Turn Old Computer into a Network Attached Storage (NAS) with FreeNAS!

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we are going to turn my old computer into a network attached storage device this computer I have here has been around five or six years and it has been working well now since nobody is using here at my place I decided to make use of it as a network attached storage device in this video I'm going to walk you through how I'm going to do it so if you have an old computer and you want to use it as in network attached storage device then you can do it it start okay first off guys you need to download an operating system called freenas it is the world's number one storage operating system over 10 million downloads now I'll take note here if you are downloading a free nas make sure that you are not downloading the pre-release version like what happened to me okay so you check out the current stable version as of this recording the stable version is eleven point two so you download that one I'll put the link on the description below because if you try to visit the freeness website the direct download that you're going to see right away is the pre-release version of eleven point three as of the recording of this video ok so what I have here it's downloading it depends on how fast your internet will be and we're just going to wait up for this download to finish up and then we can continue to the next step now it's done guys I'll just open up Rufus a very simple tool creating a bootable device make sure your USB stick is plugged in I'll go ahead and select the freeness operating system this is the stable version and then go ahead and click start this will wipe all the data and then it will write freenas into your USB stick I usually use a vent I software to create bootable disk because it's very easy you just copy and paste the operating system to there used to be stick you made bootable but in this video to make it quick we'll just use Rufus so if you want to check out vent oi go ahead I'll put a link on the description below so you can check that one out as well as my video about a vent oi so let's wait up for this one to finish again it will take around five minutes to write this one into a stick I just did a quick forward now it's done let's go ahead and plug this one and get ready for the next step so here's what I'm going to do guys I have a two terabyte HDD this would be the a storage disk that will be used on my computer it's only one but if you want to add more drives into your nest then you can add it into a computer as long as you have the SATA ports available for you okay since you are going to use freeness the requirement for FreeNAS is that you need to have a dedicated drive for your operating system since this would be the storage disk we need another USB stick where we can install freenas and the second USB stick is the bootable device where we just created a while back we created the freeness installer on this USB stick we're going to boot from this device and install it into this USB stick after installing that one we can remove the Installer USB stick we need to leave this USB stick plugged into our computer because that's where the freeness is going to boot up so I'm going to install this hard drive inside this computer and then we can start doing our installation okay so this USB stick as I've mentioned earlier would be where we are going to install that operating system of FreeNAS alright so the next thing we need to do guys is plug this one's over Network since it will be a networked Apache storage after the installation it will grab an IP address from our router and then we'd be able to configure it okay I'm going to prep this plug in our USB stick that we can use to install freenas then get ready for installation that's our monitor part is going on so I'm just go ahead and press f9 to boot from this computer there you go but--my new should show up we have the first drive as our 2 terabyte HDD we have the sony where we're going to use to install free nuts going to our Sun disk here so I'm just going to boot from the Sony USB stick press enter this will boot up and boot freeness in solar press enter you will take time about three or four seconds and then another three or four seconds here to load up the operating system that we can install and then of course we have installed upgrade we're just going to hit enter then this computer has less than the recommended eight gigabytes of RAM four gigabytes of RAM is enough for us let's just go ahead and go for a yes press ENTER then we we got to choose where we are going to install the operating system we are not going to install it here this is our storage device we're going to install it to our Sun disk so I'm just going to press spacebar to select this option and then go ahead and press Enter it will erase all partitions it's okay installing on a flash media is preferred like what we're doing rather than installing on a hard drive so if you still don't want to use a flash drive you can use SSD or an HDD but it would be a bit waste of space okay so I'll just go ahead and proceed yes and then I'm going to go for my password I'll just make it simple B and then I'll change it later on okay press ENTER and then it is recommended that we use BIOS mode so I'll just go ahead and press ENTER and then it will go ahead and install the operating system so we'll just wait for it now this process will take around five to ten minutes so what I'm going to do here guys is I'm going to post a video you can post that one as well and then we'll get back if there's something that we need to go through so as of now I'm just going to go ahead and post it okay word up so that went to a hundred percent we're going to the second that 100% a third that's a hundred percent and we're in the fourth stage that is another hundred percent okay we're still going on so it detected that we have a link on our eighth or net adopter Rinas installation on da one succeeded please reboot and remove installation media so I'll just go ahead and press ok so reboot system let's wait for it to boot up it should go there you go okay so it's booting up from our USB stick we have two drives it will count to five seconds down and it will boot up for the first time after the installation okay we're doing good so we're getting an IP address from my router we have I guess you have got an IP address that is that to finish up okay there you go we're done so today is May 16 good date you got it there and console setup so after these one guys we can remove the monitor and keyboard we are going to access this FreeNAS via the IP address that is given to this FreeNAS from our router so we're going to dial one into the one six eight that 1.40 so that's it let's go jump into my computer and access this FreeNAS do the basic configuration and so that we can use it right away okay I'll open a browser with okay and this is the login you need to put in your password so this is the password we type in a while back okay login so this is the dashboard that we get from FreeNAS a quick overview of the computer that you are using graphic reports some sort of those things now the first thing we need to do since I am using Windows machines here I'll be doing a window share with FreeNAS but first I'm going to go to accounts and I always like creating a group so I just want to add a group here so that's it's easier if you want to give permissions you just add it to the group so that it will be easier so I'll just go ahead and create a group I'll just leave that GID the same put the name here like home users leave that one uncheck unchecked and I'll go ahead and save this and the next thing I'm going to do is create users so when I create users I'll just put them under the group of home users I'll create ad and then turaga Pro draghi Pro user name let's say Pro that would be good either will be okay I'll just go ahead and go T pro bro gmail.com come okay so this is not an existent email I'll just change the one if I want to later on I'll just go ahead and put a simple password probably change this later on I'll just leave it like that new primary group I'll remove that because we have a group already I'll just go ahead and go for home users this is that group I created earlier and since I'll be using this account I'll just go yeah directories yep and yeah let's go ahead and permit to do okay so let's just go ahead and save this user so if you want to add more users you just go ahead and add okay so after creating an account we can go ahead and create storage pools let's just go ahead and go for storage and then click pools now here in the pools we didn't have so I'll just go ahead and add and go ahead and create new pool create new pool and then what would be the name of this pool I'll just since I'll be using it here and I haven't decided what are the things that I'm going to put in here so for now for the sake of this demo I'll just go ahead and let's say shared files and encryption I don't need to encrypt this you get to select the disk that you are going to use so if you have more than one it will be listed here but we only have the disk that I have showed you earlier that is one point 82 terabytes that is available to you so I'll just go ahead and click this then move that over to the other side and then you get to click create then the contents of all the other disk will be erased yeah let's go ahead and confirm we don't need anything inside the disk already create pull so once we're done here in the three dots click that and then you go to edit permissions on the edit permissions you can see that this directory belongs to root user you can basically give this one to tea Pro that is the user that we used it's much better if we apply it to a group so let's go ahead and put it to home users so we apply this one this what I meant when I created a group every time you want someone to access the files inside a shared files then we add them to the group of home users so I'll just select that one in save now that's done so the next thing we need to do is do the sharing things what I'm going to use this for is for Windows shares so click on Windows SMB shares I'll just go ahead and add and then here on the path just click on path here and these icon will come out click that one and then you will have shared files here so we're going to share this so once you're done guys the bit of advanced things here but we're not going to get into those things just go ahead and save this one then enable service yes we're going to enable service ok ok so basically we're done with this and what I'm going to do is get into my laptop right now and try to check if we have that shared files that we created with FreeNAS so I'll just minimize this here on my computer you go to your file explorer here and then type in slash slash 192 the 1 6 8 the one that 40 this is the IP address of your freenas or your server just go ahead and press enter and you will have your shared files here so if you try to open this then it will ask for a username and password so our username or wild buck was T Pro and the password and then ok so we can access this file and so that alna be going back here in typing one eye to the 168 that one 240 I'll just go ahead and map that drive so I'll just go and click that you can select what letter you want to use here I'll just use Drive X and I'll go ahead and browse Network they go yeah browse this dude here and do it like that okay shared files so browse and then you'll have network and then you can browse that finish then you will have it on this PC it should be here you can see it here so you can open that and then and then we can create file here okay so go ahead and type in taurog keep Peru and who we can basically create some files so text file that's there you go and that's about it guys so there's anything I can help you leave just comment down below let me know what what are your issues setting up your freeness and I'll help you out now if you're starting to learn about freenas I'm not very well into freeness I just started using this one like a couple of months ago and I have seen that it has a lot of functions so if you have any questions just let me know and maybe I can help you out so once again destroy your pro and I think you for watching good bye
Channel: Torogi Pro
Views: 576,032
Rating: 4.9051809 out of 5
Keywords: freenas setup, freenas plex, freenas smb share windows 10, freenas smb permissions, freenas smb share permissions, freenas, how to setup freenas, old computer into NAS, nas server, diy nas server, diy nas server from old pc, DIY NAS, how to
Id: OUz5vC0IZX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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