How To Make A Katana Sword In Blender - Improved

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hi guys welcome back to vodka studio so a while ago i posted this video called blender 2.8 katana sword tutorial um and in this video i'm basically going to remake it because a lot of you guys really liked it but i thought it was really confusing so i'm gonna go to blender and i've screencast keys turned on so you can see if i press like shift a then i'll show them pressing shift d over here and if i pivot around the viewport with the middle mouse button it also shows that i'm doing that so um firstly i'm going to make the handle and like hand guard thing so i'm gonna press shift a and add another cylinder and if you're using this for your game then under this drop down menu you probably want to uh keep the vertices at like 32 but if you're not if you want to like render this out maybe put it at 100 so now um it'll be more high poly and the less amount of vertices you have the more it looks like this more low quality it is so i'm going to increase that to like 100 and i'm also going to tab into edit mode i'm going to scale it on the z-axis for this handle here and i'm going to um click alt and select this top all these top vertices or i can press three and select this top face so um two also i can press two and i'll select these vertices around here two is select edges one select vertices and three is select faces so i'm going to press three select this top face and i want to make the wrist guard protector thing i'm gonna press e to extrude it and now this is like detached from the main mesh i'm gonna press s to scale it let's scale it a bit more um and i'm going to press e and z to extrude it on the z axes which is the oven down axes also the y axis is this green axis and the x axis is this rod axes so if i press g x or g y or gz don't move it on those axes and i'm just pressing right click to undo that right click or control z to undo if you've already clicked so now that we've got this i'm gonna make it a bit thinner actually um i want to select all these faces by alt selecting the faces and now i'm going to press s and x scale them on the x axis just so it's like more handle shaped and less rounded okay now that i have that i am going to press shift a and add in a cube i'm going to press g z to move it on the z axis press s x scale on the x axis this is gonna be the blade part um so i'm going to press s y to scale on y axis sx i'm just going to have it like this now going to tab into edit mode and press three select this top face press gz move it on the z-axis and click when you're like right there right above the top next i'm going to press one actually i'm gonna press three numpad three sorry not just regular three to go into the side view and now over here in this drop down where it's not actually drop down just this thing to the left i'm going to select the spin tool and now if i click on it it'll spin this around this um 3d cursor in the middle so i'm going to undo that and i want it to spin around like right here so that it'll like curve up like this what i'm gonna do is press shift and right click right about there and then click and try it like this and now that doesn't look good at all but um instead of just shift clicking to change the per the cursor position and redo it again and stuff like that i can just move these arrows around so i'll do that and i can also under the spin tab i can increase the steps to make it more high quality decrease them make it more low poly and i'm going to put it at like 100 but if you were doing this for your game you'd want it at like i don't know maybe like 15 or 16 but for a nice render i'm gonna keep it at 100 and i'm gonna decrease the angle to like about 10 i guess and then i'm just gonna move around these arrows until i'm happy with the result i'm just using the scroll wheel and the shift middle mouse button to zoom in and out and pan around okay so i think that might be a bit too long and also you can just drag on this this y axis with the spin drop down drag on the y axis z-axis okay um so i think i'm happy with this but um i'm going to want to click on box select now because that's like the default thing if you drag your cursor and i'll box select okay so now i'm going to press o to turn on proportional editing and i'm going to press 2 and i'm going to select this edge over here and i'm going to move it up on the z-axis so i'm going to press g and z and you'll notice that all these edges that are within this circle are being moved up and i can also um change the size of this circle using the scroll wheel like this for this i'm going to move it down by pressing gg and i'm going to turn off proportional editing because i don't need that on and i'm just gonna try to make these edges around the right point so i guess like that looks good also i'm gonna select this top version press gy to move it backward a little bit i'm just gonna press r to rotate it so it looks like that and that looks good to me all right i'm also just going to skip it on the y axis we're sorry the x axes feel on the x-axis and now we want this whole front face to be very sharp it's a sword so what i'm gonna do select this top face and control select this bottom face right here to pick the shortest path we'll say that over here um i'm gonna press i'm actually gonna turn off proportional editing with the o key i'm gonna press sx to zero like that now that's very sharp so i'm going to press one or click up here to go to uh vertices select and press sx i'm gonna move these in a little bit to make it more smooth more like rounded point all right now that we've got that this is looking absolutely terrible this bottom thing so i'm going to move that down i'm going to make it extra long make it really stylized and actually if you want it like a naginata which is like some japanese weapon i think um then you can move it down really a lot but i'm just going to keep it as a customer so i'm just going to keep it like that now i'm going to go to the material properties click new new material and i'm going to tab into edit mode click on this top face and shift alt click this bottom face and shift alt click this as well so we selected this whole top thing we're going to add a new material click new assign and we want this to be very metallic look like metal basically and um up here i'm going to click on this material preview mod so i can actually preview this material and you'll notice that the rest of it looks white but this part looks metallic i'm going to increase the metallic to one decrease the roughness to like 0.1 and all this is under this material properties tab so that looks very nice this also needs to be very metallic-y and i'm going to decrease the roughness on this as well and i think i'm actually just going to make it like a little less rough than this and for this um handle i'm going to click on base color and i'm just going to decrease the base color and um it's kind of reflective we don't want any of that i'm going to decrease the roughness and oh actually increase the roughness there now it's less reflective keep the metallic at zero everything looks good but for it just be a little bit darker and now um that is actually it so if you like this video please make sure to like and subscribe and i'll see in the next one bye you
Channel: Blackbird Studio
Views: 262
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: F65vbmLCKow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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