How To Make A MultiVendor eCommerce Marketplace With Wordpress 2020 [Divi Theme Tutorial]✅

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alright what's up party people my name is Daryl and today we are gonna create a multi vendor ecommerce website for WordPress using the Divi theme now in case you want to create a website with Divi that you can have users come to your website list products on your websites and in exchange you can receive a commission from those users tane this video I'm gonna walk you through on how to do that today step-by-step and again you don't need any sort of experience and this is gonna be a super easy drag-and-drop tutorial now in case you don't know what a multi-vendor website is I hope you do but this is an example of a multi vendor websites as a website where users list products and then of course when you purchase those products you then receive a commission and Amazon also receives a Cutts base off what is being sold so this right here is an example of my shop page now I have various products and you can see on the left side right here I have two vendors I have Jenny Craig and Rachel now Jenny Craig and Rachel are listing products on my websites and of those products so I will then receive a commission so I'm gonna go ahead and give you an example of what we're gonna make in this video so this right here is the product page now notice this product page is a custom product page it's beautiful it looks really clean and you are going to get this same layout today for free in this video so for example when someone pushes this product I will then receive a commission as a store owner you can set the Commission to five percent ten percent fifty percent whatever you want to do for your e-commerce websites so also right here you can see that every single vendor has their own store and the vendors can decorate their store they can have people follow their store they can get support from the vendor they can share it to their favorite social media platforms and also right here you can see a list of the products the vendor is selling so if this is something you want to do today this video I'm going to show you how to create an e-commerce website where users can come to your website and also list products and you guys can all make money together yeah that's why you're watching this right now let me give you an example demonstrate how everything works in case you're totally new to multi-vendor so right here you can see that I have various sales now this is the sales I have made for the month and right here you can see I have different options so right here you can see we have the withdrawal request so these are four vendors who have been selling on my websites and have made money and they want their money so I can choose to take a look at the actual sale and then I'm sorry the commission and then I can go over here and approve the request and pay them all so right here is my list of vendors we have abuse reports store reviews any sort of refunds as well we also have reports and then we also have other various tools as well and additional settings that I'll talk a little bit more about in this video so let's say for example ok Daryl you have a website now what's the process so someone wants to sell my website what do they have to do and how does it look for them so let's go ahead and go to my other browser right here now this is a vendor that has selling products on my website and it's very simple once they create an account that we brought to their dashboard right here where they can go ahead and create new products so this right here is the current products they are selling and then right here they can add a new product they can take a look at their reports they can take a look at their reviews they can also request money from you at any time and remember you as an admin have full control over all of these features so I'll go more in depth about this a little bit later in the video but you can see here how everything's simple to understand it's not hard so right here we have return requests we have followers and also support and additional settings and I'll go through each of this step-by-step to make sure that you know how to manage your multi-vendor ecommerce websites so when back over here we can see that this is a fully functional ecommerce website now attained this video we're gonna use the Divi theme and we're also going to use the theme builder to kind of implement and design our store so you are going to get this entire layout for free in this video that I have personally created so right here you're gonna see the shop page and you will get this whole entire shop page you're also gonna get different varied styles of the product pages I have created for and you will get all those different four product pages for free in this video this right here is one and as you see it's a very stylish product page and you'll have the option to change them and I'll teach you how to use a themed biller with Divi when you are creating a multi vendor ecommerce website so if that is not interesting then I don't know what is so let's go ahead now and get started and create your new multi vendor ecommerce website with WordPress and with Divi let's go okay so the first thing that we'll do is get your domain and hosting so for example my multi vendor website com after that we'll go ahead and install wordpress and wordpress powers more than one third of the Internet's it is the most popular platform out there for making websites after that we are going to install our WordPress theme and page builder and lastly we're going to go ahead and build out your multi vendor ecommerce website and is gonna be amazing and super easy now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page that looks just like this right here and this is Sai chrome comm now you guys have seen my past videos I'd always recommend inside ground and I've recommended them for years because site came up is top 2 as the fastest and the most reliable web hosting so again I'm not just some BS affiliate out there who just recommends around on companies like you've seen on blogs I've actually used this company my web site is hosted with sycron com now there's three plans right here we have the startup we have the grow big and the go geek now in all my videos I recommend the grow big option now if you have a lot of vendors I would go with the go geek option so if you plan on a very large website I would do the go geek but remember you can always upgrade later so don't worry about it too much so right here we'll click on get plan all right and then right here you'll go ahead and register your new domain name so you can do something like my amazing multi vendor website com so here I'll just do something like you know girls fashion sites calm is that even available let's check girls fashion site calm Wow that is available I thought for sure that would have been taken so right here you have your account information so just put in your email your password here you'll go ahead and put in your country so I'm from the United States and then all this information right here you give them your social security number I'm just kidding that's a joke there is no spot for social anyway so I'm totally joking here you put in your card number your card expiration and you put in your name excetera now right here I'm gonna head and talk to you about this really quickly I recommend twelve months because again 12 months gives you the largest discounts and right here for extra services guys please put domain privacy right there because if you don't do this you're gonna get a lot of spam and you're gonna eat a lot of junk mail and I know you don't want that so if you check this right here it will protect your personal information now it's only $12 for the entire year and if you don't have that check you're gonna get a lot of spam from all these just all these crazy people so please please do me the favor and just get domain privacy and then once you're done you'll click on I have read and I'm sure you'll read through their stuff right here and if you want to receive emails from psych round you can go ahead and check that box right there as well and once you're done you'll go over here and click on Pay Now and I will meet you on the very next page all right cool so you got your domain and hosting now go ahead and proceed to the customer area and you'll be brought to something looks like this right here so right here you'll simply just click on set up sites and once you click on set up sites you'll be prompted to this page right here now right here you can go ahead and start a new website or migrate a web site but obviously you are brand new so right here just click on select now right here we have different options so we have WordPress and these other options just go ahead and select WordPress right here and then right here is your email and password for your login into your WordPress website now make sure to write this down because this is the information that you need to go ahead and log in and make changes on your website like build your website and add products etc so this is pretty important right here so go ahead and write this down right here I'm gonna go ahead and fill this out and give me one seconds all right so I have filled in my information and right here I'll click on continue now right here they're actually trying to sell you something you don't need it just yet so right here click on finish now right now site Brown is propagating and it's creating our WordPress website for us now in the meantime whenever you actually get your hosting from Sai crown you're gonna get this email right here saying verification required now this is basically notifying you that you need to verify the domain that you purchased make sure you actually click on this link because there's a new policy out there and if you don't click on this link and verify it's the oxygen suspend your domain after one month this oh make sure you actually click on that link it's from psych round so you can see it is from psych round and just click on the link and go ahead and just approve it and then you'll be all set all right cool glad you guys got that all guys you guys got that all sets let's go back over here so it is still creating our WordPress website and it's saying that your site is creating it is taking a little longer than usual now I've seen this quite often but your website is already created in fact you can go to your email right here and you can see right here how it has already created our WordPress website so if you got this error it's not really an error it's just saying that takes longer than usual right here click on websites and you'll see your website right here just click on site tools I get that notice quite often actually and I've got it from viewers and it's it's a very simple fix and that's it so right here is our dashboard right here click on WordPress click on install and manage and right here is your website so it has already been created for you right here next this little arrow right here you'll click on login to admin panel all right and right here is prompting you to go through the WordPress starter plug-in but we don't need to so go to the bottom right here and click on exit we don't we don't need you right now so just click on exit alright and there you go now your website is a fish sleep live on the internet so congratulations give yourself a clap so that's pretty cool do you want to see your websites right here under my WordPress you can click on visit sites and this right here is your website so alright guys congratulations I'll see you guys all later good good luck I'm just kidding I know you guys are probably got that on like blogs and stuff so this is your website but we'll make it look really really amazing really fast so before we go on any further we need to make some general settings and some adjustments to your website like installing an SSL and changing the permalinks etc so let's go ahead and do that going back over here to site tools you'll see security and then right here you'll see SSL manager now what we're gonna do here is we're going to install an SSL on your web site and you actually need this for e-commerce websites so if you want to take payments on your website you will need to make sure that your web site is secure so it's a very simple thing to do and it's a few clicks right here you'll see your domain and right here you'll see your SSL go ahead and go to lesson crypt wild card and just simply click on gets and it's gonna take a few minutes to install your SSL on to your website so I just give it like one two five minutes let it propagate don't touch anything and then just go ahead and wait it out and your SSL will be installed on your websites alright cool so you can see here how the SSL has installed on to our website so we got the green checkmark now right here what we need to do is we need to install some plugins first and change some settings so first let's go ahead and go to settings and go to general now if you want to go ahead and change your language you can go ahead and do that right here into any various language you want to do just in case if you want to do that but I'm not really going to put you can go to the general settings and change whatever you want but right here will click on permalinks right here now you want to make sure that this is under post name right here so click on posts name and go to Save Changes all right and then also under here under general or it is under I think it's under yeah under general right here you can go ahead and again make any changes you want right here so I just want to make that very clear also if you want to go ahead and change your password at any times over here under user you'll click on your profile here you can change the specific color of your back-end I like midnight to be honest because it's a little bit more clear on where the cursor is and then right here you can go ahead and change your email and then you can also change your password at any time you want so right here click on update profile all right cool so we've got the general settings done you can go through these settings by yourself and just check them out on your own free time but the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and delete a plug-in and we're going to an add one really quickly so right here under plugins we have installed plugins now in case you don't know what plugins are plugins are basically applications for your website it's like an application for your cell phone this is the same thing it's an application for your website so there's a lot of free ones like you guys know the deal it's free and then you upgrade to the pro you know like most apps and stuff like that but right here we don't need this WordPress starter so right here I'll click on deactivate and I'll go ahead and delete it now we need our SSL still so we're gonna saw a plug-in to force the SSL so right here under add new we have all these various plugins over here we're gonna type in really simple SSL and this right here is the plugin that you will need so right here click on install now so it's installing the plug-in onto our website it's really cool you know you have access to all these plugins it's really simple and then right here click on activates ok and right here it's saying that we are all ready we're almost ready to migrate the SSL now before you click on this make sure that you write your email and your password down because when you activate this it's usually going to kick you out of your WordPress back-end and you're going to have to login again and that's what I'm going to show you next on how to login onto your WordPress websites so right here click on go ahead and activate the SSL ok you can see here how it's kicked us out but look at that so we got the green a padlock so your website is no longer some scanning web site you guys are you guys are moving up in life you guys are upgrading now whenever you want to go ahead and log into your website to get to this page let me go ahead and just show you really quickly so it's your website - WP dash admin just like that and then click on enter and it'll always bring you to this page right here so go ahead and put in your credentials right here and click on login remember I told you guys to write it down remember I told you to be important yeah that this is why right here so all right so your website as far as technical settings are all done so you got your SSL done your permalinks are all set up you are all ready to go so let's go ahead and go onto the next section and make our site look amazing all right so I have switched over domains now you can see this domain right here DW hosting 0 it is a completely blank website guys so I'm gonna work with you and we're gonna do this together we're gonna start our website from scratch and we're gonna build it out and by the end of this video you're gonna have an amazing beautiful multi-vendor ecommerce website and I'll talk more about like a ditional resources and stuff that you can use to make your website look better now there is a link in the description of this video to purchase Davi now if you use my link I've worked out a deal with elegant themes where you will get 20% off the actual theme now if you just go to the websites you won't get this discount so it's up to you if you want the discount or not you know it's really up to you now right here click on get the discount while it lasts and you have two options now before guys I actually recommended the yearly access but with lifetime other companies do not offer lifetime access so what that means is that if you pay this you only pay it once forever and then you get lifetime updates lifetime support and unlimited websites other companies you have to pay every single year additionally you have to pay for every single domain it's on so you just get a massive discount and you just get a massive reach of when you purchase this theme using the lifetime access so if you want you can go ahead and scout around the internet and ask people but you're gonna come back to this video and say wow he was absolutely right like no other company offers lifetime access for themes so if you go to like theme forest or other websites you're not gonna see this deal anywhere else so I highly recommends to get the lifetime access so once you're done you'll go to sign up today and you will also go ahead and put in all your information now I myself I already of a lifetime access plan you know I'm not just some BS or who just says to buy this I actually have a plan and if you want I'll go ahead and show you so this right here is my current dashboard so right here you'll see that if you go to my accounts right here under membership oh that's weird it's their birthday or something like that today I have the lifetime access already so I actually have a lifetime plan so I'm not just saying that just to like BS everybody like I really have a plan here but once you actually go here you'll go to my accounts looks like Davey's having their sale as the time making this video and you actually get the same discounts as you would using my links oh that's pretty cool to know and once you're here you'll go to Divi theme and you'll click on download the Divi theme builder now the big difference between this and the Divi builder plug-in is that this you can use for virtually any theme and this is the theme and the page bowlers so it's kind of like two and one so it's if your beginning just it's like this one all right it'll make your life a lot easier you don't want to use Divi builder on different themes because you'll have compatibility issues and you'll come back and you'll give me a down like probably or something like that so the next thing that you're gonna do is go over here to appearance and click on themes now I already have Divi installed but I'm gonna I'm gonna do you guys a favor I'm gonna delete it here we're gonna start from scratch I'm starting for the bare minimum I'm going I'm going bare here so here I'll click on add new upload theme choose the file and here I'll go ahead and go to the use my desktop there you go Debbie and open this and install now okay cool so right here you'll click on activate alright so we have now activated the number one most are the number one most popular WordPress theme in the world wait that sounded weird the number one best steam in the world there you go so welcome to the Divi fan and if you want to see your website up here go to visit sites and there you go we have this website and of course there's a lot of things we need to do and change my website will look a little different than yours because right here I've changed the font but don't worry I will cover all that today in this video now let's just get your feet wet here so if you want to go ahead and use the Divi builder right here just click on plus new and go to page and just call this like a demo let's just test this out really quick so right here I'll publish and publish and right here I'll select use the Divi Builder and I'm just gonna give you a crash course of how to actually use this theme because you're you know you bought it and you might want to know how to use it right so right here I will build from scratch and right here they gave us the option of rows so right here I'll just select the three rows all right now for each row right here we can select different modules so there's call to action or blurb there's button there's blog all sorts of cool stuff so I'll just do something like a call to action which is virtually a text and then there's a background so right here just put like welcome and then right here we can actually change this text to whatever we want so you can see here we can change this text now right here we have a link and what I'm gonna do here is just like you know you can put a link here so you know and then here we go Facebook Linked comm and then right there we'll just put a little you know butts in there whatever now if they click on that they'll go to Facebook you know so there you go now right here let's say you want to make another one so I will simply select the blurb and the blurb right here I'll just go ahead and put in like welcome to my websites and then here you can even just go ahead and whoops here you can even go ahead and just chain sup right here so you can just delete it and it's just hey man what's up and then you can go ahead and delete stuff and make any changes you want to your websites you can also rearrange stuff you know you can always go ahead and change it so whenever you want to work on the actual module you'll click on this gear icon and right here we have like a center align and center it's also right here on the design tab you have various options now once you learn the design styles for one module it is the same for all of the modules so I know this might look like a lot right now but this is the same for every single one so you can add a lot of different things so let's just add the thing that most amateurs love I'll just do animation you can add an animation to your blurb so that means when someone's scrolling down it'll make these really cool animations some that's too much for me that is too much right here we have title text where you can go ahead and change the title text to whatever font that you want depending on you know depending on your actual style or what you want to do and yeah I mean that's pretty much it here I'll add another one I can add in just a standard image so if I can't find it you notice I'm having trouble finding I'll just type it in here image image and then right here I will trash this placeholder click on add an image media library and I can upload some images so here I'll just go ahead and upload this image just a random image and now this is how you would basically change you know any sort of image or upload any image that you want and cool now let's just say for instance I want to move this to there or if I want to put this over here or if I want to create more space hope that happens sometimes if I want to actually create more space like that or I can even extend this entire row like this or I can grab it over here and do that also right here I can go ahead and say you know I want to go ahead and change the actual the width of this to a little bit longer and we can increase the max width as well so you can just get as customizable as you want also if you want to add in a background color under the icon right here where controls the whole section you would just say let me add a background color here so backgrounds background color and then add in any background color that you want something like that right there now that's pretty ugly actually now I actually have a full another video on Divi and I talked about how to do everything in detail so there is a lot to cover with Divi I'm not gonna lie and I can't teach you everything about Divi in this one video however I've created a second video that talks about the features how to use different style pages every single module every single feature that Divi offers I teach it in in this video right here so once you're actually watching this video you'll understand how to sell online and then later you can go to this video and learn how to do everything in scratch so you can see here how I'm covering everything in detail now again this video is geared more specifically towards multi-vendor so if you just got Davie for your very very first time you can still follow this video but if you want to know every single feature that Davie has to offer which is very comprehensive you can watch this video right here but for those of you who want to go ahead and keep going let's just go ahead and keep going so here I'll just go ahead and trash this really quick now I've shown you basically how you can kind of make make difference rows and everything like that so it's just simple trial and error so again just click on something like this and then you can do you know grabbing a will do the slider module you know slider model is my least favorite module actually and then right here you can actually go ahead and customize it right here clicking on this will go ahead and trash the first slide and then right here I can click on that gear icon and then just put like oh welcome to my websites and then right here by now and then right here we can put in some some demo text etc so you'll get very comfortable with this theme very quickly you can tell that's a very easy theme to understand it's all drag-and-drop and it's super easy so this why Divi is actually rated number one because the drag and drop features make this just really easy to understand so in a nutshell that is Divi that's kind of how to use it now let's just go ahead and upload the layout that I'm gonna show you how to download and then I'll teach a little bit more on how to design it and get you a little bit more comfortable with this page builder and show you how to make changes show you how to modify stuff for your e-commerce websites okay so next we're gonna do is we are going to go ahead and upload the entire layout that's going to create your entire website now you can download this layout for free on my website Darrell Wilson com there is a link in the description below now you don't have to use this layout if you don't want to but I strongly recommend that you follow it follow me for this part of the video just to help you get an understanding of how to use Divi and how to actually sell so right here click on View layouts and this is gonna bring you to a page or I have various free layouts that you can use on your website now you're more than welcome to come back later in the video elegant layouts are really good when actually for those of you who don't want an e-commerce website I mean you can use it for e-commerce but it's it's designed specifically for kind of like people who just want a standard website here I'll click on page two and this is the load that we're gonna use right here it's called Divi ecommerce layouts now again you can get an example of how this looks by clicking on this link right here it says you can view the demo websites and this is the website that you're gonna expect to actually get now you can modify this by any which way you want so you can change the images we can change the menu the color we can change the color of the text the fonts the background images we can change everything on this layout so this is just a starter kits to help you get started with making your multi-vendor ecommerce website so right here you'll just click on Add to Cart and then right here view the carts okay and then proceed to checkout now I don't ask you for any information all you need to do is go ahead and just put in your name and then your email address and then just click on place order so I don't have like the whole address all the other stuff because I just tell me that information oh right here you'll click on download Devi e-commerce pack dot zip and you're gonna see this has downloaded onto your computer you should have no problem with it so this is I've had this layout for almost a year now and I tend to update it time and time again when there's an issue but you should not have an issue with this whatsoever so right here I'm gonna click on exit the visual builder discard an exit all right so my website right now is completely blank out nothing on it now what we're gonna do over here is I'm gonna go ahead and make this a little bit smaller I'm gonna take my layouts right here place that's okay and I want to open it now once you open this folder you're gonna have four different things right here the about us the contact the home page and the theme builder product layout packs I'm gonna give you all for free so what you'll do over here is go to dashboard it's a dashboard and we're gonna create some pages now so right here pages add new so we're gonna create our homepage right so right here just type in home right homepage up here publish and publish now we also have an about and a contact page for you as well so right here plus new page about us so what we're doing right now is we're just gonna make the pages so you know when you go to a website you have the home about us contact etc don't worry if you don't understand too much it's all gonna make sense in about two minutes so right here plus new page so we're just creating pages right now sorry here contact us and publish and publish okay now we need to make a menu really quick so what I'll do right here is appearance and menu so when people come to my website I want to show them the home the about in the contact page right so what I'll do here is I'll put main menu just keep your menu a name it doesn't matter no one's gonna see it and click on create a menu now those pages that we made right here the home the about us and the contact we're gonna go ahead and add this to the menu and we can rearrange this like that by simply doing that and we're gonna make this a primary menu and click on save menu so now let's go visit our website and see what that has done right now so right here visit sites and you're gonna see that we have the homepage right here the about us and the contact us okay so now that we've made these pages we need to tell users okay so we've made these pages what page do we want visitors to come to first when they visit the websites now let's go ahead and mess around with the theme customizer so right here we'll go to theme customizer now every theme in WordPress has a theme customizer and virtually it's just options on different different options on styling and methods and stuff like that so right here we have homepage settings we'll put a static page and you want to select your homepage to home and just click on publish and that's it you're all done so that is you know that's it so your website is now fully functional so you can see here we have the home the about the services and the contact now check this thing out this is so cool so I gave you those layouts right so what you're gonna do here is you're gonna go ahead and double click and we're first gonna go ahead and enable the visual builder now this is a really cool method on how to upload layouts to your website and I just find it fascinating so right here we have start building and right here close this now you see this where it says homepage Jason this file right here just hold this and drag it on to the web sites and then go ahead and let it go and that's it so now it's asking you do you want to import this just click on import Divi builder layouts and check this out you guys are gonna be amazed this is so amazing I'm more excited than you guys are right now like I'm just I'm just kind of excited as my layout I made and it's just so easy to import so right here I'll make this big this section right here we don't need so I'm gonna trash this section and congratulations you now have a fully functional homepage that works and that looks amazing so you can see here that everything is looking good we have some few things to change but don't worry it's gonna look really amazing really fast now this right here we're gonna go ahead and delete because our this module right here because sadly this is for a third-party plug-in and if you are interested in purchasing that it's uh it's in the description below but I'm not gonna make you but I'm gonna go ahead and trash that I'll go ahead and scroll up now let's just say for instance that you're like Daryl look I'm not selling clothes I can't use these really cutesy girl websites where can I find images that I can use for my personal websites well there's a few websites that you can use actually so there's where you can go ahead and just find something like you know iphones or depending on what you're selling and you can go ahead and just grab these images and use them for free for your website so this right here is an example and i'll just go ahead and grab this one i have no idea how it's gonna look but i'll just go ahead and click on free download and i will download this file i am not a robot's and click on download okay so right there is my image so desk whatever it's called i'll go back over here and what I'll do right here is click on the gear icon so content and we'll scroll down to background now I can just go ahead and delete this image and then add in the image I just downloaded so right here I'll click on upload files select the files and I downloaded the the folder or the image there the file name called desk or whatever it's called so right here I'll search for desk this one right here and open and there you go and then I'll upload this image now I probably want to go ahead and delete this right here this little one doesn't make a lot of sense so right here I'll go ahead and just say you know what's for the images right here I don't need that and then you can go ahead and design this just by putting in like amazing trends or something like that so I'm just basically demonstrating how you can use any image that you want and you can turn this into any sort of solid website that you want as well and once you do that you can go over here and do the same exact thing for these ones so you can go to the module settings and you'll scroll down to backgrounds and then just change the background just simply change it to anything that you want so I'll trash this again add a background image and let's just say you're selling I don't know shoes I'll just grab this image of shoes and there you go now we have the image of shoes so what you can do here is go to pixabay and just type in any sort of niche that you're working on like this right here shoes and then just use that as your background image and you are all good to go so I given you the structure of the entire website all you need to do now is just go ahead and replace the content with your own and there you go you'll have a fully functional whatever you want hate commerce websites now right here I'll click on exit the visual builder and discard an exit I'm gonna do that one more time here because I want to use my demo for this video and I recommend you do the same so right here I'll enable the visual Builder build from scratch close this and I want to use the home page again so I'm just gonna go ahead and take this and drag it and I want to import this TV builder layouts okay so I'm gonna go ahead and make my website and you guys can follow me now you're more than welcome to change anything that you want etc so here I'll close this and then what I'll do here is I will go ahead and delete this and I will save that now this is now my new home page so I'll click on exit the visual builder now right here we have the about Us page as well so we're gonna do the same exact thing so enable the visual builder let me go ahead and make this a little smaller drag this over here built from scratch closed now dd also offers various templates in their website as well or in their layout pack as well I'll show you that on the next page but right here the about us drag and drop import Divi builder layouts and it is now importing the layouts there we go awesome so I'll go ahead and delete this right here and we'll just take a look at the websites to make sure everything looks good and remember you can make any changes that you want you can just go ahead and click on the gear icon you can change the image for yourself and add in whatever you want so there you go the about Us page is now done I'll click on save here I'll click on exit the visual builder and we'll go to the last pages at the contact us and after this I'll talk to you about the logo and some other options and then we'll get in detail on WooCommerce and creating our products and then I'll go in detail about how to list products and how to accept payments ah blah blah blah blah all that good stuff so right here we have enabled a visual builder I'll click on that and let's just say for instance you want to use a premade layouts so Debbie has thousands of layouts that you can use for free and what you can do here is just simply go ahead and click on the layout and to say well you know I like this layout right here you know I like this Contact Us page you can just click on use this layout and it will go ahead and upload on your websites now you can use any page that you want from any layout pack for any sort of page that you want so let's just say for instance you're doing something like they even have categories right here on the left side you're doing something like events so we have here events and now maybe you're doing something like maybe you're in the club scene right and you want to have a contact page for the club scene so you can use this tile right here and click on users layouts now it's gonna ask you for your API credentials and you should have that in your elegant themes account so let me show you where those are at so once you log into Davi you to your members area just simply go ahead and click on the API keys you're then gonna go ahead and you're gonna take your information and you're gonna put it in that box that you just saw once you put it in that box you can then go ahead and click on import the Divi Builder layouts and there you go so now I have this fully functional contact page that I can use and your you are more than welcome to use all the layouts that you want and you have no restrictions on them so you get the images you get everything that you need and that's a very quick way on building a website now I'm just gonna go ahead and keep using my layouts but I'm just giving you an example of that you can use the DB premade layouts but I'm gonna use mine for this video so right here contact us and drag and drop and import the Navy builder layouts okay and I'll go ahead and trash that I'll make this bigger and now you can see that my contact page just looks amazing it looks really really good so right here I'll click on save okay so now that we've done this let's just go ahead and run into a few more options to get you a little bit more comfortable here I'll click on my home page let's talk about how we would add a logo and also change things like this right here and also change the default text etc so right here let's go to dashboard we'll go down to Divi and go to theme options and then here we have the logo so right here if you need a logo you can just click on upload and put your logo in there now if you don't have a logo yet that is crazy you go to Darrell Wilson calm - fiber now other websites say oh you can get a free logo guys never get a free logo like if you want a free logo that's fine go to another video but for those of you who are even serious about any part of your business you wouldn't mind spending $5 for a logo so I'll go over here and do logo now right here we can even set a budget so here I'll put any and then I'll put maximum is five so what I'm saying is that I want to spend at least five dollars or that's the most I'll spend you can get a really nice logo for just five bucks from these guys so I would recommend getting it from Fiverr calm I do have a discount I'll leave it on the screen and also the description I think it's Darryl ten yeah I think it's Darryl ten or Darryl twenty it saves you like ten or twenty percent but I mean for this price for this quality it's worth it so I highly recommend going to to get your logo do not go to those websites where you get free logos because they look like crap and they're actually impossible to use because if someone's actually copyrighted one of those logos which is very easy you can't use it legally so just have someone make you a custom one for five dollars it's ridiculous so once you do that you'll upload it there and then you can see I already have my logo and then they have some options right here like they have like all these social media icons I don't use a lot of these options to be honest because we're gonna use the theme bowler and you're not gonna enable this but one really cool right thing right here is smooth scrolling I do like smooth scrolling it makes it so when people scroll on your website it's smooth and it's not choppy so right now you can see it's choppy like this but on your website it'll be smooth like that something like that so so yeah anyways here I'll click on Save Changes now that's where you want to upload your logo and that's pretty much it there are these other options right here but I'm not gonna go into these because I don't think you'll ever use them personally so yeah we're just gonna go and skip that here I'll click on visit sites and we're gonna go back to the theme customizer now so the theme customizer will allow you to change different parts of your website that you can't control with the page builder so for example your menu so right here we have header navigation we have primary menu bar and here you can go ahead and make changes like I want to make this full width you can hide the logo image you can change the fonts you can change the color text and the active link color etc you can even change the background color so you can see here are the background colors changing etc so this is where you can style everything and I've used the montserrat fonts I just find that fonts very friendly to the human eye and I usually bold it so that's just my preference so you can go ahead and go through those options that's how you would change stuff like this also this is going to apply to other parts of your website like on the about us in the contact page it'll also apply on those pages as well here I'll go ahead and go back we have header format now there's different styles on how you can design oops design your I don't what that was you can design your header so here you can change the logo to the middle you can even have it slide in where if I click on it it'll slide in like that and also we have full screen where if they click on it it'll be full screen like this pretty cool right and then I'll just do default and additionally you can have a vertical navigation so if you want to have it you can have it like this style as well which is interesting but I'm not going to do that so just going back over here now there's various options that you can actually mess around with like header elements you can actually have another bar above your menu if you choose to do that and then I'll just display social icons and a phone number and the best way can use to describe this guys is just by messing around with it like adding the phone number in and then clicking on publish and sing with that dust your website now when you click on publish you'll have to exit this and see what changes are done to your website for some settings so I know for a fact this will actually add in a second menu above this one right here so if you want two menus you can do that but I don't want to he'll go back now there's other various options but in this video we're not gonna cover all these options because I don't even use them to be honest I mean the only thing I'm use is the header navigation and also the general settings which is like like for example typography this is going to reflect how everything is by default on your website that you can't change with the Builder so on my shop page we can't usually customize the widgets so that's where the theme builder I'm sorry the theme customizer can decorate it so here I have monsterettes bold black and then I have different font sizes etc you'll see what I'm talking about when we actually create the shop page and use the actual widgets alright so right here click on publish so congratulations at this point right now have a fully-functional live basic website that you can probably sell to people on the internet you can probably sell for a few thousand dollars so congratulations all those fake could get rich quick gurus that want to sell you a course I've showed you how to make a website in a matter of probably thirty minutes and people have watched my videos and got careers from watching these same videos but let's talk about now turning in this website into an e-commerce websites okay so next let's go ahead and turn your website into an e-commerce website where you can start to sell products and then also invite others to sell on your products where you can take payments on all that good stuff so right here we'll go to our top right here and go to dashboard and we're gonna go to plugins and go to add new now many of you probably know we're going to install a plugin called WooCommerce and this gives us the ability to turn our websites into a store so this is the plugin that you'll need right here with more than five million active installs so right here click on Install Now and then right here click on activates okay cool so you'll be brought to this page right here which is your wizard now they're gonna ask you a few questions and don't worry about these questions because you can change all this later if you want to but I'll just go ahead and put in some major details right here like my store where it's based so right here I'll put it in an address I'll just put in some fictional address and then I'll just put in the stuff right here put in let's go right now they're asking us if you want to help the plug-in get more information you can choose to opt in or opt out it's up to you here we have stripe and PayPal now we're gonna use both and stripe is probably the preferred method because users can bite with credit cards on your website right away and you'll get the money instantly so it's very easy to set up and all run you through how to do that but for right now I'll just select these two and then we'll go ahead and go to continue now I recommend using both because people in the world usually have stripe and paper right here we have shipping and I'll just run this through really quickly so for example we have flat rate and we have free shipping and don't worry we'll talk more about this later but flat rates I'll just say the flat rate shipping is five dollars and anything that's not covered in my current shipping where the United States I'll just say if someone buys something from Europe or something or Asia just charge them ten dollars because I don't know where they're coming from and I want to be comfortable in charging them ten dollars in case shipping is more here you can do on PSA's inches or you can do kilograms grams and millimeters centimeters etc here I'll click on continue' here we have some other options where we have automated taxes which is a really cool feature we have MailChimp and Facebook but for this part of the video I'm just gonna go ahead and check these off and just actually I'll go ahead and leave those both checked off and just have automated taxes checked on now if you decide to do this you will need to make a free accounts for WordPress which is free so here I'll click on continue now what automated taxes does is that it essentially just it depending on where they buy it will create the tax for that user so you don't have to research the taxes or how much the tax cost there or all the crazy jargon cuz taxes online can get very complicated now you can also turn off tax and just charge anything that you want and we'll cover that a little bit more in this video a little bit later when we talk about payment gateways etc but here I'll just go to continuous jetpack and I'll just go ahead and go to the process of now this is if you want to have your website with automated taxes so what that means is that you won't have to deal with any sort of taxes you will need to enter in a tax per location etc so right here they're just making a sign up for a free account and I'll just go ahead and create an account okay it says you're all set and then there's returning us to our websites and now our website will have automated taxes did you know for that same feature Shopify charges just three hundred dollars a month and this plugin gives it to you for free it's pretty amazing right so right here we'll click on visit dashboard all right so now we have the ability to actually create products on our website so let's just go ahead and take a quick look at our website by going to visit sites and you can see nothing's changed except on the top right right here we are we now have a shopping cart which is pretty cool so let's go back over here to our dashboard now what we're first gonna do now is just create a simple product so let's just find out how to make products now if you're running a store you might want to know how to make products right so you're gonna get a lot of these notices right here I'm gonna go ahead and close these notices because they get really annoying but they are helpful you know they tell you that maybe something's not activated or you need help with this and not etc so here we have add a new product so I'll just do sample product one now this is the long tail description so this is gonna be something where you're gonna add stuff like the material so 100% cotton 30 day money back and then something like I don't know just the technical jargon that you would want your products to be talked about so this is like more of the technical aspect here we have simple product now here I'll put the regular price is $100 however it is on sale and I will select a schedule so it is on sale from April 1st to April 30th and then right here we have inventory so this is where you can enter in your school number you can manage this stock by allowing or telling people how many that you have in stock so I'm telling people I have 30 in stock here we have shipping you can go ahead and put in the inches and the weight etc and there's these other options right here like link products I'm not gonna go into these too much because um we're not really gonna do variable products in this video but I'll show you where you can get a resource on how to do it here we have some provide short description now this is probably the most important and this is going to be where users are going to see all the information about your product so for example right here I'll just go and enter in some dummy text right here so dummy contents dummy contents the famous lorem ipsum generator so what I'm gonna do here is I'm just gonna go ahead and just grab them some dummy contents and I'll just go ahead and place it right here okay here for a product image now this is we're gonna put the image of your product so I'm gonna go ahead and put this girl right here now you should have received some of these images when you imported the layouts here we'll create a category so this is four shirts I will add this category and I think that's all done so I think right now we can publish this so right now I'll click on publish and what we're doing right now is we're just creating a product now your vendors are going to go through sort of the same process they're gonna have their own little dashboard where they can go ahead and create products themselves so here you the product and there you go so right here we have sample product one we have the price we have the description and then we have 30 in stock and users can click on Add to Cart and this has been added to the cards so that's just an example of how to create a product this right here the description is the long tail description so remember you know 100% cotton 30-day money-back guarantee right here we have reviews people can go ahead and review this product and you can also disable reviews if you choose to do that as well and also right here we have this PayPal and credits you can disable that as well so don't worry about that we can go ahead and disable that and you can see here that people are now putting reviews for your product now one thing that I wanted to note about the theme customizer is you've seen how this is blocked by default and these are black and yours might not be looking like that so remember the theme customizer will control the other parts of the website like I mentioned that you don't really have control about so over here we have the general settings and typography so you can see here how I can change the the base of the websites so I can kind of change how everything looks that I couldn't usually design and decorate on my own but that's an example I'm gonna go ahead and stick to monster rats so right here we have monster rat which is my favorite font and then over here you can design everything so if you want to customize stuff like the messages and the actual you know the the the things that you can't decorate with the actual builder you would go right here to customize general settings typography and this is where you can change all of that good stuff so remember I told you would come back to it there you go so that's just an example of how you can design your product page okay so let's just go to the process so we added that to the carts let's click on the cart right here this is our cart right here and right here I'll go ahead and change address to United States users can go ahead and enter in their information right here so you can see here how since it's in the United States they're being charged a flat rate of five dollars and we will click on proceed to checkout s-- users right here can enter in their billing information and you can also customize this page with a visual builder so if you don't like the way it looks you can kind of customize it and then right here people can proceed to Pay Pal and go ahead and pay with PayPal now we do have stripe but we'll talk more about payment processors at the end of the video because that's a little bit more on the technical aspect and I don't want to kind of confuse you now for example right here we have this checkout page and here I'll click on enable visual builder so which you can do with the visual builder here is you can actually kind of add to the existing the existing page right here now you can't change this directly but the builder can influence it because remember this is coming from a plug-in so with Divi you can actually influence everything so for the design you can design everything that you want the way you want it and just kind of you know if you want to change anything that you want you can go ahead and do that right here so remember the the text right here under the design the text is the actual text right here the heading text is the actual header text is the bolded ones so what you can do here is you can go through everything and just you know you can change stuff so you see here how I've italicized it's and you can kind of have fun and customize it and make it look how you want so with Divi you do have a lot of control and again with other builders and themes you do not have this option so that's what kind of puts Divi a little bit ahead of ahead of the curve so I'll click on exit the visual builder and all of us also we've noticed that the side bar is gone if you want to add the side bar back to your checkout or the account page right here click on edit page so right here you'll see some of the options right here like page abuse you have blank page and all this stuff right here what you'll do right here is click on return to default editor under the dick page Debbie page settings under page layout to simply select no sidebar and click on updates now let's go ahead and view the page now you can see that this is your check out so you can kind of have fun and you can customize every single thing with Divi additionally you can go back to your cart page and you can do the same exact thing so we can actually turn on the visual builder right here and design everything that we want from scratch maybe you don't want the sidebar right here so I've shown you how to how to basically modify everything in every single one and then you can also go ahead and you can influence the car page so let's do this one more time now I'm just kind of getting you comfortable with the power of this theme because it can do a lot so other themes you can't do this so right here again we can click on the gear icon design and then for the text right here we can go ahead and influence it again just like we did before you can even add an animation huh oh that's actually pretty cool I didn't know you can do that Wow that is incredible so you can actually change the presentation of how it actually comes out you know there's this theme has updates like every other two weeks so if you're away from it for like two months it's like an almost completely new theme that you have to relearn but it's just the amount of features that you get is incredible so again remember if you want to make changes design text and I'll go ahead and just say something like you can even put it the lights where the text is now changed etc now remember you can't change everything the way this it's structured because that's coming from plug in but let's say for instance you want to add a module right here so what you can do right here is click on this and then right here I'll just put in something like a title I'll just do text write text there we go text and then here what I'll do is I'll just go ahead and take this off see see awesome shopping carts and then right here design the text I will go ahead and put this to monsterettes I will make this heavy like that's and I'll change it to black and what I'll do here now is I will go ahead and put this in the center and I'll take this whole section right here and I'll take this hold it and I'll drag it up here and then from this point I can kind of design everything so what I'll do here is under text I can make this a lot bigger and then I can go ahead and modify this to like it look like that so I'm just giving you an example of how you can modify your page and then right here I'll click on this and click on save and there you go so now you have this fully functional amazing car page okay so that's just a way on how you can design your stuff and you know make it look how you want it to look now we created a product now where is the my shop page so let's go ahead and do that next so over here under dashboard we'll go over here to appearance and click on menus now when you install the plug-in it's going to automatically create the pages for us so right here under view all you'll see that we have the carts the checkouts the cart the checkouts my accounts and the shop so right here I will add this to the menu no okay so it's adding it to the menu there we go so right here I'm gonna go ahead and drag and drop my menu so I want to look like this I want the account us page now I want the cart and the checkout is a drop-down item right here like that so I'll go ahead and click on save menu okay go back over here and click on visit sites so now right here we have shop and we have my accounts and we have the carts and the checkout and they drop down item now if I click on shop right here you're going to see our products so we have the sample product one and we have the the actual review and then we have the price and we can click on it and we can see the product right there so congratulations that was pretty amazing right so now that we know how to create a basic shop page let's go ahead now and invite vendors to actually sell on our website now once we actually have vendors on our websites we can also design the website with the theme builder now I've only showed you how to create it sent a simple product now there's a lot more products to talk about and I actually have a whole nother video on every single product because there's the simple product there's a variable product group product virtual product downloadable product and I have a free tutorial where I talk all about all the settings in WooCommerce we are now going to install another plug-in that's going to allow users to sell on our websites so right here under plugins click on add new now right here in the search box we're gonna type in dokkan do k8n and as this plug-in that you need right here so right here click on Install Now and click on activate alright cool so this is another setup wizard and it's running us through the process of creating a multi vendor website so we now have an e-commerce website and we're gonna turn it into another website where people can come and register and also sell on our websites so right here let's click on let's go so right here we have the store URL we have different options now you can change all this later this isn't really that important right now later it is of course like who do you want to charge shipping you or the vendor well probably the admin rights because I think the admin is more responsible for shipping and taxes you know but right here I'll click on continue now right here we have enable new Beller new vendor selling so this will allow people to register on our websites and we can set a commission right here - something like 30% now you can also have a flat rate which is like a dollar amount so every time a product sells you want to charge three dollars or you can charge 30% of the entire order so that's just something that you might want to consider if you are selling products change order status this will allow the vendor to change orders from process to completed I'll talk more about that a little bit later but I wouldn't give vendors that ability just yet here I'll click on continue so here we have different withdrawals so we have the paypal the bank and then we have Skrill no I don't use this right here so I'm gonna go ahead and leave that off now what's the minimum the vendors can withdraw from so when they make a request what's the minimum that they need to have in order to ask for money well I'll just say something like $500 so you need to have at least $500 in your balance for you to request to draw so I will pay you right here we have order status for withdrawal so only when products are set to completed then they can request a withdrawal and I'll talk more about this and what that means a little bit later in the video so right here I'll click on continue these are additional plugins and we just don't need them guys so I'm just gonna check those off and I don't want them no thank you so your marketplace is ready click on a visit dokkan dashboard alright cool so again these notices are really annoying so here we have dokkan and we have different options so we have withdraw so this is when people withdraw on our websites here are the list of vendors and this is by default they just create one and we have settings as well now these are all of the options that we just saw so you can change that any time that you want so selling options withdrawal options page settings which is automatically created for us now a terms and conditions page now you might want to set that because that's pretty important so before we go on to the next parts we're going to go ahead and create a page just for your terms and conditions but let me go ahead and keep going to these options right here so we have appearance which is the vendor store style so in the beginning of the video I showed you the style I use this one right here I just find that it's I don't know it's I like it you know it's it's it sets up to you you know whatever you like this is your store but uh that's the one I like so here I'll click on Save Changes and here we have privacy policy so we don't have one by default so before we go on to the next section let's just go ahead and quickly create a terms and conditions and also a privacy policy page so right here plus new and page so we don't want to put this on the menu right you don't really want your privacy policy in terms of conditions on your menus so here I'll put terms and then what we'll do is I'll just use the default editor and then just type away so here this is the contract for there we go this is the terms okay cool cool turns off publish that and this is I will do a new page and this is privacy and here I'll click on paste and we'll go ahead and publish that now again guys this is just demo content which you can do is just Google terms and conditions for free on the Internet's and I'm sure you will find a website you can also use Rocket Lawyer calm you'll just go to the website really quick rockets rockets so you can also use this website right here and for like fifty bucks they'll make a contract for you they also have free ones as well so if you want to go ahead and use it I'll leave a link below I'm not an affiliate for them I've just used their service I don't get any Commission or nothing like that if you use them they do have an affiliate program but I should join it but I just don't because it's just not my expertise you know i-i-i do have a legal backgrounds but i can't give you guys legal advice especially over the internet so anyway so now that we have that i'll go back to dokkan and go to settings so right here i will enable terms and conditions for the vendor stores selling options you can go ahead and modify all this stuff right here withdrawal options page settings terms and conditions page I'm gonna put that as terms so when users sign up they'll be forced to select the terms and guys usually my videos I don't recommend terms of conditions that much on like basic websites I recommend contracts but for this specific store with selling yes yes I I would say it's almost requirements you must have it here we have appearance and then privacy policy and then right here we'll go ahead and select privacy and then click Save Changes so now your basic settings are all done with dokkan so now that you are legally protected and you have your options all set right here and you can make these you can select this and change this all you want so also one thing right here is the vendor setup wizard logo let's go ahead and put in an image I'll go ahead and just put this and select and Save Changes now you probably want to put your logo there now also if you don't have a logo yet that is there is that website fiver to check it out and you understand this what I just did in a little bit so now that we actually have dokkan installed let's go ahead now and invite vendors to sell on our websites so now we're going to turn our e-commerce website into a multi vendor website now there's a few things to consider here and maybe one or two change that we need to make before we do this so you users are going to register on the account page right here now if someone's visiting your website they might not understand that this is the page to register so right here they would click on go to vendor dashboard and they would go to their dashboard where they can go ahead and list and sell products now if you might want to do here is you can also design this same page by clicking on enable visual builder and you can design this whole page but you might actually want to change the actual page title without having to actually change the page title so what we'll do here is I'm just gonna go ahead and change the the name of this on the menu so right here there's a few ways I can do this let's do this to the theme customizer so I've shown you how to use menus but let's go to the theme customizer and I'm gonna show you how you can modify the menu with the theme customizer so right here we have menus main menu which is the one that recreated and right here we have my accounts now right here under account we can put something like cash register and now we'll see that those changes are now live so now that's that's where vendors are going to register on our website so right here I'll click on publish and click on close now there's one more thing that we need to do so right here under dashboard now this is very crucial that you guys follow me here right here under dokkan we'll go to settings right here you want to disable the Welcome wizard because there are chances that if user registers with the Welcome wizard that they will get fatal errors with Divi now I've run across those fatal errors quite a few times so I don't recommend the Welcome wizard but if you disable it users will not get a fatal error so what a fatal error is sometimes when users are registering it'll say something like a fatal error this is not working and it'll give them a bunch of script and make them panic it'll make you also look unprofessional so if you disable that you will not get an error so now let's just imagine that we are a vendor that just wants to sell on our website so what I'm gonna do here is go to another browser and I'm gonna reload this page and now we are going to imagine and pretend that I am a completely random stranger who wants to sell products on this websites so right here I'll click on account and register and now we have this section right here where users can register on our websites so let's go ahead and do this right here so I'll just do Rachel curry at I know a Lowe's old school you know they should actually like sell those for like a high price you know I'm sorry I am a vendor there we go and then right here I'll go ahead and put in a password here we have Rachel curry the shop name is Rachel Rachel curry and that'll be the URL and then here I'll enter in a phone number it's a totally fake phone number guys please don't don't call it it's not real and then right here we will register now also right here is your privacy policy remember how we created that page so that's pretty cool how it integrates and right here you'll click on register all right cool now this will take your vendors to their new dashboard so this is exactly the process of what your vendors will see now you can choose to actually have vendors be approved manually so what that means is usually vendors have to kind of get permission first that's an option that you can check in dokkan if you want them to do that but that's strictly up to you so for example your vendors are new here and they can go ahead and see products they can see orders they can go to withdrawal and they can also have settings where they can upload stuff like their the banner and the photo etc so I'll do here is I'll just say okay I'm just gonna go ahead and I don't know let's just go ahead and upload an image really quick I will selecting crop it's okay so that is now my background image that I'm choosing for my store and then right here users can go ahead and upload a profile picture so here I'll go ahead and upload this image right here selecting crop I'll just go ahead and take this part right here and use that like this and crop this now also right here users can go ahead and put in their Street information if they choose to do that and they can go ahead and edit everything so right here you can change the map users can also put the terms of conditions page in the store and then here they can go ahead and put the time in that they're open etc and if they want to close the store etc so once you're done with all that so you can click on updates oh so you have to put a country here I'll put some Vietnam why not Vietnam has a really really good coffee geeze I was there for the whole month it was just oh my god I got addicted to that coffee was so good so right here back to dashboard now right here we have products and users can now create their own products so let's just go ahead and do that add a new products hero puts vendor product 1 and then right here they put in a price and then right here they can put in an image so I'll just go ahead and use the same image right here of this girl of course you can tell the vendors to upload their own images and if they want to add multiple images they can click on this and add it more so right here we have category November earlier how we created a category you want to go ahead and make sure that you create category for your vendors so your vendors can put them in a specific category like here I have shirts also a tags as well now I haven't created any tags as a as an admin but if you want tags you would create tags and then your vendors can select those tags and add them to their store so here I'll put in uh this is some dummy text and they can go ahead and talk about the product etc and they can go ahead and list it on sale etc here I will put creative products and there you go now one thing to consider here is if I click on products and I go to edit right here users can now create downloadable and virtual products so right here we have downloadable and virtual I know that seems a little weird but you have to create the product and then downloadable and virtual comes into play I'm not really sure why that is so right here we have some short description and this is like the long tail description so this is like basically like a 30 day 30-day money-back now just the same options with the simple product it's all right here again guys so right here the SKU number is this in stock now if this is a downloadable option you can click on add a file put you know Debbie or I don't know what you're selling picture whatever your picture choose the file and then just upload any file now what someone purchased is this specific product they will then get that same file so that's an option that you want to choose if you decide to do that and then once you're done you can click on save products all right now I'm just gonna go ahead and take that off I'm just showing you how you can create downloadable products so that can be something like ebooks cooking recipes it can be the family secrets I don't know so what you're doing with all that what I'll do here is I'll just go ahead and go to save products alright so the vendor has now created a product so let's just pretend that we are the admin now and it's like okay cool let's just go ahead and check our daily our daily schedule here so let's just see if anyone's created products for our store we have products and I'll go to all products now you can see here how this is pending also in your email you will receive a notification from WooCommerce that a new vendor has registered and also a new vendor has created a product so be sure to check the email the one that you signed up for when you are using WordPress okay so right here quick edits I'll go ahead and just say I see if I can approve it from here so right here I'll publish this and go to updates pretty cool so they create their product now let's see how it looks like on our store so visit sites shop page and there you go so vendor product one is now available so let's click on that really quick okay so then our product one this is some dummy text here we have the reviews the vendor information and also more now right here under vender info if I click on the vendor it's gonna take me to their store so here you can see the background the picture here we have all the times off we have categories and they can also contact the vendor if you decide to have that allowed on your websites so now you can see that all the box will display so now your vendors have a fully functional store on your web sites now let's go a step further here let's say someone actually wants to buy something let's say someone actually buy something right now what is the process from there well what I'm gonna do here really quick is I'm gonna go enable something really fast on my on my payment gateways just to make sure that this works out good cash on delivery all right I'll just do cash on delivery and Save Changes okay so let's just go ahead and do this so I'm gonna go ahead and just pretend I'm a write a random customer and I'm gonna go ahead and buy the vendor products let's buy let's buy ten of them I'm feeling good here after the carts view the carts we got this one right here oh why not I'll buy them all and then here I'll click on proceed to checkout and what I'm gonna do here now is just put in some information right here so right here we have PayPal which you'd have to pay with PayPal but I'm just gonna do cash on delivery and cash on delivery is a method where if someone buys it they promise to pay you later when they pick it up I wouldn't recommend this feature because you don't get the money that's why I'm doing it for testing purposes but I'll show you how to do stripe and PayPal at the end of the video so don't worry about that and take credit cards on your websites so right here I'll click on place order okay so I am now buying something as a complete stranger so I don't know anything I'm just I saw the product I liked it and I'm buying it and right now it's loading alright cool so your customer has now bought the product so first let's go ahead and demonstrate what has happened so a customer has come to our products I'm come sorry a customer has come to our store and bought a product now it's gonna be seen on both ends so an email will go to the admin and an email will go to the vendor notifying them that someone has purchased something now right here under WooCommerce we have orders by click on orders we're gonna see that this right now is processing so let's go back over here as the vendor and here I'll click on dashboard again now you can see that we have sales so congratulations we have actually made some sales here so here I'll go to orders and right now this is processing so what that means is we want to give it maybe I got 30-day period so the customer can't charge us back because that's pretty important also when you use Rocket Lawyer you really want to make sure you have a term two conditions because that will protect you against chargebacks and when someone charges you back that means they call the company and they pretend they didn't get the order and if you're a business you can at least give that terms and conditions to those payment method gateways like their payment merchants like PayPal and stripe and they able to determine the outcome whatever but so anyways so here we have an order now what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go back to this page right here and I'm gonna mark it as complete I'm gonna say you know what's it's been 30 days I'll go ahead and mark this this completes so right here go ahead and take that out what's weird so here I'll do that this is completed and then go to updates so now I was the admin I'm saying all right I got the money everything's good I'm gonna mark this order as completed this come this is now done so now that that's happens we'll go back to the actual vendor I'll refresh the page and now they have money in their accounts so now the vendor is like cool I made some money let's go ahead and get it out you know cool let's go to checkout my orders we can see this is now completed I can view the order right here awesome I got all the info this is great you know so now I actually have some money let's go ahead and withdraw so I'm gonna withdraw right here saying alright so I got five hundred dollars minimum and I have a balance of seven hundred so I need to actually go to payment settings and I need to actually go ahead and put in my PayPal information so here I put in my PayPal information and I'll click on updates now in the settings right here we probably need to go ahead and change that in the dokkan settings for the admin so right here dokkan settings we have withdrawal options and I'll just select PayPal for now so if you decide to go ahead and use the bank transfers you can go ahead and do that as well so that's strictly up to you bank transfers I personally wouldn't recommend because PayPal gives you some protection in case someone charges you back six months down the road which does happen sometimes so right here I'll go back to dashboard withdrawal and saying all right I want the whole $700 you know I made some money I want to withdraw that and submit the requests so now you have received the requests so what you'll do over here now is you'll go over here and you'll go to dokkan go to dashboard and under withdraw you now have an order from rachel to send over that money so that is pretty cool so you can what you can do here is you can go ahead and send it through PayPal or you can go ahead and give them a note and saying hey bro there was a problem with the order or something like that so that's basically a quick rundown of how to actually get your your website up and running so now that you have the money and everything else so at this point your website is pretty much all ready to go now I'm gonna talk to you a little bit about how to pay them and also how to set up PayPal and also stripe but before I do that I want to talk to you a little bit about the Divi theme and using the theme builder so in the beginning of this video I showed you a shop page that looked a lot different than this now the theme builder is one of the more complex things about this theme which allows you to have different product pages and also different shop pages so you can see here by default that this shop page is pretty ugly and you really can't customize it so let's go back over here and what we're gonna do now is go to dashboard and we're gonna go to Divi and click on theme builder now what the theme builder is essentially is that it allows your builder to design pages that you normally could not design like for example the WooCommerce product pages with various themes you cannot design that however with Divi you can now right here we have these two arrows now I've already pre created templates for you guys and I was promising you that in the beginning of this video so I'm gonna deliver my promise and give it to you so right here at a portability you're gonna click on imports under choose the file you're gonna select the files that I gave you guys in the beginning of the video so right here under the Divi ecommerce pack you're gonna see Divi theme templates products Jason so Divi theme build our templates and you're gonna click on open now right here you'll click on import Divi theme builder templates if you don't understand what I'm doing right now do not worry about it it's totally okay you'll understand what I'm doing in just a bit so let me explain how this all works so I have a global footer that I've put on my entire website so it's going on my shop all my product category pages also right here we have products and we have a specific global footer on my products as well so let me just go ahead and again demonstrate how this works so I basically created this footer and it's gonna go on all of my pages so right here we have shop now right here we have a custom body so what I'll do here is click on edits so this is how you can design your own custom shop page so earlier in the video how you saw how it says fashions and now you can go ahead and build out your entire store how you want it to look so for example right here if I want to add in something right here I can add in like a button over here I can add a sum in like a call to action etc so you can design your shop and every time someone goes to your shop page they will be brought to this page right here so by using this method you can now have a custom shop page so now I have a full another video guys on the theme builder so if you don't understand the theme builder Jesse you might because or you will because this video right here will help you learn how to use the theme builder now the theme builder is very powerful so you can see here now we have a new custom shop page remember the first one how we saw how it was ugly but let me just go ahead and demonstrate this really quickly so you understand exactly what I'm talking about so this is shop page number two okay or the theme builder one so what I'll do here is I'll go ahead and just open up a new tab and I'll go to my shop page so this is my custom I'm sorry this is my default shop page so I cannot edit it this is the way it comes you can see I cannot edit the visual builder that's it we're stuck with the shop page however with this new layout I'll click on Save Changes now I'll go ahead and refresh this page and you'll now see that this is our new custom shop page so we can design everything to how we want from scratch so we have this fashion's we have the products and right here we actually have the footer remember click here so you can see here how the footer is being applied to every single page now whenever you want to make changes to something like your footer just simply click on edits now when you edit something it's going to edit it on the entire website so right here if I go to about us I scroll down to the bottom you'll see that it's the same footer if I click on account a contact us here it is the same footer now if I go over here and I delete this and go back and click on save this is now going to apply to the entire websites now the reason why you want to do this I'll click on save changes is because you can control different parts of your website that you normally couldn't so right here you'll see that it's gone I'll go to my shop page I'll scroll down it is gone if I go back to over here the theme builder click on custom body if I change anything on this page it will apply to this page right here so here I'll put fashions with the Z and then maybe right here you can add in some more stuff whatever you want to do so here I'll click on save all righty and then click on save and then right here I will refresh the page and you'll now see that the Z has been added so that's just a quick rundown of how you can design this now right here under the settings we have template settings so now this is a quick little crash course on the theme builder so what I want this page applied well I want it to be my commerce pages under shop now additionally you can create a new page and apply it to maybe your car page maybe your checkout page your account page you can basically change anything that you want so that's just a quick rundown of how you can create a page right here by simply adding in the templates use it on specific pages and then once you do that you can create the template and then you can build it out the way you want it to look so I have a full another video however on the actual on the theme builder it's incredible and allows you to do some really incredible things with the Divi so not I've shown you guys about how to create a custom shop page I'll go save changes again I like to do that just to make sure I don't skip on anything right here we have product category pages now in product category pages are categories so I do have a one category called shirts so right here click on this product now right away you've noticed that this has completely changed now the reason why it's changed is because we have actually this right here these products that are being displayed however let me go ahead and talk about the product category page so this right here is a product category page now this is a custom pod akattak product category page now if I were to disable this right here I'll just go ahead over here actually I think I can disable it right here if I can disable this and go to save let's refresh this is the default way it's supposed to look it's very boring very bland and we can't modify it but with the theme builder if I enable the templates click on save now we can design the category page the way we want it to look so that's just what I did so I just made it look like the shop page basically now let's talk about the product category pages so what I'll do here is I'll open up this right here and this is the product page so this is one of the product pages I've given you so right here you can see how it looks we have some information and then we have the Stars we have these bars and when someone adds it to the cards it'll display right there so this is product page number one here we have product page number two so here we have a different header and I've added some other stuff right here so you can kind of choose and modify anything that you want on this page I've custom made it for you also it's feel free to use it on any website you want here we have custom body 3 I'll click on this and this is one that I was using in the beginning of the video now one thing they might want to change here is this module right here so this is a countdown timer and what I'll do here is I'll just go ahead and put a random date ahead of the time and click on check and it's going to tell people that there's a countdown now so this is good for something like sales and this is going to apply for every single product or you can have it for specific products it's pretty incredible what you can do with the theme builder and then right here we have product area 4 so this right here this is the one that we're actually using right now and you can see here how product name stars etc so you can go ahead and make any changes that you wants to this product page now let's just say you're like Daryl I like this one right here I want to use this one so I have this one select two all products now what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna go ahead and just delete this one or we'll just disable it now this one right here what I want to do is I want to go ahead and click on the gear icon and I'm gonna say you know Daryl I want to use this on all of my products I really like this style I think it's really really cool I want to use this now what this is saying right here is that this will override any other settings that you currently have so that's fine with me here I click on Save Changes now what I'll do here is I'll go back to our shop and I'll click on any product I'll click on this one and now you'll see that all the products that we have are now changed to this style so this is a beautiful product page it looks great it's stylish it has encouragement and also has a timer this is like the ultimate product page because the timer shows scarcity right here shows confidence free shipping 24-hour supports gifts and vouchers included and then they can add it to the cart etc so now this will be your new this would be your new product page so this would apply to all of your products now again you can always say you know what I want to go ahead and use a specific page for a specific product let's say you're really annoying and you're the customer I really hate in web design which I come across many let's just say I want to use this one on a specific product well what you can do here is go to this gear icon and you can actually do products in specific categories so you can have different categories for different you know product pages or you can have specific products so let's just do vendor product one and click on save and save changes so now what I'm doing is I'll go over here so for vendor product one it is going to have a different page than this one so right here I'll click on it then their product one and now we have this one I don't like it it's really ugly it sucks you know we don't have any content it just doesn't look good yeah it does have the bar and everything but you know it's just how it goes we have to make it look good by the reviews and everything now if I go over here to some a product one you'll see it looks different so that's really really cool so the theme builder is very powerful you can have a very dynamic website with the theme builder when you are building out your store so that's just a quick example of how to use a theme builder now the theme builder is exclusive to Divi there are other theme bowlers out there like Elementor has one and there's no problem with using another theme Bueller but I've just kind of demonstrated to you on how you can use a theme builder so I've shown you all how you can basically create a shot page how you can you know sell products how you can invite other people to sell on your websites now I've also showed you how you can design your page let's quickly talk about the sidebar right here before we talk about shipping and payment gateways so we're still talking about designing the multi-vendor website I don't want to I don't want you guys to feel like I'm not gonna talk about payment gateways we will get there I promise and we're also gonna talk about the pro version as well so right here I go to dashboard and we'll go to the appearance and go to widgets so here we have some widgets and so here we have some available widgets and what you can do is you can just go ahead and drag and drop stuff so for example you have your best selling widgets also right here we have top-rated and maybe you want something else like product category or something like that you know and once you have this you can click on dun dun dun we'll go back over here to our shop page and refresh the page and now you'll see that these actually appear right here so product categories all the product categories that you display will be created right here and if someone clicks on it it'll take them to those categories so that's just a quick rundown on how to do this now there is one thing that you might want to change really quickly and that's having the featured vendors so you can actually list your vendors on the left side as well and I recommend doing that because when you create a custom product page users can't go to the vendor store directly from that custom product page so now you can see that we have these widgets right here best selling product top rated products product category etc now there are other widgets that we don't have that I kind of recommend so for example there is a widgets for featured vendors now I do recommend getting that widget because right now on these product pages users can't visit the store directly so if they want to go ahead and visit the store there's really no place for them to visit it because the users can't see the actual vendor store so there is a widget and that's in the pro version but before we talk about that let me just give you a quick overview and a quick rundown of what we've done right here so we basically created the website we heard the e-commerce websites users can register on our websites and virtually everything works on our website correctly so you can now know how to design your shop page you know now how to design your product pages now what we're gonna do next is we're gonna talk about the pro version and we're also gonna talk to you about shipping and we're gonna talk to you about payment gateways and additional resources now what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna demonstrate my information from another video and put it here because I've already kind of talked to you about everything else on TV now we're gonna go in the technical aspect and I'm gonna talk to you about payment gateways shipping the pro version etc so by now you probably know how to use Divi and you probably have a good understanding of how to build the website so let's go on to the next section where I'm gonna talk to you about the pro version and then we'll talk to you about shipping and payment gateways etc okay so now we're gonna talk about the pro features now I think most of you are probably gonna use the pro features here because the the free version is very limited in a lot of aspects and after we talk about the pro features I'm gonna run you through on how to create another vendor and then we're gonna talk about the most important things like how to finally accept payments on your websites and subscriptions and also other various things like refunds etc so I'm gonna go ahead and demonstrate the free version versus the pro version now on this website we made right here I only have the free version available on this website right here I actually have the pro version available now there is a link below to purchase the pro version you guys can go get there by going to Darrell Wilson com - gokon now if you guys do decide to purchase this I do get a small Commission and I do actually have a discount code for you if you use the code Darrell 10 you will receive 10% off any plan so any single plan now I'm gonna go ahead and talk to you about which ones I recommend and the reason why so there's various plans and personally I think they have too many they don't need four different plans they they really don't so right here we have the professional I break him in the professional I've seen other people talk to you about getting the business those other affiliates and blogs they're just trying to make Commission's off of you I mean I myself into but I'm being legit and honest so right here I'll click on see all the features so they kind of give you a comparison of why you need different plans so if you're running like five different websites then yeah you know the business might work for you but I think most of you might you know use one two three ad max you know especially if you're beginning so right here you can see the checkmarks and right here they have multiple commission types which i think is helpful but I think the things that are most important is something like the variable products so the variable products are basically having a lot of different variables on your website and also group products as well so your vendors can make variable products now in case you don't know what that is it's basically allowing you to like make a t-shirt with like different sizes and different colors etc and they have another video in the description below on the WooCommerce tutorial on variable products etc so you can see here from the starter from the professional the professional you get a lot more you know you get the stripe connect which actually you don't need but it is it is we'll talk more about that a little bit you get the subscriptions the seller verification you get the store support the vendor review there's a lot of features that you get from the from the professional from the starter now these ones right here are not really needed at all because these can all be done with other plugins like for example the live chat that can be done with another plug-in booking can be done another plug-in ship stations actually free so I don't even know why they're charging for that but the only one that I would consider is the product inquiry but that's strictly up to you if you want to upgrade to the business specifically for that feature and what that is that it'll allow people to email vendors about a specific product category but I don't think it's necessary because you the users can already contact the vendors regardless so it's like you know and then other features like vendor vacation I don't think that's necessary and you do get the Elementor modules with the theme builder now I'll talk more about that and why I currently as of March don't recommend Elementor theme builder and I'll explain my nightmare with its but anyway so that's pretty much all you gets and to upgrade the price from 250 to 500 it's just not worth it in my opinion I would definitely get just the professional and anything past that it's up to you at that point if you find that you need it for your business so you are spending money here so I just want to make sure that you do spin it correctly but if you use the discount code for the part of the business you do get 50 bucks off which is pretty cool now they also have a lifetime plan so if you want to go ahead and use the code with a lifetime plan then that would make more sense but I would just do the annual at first and if your site's generating a lot of money and then I'll get the lifetime plan because then you don't have to pay any more and you also get a large discount if you use the code as well so that's just something to consider now on this website right here I'm sorry right here I actually have the professional plan so I have this plan the professional it's kind of annoying a professional plan on this one right here so let's go ahead and go to some of the features so right here first off we have modules so these are basically the features that you get with the plan so we have people can follow the store product add-ons which is like I told you before gift wrapping etc we have you know will return a warranty request report abuse live search so reviews etc vendor verification vendor subscription store support there are some features that are notable here so it's just something to consider so here we have dashboard again and then we have withdrawal vendors and then right here we have abuse reports so we don't have that with the free version the store reviews which I find might be helpful announcements which is very helpful as well so you don't get that in the free version but you do get the announcements in the pro version as well refunds that's always something good to consider if you want to go ahead and refund something else you can go ahead and do right here reports now reports you do also get with the actual need to get that with the free version I think so no I don't think you do actually No so the reports are right here and again you can use the reports by vendors now WooCommerce does give reports by defaults right here however it doesn't go by vendor but you can kind of understand the sales of your store even without this feature right here so you don't really need it tools leave tools are available as well no they're not available over here interesting so tools right here this just creates like the recommended pages and a check for duplicate orders etc so it's you know it's helpful we also have verifications as well so if you want to go ahead and verify something you can do that with the pro version so if you want to verify their accounts also this is for accounts where they have to send you their ID and they have to send you their passport so maybe you want the users specific personal information when they register to your store maybe you need to find out for tax purposes which makes a lot of sense we can do that with this right here so that's just an example and I'll actually run you through it and explain it and then right here we have updates where you would go ahead and put in your license key etc and then also right here under the settings now I believe the settings are a little you do get a lot more options with the the free versus the pro right here so you can see just for the general you have some options right here but with the pro right here you get a lot more so let me go and talk to you a little bit about the pro options right here so right here new vendor product upload so this will just basically allow the vendors to create products right away then they don't need to like get approval or nothing like that so that's if you want to go ahead and have that but you can kind of go ahead and just read through a lot of these and just understand them I don't want to go in detail for every specific one but you know just general things like hide customer information from the from the vendors and that might actually protect you because you don't want them to be too close because then they might not use your store right and then right here withdrawal options pay Settings appearance now I don't know every single detail of what's there against the free verse the pro you know like seller verification etc but you can kind of just get understanding here so SMS gateways so if you want people to use text messaging you can go ahead and use next mo or I knew this Twilio or someone like that and you can go ahead and register right here on their websites colors you can go ahead and change the colors email verification as well so this is actually pretty important enabling this will add verification after registration form allowing users to verify their email and this will definitely help you out if you just get a bunch of like a DDoS attack or something so they will need to verify their email before they sell on your website etc so that's actually very helpful right here social API is where you'd go ahead and enable social login if you want to go ahead and have that you'll need to create an application for it but it's pretty simple it's not too hard right here RMA so refunds etc product report abuse single product multi vendor which I don't recommend whatsoever now this is a feature that gives vendors access to other vendors products and try to sell those products again now I don't recommend that at all because that would easily just create duplicate content and I don't think it's even a good feature in fact I think they should just get rid of it to be honest so that's exactly what product multi-vendor is and then right here we have product subscription so product subscriptions it allows you to create subscriptions for your vendors so you can charge your vendors for selling on your website and you can create different tiers so for example you can create a tier for five products would cost you you know $10 a month to sell on my website if you want to sell 20 products you have to pay $15 a month if you want to sell 50 products you would then charge them $25 a month etc now I'm gonna go ahead and just select my sample pay age and my subscription page and then we're gonna go ahead and create a subscription for our vendors now I want to go ahead and do this before we jump into the vendor point of view so this again is for the admin so we want to make money off people who are registering on our websites all right so let's go ahead and do that so to create a subscription for your websites right here go to products and go to add new so right here you can do something like tier one all right and then right here under product data you'll select dokkan subscription so right here I'll just say the regular price is something like ten dollars so the number of products so enter the number of products you want to give for this package I'll just say five and then enter the number of days you want to give for this package so I'll just go ahead and put something like 30 days here we have the admin oh sorry about that the admin commission type we'll go ahead and select percentage now a strategy here is to charge them more monthly for a lower percentage so you can also go that route so let's just say for instance we have the free is 30% but if they get the package then we're gonna only charge them 20% so you understand how that works here you can go ahead and select the allow the product types such as like simple variable etc so what you're doing here is you're saying all the products are accepted you know and then also you can select all the categories or just go ahead and leave it to any categories as well right here restrict gallery image upload if you want to go ahead and restrict the gallery image upload you can click on this which will not allow them to add additional pictures for their products and then right here please check this if you want to enable the recurring payment system as well and then here we can go ahead and select something like 30 days and then we will never stop it and then we can give them a trial as well if they want to do that for something like seven days something like that just to give them an idea so what we're doing here is again we are charging our vendors for selling on our websites and then you know right here we can we can go ahead and list what they're getting here so sell ten products sell ten products thirty days thirty days twenty percent commission rates and then something like you know make more money something like that and then right here you can go ahead and select an image for your products you know I don't even know how it looks like to be on the default but I'll just go ahead and select that one there we go that's that's good so now what we're doing is again is that we are creating a tier for our subscription so let's go ahead and publish this and just take a look and see how it looks right now so I set it to the sample page so over here under pages I'll go to all pages and under the sample page I'll click on View and there you go so right here we have $10 tier one which is the title five products every 30 days a seven day free trial and then they can click on start free trial and when they click on this it'll take them to checkout and they can go ahead and purchase it it looks like the featured image doesn't even show up here that's very interesting the more I learned you know so but that's just an example of if you want to charge vendors to sell on your websites so if you actually disable a free selling it's going to redirect people to this page so that's something that you might want to consider in the future if you do decide to go that route all right but now that I've showed you all how to do basically everything as far as the admin point-of-view goes so as far as all this right here let's go ahead now and jump into the vendor point of view so what do you get with the pro features and what are some other features that we gets that we can do with the pro feature so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to access this website on a different browser and just imagine I am the vendor now trying to register on the websites and we'll see the difference from what we get the vendor point of view now really quickly if you want to go ahead and have subscriptions and also offer a free subscription you need to go ahead and make that so over here under plus new products what you'll have to do here is you can do something like free free tier you know something like that and right here in the product data onto the dokkan subscription you'll put 0 so if you want to go ahead and charge them like you know thirty five percents for the free package you can go ahead and design that but if you want to have them sign up for free you'll need to put 0 first and then go ahead and publish the product alright so I just want to make that clear if you want to have subscriptions but also have a free and a paid one so let's go ahead now and just say ok we are now the vendor and I want to register on your websites and I want to now use the pro version because your vendors do also get Pro features as well so right here under the V account right here I'll go ahead and make a new account so let's now run it through again and here I'll imagine I'm a vendor so right here I'm gonna do Jessica Jessica at Jessica Rabbit and then here I'll put Jessica as my shop name and right here we have free subscription which I created earlier you guys didn't see it it was off you know I was doing something else and we also have the tier as well so remember the difference is with the tier they are going to give us more Commission but if they pay monthly then they are going to give us less Commission so that's just an example of that so here I'll put a number really quick and put I am a vendor and go ahead and click on register alright so right here you can see that it's actually checking them through the process see that's why I kind of kind of like about the whole the tier thing because now they actually have to go ahead and fill all this outs which is just an additional form so I'm gonna go ahead and fill this out really quick all right so here you can see that the vendor has a lot more options now so the actually can create coupons they have reviews they have reports they have return requests followers and they also have subscription now they can also go ahead and switch their plan inside of their package so right now they are on the free subscription where they can only add a certain mount of products now earlier they did have the ability to add more so that's why you might want to disable the setup wizard in that section to prevent them from doing that and then right here they can go ahead and switch the plan anytime they want so I do find this feature really cool about the pro version if you decide to charge subscriptions and then again right here settings they can go ahead and mess around with all their settings with payments verifications and shipping etc so they will have full access to all of this in the pro version which again that's really cool now here is the verification section so this is for people who need to send you identification and this is quite common in this industry because usually these admins or stores or multi vendor websites have to report their income and they want to go ahead and saying who are they giving the money to so here the start verification process they can go ahead and you know upload their ID card etc here they have the shipping option and that you guys can go ahead and go to the shipping now I recommend doing everything on the the admin side which I'll talk about in the next section of this video here we have social profile where you can go ahead and link your social profiles and our maze and then also a really cool feature is store SEO so right here you can go ahead and put in the description and this will display in the search engines which I'd find very very helpful and then right here we have add-ons however we do need a specific plugin for this and I'll talk more about that in just the bits but I can actually create add-ons right now but for you watching this video you don't have that feature yet so don't panic don't panic at all so this is just a quick rundown of this now let's just go ahead and create a product really quickly using the Profi so right here I'll click on add a new product now you can see right here out says you can add two more products only because remember we are on the free plan so I'm gonna do girls products put $200 I'll go ahead and put in put in a girl product here I'll go ahead and upload a file really quickly all right so I selected this product here I'll put the price is 200 and then put it for a hundred dollars on sale this is an amazing product here and I think right now that's all good I can go ahead and select the category as well put it under women's and then go to create products all right so I've created the product and then one thing you're gonna notice here if I click on products if I click right here under edits right now if I go ahead and see product type you can now see that I can create different products now so this is a very big difference from the free versus the pro because with the variable now I can go ahead and add an attribute and I can add in a bunch of other things to this so variable products so again they're they're pretty they're pretty useful for most products and also I can also create group products as well so that's just an example of something that you get with the pro version which i think is pretty much worth it if you are really truly running a multi vendor ecommerce website so that's pretty much it for this section so right here I'm gonna go ahead and go to save products and now let's go ahead and go back over here and as the admin we're going to see that the product is now pending because you know they've they've created the product and it's up to us to approve it so here under all products right here I'll go ahead and take a look and right there it is so we can see the girls product is pending and right now I can just click on quick edits and then just go to publish and then click on updates and now it will be available in our store so that's just a quick rundown of what the admin gets so I just want to be very clear the difference between the pro versus the free because you know it is an investment and I just want to make sure that if you do decide to upgrade to the pro I would probably get the professional because you do get some actual features that are really well worth it's now a lot of these features like stripe I don't I don't recommend per se but I'll just go ahead and give you an example so right here if we go to the actual I'll go to the wool commerce and go to the settings I'll talk to you quickly about the dokkan stripe integration which we're gonna cover last in the video but right here I'll go to payments and you're gonna see that there is now some options for dokkan so there is one for dokkan stripe but we also have dokkan so this is free now this right here is no con stripe connect now the difference between this one versus the free version is that the dokkan will actually split the payments up automatically directly so for example if someone comes to your websites let's say they come to your websites they spend $100 $30 is gonna go to you and $70 is gonna go to them automatically without you having you to do anything but that's a terrible idea because if somebody requests a refund or if someone charges you back you're then gonna have to chase down the vendor trying to get your money back so I don't recommend these dokkan stripe connect because again you will have to chase down your vendors and try to get money back from them and I just don't think that's worth it's I think that's you can go ahead and just enable the default stripe and that should be well enough cuz here you'll have to go ahead and connect the vendors etc so I'll talk more about payments guys a little bit later at the end of the video but that's basically it for the pro version I just wanted to make sure that's I was clear first the free verse the pro I think the Pro is definitely worth it and also if you guys use the code Darryl 10 you guys will also go ahead and get a discount on that now let's talk about something very important which is shipping so I'm gonna go ahead and close these tabs right here and let's go ahead now and talk about shipping so here I'll click on my store and I have women's t-shirts now let's just say for instance I wanted to buy this right so let's go ahead and add this to the carts and view the cart so here we have the woman's t-shirts and here I'll click on proceed to checkout now one thing to note is that we don't have any payment processors and we have no shipping methods now let's go back over here and just quickly go through shipping just to make sure that you get a quick rundown of it so right here under WooCommerce we'll go to settings and we'll go to shipping first let me go ahead and go to general right here and put united states hope united states california the crazy states I think California is the craziest people like in the United States like they all think there's some separate country and it's like what do you get stupid you know like here I'll go ahead there it is California and then right here click on Save Changes now remember the WooCommerce video in the description will go through every single thing in detail but for this video I don't want to do that because I don't want to make it out I will commerce tutorial but anyways here I'll click on shipping and click on add a shipping zone so right now put United States so what area does this go to well I'm gonna put United States alright United States and I want to offer free shipping in the United States and that's it so that's pretty much done so here if I click on free shipping that's it now you can also make requirements for free shipping if you decide to do that but if you do have a requirement then you need to have an additional requirement if that is not met so let's say for instance you know you put a minimum order amount of $50 if someone buys something of $25.00 you need to have an additional shipping zone set up for that or well there's not gonna be any way to ship so I just want to make that very clear but I'll just put free shipping ok so click on shipping again and you'll now see that's right now we have United States now this area is really important right here so location is not covered by your other areas let's click on this right here so let's say for instance someone buy something that's not from the United States maybe from another country well you want to protect yourself so let's just go ahead and add a shipping method for it flat rates now for a flat rates I'm gonna put not taxable but I'm gonna put the shipping as $8 yes someone buy something that is not assigned in my in my shipping zone so let's say somebody buy something from Mexico or Canada then I'm gonna charge them $8 of shipping because they're not covered from my current shipping so what you can do here is just go ahead and maybe add in Europe and then add in Europe of a flat rate of ten dollars add in Africa of five dollars etc so you can keep adding shipping zones and charge specific prices for specific areas all right so I try to make that clear so here we have United States and let's go ahead and test it really quick so here I'll go to visit sites and it'll go back over here to view the carts now right here you can see that this is shipping to the UK because eight dollars is outside of the United States but if I change this to United States Chatsworth and click on updates you'll see that it is free now it's free shipping okay so that's basically a quick rundown of shipping very easy to understand right so you can always go ahead and allow your vendors to charge shipping but that's not a good idea because maybe they don't know the rates they might piss off the customers they might do something that is not good for business so again remember you don't want to give them too much control okay so you want to go ahead and manage it for them you wanna make it as easy as possible for your vendors so that is pretty much shipping now let's go and talk about the next two payment methods which are the most important which is stripe and PayPal and then I'll talk to you about product add-ons at the end and then refunds and you guys are all done congratulations so let's now talk about the most important part which is payment gateways so will commerce settings clicking on payments and what we're gonna do here is we don't have stripe right here so what we're gonna do here is um we're gonna go ahead and activate a free plugin so right here plugins add new and we're gonna go and activate stripe and right here is will commerce stripe payment gateway well go ahead and install this now if you guys are in India or if you guys are in the Middle East I'll click on activates there's another payment gateway for you guys don't worry I didn't forget about you I'll click on add new and I think it's in the WordPress depository called to check out to check out there it is so to check out payment gateway this plug-in actually serves most of the world and it's a very popular plugin so you can actually choose to use the plug-in or go to the website it's called two checkouts and this is the company right here and I think they serve most of the world so you can use that plug-in with this payment gateway if you don't have stripes I know stripe is not available in all the countries it's available in parts of Europe United States but for those of you the Middle East or parts of Asia I know it can be a little you know a little you know frustrating but they do actually have areas served and I'm just trying to find that it's here somewhere but looks like this sort of 180 countries so they'll help you guys out maybe they will I don't want to go too far as you check out but that's just an example of another payment processor you can use ok so let's go back over here to will commerce and go to settings and right here on our payments so now we actually have stripe and PayPal so right here I'll go ahead and I'll select this one and this one and click on Save Changes ok now first let's go ahead and go through PayPal so I'm gonna go ahead and open up my PayPal account right now so this right here is PayPal now PayPal is a free website where you can go ahead and exchange money and most people use PayPal to upset payment processors I use this too because it's 3 percent it doesn't cost anything to get started and this is a great way on how to pay people in fact I get paid with companies all the time with with PayPal you guys want to see I'll go ahead and show you guys my financials okay so this right here is my current PayPal account and you guys can see there's quite a bit of money and I get paid from different websites so here I got paid from you to me 800 bucks this company 400 this company 800 impact radius 2600 and all the companies out there use PayPal so it's a great payment processor here I'll go to activity and just give you an example of how many companies pay me through PayPal cuz I don't want you to think that people aren't using this service I mean everyone out there uses PayPal so you can see all these companies out here pay me through PayPal so it's a very convenient process it's very easy to do so I highly recommend PayPal in fact when you actually pay your vendors I would definitely use PayPal so it's it's very simple to setup and it's free to send money so right here I'll click on manage and all you need to do right here is put in your paypal email address so what you'll do is you'll go ahead and go to PayPal calm so I'll right here I'll go ahead and log out so right here under under PayPal you'll go and click on sign up and there's two accounts there's a personal and there's business so you can use personal at first if you're like a sole proprietor and then later on you can always go ahead an upgrade to like the the business the business is around like 20 bucks a month or something like that they change it every month but all you would do is you would go to the process of making the account so just go to business account go to next go through the process of signing up so they're just gonna ask you to create an email address and now this same email address you're gonna go ahead and put it right here so when people pay you it's gonna go directly into your PayPal account and then you're gonna transfer that money to your vendors when they submit a refund I'm sorry when they submit a payment request so that's just an example of how to use PayPal so it's pretty straightforward and it's pretty easy so here I'll click on Save Changes and that's it your PayPal is done and ready to go now the next one that we're gonna do is stripe and stripe is I actually recommend it number one because with stripe users don't have to leave your website and go to PayPal so with this feature right here at PayPal users might have to actually go to PayPal so see right here if they said like PayPal how it says proceed to PayPal so it can be very can inconvenience so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna use stripe we're gonna use a test transaction and then we're gonna go ahead and look at the vendor and see if they have any money in their accounts to show you that this is a real live multi vendor ecommerce websites so the first thing you'll want to do is you'll go to stripe dock and you can go ahead and make a free account so it doesn't cost you anything to join stripe it's free it's simple and most people today use stripe because it charges 3% and it doesn't cost you anything to get sign up and there's also no credit checks so that's pretty cool ok so this right here is my stripe accounts now you will need to verify your account so they might ask you to connect your website onto a bank they might ask you to do some things like send in some verification but rest assured the service is free and it is the most popular service out there for websites because you don't have to pay anything whatsoever and there's no startup cost and they charge a very very low transaction fee so what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna go ahead and click on view testing data go to developers and you're gonna go to the API keys alright so the API key is what connects stripe to your websites so I'm gonna go ahead and give you an example just to make sure you understand and that you're comfortable with this I know everything can look a little overwhelming but rest assured this is the best way to do it so publishable key you're gonna go out and take the publish will be key and copy that now we're gonna go to our website right here girls fashion sites I'm gonna go to my dashboard and we're gonna go ahead and go to WooCommerce and settings go to payments and right here in a stripe we're gonna click on manage ok so right here we have the test publishable key now I'm enabling the in test mode right now and once we're ready to take real money we can go ahead and put it in live mode so we have test publishable key now we'll go ahead and put in the test secret key oops wrong one test secret key imma close that and paste that in and guys that's it everything is done now I don't want this right here and I don't want that right there either that's kind of annoying and the click on Save Changes so now your sites is officially clinic connected to stripe and that's it everything's done now the reason why people prefer stripe is because again it's fast convenient and all the money goes to you and then you can distribute it later to your vendors so let's go back over here to visit sites now let's just pretend that we're shopping so let's just go to the store let's just pretend I'm a regular customer now that wants to buy something on my store so let's go ahead and check this out so we got what is this a girls t-shirt guide all right you know what I want five of these I want five I want a d2 the cards you know why not I'll view the carts I had that product from earlier but I'll just leave it up there why nots you know or actually no we'll just do this all right so five hundred dollars proceed to checkout I'm ready to purchase so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go and fill this out right now so I'll just put Darrell Wilson and 109 Jakes Avenue and then go ahead and put in a phone all right so everything's done now right here I'm gonna click on credit card now this is test mode so what you do is four two four two four two four two four two four two you put an expiration dates and a random card code and I want to save this for future purchases so I think that's it I'm ready to them ready to go so right now I'm gonna click on a place order alright now this is the same exact process your customer will go through now once a purchase goes through you will receive an email and so will your customers I'm sorry your vendors and your customers so three emails in total will go out and guys that is it so everything here is done so you can see here how the order has been received the product is now received as well and right here they can go ahead and check it out they have the payment the billing address etc so that's it and the customer can always go into their accounts and if there's a downloadable product they can go ahead and download it anytime they want etc so let's go ahead now and go to stripe and see if they've actually recognized the purchase all right so here we have today now it didn't record it because under here and our payments we have uncaptured so simple just click on it and then I want to go ahead and capture that payments and it click on capture all right and then that's it it succeeded now this is a precautionary it's it's precautionary in your account you don't have to have it's and right here you can see that five hundred dollars we were only charged $14.80 and the net profit is 484 to eighty-five dollars and 20 cents now at any time there's a problem with the products right here just click on refund and then just say all rights the customer mod that money back for any any reason at all etc and right now we can go ahead and refund this so now we don't have to give them vendor money you know so that's why you don't want to switch payments between the two because you have full control so now I can go ahead and refund the customer a hundred percent and just be done with it so this is how you do refunds with stripe now let's talk about the add-on so really quickly here I'm going to talk to you about the add-on so if you want to go and have add ons to your website there's a plugin that you can get now I'm gonna go ahead and just demonstrate the product first and then talk about the price after so right here we'll go to settings and what we're gonna do here is ready go to add-ons now with this add-on it allows you to do is create add-ons for products so let's say for instance you're selling clothes rights now with this right here we can go ahead and say look I want to add in something else to the clothes I want to people like a checkbox maybe they want to have gif rats gif rats and for for the for all my products right here I'm gonna say I will gift wrap the products for you with silk or something like that you know and then what I'll do here is I'll put gift-wrapped right here and then if they want gif raft I'll charge them a five-dollar fee and I want to publish this so as a vendor I can now add add-ons to my products now there is a lot of good reasons to add products in fact Amazon does this all the time so right now you can see that I have gift wraps now you can even go a step further and do something else I mean you can even make this like a variable product so you can have like a phone an iPhone you can do like 8 or 16 or 32 gig but I would recommend variable products for that I'm just giving you an example and then here I can say I want to add a second field and the vendors they can go ahead and add different features like file upload so this would be something for t-shirt design right t-shirt design and then right here you can do like an add your favorite logo to to your t-shirt and right here we can go ahead and charge a fee of $10 for that and we will go ahead and update that as well so now what we can do is have users actually upload files on to our website for vendors if they want something like logo add-ons or something like that for their clothes so let's go ahead now and take a look here so I'm currently selling it's got my dashboard right here what does this vendor selling here let's just go ahead and take a quick look here so I'm selling the girls product right here so let's go ahead and go to the store and right here we'll go to the girl's product now you can see here how we have gift-wrapped add $5 and we can also have a t-shirt design and people can go ahead and choose the file and upload it which is really really cool so the product add-ons is a really cool feature that you can have for your vendors and also yourself for your e-commerce websites now there's a few places to get it and I know I used to get it from GPL websites I used to get it from GP websites like GPL mall for just $15 and you can get a lot of all the other plugins for like really really cheap additionally you can buy it from the developer for 50 bucks but I find that the support just totally lacks for WooCommerce I would probably get it from the GPL websites and then once I actually use it on a daily basis I would then probably upgrade to the double commerce it's the same product it's just that with this website you get support and this one you don't but how many times you actually request support for a plug-in so that's just my personal opinion but the add-ons is a really cool feature and you can use it for various all parts of your website etc so that's just a quick rundown of product add-ons now lastly we're gonna talk about paying your vendors with payment gateways so if you get money with PayPal or if you've set money with PayPal there's various ways on how you can build people or I guess you want to say send the money so over here we have tools and then we have send money now guys this changes all the time so if this looks different in a month from now or five months from now I'm very sorry but that's just how it goes so right here you're gonna go ahead and put in the email and then you're gonna click on next so you need to make sure that these users have PayPal accounts now for example right here I'll click on one of my clients right here Yukiko Suit amudha and she is a web designer and also she helps me with graphic design so right here I can go ahead and send them their payment so let's just say for instance I owe them something like 10 bucks now what I'll do here is instead of sending it to a friend I want to go ahead and do paying for an item or service now the big difference between this is that if I send it to a friend they don't get charged anything whatsoever it's completely free which is really nice but the issue is that there's a disputes I'm not protected so once the money's sent it's sense so if I go to paying for an item or service this right here will actually it'll take a fee out of the $10.00 however if there's a problem with the payments I can always call PayPal and dispute the payment and get my money back in the future so that is a pretty big difference so if you are working with people you probably want to do paying for an item or service and then if we're saying it to a friend you want to go ahead and use that so here I put uh you are on YouTube right now and I'll send that to her I'll send her ten bucks you know why not she's a she's a good designer here we go I'm also in the payments there we go all right cool all right so that's just an example I really sent money live just now so that does no joke you know and next thing we're gonna do is take a look at the stripe now stripe actually has an additional method on how they can send payments for their sellers and also service providers so right here under connect right here you can do accounts and transfers and this is a good way on even says right here payouts for your sellers and service providers now you might want to call them and set this up because personally I have never used this feature yet but I just want you to let you know that this feature does exist so if you want to transfer within stripe or transfer to different bank accounts stripe can do that so that's just an additional option for you if you decide to use that method so guys I think that's part of the earth the end of the video so I basically run you through everything now in case I wasn't clear on anything else I have separate videos tutorials for that so I have a separate video on how to use Elementor and also Elementor Pro I have another video on how to use the blue commerce settings and also products etc and I showed you all how to do payment gateways so by this time guys you guys are all ready to go if you want to go ahead and purchase dokkan pro you guys can go to Darrell Wilson com - dokkan like--that's and if you use the coupon code darrel 10 you will save 10% off any plan so again I do recommend the professional plan and I will be having a follow-up video with the Elementor theme builder with dokkan just at the time of making this video I did find plug encoding conflicts so I decided to avoid it in this video so sorry if you were looking forward to gnats but I will be making an updated video I promise right so make sure to LIKE this video give me a big thumbs up guys I spend a lot of time making this video and I see good luck for your store and I'll see all of you party people in my next video guys take care
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 35,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create multivendor website, multi vendor marketplace, multi vendor wordpress, multi vendor ecommerce, darrel wilson, dokan plugin, dokan tutorial, multi vendor like amazon, multi vendor shopping cart, dokan plugin tutorial, ecommerce website, wordpress website, wordpress tutorial, woocommerce, make a website, how to make a multi vendor website, create website like amazon, divi, divi theme, divi theme tutorial, divi 4.0, how to make a multivendor website with divi theme
Id: BbvzxnjBtio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 56sec (8756 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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