Setting Up a NEW (old) NAS - TrueNAS Scale Setup/Testing

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if you're anything like me you have at least one pc laying around that hasn't been turned on in a while or you have an old pc that's not really doing anything in my case i have about 10 but i recently did a network upgrade for one of my friends and i noticed he had a computer sitting there not doing anything basically collecting dust so i told him i'd take it and turn it into maybe a nas or some kind of little hypervisor system that he can play with so that's what we're gonna do today and he did warn me yeah that it might be a little dirty and that there is some cash inside let's see what we're working with here [Music] oh money already making a profit so he did say his kid when he was real little shoved coins into the uh sd card reader slot thingy so maybe we can get those out but let's open it up and if i look through here oh god okay this might be dirty oh dear oh um ew okay this is dirty okay we're going to need to clean this out so if you look in here you can see there's dust all over the power cables caked onto the cpu heatsink on the exhaust fan and the power supply fan oh god okay i don't know what cpu is even in here i don't know what specs it has but i'm hoping it's decent enough to work with but first thing we got to clean this out and i'm not doing that in here be right back okay so clearly we're going to do this outside and i have this little doohickey it's basically a air uh you know canned air sprayer to clean your electronics but this is that like times a thousand so it's just gonna blow a crap ton of air and hopefully get all of this dust out so let's give it a shot oh dear that's a lot of dust [Applause] oh my god [Applause] i can see why we didn't do that inside [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] much better i think our work here is done and there's some cash money in here worry about that later okay back inside all right we are back and we are a lot cleaner and a lot quieter than we were before so so i just went crazy on the blower and got most of the dust out i'm gonna go through with like a paper towel or something just to get the uh small spots that are left but and good news i did get a profit here this is three dollars and nine cents which is awesome because that is actually three dollars and nine cents uh more than the total i've ever made off of this youtube channel so it's pretty awesome okay so let's get something installed on here so it's actually useful and not just a pile of dusty metal uh i don't have a piggy bank okay all right so what we're actually going to install in here is trueness scale and the reason i'm going with that is because a the main purpose of this is going to be a nas i know there's really not a lot of storage on here but you know you got to start somewhere and this was just sitting there doing nothing the second reason is because while i could install just like a dedicated hypervisor like proxmox and go with trunas as a virtual machine on there i'm kind of using this opportunity to try out truenas scale and give it a fair shot because with trueness scale you do get all the awesome nas features of trueness core but with the new kind of upgraded hypervisor support that they're offering with this linux distribution so let's try it out there she goes okay so we're in the buyers and you can see we are running an intel i5 4590 which is a four core fourth thread processor so not great for a home server but perfectly fine for a nas and to run a vm or two and we get 16 gigabytes of ddr3 which again not bad so we're going to want to go over to boot and go down to let's see uefi 10. okay we can just pick which one we want to boot from let's go here okay looks like it's doing something all right we are in okay so once you see this screen you are probably going to want to do this very important step now true nas scale one big gripe i have with it is that unlike proxmox where you can fully utilize the boot disk that you install your os to trunascale doesn't allow that natively now this is beta so i anticipate they will allow it once it goes to full production but for right now if you install truna scale on a one terabyte drive that one terabyte drive is not going to be recognized by true nas so it's gonna be a full waste so we're gonna do something to alleviate this now i'm following a god that i found on reddit i did not create this i did do some minor tweaks but uh people that find these things are much smarter than me so i have not taken credit for this so the first thing you're going to do is go down and go into the shell okay so what we're going to have to do here is actually modify the trueness install script to say basically hey take that boot drive instead of just not recognizing any of it just allocate a piece of it for the install and then we can do whatever we want later with the rest so the first thing you're going to do is confirm the location of your true nas install script so you're going to want to type in find slash name true nas install so you can see three things and the last one is going to be your actual location that is slash user slash spin trueness install so we're going to open that up and we have to use vim or vi for this i'll walk you through it so you're going to type in vi uh slash user slash s bin or whatever you're seeing down there true nas install and we get this now you're going to have to scroll all the way down to line 329 and that's going to be where it says create partitions so let's go down until you see create partitions okay there's our function create partitions now once you're in there you're going to want to go down to where it says create boot pool and it should be a couple of lines down this is where we want to be create boot pool and it's just one little if statement this is where we're going to work our magic now what we're essentially doing here is telling it how big of a drive we actually want to use now in my case now i believe this computer right here has a 128 gigabyte ssd and that's where we're going to be installing truenast2 so we don't want to use all 128 gigabytes i'm only going to allocate 32 gigabytes for the trunas install which gives us 80-ish left to mess around with so the way do that in here is you're going to want to go over to this last zero in this line press x to delete and then you're going to press i to go into edit mode you're not going to see anything happen but you're now in edit mode and then you type in the size that you want so in my case it's 32 so you'd type in plus 32 gi b okay that's what it should look like then you're going to want to press escape then you're going to type colon wq enter and you have saved the new script and you are pretty much ready to go it's it's very easy now we're going to go back to our true nas install which is slash user slash spin slash trueness install it's going to bring us back to the page and you can't see it because scaling on this card sucks and now we can perform the actual install install now you'll see all your drives here you won't see any partitions or anything but in our case we have a one terabyte drive and a 128 or 119 gigabyte ssd that's what we're going to install to press space bar on that enter for okay i previously tested this already so it's asking me if i want to upgrade or do a fresh install yours won't ask that we're going to do a fresh install we're going to format the boot drive blah blah blah yep that's fine uh password mine's password come hack me okay and now it's going to up create okay so it's gonna ask if you want to create a 16 gigabyte swap partition on the boot drive so what a swap partition is is essentially overflow of ram so if you need more ram it's going to use your boot drive as 16 more gigabytes of ram we could do it i'm not going to do it here it could be beneficial but we really don't have that much space on our boot drive so i'm not going to create a swap partition uh that might be everything let's see all right so trueness is installing and i will be back when we have something cool to look at okay so you can see here that uh just after a simple reboot truenas is up and running now everything is gonna be accessed through a gui on your main machine so here you can see it's saying the web user interface is located at now this was set to dhcp you can give it a static ip later if you want but this is probably just going to go back to my buddy's house so i don't want to assign anything static right now because he has a completely different subnet so let's switch to my desktop okay here's my desktop now remember it say go to when we go there boom there's our web gui our username by default is root and then the password we set before which i made password so once we're in here you're going to get your nice little truenast dashboard that if you've used truenas core it's going to look very similar you can monitor your cpu memory any storage now we don't have any yet but we can change that your network obviously you're going to want to plug in network and then over here is all your options okay first step is to get the rest of that ssd that we are using and turn it into its own little zfs pool so i have my notes over here uh makes it a lot easier to walk through this so the first thing you want to do is go into the shell or you can ssh into the server i find it's easy just to go into the shell so go down to system settings and shell that's going to bring you into the cli for your server and we're going to want to now list our disks you can do that with fdisk whoops fdisk slash list or l and you can see we have three different devices here so you might have three you might have four depending on if you created a swap partition uh we didn't so we only have three which means the next line we are going to want to type is sgdisk slash n4 it could be n5 if you created a swap disk i did not n4 colon 0 colon 0 t4 colon bf01 slash dev slash sdb now you might be sda sdb sdc sdd that's going to be determined by this device right here so mine is sdb one two and three so i'm gonna use sdb okay once i have that created the operation completed successfully it's saying run part probe uh so we're gonna do that next just type in part probe all right so now we're going to run fdisk again except now we're going to do lx and then dev sdb and you can see all of our partitions now here is the one we want this is our fourth one remember we had one two and three we just added the fourth um yours might be the fifth it might be the sixth just the one you created in the step before make sure that's what you're using in this next step so know your device name mine is slash dev slash sdb4 so what we're going to do is create a zfs pool we're going to do zpool create f and then give your pool a name mine is going to be called ssd storage store rich and then your device name and ours was slashdev sdb4 alright pool is created now we need to export that pool so z pool export and then the name that you gave the pool okay so now it's exported so we go back to our gui okay so back on the main dashboard you're going to want to go over to storage click on import and it's going to give you a drop down and if you did everything correctly you can see that we have our ssd storage pool already there and you can see it hdd storage because i've run through this before to test it and it's asking me if i want to re-import that okay so import click next sure this looks fine import okay and now you can see our zfs pool on our ssd boot drive with 83 gigabytes of storage so if we hadn't run those steps before we would not have access to the rest of that ssd but since we did 32 gigabytes of that was allocated to boot from and now we have another 83 gigabytes to work with and install vms on and basically do whatever we want and if you want to utilize another hard drive just simply go back to storage or we're already in storage create pool now you're gonna have to select your disk and you can see here available disks the hard drive that we haven't used yet click on that send it over to data v devs and under here you're going to select the type of pool you're going to want to do now we have no choice because we only have one drive so it's essentially a stripe but if you have more drives i would consider doing a mirror or a raid z1 or raid z2 configuration but we have to do stripe it's one drive this is what it came with i wouldn't use one drive in a you know a real home server a real nas but this is just for messing around with so it's going to make you acknowledge yes i'm a total jabroni and i only have one drive confirm yep oh we didn't give it a name hdd storage create yes and just like that we have two zfs pools created and if we go to the dashboard you'll see them listed here we've obviously used zero space on both of them because we haven't done anything i assume you're going to want to actually do stuff with the drives and in my case i'm pretty partial to smb shares just because a lot of my stuff is on windows and smb is cool because it works between windows mac and linux you might get better performance on other things like iscsi but it's not worth it i like the compatibility so what we're going to do is add an smb share so to do that um actually first let's create a new user so go into credentials local users click add so we don't have any actual users yet so all i'm going to do is create one just for connecting remotely to this nas so full name is just going to be called service username is service password is password i'm going to leave all of this default all this default make sure samba authentication is selected down here that'll make sure we can use smb shares correctly click save and now we have that user now let's go back to shares windows smb or samba select the path so let's create one on our one terabyte drive so it's going to hdd storage and we'll do a folder called uh windows backups because i know one of the use cases for this is that he wants to use this as a centralized location to backup all his windows computers in his house so we'll put that on the one terabyte drive obviously later on he can upgrade to more storage uh purpose default shared parameters is fine save enable service so this is going to start up so now click on windows smb shares go over to these little three dots click on edit file system acl go down to create a custom acl continue uh one thing that i was having issues with on true nas scale is this acl setting now this works perfectly on trueness core so i don't doubt that they'll fix this when um trueness scale is fully released and out of beta but um for now you kind of have to finagle it a little bit so one thing you have to do and i've read a couple of forums and this has worked for me you're going to want to go to add item and that's going to be a mask and give that read write execute for some reason you have to have a mask control list in here before you give a user access i i don't know why i don't know if it's a bug i don't know if it's something to do with the built-in acl editor here that's kind of what you have to do and then we are going to add another item now this is going to be the actual user permission so we're going to go down to user and remember we created that service user before so we can scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see our service user click that we want to give them read write and execute access save access control list and we are good now if we did this correctly we can go into windows type in our ip oh look i've already done this before so it's our ip address and the name of the share that we created let's ask us for our credentials now it's a service user and our password sure remember them cannot access what did we do wrong let's check it out okay so i found the issue um when i was creating this share right here i specified the path as windows backups but the name was left defaulted to hdd storage so i had to change that to windows backups and that is what you're going to list right here so all good now so now you can see we are connected and i can add a folder i can add a file so we have read access we have write access i can delete this folder so cool we are connected to our trunas system over our network now if you want to use this for connecting and backing up your windows pcs like my friend's going to do that's pretty easy to do you can just go and type in backup go to backup settings so you do have to add it as an actual drive so we're going to have to map it it's not hard go into this pc go to map network drive and it's going to be the same thing that we did before just to test it windows backups connect using different credentials password okay now we're good all right so we're mapped all right we go back to add a drive searching i don't know why it takes so long but okay there we are once we click that it's going to do its thing okay so when we go into more options our overview we have total space 900 gigabytes not backed up yet and you can set all your backup settings as you please and now you're backing up your pc to your trueness scale server over lan so cool but with truenast scale we also have the option to do some virtualization now this is built on top of linux so with the upgraded virtualization experience that you get you also get apps and it's going to ask you for a pool for your apps we're going to install our apps to sure hdd storage and now with these apps you don't have to deal with jails anymore now with jails it's not like they were bad or anything but there was much less development going on with jails than there are with you know docker containers on linux so you're gonna get way more options with these packaged applications than you did with the jails on truenast core now this is all they have listed right now as their official kind of repository but i know you can go in and access third party libraries and just download a crap ton of different applications that are out there but i'm not going to cover that right now this video i feel like is already long enough but again if you want to create virtual machines it's pretty straightforward i would say it's definitely not on the level of something like proxmox but you know it's it works um i tested this before it's super easy that's it for trueness now i'm sorry if this wasn't a super in-depth you know walkthrough of trueness scale i mainly just wanted to get it set up and working and test that the basic things like uh setting up cfs pools sharing them being able to use my boot drive and setting up virtual machines actually worked and it does so if you're interested in a more in-depth uh walk through or kind of review on trueness scale let me know down in the comments but that's all i have for you today i hope you enjoyed it if you did drop a like if you want to see more content like this make sure to subscribe that's it thank you so much for watching and i will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Raid Owl
Views: 9,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hdw1ELFaZH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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