How to make a stylized tree in Blender!

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so this is going to be a quick tutorial about trees and how to create them in blender something like this and so you can read the article if you want I'll leave the link in the description and here's the modeling part unfortunately the article doesn't give you a step-by-step tutorial but just vaguely explains how he did it these are the texture for the leaves and they'll pre pretty easy to make I made mine in appropriate but you can use Photoshop or you know I mean you can use affinity so let's let's get into blender and start making it so for front I'm not gonna create the whole thing but I'm gonna use add-on in blender go to add-ons and then search tree and enable sapling tree generator go to curve and then sapling tree gen so let's okay levels too I'm just trying to reduce the number of branches that there were too many but yeah something like this this can work so after the tree I mean you're happy with the settings you can play with all the different options you you have available in the free generator but I think this is cool now so go to object convert to mesh from car so this will become a mesh I have enabled normals so I'll just just disable those and now we have a base for our tree I'm gonna add a sphere and maybe move it up and start giving it some rough shape like a volume or leaves and I think what this one looks nice I'll add one here or you can like make it like this yeah I want this to be smaller it's too big so you can like shape your tree volume I mean for leaves you know however you like I'm just gonna keep it very very simple let's grab that and add a smaller one here cute one okay I'll call this all done looks pretty pretty good yeah and now all I don't merge these spheres into a single object and that's my transform move this to a new collection namely these because you're gonna get a bunch of fleas so now I'm just gonna make a plain and just all these make it plain duplicate it yeah rotate it replicate it and rotate so you'll get something like this after this what you need to do is go to the Spears I mean the volume of the tree and go to particle system and a new particle system hair advanced then in render go to object and in object select the plane I mean the leaves that we had increase the volume I mean size something like this and wait I'll just move the plane out so that we have sphere in the in the collection and I'm just gonna show you why so let's hit convert so after you hit convert you get a bunch of different planes so just to fix that what you need to do is come on I guess this is the sphere so delete it now we only have these leaves leaves and I'll delete the plane now we don't need it and this we can select everything here and before joining them I'm I'm gonna add a bit of randomness to do this all you need to do is select everything go to object transform randomize transform so I'm just gonna tread I mean randomize the rotation out of the petals of the planes and use whatever setting you like and I'm gonna join them let's increase the size of I mean the scale of the planes a bit individual origins scale something like this scale it I guess everything looks good enable our tree so this is our leaves part let's add a material now and name this material bark and four leaves we will just delete these and let's export it I mean it's not finished yet but let's export it ed edd or name it three property ent import your tree go to material accept materials here then try get transform I'm just gonna fix the camera bit part leaves a shader I'm gonna use leaves share in unity and add egg the texture so this is what you get if you do the steps correctly but we are not done yet we need to fix the normals as you can see we can like see all the different planes in the free so to fix that this is a simple step and he also did it here he fixes the normals you can read it here because the normals are smooth for grub leaks all over so to do that we just gonna use a sphere move it up scale it so that it eats up the whole tree something like that and let's select the leaves go to object data and then enables auto smoke so in Auto smooth just shade this and go to modifiers data transfer now select the sphere face corner data and project face interpolated and then hit apply and delete this fear oh we didn't do it properly I'm so sorry I didn't enable custom normals so as you can see it's exactly least the same but if you hit custom normals you will see that it is more smooth I mean uniformly smooth delete this oh no I didn't apply it sorry sorry sorry sorry delete this fear get the tree export it FBX and let's name this tree one oh yeah free one import tree one goes there hmm yep wait I'll just put the leaves and the park I don't have any colorful part but yeah you can set it let's see so here's your tree and I don't really like skybox I just use color just pops a whole scene so there you go you have your tree and if you want to kind of make them sway in the wind you can use a vortex displacement shader I'm sure you can find it on YouTube or somewhere but yeah this is the modeling part it is done here and I guess I mean I hope it helped yeah it's finished thank you very much for watching and if you want to download this free you can download it from sketchfab thank you
Channel: Akishaqs'
Views: 94,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XvHfxFtJ9SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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