How to make a key by hand

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this is the second video of a three part series in the first part we took a picture of a key and figured out the code from it the second part of this video I'm gonna attempt to hand file a key given a code the key of information that we got in the first video from the website I have printed out here basically has if you know the code say for instance the first number is a six this would be your six and then you would look at your depth which is a point two four five so what you'd want to do is cut the key in the proper position to where this distance is a point two four five inches or two hundred forty-five thousandths of an inch the piece the piece that actually cuts the key is shaped like this and it's approximately from what I've gathered point zero three one inches on the bottom with a forty five degrees on the sides I want to mark out where each of the cuts on the key should be and I'm gonna do this with a sharpie I know it's not the most accurate way but looking at our depth and spacing information the top row spacing you can see point two three one this indicates the center of the first cut off of the shoulder of the key so this once again I'm using the calipers I set it to a point two three one and I bought the shoulder of the key I can mark an approximate where the first cuts gonna be and that's to the center of the cut second one which is 387 there pretty soon okay and I'm gonna do this for all five cuts okay now that I've marked all the locations of the tumblers where the cuts need to be I just wanted to show you another way you could do this if you had a slight key you could line them up and then you can see where the cuts are gonna be and you could actually mark the tops of the key with a marker where each one of the cuts lie my next step is to look at the depth spacing and information chart now we know that our key code we know we want it to be four to seven to six so what I'll do is I'll look at the depth and spacing information chart go to the four column and take a look at the depth so we can see that our depth should be a point two seven five and that's off of the bottom of this key we know that so I think I'm gonna do this is I'm going to use these calipers set it to 275 and then on the first cut here that's that's the one closest to the shoulder I'm actually gonna but the back of the key right here and just describe a little line across my markers section the second one on our code four to seven to six is a two according to the depth and spacing information chart the two column I should have a depth of 305 so I'll set the caliper to 305 once again I'll block the bottom of the key and then scribe a little line across my markers section okay so you can see what I've done here is I've scraped a line through every market section at every cut have my marks on the key I'm gonna take a dremel tool and I'm gonna just cut one slot all the way down almost to the mark I'm gonna leave myself a little room in case I screwed up for fine-tuning but we're gonna get the bulk of the material off the key [Music] I'm going to take a square file and I'm going to stick the corner of the square file in the cut so that each corner forty-fives up and I'm gonna just give a real soft 45 to these once again we're not we're not making the key right now we're just gonna take off the bulk of the material will fine tune with some smaller files and you want to make sure not to cut into your line so in relatively short time we've created this really rough version of the key that we need okay the next thing that you're gonna do is you're gonna take a really small file known as a needle file and it has it has about the same thickness profile that we would want for the key and we can actually put it in each in each cut and just file away a very very tiny little bit if we need be just like that what we're gonna try and do now is we're gonna get this perfect and I'm gonna show you on this on the last cut the last code number in our case the code is four two seven two six six according to our death and spacing information charts should be a depth of 0.2 four five so I'm going to check it and I have a point two five four on the caliper so I'm just gonna take this needle file right in a little deeper it doesn't take much to five one two four six at the risk of taking off too much I'm gonna leave it at that and relatively no time at all I have filed all my cuts down to exactly where they need to be now one thing that we're gonna have to work on and and be real gentle while we're doing it and I'm also going to use the needle for this as you'll notice that these these cuts don't 45 up all the way because I had to dig in a little bit deeper so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the needle file and I'm gonna put it on here flat like this and i'ma just very gently fix that 45 and make sure that there's no no spots that the tumblers will catch in you don't want that you don't want the key being stuck in the door so we're gonna have to make sure that these 45 out from the bottoms are the cuts so I'm gonna do that now to the first one and then I'll do the rest off camera and patience is the key you got to be careful when you're digging into the side that the bottom of this file doesn't dig into the bottom any more than it needs to we're gonna come back with a wire brush to and clean this up a little bit and that will get rid of a little bit of slop but I'm gonna go ahead and just clean up the rest of these tumblers the rest of these cuts and we're gonna clean up the key and see if it works I think I've filed this key to an acceptable level I've double-checked it with the calipers everything seems to be just how it needs to be and I have this little wire brush here and I'm just gonna run it across all this to clean it up there she is this just happens to be the door to which the key that we made hopefully will open and here's the key that we made I know it's gonna be a lot of people out there that say oh it's not the right key so I'm gonna try and prove it but and I don't even really know if this is gonna work there goes oh it's a little rough going in and out that's not as smoothest as a normal keep it this way [Applause] there you go
Channel: Backyard Amusement
Views: 119,382
Rating: 4.5403423 out of 5
Keywords: key, filing, \key making\, key cutting, hand made key, schlage, lock, hacking, Lock (device), How-to (Conference Subject)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2013
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