The Magic of Frequency Separation in Photoshop

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have you ever taken a selfie just to find out that your face looks like an over dip back statue straight out of Madame Tussauds just like this see if you are into that and if you like that don't watch this video straight away this video is not for you this video is for serious people hey there this is a maze from fixham perfect and today I'm going to break the professional method of face retouching and face cleaning up into three simple steps it includes healing and the amazing and the amazing method of frequency separation so don't miss that stay tuned as I said before there are three things that you have to remove or repair whenever you are cleaning up a portrait one blemishes two skin tone and three wrinkles now blemishes can be anything like pimples spots small spots and tiny things like that irregularities in the face okay skin tones are the things that you have to repair sometimes in skin you have blotchiness you have ready skin somewhere around the face that you can repair only through skin tones also dark circles around the eyes come under this category then again after skin tone we have wrinkles wrinkles simply removing them can make you look younger so we have to keep in mind that we don't have to remove wrinkles but to reduce them so I have imported an image of a model into Photoshop the link to which I'll post in the description below for you to work on so let's zoom in and see let's look at the blemishes so rule number one remove the blemishes so before we going to before we are too ready to remove the blemishes what we have to do we have to duplicate the background layer and to duplicate the background layer one of the simple things to do is press ctrl + J if you are using a Mac + press command + J it's duplicated and if you don't want to use the shortcut so just drag here and paste it here now it's duplicated double click and name it blemishes okay so the easiest way to remove blemishes is to use the Spot Healing Brush tool simply select the Spot Healing Brush tool and paint over the blemishes and guys just as a reminder to increase or decrease the size of the brush you have to press and hold alt and the right mouse button drag right to increase the size drag left to decrease the size drag up to increase the software's drag down to increase the hardness of the brush so let it be this way and simply paint over the blemishes and it will replace it with the surrounding skin I'll speed up the process for your convenience now here we are in trouble when I try to remove this blemish with this tool what happens it doesn't just look real it doesn't just spit in why because figure because Photoshop is automatically sampling the surrounding areas and replacing the area that I painted with those samples now what if I want I want to tell Photoshop not to sample from this and this I want to tell Photoshop okay Photoshop samples from this area how do I do that I select the Healing Brush tool instead of the Spot Healing Brush tool and press and hold alt or option and the icon will change into a targeted one and click on the area where you want to sample from and now paint over this area and that way you'll get the kind of texture you want the blemish to replace with again select this and we are going to replace this damage with that texture so whenever the Spot Healing Brush tool doesn't work you should always switch to Healing Brush tool so let me switch back to sparkling brush tool you so hence we have removed all the blemishes be good and let's look at the before and after of the image so let's turn off the blemishes layer and see look how it looked before and how is it now so this is without this is with the blemishes and this is without the blemishes now we are done with the first step okay it looks kind of good but there are still blotchiness in the skin look here blotchiness look here there's a lot of readiness and blotchiness in the skin and I'm being too picky I know but we have to get this perfect right so the second step what improve the skin tone to improve the skin tone we have to use the amazing and one of the most brilliant techniques of frequency retouching and the frequency separation so what is frequency separation let's take a break for a minute and let's understand what frequency separation is now frequency separation what it does it takes an image and separates the image into two parts one retains the details and the other one retains the color suppose I want to edit the skin tone okay suppose I want to repair the skin tones this can include a dark circles this can include glossiness readiness and a lot of irregularities in the skin I want to edit that and I don't want to edit the texture I don't want to I don't want to affect the texture of the skin the wrinkles of the skin so I if I just work on this color layer the wrinkles won't be affected on the other hand suppose I want to remove the wrinkles and I don't want to change the colors of the skin I don't want to disturb the colors of the skin I would work just with this layer so the separation of images into details and color helps a long run in improving the image as a whole so we are going to do just that right now so how to do frequency separation first let's duplicate the blemishes layer duplicate it now let's name it skin tone skin tone okay and let's apply a blur filter on it blur Gaussian blur increase the blur to just that point where the skin texture is completely removed you don't have to go all the way to here you have to just go to the point exactly where the skin texture is removed so I think for this image it would be around 4.2 is doing working fine let's click OK now we have the colors in place so this is the colors layer we have to now create the details layer the the layer which has the details now how do we create the details layer make one more copy of the blemishes layer and make rename it as details now to make the details layer simply apply a layman's concept subtract the color layer from this layer so it will become a details layer if you subtract the color layer from the main layer what it will become a details layer so how do we subtract that let's turn that off for a bit let's go to image and apply image now select the layer skin tone we want to subtract the skin tone from details right make sure our G we selected make sure that subtract is selected by default you will have normal selected you have to select subtract and you have to keep the values of scale and offset to 2 and 128 respectively click OK as you can see this layer has nothing but details it doesn't have color it's plain gray it doesn't have highlights and shadows it just has details so put this layer above the skintone layer turn the skintone layer on and change the blend mode to linear light as you can see we get the face back if you group the details on the skintone layer to group press ctrl + T or command + G and if I turn this layer off nothing happens this means it's the same as this one this group is the same as this one which means these both two images combined to give the same results so if I just let me turn the background layers off if I turn one off so it's just a detail slit and if I turn just this on it's just the color layer so let's turn both on it's both of the layer combined now I want to improve the skin tone now I want to remove the dark circles now I want to smoothen the skin so let's select the skin tone layer and let's go ahead and let's start blurring the skin now let's select the lasso tool and suppose I want to blur this area and you'll see the magic right now and yes before blurring let's make sure the feather is around 20 or something so if the feather is zero what happens I'll show you if you select press Q to see how much of an area is selected so the selection is quite sharp we want it to be smooth so let's press Q back again and let's deselect that increase the feather to somewhere around 20 ish and now let's do that again and press Q and see how smooth the selection is press Q back again and now what we have to do filter blur Gaussian blur increase the blur to an amount that is favorable to you to this whoa as you can see how nicely it has smooth and the skin with the details retained as it is we have to do it quite a few times see there's a lot of blotchiness here again we would go to filter blur Gaussian blur increase the blur tone to the amount that we desire click okay so you want to have different amount of blurs two different areas all right so I'm going to speed up this process for you and let's not keep you waiting you you see once you have set up low value for example I want to blur this area okay now once you've set up low value filter blur Gaussian blur suppose you like this value to be around 36 okay now you want to blur the similar areas so in the similar areas you want to have the same blur so all you have to do you have to just press ctrl F and the filter will be repeated again instead of again and again going to filter blur and Gaussian blur so we are doing the forehead and I've selected a value of say 36 I've applied it once and the second time I don't have to do a thing I have to just select this area and press ctrl + F and it's done you look how beautiful it has moved in the skin at the same time it has retained the details the skin textures let's turn this off and on and see how it was before and after so this is before this is after so let's move on to step number three removing the texture or reducing the wrinkles so replacing the textures so suppose I want to remove this fine line right here how do I do that make sure that details layer is selected select the healing brush tool and suppose I want to sample this area and replace this texture with this texture how do I do that press and hold alt sample this area and simply paint over the fine line as you can see the color remains the same but the texture is replaced we'll do that a couple of times in this picture actually she doesn't have a lot of wrinkles but if you are handling a picture with a lot of wrinkles this will be extremely handy to you so let's look whether this image needs it a little bit here and we are good to go so finally we have completed cleaning up the face and this was a long tutorial so let's look at the before and after and see how far we have reached with this image so let's turn all the all the effect layer into one group so let's select all the layers with the effects turn it into one group press ctrl + G and let's turn this off and see how it was before and how this is after we have edited so we have come a long way that was all for today this was a long one sorry for the long tutorial and hope you enjoyed the tutorial hope this was helpful for you this is an agenda from pixel-perfect signing off and don't forget to subscribe I'll see you guys in my next video till then stay tuned and happy photoshopping you [Applause]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 269,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to remove pimples in photoshop, frequency retouching, how to clean face in photoshop, how to smooth face in photoshop, how to do frequency separation in photoshop, frequency separation retouching in photoshop, how to retouch portraits in photoshop, how to remove wrinkles in photoshop, removing wrinkles in photoshop cs6, remove pimples photoshop, how to fair skin in photoshop, what is frequency separation, frequency separation photoshop tutorial
Id: TRndGkBegGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2016
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