How to make a NAS from an old PC! Cheap! (Beginners Guide) (FreeNas 11.3-U2)

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hello everyone and welcome to the channel so today we're going to learn how to build a mass out of an OPC this is our first video on the channel but we're going to do a lot of tech related stuff in the future so if you're interested in any of that please consider subscribing but for now let's get into it so I'm going to start by explaining what an ass is so in s or a network attached storage device it's basically an external hard drive that should connect to your network and because it is connected to your network multiple people can access it at the same time another advantage is that you can set permissions for example if you have an employee and you don't want him to be able to access all of the files you can set permissions so he can only access certain folders but you can access all of them which is also really handy now another advantage is that the NASA is really easy to upgrade in the future for example if you have two one terabyte drives in your kness but you run out of storage it is really easy to add another one terabyte drive or a two terabyte drive and you can just add into the pool and everything will work as before but if you have a normal external hard drive for example one terabyte and you run out of storage then you have a bit of a problem because you have two options or you can buy another one terabyte drive but then you have to drives and which is not really convenient or you can just throw out the one terabyte drive and buy a two terabyte one but then yeah you lost one terabyte drive which is also not convenient so that's weariness also comes in handy at last you can also install plugins on your kness for example you have a plugin called plex media server and with plex media server you can cast your favorite movies or TV series that are stored on your kness to your devices in your network which is really cool and there are also a lot of other plugins available but we'll get into that later for now let's get started on project what are we going to need to build our nests well of course we're going to need to PC this can be a PC that you have lying around Ultra as long as it has a 64-bit processor okay you check if it is 64-bit well if Windows is still installed just go into thoughts manager and check what CPU you have and look it up online then just go on the Intel or AMD website and check if it is 64-bit if it looks isn't installed you can just go into the BIOS and check what CPU have and do the same thing by looking it up online if your processor isn't 64-bit then you won't be able to install the latest version of the software that we're going to use but I wouldn't recommend installing an older version of that software another requirement is a minimum of eight gigabytes of RAM if you have less than eight gigabytes of RAM you can have some serious issues like data loss or just some functions straight up not working if you have less than eight gigabytes of RAM don't worry because it will probably be an all the system on which you are installing this and this will probably be ddr2 or ddr3 RAM bitching which you can get on the cheap secondhand besides CPC you are also going to need two USB drives while with the minimum capacity of eight gigabytes but sixteen gigabytes is recommended and another one which can be smaller and they're two gigabytes should be enough but I recommend four gigabytes just to be on the safe side for the actual storage you can use any hard drive that you have lying around I'm going to use two 500 gigabytes laptop drives but you can use more or less depending on what you have at your disposal at last we are also going to need a wired internet connection a keyboard and a monitor now the keyboard and monitor are only going to be used during install after that you can just run the system headless so without monitor keyboard or mouse or anything like that installed now that's all we need so let's get started the software that we are going to use is called freeness and can be downloaded for free at their website FreeNAS dot-org so just go there and click on download scroll down and click on no thanks just take me to the download page there click on download again and the tooth to start downloading once you've downloaded freeness go to another website called Rufus at ie scroll down and download the latest release now we are going to make a bootable USB trap this is basically an install USB Drive so after the installation of the software is done you can reuse this USB drive for anything you want it is not necessary to keep this one in the system to keep it running the other USB Drive is the one that we are going to install the operating system onto so this one will be leaving permanently in system afterwards so do keep that in mind if you were planning to use that USB Drive for anything else with that being said we are now going to make the bootable USB Drive insert the drive that you chose into your computer and Oprah Rufus select USB Drive for me that's a 4 gigabyte USB drive and click on select then locate the ISO and click on open then click on start and ok and wait until it is done writing the image to the USB Drive once it is done you can go ahead and close Rufus and get the drive out of your PC now plug both of TV's B drives into the system that you are trying to install free as well I recommend putting them in the back directly into the model port because I've had some issues in the past when I put them into the front IO USB ports for example also plug in an external keyboard the power cord a wired internet connection and an external monitor also make sure that your hard drives are connected yet because again I've had some issues with that as well in the past if that's all wrong go ahead and turn on the system and go into the BIOS common keys to enter the BIOS are f1 f2 f10 delete or escape some pcs like mine also briefly display the shortcuts during the boot process but you can also look them up with by searching for your motherboard model online once you're in the BIOS we want to go to the boot track order and change it so that the USB that we've chosen to install the operating system onto is at the top of the list for me this is the bigger Sony USB Drive so I'll put it on the top of list here we're making these changes so that once the system is installed it will always boot from the USB Drive or which we have installed the operating system if you have options in your BIOS such as USB boot or bootie USB devices first you want to go ahead and enable those after that you can exit the BIOS but make sure that you save the changes that you've made now the system will reboot while the system is rebooting you want to go into the boot menu here you can manually select the device that the system should boot from for one time you see USB Drive that you have put the installer onto wait Rufus let me see the freeness installer menu just hit enter once you see the console setup choose install after that select the USB Drive on which you want to install freenas for me that's again you baker Sony USB Drive you can select it right by hitting spacebar choose yes and after that choose a password be sure to remember this password as we will need it later on now the system will ask if you want to boot via UEFI or via BIOS if you have an older system like mine choose files it will be the safer bet but if you have a really new system you vf5 might be required now the installation process will begin don't worry if it takes a long time for me it took 25 minutes as well when the installation is complete you will be prompted to reboot the system and to remove the installation media so go ahead and choose reboot system at the menu once the Installer prompt has disappeared remove the Installer USB drive now the system should boot into FreeNAS for the first time this first time will take a long time for me it took more than 30 minutes if the first boot is successful you should eventually see an IP address with this IP address we're going to log into the web UI later on but first we're going to reconnect our hard drives to shut down the system type in the number 11 and hit enter the system will now shut down be sure to wait until it is completely off then reconnect all of your hard drives after that turn on the system again and wait until you see the IP address again they should now take about ten minutes from now on we don't need physical access to the system anymore so you can go ahead and disconnect the keyboard and the monitor go to another computer and type the IP address we just saw into the web browser [Music] you should now see the back UI here you can login with username root and the password that you set during the install process now that we are logged into the web UI you can see all your system information and stats we are going to start by creating a user so click on accounts and users then click on add and type in a name for your user I'm going to choose tech weekend and it's going to automatically generate a user name which I'm fine with and then enter a password I'm just going to take T weekend and confirm the password now as we want to create like a admin user we want to set all the permissions to true and allow to do then click on save now the user is created now we're going to take a look at our storage so click on storage and click on pools as you can see there are no pools created which makes sense as we haven't created any so let's click on the Add button so we want to create a new pool so click on create pool and here we can see our two hard drives now we want to add these to the pool so we're going to select them and then click on the arrow so they are added to the pool down here we have two options we have stripe and we have mirror and if we choose mirror then you can see that the raw capacity is only half of the capacity that you actually have this is because when you choose this the data is mirrored across the drives so the same data as on both drives so when you lose one of the drives you haven't lost any data if we select right then you can see that we have the full capacity of 927 cake bytes but now if you lose one of the drives you will lose all your data so you can compare this with raid zero if you have more than two drives then you will have options here for rate C one rate C 2 and so on but we don't so I'm going to choose right and give it a name I'm going to call it taking account and then click on create now the food is created so we're going to create a data set so click on the three dots here and click on add data set I'm going to name the data set that we can't data I'm just going to click on save now the data set is created so we are going to edit the permissions click here and click on edit permissions we're going to change the user so here we can see the user that we created T we can't so let's go ahead and select it and here we have the group you're also going to choose T weekend and go ahead and click on the save so now we have basically a subfolder that we have created in our data pool but now we are going to have to create a share for it so we're going to click on sharing and we going to choose e SMB share then we're going to click on add and we are going to look for our dataset that we created I'm going to name it Technic and share and I'm going to save it now it's going to prompt you to enable the service this service will make sure that every time your nads boots the share will be created so click on enable service [Music] that's it click close and click cancel now we should be able to connect to our nests and copy some files on to it let's test it out go to the file explorer and now we are going to try to access the nuts so type in backslash backslash and then the IP address of your kness that is going to ask for your login credentials so I'm going to click on more choices and use a different account we are going to use the username that we made in the web UI for me that's T weekend and the password is also T weekend and I'm going to click on remember and ok and there is the share so let's right click on it and click on map network drive you can then click on finish and then it will be mapped now we are just going to do a little test so I have a two gigabyte video file here we're going to see how long it takes to copy it to the nest so let's try it you can see that this copying at the speed of around 100 megabytes a second which is correct as my network is gigabit the last thing I want to show you is how to install plugins so for plugins just go to the web UI and click on plugins then here you can see all the available plugins if you want the full explanation of how to install plugins stay posted on this channel as I will make a video about this in the future that's it thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video please hit that like button and subscribe and turn on notifications so your going to miss any future videos anyway I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Tech Weekend
Views: 12,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nas, shared storage, tech weekend, old pc, how to, diy nas, what to do with an old pc, how to make a nas, things to do with old pc, reuse old pc, network attached storage, share storage, freenas, open source, free, freenas 11.3, how to install freenas, freenas tutorial, tutorial, cheap storage, truenas, truenas core
Id: tP2VKbiwsCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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