Making Modular kits For 3d Building assets

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so I'm going to take you through modeling buildings um the way I do it straight from the beginning to the end this is going to be a long couple of long videos um I've done it like three and a half minute one which seems to be a lot of people seems to have learned quite a bit from that video but there's been a few questions because it's quite a fast overview type video so for those interested there's going to be a slower more methodical way of taking you through how I do exactly that so let's just look at the reference um that's going to be the very first step so I've collected some some reference um and I want to extend one of my one of my 3D packs into more of a traveler effect so I've collected some reference on the interwebs it's the very first step you should be doing and now that the never ever reference from CG reference from The Real World and then put that into CG um CG stuff some artists take a lot of um what's the word creative license and then the thought is for some people that that is what the real world looks like and it's absolutely not so you can see um I've done I've collected a few Bowlings and that's given me the ability to identify materials that I'm going to be needing so I'm going to need like a red brick cinder block and I'm gonna obviously need like a cement um maybe some boards and other assets but let's focus on the core for now the core two material seems to be like a red brick and a cement and I've identified those it's good to do all of this before you start 3D so you know what you're working with and collect a little bit of a kit um it doesn't have to be in 3D at the moment but you need to know where to find it and you need to know what you need so I've identified this this from and I've identified this from from polyhaven that will be my my red brick and Cinder um and then I've identified or designed a couple of assets here and we're going to start with this one and then work our way through a little bit more of a complex one it's a good idea to start um busting some myths with regards to modeling buildings so as you can see quite simple but you can see I've put the materials I'm going to need and also I've put the the decals that I'm going to need so I'm going to keep the decal separately from the material reason for that is if I bike everything down then I'm going to limit the resolution of what the pictures are going to look like on the building and when you take if you take something like this to Unreal if you wanted to then it would be nice to have the option of um doing textures at any resolution I want and then adding the decals like with unreals decal um over that so and I want to bike stuff like this onto stuff like that and then lose my my um adjustability if you get what I'm saying so I can see here I've put some basic Dimensions to this building and you should really go through this process there's a saying that well I don't want to use a colorful language but poo in poo out and what it is basically is the quality of information that that you start with um is going to contribute to the quality of the output that you deliver so if you put nonsense in look if imagine this being a machine if you put nonsense in it's going to spit that nonsense at the other end so don't put in nonsense in the 3D machine so what's that there's going to be a dial here we're going to go modular we're not going to go like block and extrude it up and cut it that that is very limited um in that you then don't have the modularity and if you don't have the modularity you don't have the option to later use the same tiles and areas as parts of a kit of Parts which can help you build large number of buildings so okay let's just get to the point there there's a dial here that I've identified 2.2 meters by 2.2 meters um it's got a door another 2.2 by 2.2 it's just brick same here but we've got a stair asset that stair asset obviously has to be 2.2 by 2.2 um then we've got window and another variation of a window we've got a soul like a concrete saw we've got a base and a concrete roof and then we're gonna have to make um a little bit of a square Landing so we'll go 2.2 here then we'll do a square landing and then a 2.2 balcony at the other end and that's going to give us a kit that we can build a large variety of things with so just to start I'm gonna pull the tiles collection and then we can start building in here so the good idea to start with here is in overlay put on wireframe if you don't like full wires you can tone down the opacity a little bit I'm going to bring in a plane rotate it on the X90 and then tab into edit mode gz one meter up just so it sits on the pivot point so now you can see the wire here if you don't like the let's just subdivided so you can get a better idea if you don't like the wires to be that black you can obviously tone it to a level where you like I like it normally at like 0.75 it's not as intrusive but then I'm going to set this to the height of my full dial um that's the the tile size that I'm that I've decided is going to work best and then I'm going to bring in some of my reference here um just so I've got everything that I'm working with right here so I'm working with with this blender purchase your file every time you close it so I don't want that to happen I want this even if the texture isn't used then I wanted to stay I don't want it to get purged so I'll click this badge to create the fake user so basically it'll trick blender into thinking that this is being used somewhere and therefore when I file close and then open this will still be here otherwise um it would be purged so we don't want that I'm also going to bring in my second asset reference sheet and then also save that but let's skip in here and now we can obviously we've got everything we want right next to us it's nice and easy I'm going to start with let's keep it simple start with a plane tile so what I think I'm gonna do is just take these subdivisions out obviously and then I know that the top of a window is normally around 1.8 meters so for me to keep track of Dimensions here is um best way to do that is to go into the overlay menu and switch on my Edge length so when I Collapse the scale here I should be getting um correct Dimensions so 1.1 meters so this I'm going to put that height at about 1.8 meters so that needs to go up 700 more um so now that's at 1.8 meters window sometimes depending on the size your bathroom windows I know it's like 450 mil High some 600 normal window can be anything up to 900 more so I'm gonna put a cut here scroll it up and then gz 900 more so now I know that window is at 900 more and just to make things off a little bit interesting I'm not going to put it in the model symmetry just often kills your design um nothing has to be symmetrical um it's it's nice when you want it to be but yeah it doesn't have to be so GX minus 300 and that will put that'll give this wall which is essentially going to be that wall a little bit of thickness a brick is probably in reality around 200 mL and then there's a hundred more before the window begins and then I'm going to make another cut here and g x minus 600 and that gives me a nice little window that's um uh it's a little bit oddsized and it's not symmetrical so that's that is that's more or less what I what I want there which is which is great um then let's just call this this is where I'll stop I'll just create base Styles and then go into detail and that's a good way of doing it so window one um and then we will create another tile so I'm going to put this off 2000 two and a half meters to the right and then just delete the cuts by holding shift Alt and select them and then Ctrl X we'll just reset your face pretty much so now for a door same exactly the same story but the top of the door is higher than the top of a window so I'm going to put the top of the door at two meters that is what the door standard door is like um in South Africa that's your your height in Cape Town where I am so I'm gonna minus 200 mL and then you should see your Dimensions over there and again I'm gonna offset the door not fall into the Symmetry trap so I'm gonna give myself about 400 more before the door begins and then a door here an essay in South Africa is one meter wide so nice offset little door let me give myself about 50 more from the floor that's where the door will begin obviously if you thread cut through this then you're not going to have a lintel or a step over in the door which would be unrealistic um often like putting it just above ground level which is great uh next tile will be let's make a window variation let's just name this otherwise it'll be chaos later it's a good idea to just keep stuff named then shift d for the window g x minus two point five meters just to keep it I like keep I mean I mean I'm a product designer so I work with Dimensions it's to be expected I guess so what you get um so now I can actually if I want to work on this Dimension I can put on my Snaps over here and just set it on vertex so now if I go tab into edit mode select Edge and then hit Ctrl R then I can just scroll up and use the first one as a reference but this one I think I want the window to be a little bit a little bit wider so here I'm going to go straight for the center and then Ctrl R create one cut there and then Ctrl B just to Bevel that cut out now if I hold shift now obviously then it'll influence the speed at which that cut is being made so I'm gonna go for 1. 1.2 meters to give me a nice nice wide window so now I have essentially I've got that asset one window I've got like a small window I've got a door shift the X to 5 00 and then if I delete these cuts control X then I have my plane sheet as well so now I've got one two three things left to do I've got a stair to do and I've got a square landing and a long balcony to do so for the stairs um depending on where you are in the world I guess you'd have different uh uh standards I guess in terms of what that should be dimensionally and I find it's a good idea to work within a wire cage here it's just going to be just make my life a little bit easier so now and you'll see what I'm doing now I'm Gonna Change viewport visibility to a wire and then I'm gonna switch on that filter and lock it so that I can't fiddle with this one and then I'm just going to create a reference so I make sure my stairs from this point to that point is the same as from from this point to that point then if I get that right then um then I'm gonna then I'm going to just model over it essentially so let's take one of these and duplicate it and then I'm gonna go to 50 more that's kind of a standard stair size and then 250 more so it's a very Square it's there and then you'll see that's stair number one and I want to change visibility on this guy back into solid so now is a good time to just collapse rotation and scale put on a just an array modifier and then obviously we've got to go one forward and one up so nice little firm up it's just okay then dimensionally let's change that stair two so it doesn't really just just doesn't work out so 200 by 200 collapse rotation and scale and then let's see where we are it looks better now we are in line with our dimensional tile size for creating a modular kit this works so I can work with it and what I'm going to do is I'm going to lock it and then I'm going to work over it so this is just I mean there's many different ways to do stairs this is just the way that that I like it's proven it works and then get that in there and now I can tab into edit mode and then just this is almost as dodgy as some of the buildings we've got here in Cape done um yeah some architectural wonders down here and obviously an unemployment rate of 43 for the country didn't really didn't really help the cause it's an interesting place to live in it's beautiful it's absolutely beautiful I don't think other countries in the world would struggle to well there's cities um struggle to to hit the same kind of spot that Cape Town does for me I absolutely love Cape Town but it is a it is interesting to see the State of Affairs down here some yeah let's not get sidetracked so now it's literally hitting two edges at the same time and hit F so that you can see what I've what I've done here now if I switched on those cubes in I've essentially created a one-piece concrete cost slab so now I'm just going to weld those vertices and then take a cut from here all the way um so hit play hit that vertex hit that vertex nice little enter and then I can go into C just paint select mode um just get as much as I can without getting too much and then we'll delete that and then we've got a um a proper cost concrete staircase so collapse rotation and scale move the Pivot Point obviously that shouldn't even be mentioned I think uh let's just go and add some thickness and the thickness here is going to be one meter the same as it will work the same as the door and obviously later on we'll around edges and everything we just right now we're just building a kit and I'm gonna shift in and flip the normal Direction and then I'm going to move this guy to zero on the y-axis that to zero and see this is a product designer in me doesn't like those kind of dimensions okay we have stairs um and then I think it's probably a good time to save the file so now we're going to need a landing and we're gonna need a balcony so best way to do this is just take it straight from here because we know this is the right height this is the right width as well so for me I can just go apply that and shift d x and hit this about 500 mole and then P to separate it by selection and now just hit select all e x 1000 and that gives me perfect square landing and I'm going to move the Pivot Point um over there because it'll just be helpful later and now I've got to stay I've got a landing and now I need a balcony that is the same width as that so what's happening here is wherever the stair extends we're using the square Landing wherever the the balcony runs we're using the 2.2 same as the tile and then if they're just there on this side we're going to use the square landing and then a 2.2 doing it that way it's just it just puts a lot of modularity into this kit so to do that balcony I'm just going to go DX put it one meter or well 1.5 meters off and then this can be um it's one meter now we want it to be 2.2 so GX one two hundred and now we've got our basic set um so now obviously Next Step would be just hit everything Ctrl a rotation and scale this seems like like almost too basic and it but it is really a good way to start so next thing to do now is we'll start identifying some of the details and then we'll put some of those details in we'll work the souls and everything then we'll work the doors and then we'll work the window and then we'll work a tile for the roof and the base but just follow me through in this and then we will catch up on all right day two a couple of more kit items to to do um and then on day three we're probably gonna dig into more detail on these kit items so let's get going couple of things here we've done Wide Window small window door and just plain straightforward panel and today we're going to be doing a soul um and or a concrete saw over here and then the roof part and then the porch pipe and we'll do it in a way that makes sense to use modular modularly sorry and then a corner piece so a corner piece what is nice to keep in mind when you're doing modular kit um let me see if I can get my grease pencil up here to explain something quickly um if you have I'm going to try and draw in perspective if you've got a wall like this and then you need another wall going there like that then what you might struggle with sometimes is when you're doing modular kits is styling so so for me to do a corner like that and have this as brick that let's break the corner and that this break is going to be a problem because you're gonna see a tiling seam here and you're gonna see a tiling seam there the other alternate alternative is is I use a panel like that over here and a panel like that over here so you're snapping a corner to a corner which is great that we're gonna do that anyway but it is nice to have a separate corner piece because that's going to give us the ability to um change a few change up a few things and and have a couple of variations in terms of look um look and feel so it is nice to to have a corner idea but that corner idea will in top view if this plane is here and my other element is here then in top view we'll do a concrete Extrusion then a corner and then a concrete Extrusion or concrete Extrusion like that and then this is wall That's wall and this is concrete what that does is it breaks your tiling in a way that makes sense now so you've got a material one material material a then you've got a corner which is material B and then you've got the other wall going back which is material a again and because you're joining one two three parts but in the middle you're splitting them with a separate material that eliminates trying to um trying to match textures that doesn't really yeah it just eliminates difficulty with seams so let's do that I hope I explain that well anyways for if you have to if you want to if you feel the need um okay so shift d x minus 500 um and that's normally our that's the kind of spices I like to keep between then e x minus 500 500 ml is a nice Corner size e y 500 and that gives me the corner as it is now and as I said I'm gonna extrude it forward now concrete Extrusion normally is anything between you look at a lintel anything between 75 sometimes 50 more but 75 and 100 most I'm just gonna extrude this forward by 75 g y minus seven five and then I'll bring this out extrude that by minus 75 obviously we're going in the opposite direction of the access um so this is our corner piece now I can just hit Ctrl L and P and break that off maybe move the pivot there so now I'll be able to do separate Corners like this which is really fantastic um then we'll do the same for a type of concrete lintel over there let's just get exit yeah this guy and then we will do that guy so again take the the points that you have so then otherwise you're just going to have to always scale things up and make sure things are the correct size just take the closest piece of geometry that you have and duplicate that up so shift DZ 500 and then B to separate it and now you'll see I have vertices that matches up to that already I can keep it or delete it doesn't really matter at this point it's probably best to just get rid of it for now so now grab that lentil I'm gonna go is about probably 300 moles sometimes 200 mL um floor decent floor um that I learned in structural here in South Africa Anyway by the way just as a point of Interest I mentioned I'm a product designer but I did structural civil mechanic electrical water gas all those kind of technical drawings for a year and then then I studied product design for four years um anyway 300 up that's your lentil and that's gonna come out a little bit as well forward again 75 um e minus seven five so that's what I have over there so I'm gonna open up the sides because if I dial this left to right then and you attach everything right at the end then you don't want the faces in between so now I can if I drag this down here then I'm not gonna have any double faces at the at the end which is it's always a pain and then I'm going to create a version of this for a corner um so let's again take the closest piece of geometry I have that I'm going to do shift d z and snap to the lower area there um and then hit P to separate by selection now I can just hit a e z thank you um and then I essentially have my corner already again open your faces that are gonna butt up to any other faces and then you should be good um yeah so let's just put the Pivot Point on these at the same depth that that face will be in um and then the same here and then we're going to start assigning materials to the stuff just so we can very early on make sense which is which in terms of material and then we'll do obviously UV unwrapping and texture scaling which is always a fun one let's call it that okay so now the porch probably makes sense to just take that off the door but it doesn't really matter actually watch I'm gonna go for I want the porch to come out let's think about this you've got a human being coming down here and then you have a porch and then you probably are going to want to have another human being able to pass there so my porch is here and that's one meter and then in terms of of humans and foot traffic they need another person needs to be passing here and Universal Design principles that I've learned you need about 750 ml for a human to comfortably pass at minimum so we'll go for a porch that is at least 1750 or 2 meters out this way and this seems like a lot of nonsense in between but the closer you keep your 3D modeling and Cad and everything else to reality the more easy it is for people to sort of find the believability in it when things are unrealistic it becomes a problem very quickly so let's just take again the closest piece of geometry that we have shift d z minus 500 um and then feed to separate that you'll be sick of it soon then e y minus 1000 um and I'm going to make it E Y minus 1000 but the nice thing is now we have a a cut there already which is really great it's exactly what we want and then depending on the height we want we can probably go again back to Universal Design principles a stair step um comfortable step is normally about 200 mil so I'm gonna do two steps here in other words e z minus 200. e z minus 200 and what that enables me to do is I can put in a cut here and then gy 250 or even gy 50 so now I've got a 300 by 200 step which is really great that's exactly what I want um and then I can obviously just hit F to follow that and hit F to follow that so there's a porch with a step you know again like the closest piece of geometry same story shift DX to the nearest point B to separate that and then a e X and that should give me something it's 2.2 like everything else um and let's call it porch before this gets Wild porch porch porch I don't know porch one there we go okay and I'm gonna put the um pivot Points over here for now we can always move it if that's not the ideal place I like on the corner on the left that's kind of the the um the placing that that I am used to okay um we've got a lintel in between we've got a corner so this lintel is that then we need a roof that kind of extends outward so guess what we're gonna do um we're gonna take the closest piece of geometry no surprise um shift DZ one five just to give myself a little bit of space b and that should give me vertices over there yes it does and I'm gonna do a concrete lintel on the roof that goes it'll essentially go looking at perspective out up in down and then like that this would be a separate panel though it it'll just be a like a plane and normally how these roofs work you you you're going to ask me well well how does it how will it drain um how is drainage going to work well normally in civil's architectural there's a very slight like couple of degree slant and then one area you'll have a little bit of a pipe probably more an angle like like that and this would be the lowest point in the roof by one degree or two degrees so that's normally how drainage works again keep things realistic if you represent the real world then people don't have issues believing what you've done in 3D so my advice is just keep it real so e z let's call it 350. let's make it make a nice big one and then extrude it Forward quite a bit um E 350 no g y minus 400 make it like make it proper um again get rid of side faces you don't want any of trust me if you have a face on this side um and you don't notice it and you start building with your kit of parts and you collapse everything down at the end and you start hunting down Z fighting and double faces it becomes an absolute absolute nightmare especially if you've got um when I did the Soviet back in the Hong Kong back for Brad's light architect it was one of those I think it was like a 15 or 16 story buildings and and I had to manually go and hunt down double faces just because I made a basically just wasn't paying attention when I modeled um you don't want that trust me it just it it ended up like it'll cost you time that you could have just used used better so now the corner same story um I think what we're gonna do is well before we get there actually let's flip that in half and just do mix things up again so e z minus 150 and then this is the where your plane the roof um will come in your top section get you get where I'm going so now again like the closest piece of geometry and I I can't begin to tell you how many times I've sat and watched people modeling handrails for for stairs and then and then they battle with it and and I'm just like well if you took that vertex in that vertex and shift d up and hit F in between you would hover well just take the closest piece of geometry it it works every time shift DX snap to closest piece and then be by selection hit a e x and there we go and now we're obviously going to do a 45 degree up here otherwise things are not gonna work out great um so what I think I should do is probably put the the pivot point over there and then rotate this by 90. and then move it only on the X no sorry only on the y-axis probably put it closer to median I think um because now my closest snapping isn't working I need to snap it by median so my Pivot Point can line up here about this yeah so now we now we are winning um and what I'm going to do is I'm going to pull this face out until it hits that face but only in One Direction and then do the same and then we'll have a 45 degree um join so g x sorry y and let's make sure we snap into the vertices vertex uh closest g y snap to that face and this one will need to be g y snap to that and this will be GX snapping to that GX snapping to that a and then if you've put your um if if you if you're using your shortcut menu you your quick menu I would recommend putting um your origin Point shade flat and smooth and curve and mesh in there so now I can go into sub-object hit a and then because I put welding in here I can weld by distance which is great and that tells me it's removed five vertices so that gives me the corner piece on the roof the lintel corner there and then we can probably take one of these panels to create a little bit of Kit variation um GX minus e x minus five thousand um shift G X two five and then what would be nice here is to just create a half a panel so essentially take take all of these and hit Ctrl X get rid of them and then create lintel in here and then create another one of those so you'll have a bit of a t in other words this will be full span brick and this would be break off way break off way and then cement down the middle so we have a short break over here short break over here cement over here leading up to a cement lintel over here so that's just it's not required it's not necessary but it does create a little bit of git variation the more parts you have um the bigger the variety in your kit is which is really great now again and keep my Dimensions the same so in terms of width that's 300 so I'm going to make this lentil 300 so I can go just create the um would you call it bevel tool I think it is Ctrl B and then I can even put in 150 and if I type in 150 it'll go 150 that direction 150 that direction so it'll give me 300 so control B 150 and I know that lentil is 300 more so extrude e minus y 75 and that should be the same as that yes that's also 75 and now I have a lentil here that will come up and connect over there we can obviously just create a lintel that will do exactly that but give it a couple of cuts in the middle reason being is later we might feel we want to round some of these corners and if we do that then this and that will join up nicely okay g x g x minus 500 just to keep spacing nice that is it for today and then uh tomorrow we're gonna start just putting in windows or put in doors you'll understand why we're doing this in a kit um soon when we start putting together buildings it's going to start going very very quick and then we're gonna have a quite a large variety of assets quite quickly anyway chat on day three cheers all right day three some windows and details uh before we get there though one thing that still needs to get added to this porch is a corner piece um yeah we will get to that and then we will get to the detailing quickest way to do that probably is you guessed it take from the closest geometry separated and then use that one I'm going to use now is just put my bird point at the back and then you'll see what I do I'll do another one like this rotate Z minus 90. so now I can actually I'm gonna kill these vertices maybe well it's probably not necessary and we're done easy peasy simple as that corner piece done watch done so details um I just collected some window assets based on the reference we went through on day one and you can see I just went for a variety of Windows slide open with turn or hinge open and push open at the top and just normal and then a smaller bathroom window so obviously you'll type of bathroom window will will sort of go here that's a smaller one this one could be a variation of that and that and we'll see how we go and again we're gonna do the thing that I tell people and they never listen and I keep telling and they never listen is whenever you do something take the closest piece of geometry and create it from that what that means is you don't have to size things up constantly trying to rework sizes of different components to different assets it is a simple story so I probably have a good idea to make a little bit of a soul here um maybe there as well just that will bring in some variation I'm just gonna do these at the same time so e um it's already set to Y and I'm going to take it in about 100 g y 100 let's make it 150 um gy150 and now I can hit P separate that and then yeah so now we have a plane to use in order to create a window um I'm gonna go for let's copy a version out here so I can create different versions for the same tile and I'm going to do this same here um actually what I should have done this is that first okay so now I'm going to start with this guy and I want to do the frame first um I reckon uh and then do something like that almost so what I'm going to do is just hit I no I reckon the frame is around 30. millimeter standard aluminum frame and then go e um y and call that minus 30. g y minus City gy50 it's not awake enough for this um and then bring it back in and just actually put in some Cuts first I think that's going to be the the better idea and then if I hit Ctrl B now and type 15 then these will also be 30 because 15 cut to both sides of the line e y minus g y 50. now we have a square frame which is quite long to get there so that's option A done basically um gives us one type of window then for this I'm gonna put in a cut around let's call it minus 250 g z minus 50. so it's about 300 more down and then I'm going to put a cut in straight in the middle and I'm going to hit 3 a I and then I again to come in by individual faces put that at 30 and then Ctrl I to invert selection extrude 30. and then that should give me um exactly what I'm looking for over here and now we have a frame but now we'll have to create like hinges almost a little frame within a frame so so I'm going to do I um and this will be a little bit Slimmer so 20. and then I can hit plus to separate that by selection now hit a and separate by loose parts so that will give me separate windows for each section so now if I hit this and then Ctrl I and then extrude 15 then that frame will come out a bit so again Ctrl I E15 and again Ctrl I E15 again Ctrl i e 15. and now I can create some hinges actually so I can at the back at the Pivot Point just move my Pivot Point over there and then same thing here Ctrl s move my Pivot Point over there and then rotate X five so rotate x minus 10 and rotate x minus 15 just so they're not all the same um here what I'm going to do I think is let's just keep these ones like that let's keep quite a big one and what we can then do is obviously GX just get this out of the way um shift DX to 500 g x minus two five hundred gives me another one I'm going to delete this window um I'm gonna take almost just pull the little window Library um take that one G should D and put that in the edge I've got the same tile now essentially but different window variation and that's going to come in very helpful later and then obviously I can do another one um or we can give this one a little bit more detail which I think is is the way that I'm gonna go so again I 15 and then Ctrl plus and P I lose parts so now I should have B by selection and then P I lose parts and now I've got three separate Windows um and then I can obviously on these windows Ctrl I and then E15 control I E15 Ctrl I E15 so you get why I'm doing that I'm just selecting the easiest faces and then inverting that selection so now I'm going to put my pivot Points on yeah on the corners where I want the window to hinge from it is nice it just in real life you're never gonna have a situation where all windows are closed it just looks looks unnatural makes you seem not believable so rotate set I'm just going to rotate it to a point where you can't really look into you're not going to see the back of the frame necessarily um rotate jet um let's call it 15 rotate Z 10 um so I've got a little bit of a situation like that not the best viewing this club it's like actually very dull I presume hopefully you'll learn a couple of things um we can also do a big window but now we seem to have a couple of window options here and then the basic window dial so I'm gonna just mark this as and this is how I work I'll make notes for myself um just nice to keep your scene keep just know what's going on in your scene it's helpful so now we've got some windows for that create a couple of Souls and then we'll attach things in a little bit so gz minus 100 and then Eve let's call it 150 that would be a nice little windowsill and then gz minus 50. um and that's gonna create a slant for rain or anything to fall off so if it rains on here it's just not gonna get stuck up there it's gonna continue down and fall off the Saw which is great that's exactly what you want in real life everything outside in terms of architecture should be a little bit of a slant it's not sometimes but it should be grab a little bit of coffee for here um let's create a little bit of a variation and create a little bit of a roof gz 30 and it'll literally be just an uh let's call it 50 and it'll be a little bit of a um a concrete piece that just juts out so e 100 and then again gz minus 30 and that'll give you the the slant now here um could be one of those cases where it's possibly a nice little detail to extend this thing past the window it's just not that dull you know and everything if everything's the same your 3D exercise turns turns quite dull quite quickly it's one thing I learned from product design and designing display stands in store things being symmetrical and things looking the same is never it's never great people get visually just it people get tired of it everything doesn't need to be symmetrical everything doesn't need to conform to some form of rule it's good to break the norm sometimes very good actually again a couple of variations there um so we've got windows and souls in there and we'll put materials on in a little bit maybe on day four the ideas you have enough time to do one of these sessions a day all right bathroom windows by the looks of it let's go let's go let's go um option one and create three Cuts it's a nice little tall window and then all I study gives me my aluminum frame and then I'm going to go in by minus 30 and then I'm gonna go separate that by selection and then create the windows and their frames this is the overall frame and then I'm going to do the windows and their frames separately I 15 it's a smaller frame obviously Ctrl plus um or control I rather and then e no no no I 15 Ctrl I I think I might have created double faces here Ctrl I yes now they've gone e 15 that's all my bathroom Windows um and now I can separate them by selection so for the top again pivot Points where you want it to hinge from and then if we're done we can always go and attach these things to each other so that we don't turn this into a scene management exercise rotate X not yet obviously um at the end now I've lost my pivot Points unless surfing yesterday uh uh I haven't been surfing in about 10 years and last night I was just at a point where for some crazy reason I just added a surf craving there's nothing quite like doing your first cut and seeing the water just cut out the land block out the land totally that's one thing that Climbing doesn't give me is that feeling climbing is great but it's uh I think each of these Sports just have their own um moments I guess all good for mental health um but they've they all have their different special moments um I can I can really recommend if you spend as much time on the computer like I do and it's quite a bit unfortunately my day job is rendering outdoor gear uh right now I've got the display industry because I don't know we're in deadlines and those kind of things just got eventually I've been doing it since 2007 and at some point you get to a point where where it's difficult to deal with deadlines every day um and display stand deadline versus the deadlines that I have now the deadlines I have now it seems to be a little bit more lenient um but the pop your point of purchase display stand industry is is rough and if you considering that then um yeah make sure you get enough rest and get enough outdoor activities for your mental health because it will get wild at some point gz75 why is this not moving g z 75. um actually I'm gonna put this one down here use that minus seven five e 15 I'm going to make this one short and a little bit different gzet minus 35. so now we've got some variations I'd like to add in more variations at some point but let's um let's keep it there for for now um it's our other windows and then I'm going to create or just leave a unedited tile up there so we can get to it later it's good to have your base style and your bass style and then a couple of variations up there otherwise if you lose your bass style um then creating new things later becomes a little bit of a little bit of a mission so next video we're going to be doing materials um not well we're gonna set up the basic material slots for them and then inside the signing materials and on the video after that and then you'll see how quickly we will start building things this is a bit of a slogging for obviously forward through this stuff um but once it starts going fast then it will go very fast thanks fellas see you on day four this is day four I believe um or day five I'm not sure anymore can't keep track of this anyway it's so unwrapped and setting texture coordinates so the aimio is not to unwrap everything perfectly um because we at the end of the the day once we have a full building we'll unwrap the Bolding but the aim is to set the seams so we're setting the scenes now because if there's unwrapped areas in each style and I copy that tile a hundred times over or 50 times over then it becomes very difficult to fix 50 errors so so unwrap at this point is quite good and also working with the texture scaling at this point is is a good idea so let's actually before we start create some basic materials we know we're gonna have brick we know we're gonna have a concrete saw and we might have one or two other things at the very least let's do brick um brick and then make sure that we have a material up here now we're not going to assign the material what we're actually going to do is we're gonna assign a new image and give it a UV Checker so UV Checker which we will then later swap out for a it's called a UV color grid and we will later show up this out for the actual material but first we will need the UV Checker grid to see that everything unwraps properly so what if you haven't worked with this um there's a couple of things you'll notice you'll notice the color changes and you'll notice the letters and the orientation of the letter so if I unwrap a piece of mesh like this and the text is backwards then I know my geometry should be flipped and if I know that and that are two very different sizes on this mesh then I know different parts of the mesh doesn't have uniform scale on it so this is very useful I'm going to hit the fake user button so we don't lose this when we purge the file then I'm going to do the same thing and make a cell material now it's all it's windowsill um so and then I'm going to make another one con Crete beam all right and in each of those we're gonna do the UV Checker so right now UV color grid is assigned to the concrete beam in here I have to hit Z and hit material preview so I can come in and actually see what I'm doing so again image texture and UV color grid and brick image texture and UV color grid now these are things that I actually have set up at home um because I do so many buildings I did 15 for the Soviet bank for like the Architects I did 15 for Hong Kong I've done probably about 40 from my own staff just keep going um some stuff I did over the last two evenings so I work in modular I work in modular assets it's modularity is the only way that you can quickly produce stuff like this highly complex stuff anyway let's not talk about it but actually do it so now start unwrapping this doesn't have any seems that needs to be cut so I'm just gonna make sure before we begin everything in the scene has got rotation and scale collapsed except fonts which can't okay so that seems to be yeah sorted okay so now if I hit Tab and a unwrap we're gonna see that we're gonna have a uniform unwrapped here which is now if you want to be meticulous about this then you can hit a control m x and you would just get a better orientation of your letters and you can start doing this I'm not necessarily going to go through all of that now my main focus here is I don't want any stretching um so that is going to be the focus so setting seams on a thing like this you're obviously going to set the seam to break the concrete part from the wall so at the very least that needs to be a seam now if I hit three Ctrl l that should be so and that should be brick now if I unwrap now I'm gonna get something like that and that is all wonky because I don't have all the right scenes in all the right places I Mark that as a seam probably Mark these seems and then um monk these are seems I'm not going to mock this as a scene because then it's going to separate all those parts and I want that to attach to that face see now the the unwrap is a lot more uniform before I go into unreal which we're not going to do in this video I will want to set up some padding so 0.1 or something otherwise the when unreal bikes your light map you just run into some serious trouble so I've disconnected the brick and that gives me this little all right so now same story so I'm going to load my brick here and then on the cell I'm just going to select the front face and knit Plus that should expand the selection and then on that so the sign so now I've got my cell assigned as well now let's say it seems over here and then obviously surrounding the concrete area the entire unwrapped for the concrete area and E mark seam and then I'm gonna mark this as well so that can just flap out um and then let's break this we'll draw each Mark see and now we should be good it's not necessary to mark all of these as seems it's probably just across um so that all these faces don't detach from each other this and this is connected that and that is connected I try and normally have as many things stay connected as possible same story mark simpat it three hit Plus um on that one I'm gonna assign the concrete beam and then Ctrl I to select the rest of the mesh and then brick assign and now if I hit unwrap we're gonna see that aren't going to be any issues Ctrl MX would flip the control MX would flip that device Ctrl m y Ctrl MX there we go um got the right orientation same story this is where you start skipping videos and by the way I was watching last of us last night just doing 3D now I love bowling so there's nothing I love as much as modeling buildings and structures and and those things um and I'm not much of a character modeler I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it um but the level of production quality for The Last of Us is something that well it's HBO so it's to be expected I mean they're phenomenal but it is something that I am enjoying on a on a quality level the quality of their production and VFX is absolutely mind-bending let's say it seems in the corners across from each other and then unwrap and then we don't have any textures pulling in weird ways if we wanted to we can flip it but we're not it doesn't really this is going to happen at the end when the whole building is assembled so not too phase about that this is just going to be brick um the oh ouch okay we forgot something yesterday um minus 300 for the door I'm gonna delete that and because we're gonna put a door in here and then we're also gonna put something like a security door over the door just to give different layers of depth it's normally just good to give nice little depth um variations I guess that's something I learned in point of sale on display styles let's get my morning coffee it's the more depth and layers you have in something the the better it looks generally so yeah [Music] um I wonder yeah let's do it to be adventurous step in hopefully it doesn't come back to kind of a problem later and now in here I can just hit shift plus and then select that face nice quick um and then Ctrl I because I want brick to be at the top new it's a name control I and let's just like this the same as the soul and assign it and then separate by seam same story um yeah like I said it's gonna be my most boring video in the world but I'm just showing you where and how I do this stuff the reason I'm not unwrapping the this the ends not setting them as seams is when I start dialing these kits and putting them next to each other together then if you have a seam here and you put another face in and you then attach everything then you have a seam on a panel of flat faces which will break up your selection and it eventually just become a major hassle to work with so it's not not advised at all and that would be I can actually select that select this Ctrl L and Link materials because that's going to be the same material again there's no weird unraptured wire it's a straightforward unwrap it's unwrapped control select active object Ctrl L link material um it should be fine there this is concrete so actually all of that can be the same select active object control L link material so here I can see an unwrap issue and it is because I haven't unwrapped that okay Mark seam now everything will fold it will tear right up to here and then use that as the fold to hinge from right now on this guy really like what I've done here with the vertices so I'm gonna hit that one hit that one hit q and weld them at last again at last select that select the skew at last and then hinge or seam rather leading up to a hinge and unwrap that's right you know over here of why X a q merge by distance scene and this uh shift Alt X to just get rid of them we can sort out polygons later and then I'm gonna open these corners uh and we'll see why I'm not see that's why so you can see the unwrapped now this is your hinge right down there and then this unfolds like a present um 3D present I love the texturing side of the stuff I was normally the guy playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare first one um getting shot in the back because I'm standing looking at textures it happened every game I was never any good at it because I enjoyed looking at the 3D too much I never looked at the opponents well get so mark this is a seam uh this would also be a concrete but it most probably be a different concrete the more dirty one so I'm gonna put concrete over here and then make a duplication of that material so we don't have to do this again but then call it concrete for GE and then fix that level caps error okay so now no issues here we obviously later I mean these things are quite sharp and a sharp corner is never good for lighting because there's no highlights so what you want is you want soft Corners if you want to highlight something by the Sun or whatever other method so later on when everything's unwrapped and finished we very well might add some detail in and cuts in but for now we just want to make sure the seams are in the right place so yeah I'm literally gonna What's Happening Here it looks like double face no literally gonna just make sure everything is unwrapped Mark that is a seam and then I'll most probably need to break either that edge or this Edge otherwise things are going to start looking wonky all of these are the same material so I can go select two of them then make that the active object hit control L and Link materials now I know this is gonna be the all same materials across so I'm just going to clean this mesh a little bit it's annoying me um all these cuts that doesn't need to be there that doesn't need to be there and then obviously later we can just start cleaning all that I don't want to really do it now but anyway I'm just going to keep keep these Cuts in the same place actually because we might need them for the apology's sake now when it comes to this I think I'm going to make that the same as the porch so all of that is gonna be concrete porch and we'll um maybe porch isn't the best concrete maybe let's see we we can still change it so unwrap this by breaking the corners um he marxine and this e Maxine and then I'm gonna unmark that because I don't want I want everything attached to each other if possible otherwise you start managing um little individual pieces of 3dq select by edgering and then Mark seeing up Q select by Edge ring Ctrl E mark Scene Three Maxim and to control e Clear scene unwrap there we go okay not rocket science just boring um same story all of this this can actually most probably doesn't have to be a scene but this would need to be a scene um all of these guys manual that one and this one would need to be unlock scene because all of these seems so you guys are obviously welcome to um to contact me if you have any questions I don't explain everything as I go I don't think it's necessary because this isn't really beginner stuff I'm assuming you have an operational knowledge of the program um the idea is more to to actually understand how to very quickly make modular content and that I'm hoping I am getting across to you feel free to shoot me a message either through my Instagram um it's probably the the best way that you can do that it's let's just go there that is my Instagram just if you need personal help like individually shoot me a message I'm sure we can sort out something or do a screen share or if there's a bunch of you we can all do one screen share with about five or six or how many other people and then address any questions all right I've got the unwrap ready um then I'm gonna do the same for the windows but I'm just gonna do that offline I think let's do one I'll do the rest offline um so here important thing is just to get those edges uh and I'll mark that as a seam and then I'll want to break this loop at at least one corner so now what I'm left with is that Outer Edge which means I need to break these corners and now you can go and do the same on the rest of the windows and then this is going to be surprise surprise no surprise um and then you check yep that looks good to me it's nothing nothing strange here okay so that's our window frame and then the windows little trick here I only have to do one window because this is actually good all of that and then Q Edge ring Ctrl E mark seem a u unwrap that gives you that unwrap and yeah and make another material and another material so this I'm just going to select that and invert it so that I can change to the window frame taking the same material and control I make that window and assign the window same story most uh most repetitive video in YouTube history I guess but the idea is to give you an idea of how I go about the stuff so now I can go select that one select this one Ctrl L copy UV Maps or um has anything changed from 2.2 full l I think materials yeah so it did copy the UV map and it didn't copy the materials over so again I only have to do this one I can copy UV and materials from the other one I only do that I have to do one and copy the UVS from the other one it takes up the same year I'm going to do this offline anyway this file is going to be in the link in the description like all the other files that they one two three and four and I will see you tomorrow on what I hope and think is day five if I'm not confused cheers all right day six materials we're getting there had very little sleep uh wish me luck I don't know how this is going to go let's see all right um as with the other stuff from the upload and Link all the um the work files so you can just follow the aim here is not to to battle through this um and we looked at some of the references on day one um the brick and the concrete and the soles and everything and I put together another 3D file um where we will just append materials from and then you can go right ahead and do that so what you'll see is I've got like a cinder block oh geez let's get some coffee I'm gonna die like a um like a red it's under block um thing going on here then two different types of concrete and then like a green painted metal and that we're going to use for Windows obviously we can once we've got these things in the file we can make variations of them which I would suggest that we do a couple of other things that I don't think I have mentioned that I should have mentioned um so what you'll see in a lot of 3D um is all the vertices collected at one point the reason I didn't do this here um is because if I pull everything into a triangle and then stack all these tiles together I don't get a loop selection that will carry through the entire height of the building um from Top all the way through to the to the to the bottom and that is something that it creates me um I don't like it it's just a preference but the other practical thing about this is that if you want to sculpt this thing then it is easier to subdivide something equally in equal spaces that has cuts that terminates 90 degrees to the side the second you start pulling a cut to the corner you're gonna have a very difficult time subdividing something to make a decent sculpt yeah all right it's time to just start hacking these things put them together like I said things will start going quickly we do want to just assign materials so I'm going to start with the basic one concrete beam now download your material file and navigate to it hit the append button hit materials and it hit collections or actually don't hit materials just a across all of them dot stroke I don't know what that is I don't want that um and hit the pinch and now everything is in the scene so on these guys concrete dirty that's our um uh this is what happens when you don't sleep porch area on the Second Story I suppose the platform so I'm gonna put that I'm just gonna use maybe the concrete beam and we can make another variation of that I'm going to hit this this this this this and this and hit the material the material the one I don't think that's a word control L and Link materials and the one that has a material assigned to it is what I'm trying to say these guys so I want them to be a concrete cell I'm going to texture one or assign a material to one um so and then everything that is so this might be a beam and not a soul actually um actually you know what that's also a this is all beam yeah link materials this guy concrete beam would be beam the brick would be my red brick brick wall and you see how quickly this is gonna go now uh I said like so and that's gonna have to be my concrete so I'm gonna have to select brick that's gonna be my brick wall again brick as the brick wall so is the concrete so um this is a beam link that's why I said when we start going fast we will go fast and that's that's the nice thing about if you set yourself up well then things just things take a lot less time than um than otherwise if you start the week you're gonna just end up taking a lot of time and also it's one of those things where the clearer your your direction is the quicker you're gonna go towards the end um that's just one of those things I see a lot like I follow some of these 3D guys on Reddit and then they'll post something and then they'll say how do I make this more atmospheric and I'm dying not to comment if you had a reference image you just emulate that but now you're shooting in the dark with no direction and you don't know where you want to go so how should someone else give you Direction and you're gonna get 15 different suggestions from different sides leading to different places I suggest you get a reference image buddy just follow your reference um anyway it's a little bit peeve of mine all right what we don't have is a window I forgot that sucks and also the door um um as I said before I'm not that phased um about [Music] these guys not having the same UV scale or Direction the the python line is that they do unwrap well once we've got them all in a building um we're going to unwrap them there as one piece at the end uh so yep that's not the right one frame frame frame same story frame frame frame is there any other windows that I'm missing it looks like I've got everything um here this guy that shouldn't be frame it should just be window and the frame should be the frame okay I guess the following obviously because this is I'd be worried if you're not following this it's just simple stuff um okay now I'm gonna put a placeholder in here to the like for the window and I can always come back to the window [Music] um so the window will just take that Checker map out I think um we know the windows are unwrapped well that's not an issue so what actually this guy should be the frame and the window should be the window that's no I I know what I've done here control I assign there we go select the window and then obviously we can just do it like a mock Alpha followed for the window um it's not really going to show up anything now I think the important thing here is just to keep to start building um here we go okay all right okay so now let's let's start building our our reference PCS so what I'm gonna do now is I'm not gonna attach this to that I will just hit Ctrl p and Link it and same here Ctrl p and Link it because if if I attach it now then it's going to mesh with my unwraps I want the windows and the window frames to stay separate at the end of the day um because if they don't things are gonna get very messy if at some point I decide I want to take this into unreal then it's going to be it's it'll be unreal how difficult I've made my life when I have to unwrap everything as one my recommendation would be do the building unwrap that this one do the windows unwrap that as one because that's essentially something that you want to be able to build blueprints with in unreal and then follow suit Okay so we've got at the base we have a door and then we'll have a um a window so I'm going to bolt up here so let's call it 4 000 up then that behind the stairs will just be this um it'll be plain for obvious reasons um so rocket science involved there you don't put a door behind stairs I mean geez well I guess in South Africa you can do whatever you want um then at the other end this is a very small little um it's actually redonkulously small we can actually we can see what this looks like afterwards and if it needs to be bigger it'll get bigger opposite end we can always put a window um let's put the window it's difficult to rotate in here control MX rotate Z minus Z minus the 90 and that gives us that okay now start to build the corners um actually whatever yeah uh now we now we actually more on the right track control MX and then yeah it looks a little bit more better see this is now when you're working with modular content you have a little bit more power to do to do a couple of variations if you guys are not following drop something in the comment um section and tell me I'm going too fast or too slow or just not making sense it seems to be the comment I get Moses don't understand it doesn't make any sense you know why I'm putting the the snap to median right you can see it snapping to the median point there rather than snapping to the closest vertex okay there it is level one um now we can put this guy in here probably shift DX call MX GX g z and then again shift d y control m y g y and now beam across in the middle um median points right there so use this see this is where a little bit of prep time at the at the beginning um does does help quite a bit what is going on here then yeah yeah this is what's going on um if if I didn't set myself up for for this it would right now be an absolute Miss um I'd be I'd be battling if I if I'm honest shift d y control my g y uh same story that hang on Jesus gz it looks like everything is in line shift d rotate z nine D G okay okay you can see what's happening here it's not uh that bad um now we gonna place our stairs early on I think which is probably the the best let's just move this up gz one another one thousand um shift d would probably be on the median and it it will literally this is where where you guys can if you catch my drift you can you can probably log off and if you wanted to no obligation to sit and follow this stuff um see where we might have a little bit of an height issue here in how things were worked out rotate that there we got it um g y we'll see now um I suspect it's been a little bit of a miscalculation on my side here um we're gonna it shouldn't be the end of the world should be easy enough to to adapt well so far so good I guess it's Friday at least we have that going for us um now up the stairs is a big window so stay true to the reference I'm gonna put this guy over here and now I can just because I've linked everything I can just grab that hit median G put it right there rotate Z and we are at 90. again what I have here is double faces that I shouldn't be having which is a problem I'm gonna sort that at the end though I'm not going to sort it out now but it is something to take note of it gives you that and now we can most probably do a plain one at the front um I think so so and we'll do a small one on the side which probably be let's call it a bathroom when maybe I mean this is so small I'd suspect there will be place for a bathroom it's literally like almost like a like a little Watchtower vibe that we have going here maybe a door at the other end because what's the point having stairs if you if if they go nowhere um it would be a little bit of a phenomenal waste of resource I wrote that said 180 and then we just bring that guy straight in here and again we can see everything sits quite well see this is where my stairs are Level it miscalculated we'll fix that it's not it's not not the end of the world um so now I need one of these guys go into that corner a modular kit if if you ever want to do a large amount of 3D quickly um your your way of achieving that is is through modular kit you cannot you you cannot achieve it by not using modular content just take it from me please it's not possible so yeah okay that is a little bit unrealistic you would never have a situation like this in terms of Structural Engineering or civil engineering right there so what we can do is we can obviously just within reason for actually just on the side we can which probably threw that out by 200 and then take that egg Edge and just Ctrl X to delete it Ctrl E mark that as seam control e Clear then it's a seam and then Ctrl e Clear the user seems and a u unwrap and we have a functional new unwrap um we most probably need to do gz and do exactly the same down here e z z come on this is where you want to tell the PC I know better control E mark those seams clear this seam um yeah that seemed clear that seam control e Clear seam a u unwrap and we have a working unwrap great okay now again the soles we're just gonna go straight around and copy this whole thing a whole thing oh that well I might as well actually come to think of it might as well grab these corners Chef dz2200 because that's the height that we made our uh oh okay a little bit higher than that and again switch to closest gz I find myself always hovering between median and closest it's generally where um where things happen so I think what's gonna happen here is that this stair we'll need to continue across and then that door will need to be there we are at the third story according to the reference this is going to be the last um floor I mean if you don't have to stick to the reference sometimes it is very nice it just stay a little bit flexible on your stuff and just go where the corny but go where the art takes you uh gee E 200 okay Ctrl X to delete that and then just forward slash to isolate control E mark seem e control e Clear scene a u unwrap and we have a decent unwrap and we can continue on with life so this guy I'm just gonna go gy so pull it out up until that corner and then we're gonna take one of these and Bolt from rotate Z minus 90 right at Z minus 90. um and then build from here X yeah so we the math was good I guess something I learned after school 20 years too late um okay door up here and it should be set as you can see this little guy um with stairs which probably need to be moved up a little bit maybe there needs to be one more stay or maybe that step is actually fine um right now it's it's a little bit odd with me it needs to sit here at the very least preferably yeah um which means we will have g z that and we're gonna have we might need to go Ctrl X e to 100 and e z and that should also be 200 if we did on math correct and now it's a case of Ctrl X on that um and then rework this a cube by distance we're going to clear the seam uh Mark those as a scene and then a u we'll see what the unwrap looks like not that great control E mark scene control E mark seam good it's better no we also oh okay that will actually never work in reality g x y e 200. the nice thing is if you have a modular kit like this then the small fixes are very small you're not trying to model something into a building where um where that very quickly becomes difficult if if you started this thing with a box I can promise you you'd think at the start you'd think geez I'm gonna nail this in like one hour flat and then there's gonna come a point where things aren't going to work out and you're going to be very sorry you're gonna wish that that default Cube was a default plane I'll give you my word um yeah anyways that's just me I model everything in Planes I think uh I think it's just a better way to to go about it if I must be honest um needs to be medium G rotate Z minus 90 and uh what should we do about this door I can probably just fine I guess um obviously we've still got these guys which if we want to make a variation of that we can we can very easily um put that in rotate it and then we can do exactly the same did we not grab the windows anyway that's uh it's not a not a biggie I wonder if I didn't delete yes I see what I did no I don't see what I did actually actually I don't know I don't know at all what I did but anyway it's not not see what I did let's try again let's just get everything right because once you start missing parts it becomes a bit of a plane I don't think everything was linked control B object G yeah so now that is either not everything was linked or not everything was copied minus 90 and there we go and then this is with this is one of those plain ones um G there rotate Z minus nine D and now we can do the roof uh um let's just bring this guy in and that needs to sit on the corner so I'm gonna put give myself a little bit of a point to grab it by and check the X and Ctrl MX and again shift D1 put in on that corner g m y there we go and now this if we have a point on this corner and shift d G so okay so that should g y x and then these in between I'm just going to hit Ctrl X and delete a u give myself a nice unwrap again delete that guy shift d rotate Z minus rotate Z minus nine this is exactly by the way this is exactly the same that I would do in unreal and I would like the parts in I wouldn't take buildings in um the only difference in unreal is I would create a blueprint and then I would attach all of these assets as static meshes to that blueprint [Music] um okay so what we can do now I'm going to take this guy and take this guy and I'm going to hit Tab and then I'm going to take the center of the roof I'm going to get the center over the roof by selecting those across and now I'm going to do at the right height at plane so you can already see gy if x [Music] um g y g y g x I'm gonna give myself cuts that correspond to the existing Cuts just in case I'm going to subdivide this thing to sculpt it Ctrl a and this collapse rotation and scale tab a u unwrap so this shouldn't be here G1 it should be there and now what I can do let's just Ctrl L link that material um yeah so now it's a case of we've literally got our windows and doors to do but we can unwrap the building as is um that's right that's it for today um and we will continue on in day seven we'll finish up with a door we'll finish up with the windows um and then after that let's see where that takes us have a good Friday cheers fellas so fast forward a few hours um and a couple of days of just working on this before um before I started my day job you can see that I've put together a number of assets using those these specific dials and these tiles are all that's all I used and I was very I very quickly able to to create different assets of different shapes and sizes so it's got a small Higher One more of a squat low one and then a lower one and then even a Simi round one like this and obviously just needed to modify the landing a little bit but that just shows you the power of modular Assets Now when you created an asset like this you've got two choices at the end you can either collapse everything um so that you've got one sort of core item or you can parent everything to a base um and I use a mix of the two depending on on what I need to do um obviously if you collapse everything then you just think about the impact of of of that on your UVS it is sometimes nicer to keep everything modular and then still take a modular approach to texturing as well so for for this one I just did a um an extra decal sheet and I created a UV Channel or a second UV channel in in which I just overlay the the details so once you've got all these assets and you've built a number of different scenarios then it very quickly you can start combining extra UV layers almost and then just adding bits depending on where it where you want them um and that that really just shows you the power of of these Assets Now all of these assets I did using those Styles so with these um these ones over here all I did is swap out the material on the dial same assets um and then I just needed to do a do a roof out of corrugated steel again same thing for this just swapped out the the texture on the tile so it is incredibly incredibly incredibly important that if you need to create massive volume um in if it could be a freelance project or concept art or anything but if you need to create volume um then then I would highly highly suggest using modular content and then obviously when you have a kit like this if you're doing a freelance job or art station or anyone on there um client you've met or anyone then then it becomes easy to just bring those assets into a scene like this and very quickly build out a very complicated or something it actually is not a complex scene it looks like it but it's not because because everything is so modular it very quickly became a a situation of just importing these assets that were very quickly very quickly built I mean over a couple of days um in fact the texturing just adding the layers of textures uh was a little bit more timely than the than the actual building the kit and you can see the amount of detail in here very very very quick to create and it looks intimidating but I can tell you now if you stick to using modular content then you're going to be able to very quickly create something that looks very very complex like this um there's obviously quite a bit of chromatic aberration I would recommend not using this much but here you can see same tiles same story just different textures at this stage
Channel: Hubert Knoblauch - 3D Content Online
Views: 41,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, blender, modular, kit, make buildings in blender, modular 3d kit, designing buildings in blender, blender 3d, blender 3d environments, how to make modular 3d assets, modular assets, how to make modular 3d
Id: 56xMeqWXjSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 3sec (7143 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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