busy which i really like you can clearly see a distinction between the corridor going all the way around and the rooms here it has a green courtyard so i just made a tile for that which is just grassed but even without the doors you can see the distinction to to what you can get into and what you can't it helps when you smidge that in together more but so i'm really happy with you how these are going but there's one more got set up so the final sub i want to do is the red brand hideout i'm not gonna can't do the um the goblin trunks that's all case we haven't got caves yet that'll be a future video so i just want to do the rev hideout um one thing i did when i did my original tiles was convertix these all like powers are free so i converted it to powers of two which is what i've got here you probably recognize this from the first ever tile video i did so using these new tiles that looks like something like that not that impressive because we don't have the cabin tiles in the middle but you can see we have this room here the corridors big room there some rooms together separated by corridors i'm going to use a secret aren't they that's the big one where you'd have the water fountain and such pieces you have that in place but even so even without the doors you can already see that there is distinguishable areas so speaking of doors i'm going to leave the video here um and i think the next video we'll have to work on is the doors then so uh until that one guys take care [Music] so you
Channel: Battlin' Barrow Gaming
Views: 5,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hero quest, games workshop, dungeons and dragons, dungeon tiles, terrain crafting, terrain, warhammer quest
Id: 7c1DDiEIrxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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