UE5 l Create Movement Niagara on Spline l 5-Minute VFX Tutorial l Unreal Engine 5

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hello in this session we will try to make niagra's particles move along the path of a spline first we create Niagra we create a spawn burst instantaneous node to generate only one particle and we set the Sprite size in initialized particle next in particle update we create scale color and set scale RGB to linear color to set the particle to the desired color next we create a scratch module in the map get node we create a spline parameter to capture the location of the spline an age parameter to get the time value of the emitter and a float parameter to adjust the speed at which it moves along the spline we create a multiply node and multiply the age parameter and Float parameter to make the particle move along the spline over time at the speed set by the float parameter value next we create a sample spline position by unit distance node to get a value normalized between Z ball one of the spine's location then we create a module node connect it to the multiply node and create a loop so that when the age value becomes one it returns to zero and we connect it to the sample spline position node to make the particles follow the spline in an infinite Loop next in map set we create a core parameter position and connect that parameter to the sample spline position node we create a spline parameter in the user parameter to set the spline and set it in the scratch module next to create a ribbon we create an empty IM then we remove the created emitter Sprite renderer and create a ribbon renderer setting the ribbon material to the ribbon material provided by the engine as seen in the video next we create a spawn particle from other emitter to generate particles from the location of the particles of the base emitter and click the fix issue button to create modules in emitter update and particle spawn then in particle read we write the name of the base emitter and set the spawn rate next to create ribbon as in the video we set the apply sampled ID as ribbon ID in particle ID sample next to give movement to the ribbon we create ad velocity and set the mode to from point to set the color of the ribbon we set scale color apply a curve to scale RGB set as linear color and set the desired color then to naturally create and disappear the ribbon we also create a curve for scale Alpha next to narrow the width of the ribbon gradually we create scale ribbon width and set float from curve next we set ribbon width mode to direct set in initialized particle to set the width of the ribbon next we return to the content drawer and create a blueprint we click the add button in the blueprint to create a spline and using the spline generation panel on the created spline we create a circular-shaped spline and we remove unnecessary spline points and adjust the locations of the points to Center the spline next we click the add button to create a Niagara system and set the spline Niagara we have made so far then we place the created blueprint in the level and set the blueprint in the spline parameter so that Niagra refers to the spline finally we reopen the Niagra system window and set the value of speed in the scratch module and we can see the particles moving in an infinite Loop along the spline if you think the ribbon is too long you can shorten its length by reducing the lifetime in initialized particle where ribbon renderer is [Music] set [Music]
Channel: Coreb Games
Views: 4,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine, UE5, Coreb Games, game, programming, software, rendering, realtimevfx, tutorial, gamedev, gamedevelopment, ue4, vfx, unrealengine5, unrealengine4
Id: pv9dVfN86Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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