Dodge and Burn Automatically and Still Have Manual Controls in Photoshop

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today we can earn a super quick way the dodging burns in Photoshop to add dimension to your portraits and here's the best part though this method is automatic it creates separate layer for dodging and burning and you don't have to go ahead and manually dodge and burn with the brush it does that automatically and here's the best part I already didn't say that but here's the best part you can go ahead and edit those dodging and burning less you can modify them you can change them you can do whatever you want with them maybe deal with the colors so it is Auto but it also gives you the power of manuals so pros and pros of both of them so without any further ado let's get started so here we are photo shop Leafeon and download this photo make sure to go ahead and check the links in the description so let's look at the before and after so this is the after and this is the before you can see a radical difference in both of them now apart from dodging and burning I must tell you I have applied a lot of other things to it curves frequency separation I'll be touching and we have videos on all of these topics already so we're not going to cover all of that so let's have a look so this is the before and then we corrected the skin tone using curves okay there's a video on that you can check out the video right here or links are in the description to all of these topics then a little bit of frequency separation to soften the skin just like that and I we touching just a little bit look at the ice and then dodging and burning and this is what we can cover in this video so this is the before and this is the after dodging and burning as you can see how soft this is and this is all automatic and here's how to do it let's do it from scratch okay so let's delete dodging and burning group and first of all the first thing that you need to do is to create a curves adjustment layer really simple click on the adjustment layer icon and click on curves and just a quick little recap what is dodging and burning dodging and burning is brightening and darkening particular areas of the image to add dimension dodging is brightening burning is darkening right we burn things it becomes darker just remember remember it that way yeah think of it like this think of it like a circle right a gray circle if you brighten a particular side of it and darken the other side of it what does that become it becomes a sphere right it has now a dimension so that's pretty much what dodging and burning is more details in this video links in the description all right now take the curves up just like this and right now we are dodging okay if you want to brighten the areas which are already bright so here's what we do double click on the right-hand side of the layer to open up the layer style dialog box okay another way is right click and choose blending options so two ways of doing the same thing double click on the right hand side of the lab this opens up the layer Styles dialog box now take the slider of the underlying layer under the blend of section from left to right there you go what this does is that it deletes the dark areas and listed this carefully it deletes the dark areas of the underlying layer which means the layers which are beneath it the combined effect of all the layers which are beneath it it deletes those dark areas of the underlying layer from the current layer so whatever areas that was dark in the underlying layers those areas will be deleted from the current layer which is a curves adjustment layer ok so take it like that these areas will be brightened so it seems nice to me now this is quite harsh right hold alt or option click on this slider it just separates those two sliders and you can make it smoother by taking these apart the more apart they are the more transition between the areas that are showing up and the areas that are hidden are is smoother right the more apart the more transition between them is smoother ok just like that if you're satisfied okay now once you're satisfied with this looks pretty good okay once you're satisfied with this I'm gonna take it a little left click okay now you can stop here if you want you can decrease the opacity this is too much of course and you can stop here if you want but you don't have the creative ability to change the color of the highlights or maybe soften it all out there's only so much you can do you cannot add to it you cannot edit it right you cannot do all of that stuff so here's what I would suggest increased opacity all the way to hundred it doesn't matter how that looks now create a merged layer how to do that hold ctrl alt shift and E command option shift + E if you are using a Mac now this creates a merged layer of everything that you see on the canvas on the screen right now now I want you to turn both of these off the curves off and this layer off and create a new layer and create a merged layer of everything without the dodging okay ctrl alt shift + E okay there we go so this is the normal one and this is the one with the dodging so let's bring the dodging up so that you can understand it well so this is the normal this is with the Dodge now how to have just the Dodge on a separate layer any ideas any guesses you guessed it right if you guessed it if we and listen to this carefully if we subtract okay if we subtract the normal layer from the Dodge layer what will we have left just the Dodge areas right let's name it so that you can understand so this is the Dodge and this is the norm right now if you have the Dodge layer and if you delete the normal from the Dodge what will you have left just the areas in which you dodged right and you can edit that to your heart's content and here's how to do it normally we use this in frequency separation but once you understand the concept you can apply anything anywhere in Photoshop so it's very essential in Photoshop to understand the concepts than to understand the techniques or the steps okay so go to image then apply image now inside of apply image let's select the layer which we want to subtract so layer normal we want to subtract the normal from the dodge dodge is already selected now let's select the blending option subtract very obvious right and make sure the channel is RG B now here comes the option to choose scale and offset the scale is the amount of subtraction the maximum value of scale is two and the minimum value is one it doesn't really matter in this case because you can always go ahead and decrease or increase the opacity so let's choose the one which has the maximum effect so if we choose one if you can see more of the bright areas right so let's choose one that's that looks fine now what is offset offset is the color of those areas listen to this carefully offset is the color of those areas with complete hundred-percent subtraction now what do I mean by that in normal lab this area was white even in dodge layer this area is why so the subtraction of both of them is what nil right zero so offset determines the color of those areas of which the subtraction is zero subtraction is nil okay it's like same number minus the same number it's just nothing right if the offset is 128 it means that those areas are filled with 50% gray if the offset is 255 it means those areas are white it turns the complete image white so yeah it kinda just messes things up keep the offset 128 it is 50% great if you keep it to zero it's black 128 is fine now why 128 let's just check this off I checked on autumn by mistake check off preserve transparency and check off mask mixture of both are unchecked now here's a very important thing to understand the values of r g and b can be represented in numbers the minimum value is zero and the maximum value is 255 so 128 lies in the middle now you might think 128 is not the half of 255 now here's an important thing also consider zero so there are in total 256 values how 1 to 255 plus 0 right 0 is also value so in total we have 256 values so the half of 256 is what 128 so we set the offset to 128 which means 50% great now why 50% way because we're gonna use blend modes like overlay soft light which deletes everything which is 50% gray hit ok once you're satisfied and then delete the curves adjustment layer we don't need it now change the blend mode of this one to as you have already guessed it overlay there you go have a look at the before and after so this is the after and this is the before and I don't think you need the normal layer now you can just edit it to your heart's content you can just blur it out you can add some effects curls and all of that stuff but before you do any of that convert this to a smart object before you mean you changed the opacity convert it into a smart object so that whatever you apply is non-destructive so they go go filter convert for Smart Filters click OK and then this will be converted into a smart object next you know this is a kind of too much so let's decrease the opacity a bit to maybe 70% that looks nice then you can blur it out it's a little harsh have a look it's a little harsh so we can blur it out by going to filter blur and then Gaussian blur you can apply any amount of blow you want 25 is fine for this click OK and there you go soft highlight really looks good have a look so this is the before this is the after let's have a look at just this lip change the layer blend mode to normal and have a look very soft now you can even desaturate it if you think the highlights are affecting the colors so you can do that by going to image adjustments hue/saturation and you can decrease the saturation of the same just like that and hit OK I cannot see it completely because the opacity is up 70% let's increase it and there you have the effect okay now change the blend again to overlay let's see the effect so before after now there are some areas in which you didn't want to apply the dodging so you can mask those areas out really simple you can create a mask by clicking on this mask button and then choose the brush make sure the foreground color is black and paint on the areas in which you didn't want dodging so you can paint on these areas these areas here just like that and there you go you could also have created a negative mask and painted just the areas in which you wanted to dodge so that can be done let's just delete the dodge mask and create a negative layer by holding the alt or option and clicking on the mask button and then take the brush and this time make sure the foreground color is white now what is the concept of layer masks it's very simple black conceals white reveals white other areas which shows the layer black other areas which hides the layer right now it's completely hiding the layer because whole of it is black let's just zoom in and just paint on the areas in which we want to be dodge dodged okay so simply paint on this area maybe nose and maybe the forehead a little bit and there you go in case you just wanted to paint on the areas in which you want to be dodged so done isn't that fantastic now let's create a burning lip very similar to this one so how to do that let's turn this off for a second and create a curves adjustment layer same process click on this one and with a burning layer I'll show you some more features which I think are really really cool so let's take this curve down this time because we want to darken the areas which are already dark so take it down just like this okay that looks good now double click on the right hand side of the layer and do just the opposite Dickes latter of the underlying layer from right to left this means that we are deleting the bright areas of the underlying layer from this layer okay there you go just like that if you're satisfied with this okay that looks fine let's just make it smoother by holding the alt or option clicking on this one and taking it a bit to the right and taking this to the left okay now that looks good and once you're satisfied click okay now do the same thing turn this off and we deleted the normal level you shouldn't have let's not delete it in the very beginning so create a layer and you can name that normal and if you want let's just not do it turn it off turn on the curves create another layer and ctrl alt shift and E command option shift and E then what we have to do we have to subtract this from this okay layer two okay image apply image and then let's choose layer to RGB subtract everything is fine looks fine click OK and there you have it ready now you can just delete it this time you can delete it you shouldn't have deleted the first time but yeah we did it now you can just delete the curves adjustment layer you don't want that anymore then just change the blend mode of this one to overlay let's turn this also on now this is too much at this point this is too much but before you do anything before you do anything convert this to a smart object let's change this back to normal and let's convert this into a smart object how to do that go to filter convert for Smart Filters click OK now it's converted into a smart object now change the blend mode of this one to overlay doesn't look quite right right let's change it to soft light wow that looks wonderful doesn't it so have a look at the before and after so this is it before this is the after now you can also blur this out blur this out by going to filter blur Gaussian blur and 25 the same value is fine click OK and you have this ready now I'll show you some features which I think are really cool you can change the color of the dark areas if you think there's too much red in it you can go to image adjustments and then curves and this is a smart object everything you do is editable you can go to Red's choose the channel and choose reds and you can decrease Reds if you want just like this and have a look we decreased the Reds maybe you want to make it more magenta ish so choose greens and decrease the Greenes it makes it more magenta ish or increase the greens if you want it to be less magenta ish and more greenish so I'll leave it at probably this and click OK once very satisfied and there you go now it has burned areas which we didn't want to burn like the eyes it has also darkened the eyes have a look at it before and after before after it has also darkened the Hat and the hair so how to hide that simple create a mask right create a mask positive mask and take the brush makes the foreground color as black by pressing X to toggle between the background and the foreground color and then just paint in the areas in which you didn't want it should be burned that's to be here we painted a little extra press extra toggle between the black and the whites and just paint this area back in and we didn't want this lips so press X again to bring black back to the foreground color just like this and the eyes now there are some areas just like under the eyes where you didn't want it to be darkened so you can paint that as well as I said you can edit these layers okay just like this and you can just paint on the areas which you didn't want it to be dodged so like this for example maybe this top of the nose for example so as I said this is completely editable right and you can also go ahead and decrease the saturation of this one if you think this is adding a lot of colors to this so you can go to image adjustments hue/saturation hue saturation is greyed out why because the mask is selected so we need to select the layer and then go to image adjustments and then hue/saturation now let's decrease the saturation just a little bit if you make it - hundred doesn't make any difference so let's keep it at minus thirty ish that's fine have a look at the before and after so this is the before and this is the after now you can go ahead and decrease the opacity if you want this is of course too much set it to maybe 50 ish that's fine and there you have it ready I can make a group of both of these and you can name it burn and hold the controller command select the other one and then press ctrl or command G now we have a group we can name this Dodge and burn and there you have it have a look at it before and after so this the before and this is the after and in every way you can edit this you might ask how fill it's very simple you can erase you can add how can you add you can just rasterize the slip so right now we are in this layer we can rasterize that by right-clicking on it and choose rasterize ok but once you rasterize it every effect is burnt into the left now you can just let me just change back the blend mode to normal so that you can see and opacity to 100 now if you want to delete an area to be burnt you can just paint gray in that area because gray is a color which will be removed once you apply a soft light or overlay so this is just one indication purposes to show how things will work so we can set the foreground color to say 50% gray say a zero eight zero eight zero is the shortcode of that click OK hex code and at the background color to black now you can also desaturate this by going to image adjustments and desaturate it doesn't really matter now you can take black decrease the flow to somewhere around one or maybe two to add to it so if you want to darken this area you can just simply paint with black on that area just like that if you want delete some areas press X to set grey as the foreground color and paint in this area just like this now once if I change the blend mode of this one to soft likely be able to see that so you didn't want this area to be darkened so you will make sure the foreground color is grey and then just paint in that area maybe I'll just increase the flow to show you what exactly happens when you do that there you go that's how it works if you want to delete this area wonderful you can go ahead and infinitely edit this the way you want if you want to darken an area press X then you can just darken this area a little more this area a little more and there you have the idea I think it's too much but you get the idea similarly you can do this with the Dodge layer so that's how you can really go ahead and modify with filters and brushes and go manual all in now you can create actions for both of these layers by going to Windows and then actions and inside factions just hit the record button create a new action hit the record button and create that girl's the blend if and you get the whole picture right so you can just in the click of a button create both of these layers and just have the ability to manually go ahead and adjust those sliders you can do that by just clicking on this box and I already talked about actions in this video just check this video out right here in which I create an action for skin softening so that you get an idea on how to create that action now at this point you might think this is too much so we'll go ahead and decrease the opacity to around say maybe 60% that's fine let's have a look at the before and after so this is the after this is the before and this is the after now we did this very quickly and this is the final image before and after so that's pretty much it for this video that's how you can auto manually dodging burn in Photoshop by applying curves and then blend it and then the amazing method of subtraction and that's all there is just remember create a curves adjustment layer bring it down for burning bring it up for dodging and then create merge layers one with the Dodge and one normal or one with normal and one with the burn and subtract both of them you will get just the dodging and the burning layer then you can change the blend mode and then apply whatever effect you want you can mask it out you can play with the brushes and there's a lot of other things which you can do he should be discussed at the video I hope this video was helpful in that this but make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe bring the best that you my friend don't miss a thing I'll see you guys on X Factor then stay tuned and make sure that Kiki [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 430,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dodge and burn photoshop, apply image photoshop, automatic dodging and burning, make portraits pop, skin retouching, portrait retouching, dramatic portrait, blend if, retouch face, curves in photoshop, fast dodge and burn, piximperfect, photoshop tutorials, adobe
Id: fduNNlVd-90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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