How to make a Tornado using Niagara - Unreal Engine 5 tutorial

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hello and welcome to my YouTube channel in this video we're going to create a tornado effect using Unreal Engine 5 and using the Niagra system niagar particles and the Niagra fluids so let's start let's start by launching un Engine 5 in my case I'm using real engine 5.3 and we need to enable some plugins go to edit plugins in the plugin window let's search for niagar and we have to enable the Niagra effect system and the niagar fluid the Niagra effect system I think it's enabled by default in the engine and the Niagra fluids is the plugins needed to emit 3D fluids so let's close we need to restore the engine and let's start here we have a level I created a simple level with just basic light setup to have cool effects on cool Li thing on the tornado and let's start we open the content browser by clicking on control space bar or clicking on the content browser icon here right click go to Niagra system and create a new Niagra system we can create Niagra system based on templates from the engine but in our case we going to select an empty system we're going to create it from scratch so let's name it Niagara system tornado tutorial let's open it up and start this is the this window is the n nagra editor nagra system editor at the left we going to have the preview of what we are creating and here we going to have the core of the system that we going to create so let's start by adding an imager right click add imager and select an empty template let's name it to particles amateur and let's start so this emiter will be the the one emitting the particle system and we're going to have a second one that will emit fluids so let's start with the particle system we have some categories here we have the emiter spawn the emiter update the particle spawn and the particle update first of all we need to change the the Sim Target from CPU Sim to GPU same because we're going to use the the fluid simulation and now we're going to create the basic shape of the particles to do so we need to go to imager update the on plus sign and you're going to choose to spawn some particles we have three options spawn burst spawn per unit and spawn rate in this case we're going to use a spawn rate and we going to choose to on 2,000 particles so the imager update in here it's the the module that will update the particle each tick from this system now let's go to the particle spawn and here on the plus sign we're going to choose shape location so the shape the shape location will spawn the particles following a certain shape from some Primitives for example here by default we have sphere to take a better look at what it's done that's increase the sphere radius and we here we have our particles spawned and updated in the form of a sphere we can choose for example to spawn the particles on the surface of the sphere let's increase this perimeter to one and here we have particles spawn on the surface of the SP the sphere so in our case we don't need a sphere we going to stop by a cylinder a basic representation of a tornado is a cylinder that we going to apply forces on its both extremities let's increase the height of the cylinder to 1,000 let's change the radius to 20 for example and let's change the midpoint height to zero okay so this is the basic cylinder created by the particles spawned now let's get back to initial Li particles this module is the responsible of the different basic different init init parameters of each particle so when we initialize particle we select we set its lifetime we set its Sprite size Sprite rotation for example the UV mode for example here we going to change the lifetime and this Sprite size so in the lifetime in this case it's set to five units that means each particle will live five seconds we don't need that we're going to just change to a random range float and just put minimum of two and maximum of three so it's going to take an a random number between two and three let's change the size now let's set it to uniform and let's set it to random range float and just do this so here we have particles spawned in a shape of a cylinder with different random values of a lifetime and size to add some variation here we can see that there are some some particles that are dying before others with size different Etc to add just some variety so here we have now the basic shape of the imager the partical Amer which is a cylinder Now to create a tornado from the cylinder we need to apply forces on both both extremities of the cylinder one on the bottom and one on the top to do so let's go to partical update the plus sign and search for Vortex let's select the vortex Force we need to fix some module dependency just click on fix issue it's going to add the solve forces and velocity mod module here we go and here we have some we have a Vortex Force applied to this part of the cylinder so we need now to apply the same thing on the top let's name it to Vortex Force bottom the plus sign and search for vortex and top for the top Force we need to change its origin to the top point is the height and here we have two Vortex forces applied on both extremities of the cylinder to have a movement a particle Movement Like A tornado tornado shape okay so this part is finished the partical imer part is finished let's create now our gas amager our fluid amager let's hide the Sprite render we just we don't need it for the moment and let's add a new Amer right click add amager go to par parent Amur and select the good 3D gas Master imager this one will create a 3D gas Amer from from a template which looks like this okay so let's start by increasing the the bound size 1,00 1,000 and 1,000 that's High the bounce let's increase the resolution to have V resolution of the the gas but we need to pay attention to this parameter if we abuse it and real engine going to crash let's change the pressure [Music] solve here we have the the smoke going up due to its bcy so we need to put the bcy to zero to have the smoke stay still and not move up upward or downward we don't need movement on the Zed axis and let's do the same thing for the temperature so for the the fluid simulation we have two major parameters two major attributes we have the density and we have the temperature the density represent the smoke and the temperature represents the fire so it's just density means smoke temperature means fire okay so let's get down now we need to disable the the sphere Source we don't want the particles to be emitted from this sphere Source we want it to be emitted from the particles that we have created so we get down to sphere Source enable and un ticket this one will disable the sphere source and now we need to inform our 3D fluid imager that the fluids are going to emit be emitted from the particles we have created before so let's go to particle Source here and select amateur under amateur let's let's enable use streaking to add some interpolation between frames to have continuity of the of the the fluid simulation now let's get down to the imager name here and here we're going to type the name of the previous particle imager created and now we informed the the gas imager that the the fluids are going will [Music] be emitted from the particles we have created before and now we need to inform these particles to emit fluids now let's go to particle update and plus sign and set fluid Source attributes and now we have informed the protocol we have created before that they will emit fluids okay yes here we have a preview of what we have created so here we have fluids em emitted from the particles we have created before okay now let's get back here and let's take a look at the effect we have just created okay it looks good but you can see that fluids are not dissipating very quickly we have them reaching the bounds and mixed with the new ones okay so we need to change that let's go to the 3D gas amateur and let's search for the dissipation the density dissipation let's get down to the attributes and here we have dissipation rate let's increase it to one let's take a look it looks better okay that's good so this is the basic setup to have the exact same effect we have showed in the beginning of the video now I'm going to show you how to add fire to the the the fluids so that's here we have under the attributes we need to enable temperature as as we said before temperature means fire and density means smoke now we have added some temperature and and we're going to add some fire to the tornado let's take a look it's little it's too much amount of fire so just to have firey tornado we're going to just quickly set the tornado to be just fiery so here the set fluid Source attributes module controls the the different Global parameters of the the 3D gas imager so this is the amount of density this is the amount of temperature this is the diversions diversions the radius Etc so here we're going to put zero under density so we emit zero smoke no smoke at all we only want to emit temperature and here we going to decrease value of the temperature because it's too much let's put 0.05 and let's take a look okay so here we have some fiery tornado created by Niagara system okay so let's get back to the Wantage results just disable the temperature and enable only the density enable only the smoke but Z there and we put one under density and now it should be the effect The Wanted effect so that's it I hope this helps you thanks for watching
Channel: Ahmed Aziz Yedes
Views: 2,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UnrealEngine5, TornadoEffect, NiagaraParticles, VFX, UnrealTutorial
Id: qhnbeoUt-yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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