How to create stylized tree in BLENDER

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this is how you can make some style life tree and blender getting to blender all you want to do is just to delete everything and go all the way up here to edit and go to preference now go to add-on and search up sapling region if you don't have this plugin just search it up on Google and download this plugin now all you want to do is shift day and go to the curve section and open up sapland region we're going to change it on property though click on display I think this is a little too much so let's just change it to zero I think that would look fine and there is a little too many branches for the type of game I'm going for so let's just change that to a H maybe let's just give a little bit more like nine and now the further curve resolution let's change that to about three and so it'll be like a little bit smaller press on it right click convert to mesh and now let's just add some basic leave for the tree edges shift a go to mesh and let's just use a UV sphere and now just Sprint this up gz you can like place this around the tree now I'll just click on the sphere go to the particle property and press the plus and now we want the hair modifier um that this looks pretty goofy right now but um I promise you it's going to look a lot better uh let's just change it to around 100 40. something like that let's change the hair length down a bit because I think that's a little too much uh we're gonna change all that anyways but just click on Advanced and go all the way down here go to render all right I forgot uh before you add your Leaf texture you basically want to just add a plane shift d or z90 I mean our X90 and 50 again entrance RC 90. and now just highlight them Ctrl J and rename them to like something like yes I can spell no way and now just click on the tree uh click on the coordinate system click on the Color Picker thingy and just pick on your thing uh change your path into object and change your skill up to about one and you'll have something kind of messy like this but we're gonna change that in a bit we can't skill up a little bit and we can add some um scale of Randomness and now we can add rotation and you can randomize it you know make everything smooth and nice looking good up here around scale it down a little bit so everything will be a little bit more compact okay I think 140 hair is a little too much let's change that to around 100 hair uh I think it's a little bit better uh let's just mess the seeds around so let's just have a we can have the randomness we like uh there might be a little of um what I call it Z fighting I'm not sure it's a professional term but um we can just ignore that um that's totally fine and now and now just click on a spear without any hair and click on one with hair and you want to do it in that order if you do it um the one with hair first um the property won't show up after you do that you want to go down here and press copy active selected object and you'll have something like that and then after you click on it um we can like message setting a little bit we can't have like a random seed and let's just do it for every one of them and now is something kind of satisfying just click on one of your uh ball whatever and go to the property Tab and make instant real and they'll just all become a meshes and just contr adict um I'm going to fix that you just go to object relations make single users object and data and now you can control J and after you're done just hide all these spheres so you won't have um like all your stuff fighting that that makes sense and now for the texturing part just basically just go to Y Isis uh let's just drag this whole thing down uh go to on the corner and now your Crosshair will change uh drag this up I guess uh we're gonna do a side view and just click on this and change to Shader editor uh we can't just drag this box screw that box shift day uh well just click on the leaves and just press new and you'll have a presets I guess and now just shift a add a image texture what's up over here and also add a color I mean RGB let's move over here and now connects the color with space color and connect the alpha with Alpha the alpha is basically the shape of the image texture to fix and get rid of the black border just go to texture and go also always scroll all the way down go to settings and change your plane mode into Alpha clip and whoa that looks pretty good and now just go to UV editing mode uh go to the texture tab click on this press open and just find a random color gradient thank you so much for watching if you joined this video make sure to leave a like And subscribe and I will see you next time
Channel: Croissant
Views: 10,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, #blender3d, #blendertutorial, #gamedevelopment, #gamedeveloper, stylized tree, #unrealengine, #unity3d, #robloxstudio, blender 3d, #gamedev, blender tutorial
Id: 6mllQzxK3JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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