How to make miniature tents for The Walking Dead All Out War Miniatures game

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to the channel first of all I just like to see a huge thank you to everyone who viewed my other two videos especially the making the table one I wasn't quite prepared for that many views it was something I just thought I wanted to make for myself and I thought I'd record it and maybe help if it can help one person there was probably worth making the video but at this point in time I think we've got over or a thousand views helped in no small part thank you to Mantic guys as well whoever definitely shared it out there and added it into the the Kickstarter email and focused everyone who subscribe to the channel I think I set myself a target of 10 subscribers by probably middle or end of next year and as a minute we're sitting at 37 I think it is so yeah hopefully and let me know what you think of the new videos and tell you what kind of things you want to see as well and if you guys are watching it and I'm happy to go ahead and mix tougher so to this video what I want to do it is I wanted to make a little bit of scenery read just think about the things that are in the box that you get with the Kickstarter come on card as I said I would make a little tent so this is the first article here and what I'll do now is I'll take you through it step by step on how to make it any questions you've got guys please just drop in your comment in the air in the video please remember to like please remember to share this please remember to subscribe you haven't already subscribed and and will be one of the video now thanks so to make this tent and we're using some cardboard here the measurements for the cardboard or a 16 centimeters wide by 12 centimeters deep and the card I've used here has just been it was actually the box that the Walking Dead was boxed in the other case but I've also made another tent as well using cereal box so any kind of card you can get your hands on me I'll probably do the job so here I'm just marking it out there I've put a little diagram in the corner there so you can see the dimensions but you want to pause the video at any point all back and check things and you'll see all those sizes if anybody wants any help with it just let me know here you can see that it's basically to get back sort of five four three two area at the top there just measure four centimeters from the top to the side maybe three set the other side to then measure three centimeters and the width of it is five seven eight this is that you remember you trigonometry from school guys that's that 3 4 5 triangle there so cut it out and we left with that ship the next stage here is is that to get sort of some kind of texture to it what I've used here is just a theory wait wring it out and let it dry on the radiator just be careful which ones you're going to go out and buy then just be careful with some of them have little teddy bears and stuff imprinted on them and so I wouldn't recommend going and getting Huggies ones but I think we tend to find that the cheaper supermarket or mix or all them or like this and just blank so just put your template on draw around it and then cut it out and when I could I was you want to cook just slightly outside of those marks so that basically we can trim off later it'll just stretch all the top of the frame of the tent and that we're we in there we can trim it afterwards we get a nice clean cut I also drew around what is the basic attend down I'll realize later on when I cut it off for ya just to cut around it so here just ticking you craft maker your hobby Nathan just score across where you've got those bear marks what you want it cutting off just to kind of air crease it reading to sort of can fold ace and cleanly but not cooked all the way through so just take your time with this you can always score it again against cold hard enough you cut it off you're gonna have to start again there's taq time and make sure you get nice clean Falls and then just here is for the intertubes just so you can see actually what the what the basic shape of the tent is going to be and that's really where we're starting from so next I just taken a little piece of masking tape here just cut it off and what we're going to do is we're going to just put musketeer on just to hold it while you give me your glue sets because it's not the the basic that it wants to spring back into the flat ship release or little bit of masking table on the bottom just trim it to lariat so it's flush with the edges because we don't want anything getting cotton any extra bits of material any falls in it and then we'll go just got normal craft people here here just run it along the edge and the more going to do is we're just going to steer another train your ten ship and just fall up at masking tape to hold everything in place it also takes off a chemical potential on this side but it just holds a big while it dries then just a little bit of course of musketeer there on the inside of one of the doors again a little bit of PVA down stores and then just fold it forward put it on the ten there just put my finger inside and press down make sure the masking tape was sealed across there okay don't what there was and then took another piece of masking tape and just cut it for the length of the roof and put it on there that's just a lot when we put the bear the the baby wipe over it we don't get that kind of water page on the top and he had just decided put a little piece of masking tape on the back doors as well because the laughs down so don't don't air close the front doors or the tent just keep the back ones closed no basically I finished their ship and then put the next stage so now we're going to take this the dried out baby right now and I've just trimmed off the base piece there I was laughing the point when I really didn't need it so you get your PVA glue now all down one side of the tent just go scrap piece of card and just smooth it out there make sure everything is coming for you one make sure left air baby wave sticks and lie it over and just smooth down one side see them on the other side PVA glue wipe it down smooth it all out along the front of the doors as well there and then again just press the being right down you'll feel the glue starts to come through so it will just start a grip on it and gets a little bit tacky as well that we should be careful but doors there I'm just there just straightening up the other lines there before we hear the back as well and then exactly the same smooth it out and then fold them down nice and thick just make sure it doesn't matter that you get a crease down the middle across the door the doors of the temple have a kind of a bit we're joined together anywhere so just smooth it out don't want do guys is we're just going to let that dry and before you trim the edges so here it's been drying for probably probably about an hour or two and just take a pair of scissors and you can see there where we've got the excess on the overhang you could you could fold it round the support on the doors but it just looks tidy a job we just don't turn off so it's just ways wrong but this is they're trimming off any loose edges and just - just getting ready Italia before the next stage so there we have it now it's all smooth felt and it's all tied up as well here I've just put a sheet of kitchen wall down here bottom some water inside and all the other pot and we're going to add some PVA glue to that and then basically it wouldn't make to see what the mix is but if you think about probably a 50/50 mix it's really just trying to and to give a more adult evie a close up with and then call the whole attending and this will help harden up with the baby wipe and it also just help give it a little bit of an stiffness to the whole thing so I'm just pouring or a toll hence whether at the kitchen towel there you could use a spray bottle and spray it on as well and I didn't have my handy at a time so just smoothing the help make sure it's all covered it does get quite kind of soggy in a little bit messiness so just make sure once you've done it put it somewhere you're not you're not worried about it sticking to it as well meet on the kitchen telling you know the drain and media all the native probably best but I think y'all know we're doing next bit I've got a bear but under the fearless cocktail again them a do like using message really a really handy and I've taken a piece of card that is the CM sizes of the base of the tent at this point intend that the tent was still drying so I'll obviously didn't want to handle it and what we're going to do here is we're going to just cut a bit of a rough just draw around a bit of a rough shape to cut out just uses it as a base for this hint you don't have to put a base map show out however I want in the base on and I'll explain why they are here I've just roughly cut the shape out just so I can start playing and witness with the size of it and I've start recording it and then I'm just breaking away and roughly around where the lines are not too precious about it and again as you remember from the air me and the board video we don't want to be perfect outside it looks a little odd so we're just going to crumble the sides there and then you're left with a rough ship for the Bears all these scrap bits left left guys doors for them aware keep them just properly a little joy I've got they're excellent for using for rocks for military bases or for any other kind to bring them jobs we've got on hand so here we've got the tent we've got the Bears the tents all dry now as well and you'll definitely feel a different and more energy to it and here I've just got a barbecue skewer and a wooden skewer you could use anything lying around something similar may be a clock even cocktail sticks I guess we'll probably do it in all going to do is we're going to make a little pause just for the fruit of the tent and we just go to mark here with roughly aware that whether the barbecue skewer needs to go for the front post so just getting the pencil just marking where it needs to be and then basically use down I they use the pencil just for the ball through it on user just be careful to fingers and all we're doing is creating [Music] here we've put in a place now just go please MC where it used to be you just turn it down a little bit there's not too much and the next job is we're going to put a little bit of superglue around the base of it so it'll stick nice and solid into the cork tile and a little bit of superglue on the top as well just to stick it to the top of the tent we're also going to put some super glue around the base of the tent as well you can use PVA glue but I just find that the super glue for this part of the process it's just sticks a lot faster and then just hold it in place for a few seconds I have everything set aside and there we have it so so far so good we've got the finished tent there and see the doors oh and don't worry about any creases that come down the front dead it looks like full of material anywhere but now we're ready to warm them and spray-paint it so here I've just spray painted it with the gray primer you can see the falls down the side there as well at the front but I'm a TA right what you can also see is actually a little bit unnatural in front door just lying open so I just took some paper clips taken the plastic core of the paper clip and just use it as the little pores like you sometimes get to keep the front door to the ten oven I'm just taking this blue pin just again cheaper cocaine then we use it for me in the board and all we're going to do is we're just going to give it a liberal doors good pants to control coverage probably have to give it to cords but just give it one let it dry let's see how it goes so very quickly where wisdom through here and then we'll show you what we did after that so here it is the finished finished painted mouse always had two coats of blue on the 10 itself I've also created the cog in green with the same green I used from it in the board and I've got some brown paint as well that I've just give the front ball a bit of a push in there as well and also just then doubled a little bit on the grass so that it looks a little bit worn around the entrance to the tent whether it be a lot of foot traffic what we're going to do now is we're going to use the M the flock seeing flock that we use to made in the board we're just going to put the PVA glue on all the way around the edge maybe they have a little bit of gap drone where you see some of the the brown kind of muddy sections so we see that showing through and it looks like the grass is one way a little bit and we're just going to put the PVA glue around use the brooch just to spread it out and then we're going to sprint on the flop on again here I'm just sprinkling the green arrow flop in line again just try and use if you are the reason I'm using the CM is what we're using forward for the bit for the balls as well so that when you sit them down it just kind of blends in spread that around remember to completely on this all when it come off you can read any color that's one play button until two wasted just Pat it down and he and see I'm just tapping and BS you can see the grass has fallen back off on the sheet there and once it's done we can just tip that pop it back and nothing's wasted here we are with a Finnish tent so let that dry and it's good to go so here's a quick shot just so you can see I say I did another one as well in red and I think that don't do anything to - fantastic graphically and they certainly look better than the little flat cardboard pieces that you can get in the board I hope you've enjoyed the video guys so once again thanks very much for watching thanks very much for those guys that have subscribed so far and if you haven't subscribed please do please hit the like button and remember to share the video as well let me know what you want to see and I'll see you all in the next video thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BlackJack Legacy
Views: 9,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tents, how to make miniature tents, miniature tent, All Out War, how to make, tent, miniatures, how to build, The Walking Dead, Mantic, game, camp, model, wargame, wargaming, 28mm, camping, canvas, kings of war, scenery, terrain, make your own, warhammer, bolt action, D&D, hobby, papercraft, walking dead all out war, the walking dead all out war, walking dead all out war game, walking dead mantic, age of sigmar
Id: ddyUYdw4NzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2016
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