How To Setup PBR and Displacement in EEVEE AND Cycles [Blender 2.8]

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hey this is Kevin with blender binge back with another tutorial this time I'm going to be showing you how to use PBR textures inside of blender 2.8 this is a remake of a video that I did a while back I'm gonna show you a good workflow it's gonna be fast it's gonna get you up to speed really quickly and you're gonna be able to go ahead and use this so let's jump in now the first thing we want to do is give this something to put the shader on so I'm going to hit add mesh grid and that's fine and if you look at grid you want to make sure generate you v's is checked if not you're not gonna get UVs on this or you might you might not I don't know I don't know where they're going with this but this is what you want you've ease now what we're gonna do is we're going to go to this shading tab okay shading workspace because we're in 2.8 and we're inside look dev so I'm gonna zoom up a little bit and I'm gonna make sure I have my grid selected and I'm gonna hit a new and that gives us this principal B SDF shader now I had navigated over to this folder where I have all these different textures and if you download PBR textures off the internet or wherever they usually come with a bunch of these different textures and it confuses a lot of beginners and and even intermediate users alike so I'm gonna show you the whole point of this video is to show you how to use these and where to plug them in so if you want to follow along I'll put the link to this this texture pack this PBR texture material inside the description of this video it's not the greatest but you can get it for free and follow along and see what I'm doing so great if you want it it's yours so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to just go to diffuse click and drag it in and this is just a diffuse texture sometimes it's called albedo it's just the color color data so I'm gonna take color and plug it into base color here and being that we set up the UVs right we now have this this whole texture map to a plane which is great like you did that the first time you probably opened up a 3d program but that's cool okay here's where we make it cool we use these other ones so what we'll do is I'm gonna first use a you know what I'm gonna go ahead change this to render you and I deleted a default stupid light so I'm going to go ahead and add a light and I'll say point light and there we are right just a nice flat image on a plane so let me move this up a little bit so you could see better and there so that that's what we look like that's what it looks like right now and then you could turn this on a little bit make this a little hotter okay so here's our plane with our map so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit this and I can drag in the normal map okay the normal map here is this little bluish purple thing I pull that in and it's basically a map that has vector data in it and it interacts with the light without getting too much into this and losing half my audience here I'm just going to show you how to how to use it okay colorspace we don't want to use the RGB of this okay we don't want blender manipulating this at all okay adding gamma or whatever it does to it so we want to just go color space non color and I can take this color and plug it into normal but you notice you really you shouldn't do it that way because like this is yellow and this is purple so we have to add something in the middle okay we have to add our Universal Translator in here okay blender Trek you'll love that one so I'll go add vector normal map and here I go color to color normal to normal and now it gives me this nice map and it's the the surface starts looking kind of bumpy right it's this that's kind of cool I can you leave this a tangent space and I can say UV map if I want and now the strength this is flat and push the strength up and it's interacting with the light and it's shadowing or typing the shadow areas that are not you know where the light is so if I move this around you can see I'm getting a really nice interaction with the light and it looks bumpy and it looks looks pretty cool however it is still flat so we're gonna get to that in a little bit now what else can we do with this well some people have asked well can I still use a bump map you can I don't usually do but I mean you can you can take this right you can go ad and go vector bump and you can take normal plug this into normal of the of the bump map okay I can take normal of the bump map plug that in here and that's just kind of passing through and I can take in let's see the height map okay here's our height map which is also sometimes called a bump map bring that in okay colorspace you don't want it to be RGB you can use non color data and now I can plug color here into height and I don't really have to worry about converting this I mean you could add like a black and white or RGB to black and white converter in here I think non color data and correct me if I'm wrong I think if you're using non color data I think then it's a black and white image I don't think it really matters but if you want to be like a purist you might want to just go here and go go to converter and then just drop in like an RGB to black and white again I don't you know maybe some some some shade or writer can actually tell me whether that's good or not I don't know but that's fine so now what you can do here is you can play with the strength and you have a bump map okay on your on your image as well so here's just the normal map and here it is adding a little bit of bump to it also so you can mix it and get the look you want and I mean this is all artistic you're an artist so go for it unless your project specifies that you stay exactly scientifically accurate in which case you know you should have like a whole layout anyway that's kind of cool but you'll notice too that we have this roughness parameter okay the last thing we're gonna touch here is this roughness this roughness at zero is black which means black is completely shiny white is completely rough and dull so we also have a map called roughness here we can use to control that okay where it's white it's going to be not very shiny and where it's oops where it's white it's not very shiny and where it's black it's very shiny so again here I can do not color data and I can take color plug that into roughness and now you can control okay you can see that some parts of shiny other parts are really mad depending on black and white values that adds a little more realism to your scene and you can also do ad converter color ramp and you can throw a color ramp in here and then you it gives you a little more control you can push more black into the image okay you can push more white into the image and it just gives you more control as an artist so that's cool but like I said before it's still flat so if we want to get away from that okay this will render pretty quickly and especially an easy but if we want to get away from that we want to actually have the displacement working on this the way that we can do that in TV right now is let me see I can I can disconnect this and show you we can go over to add modifier and the first thing I'll do is add a subdivision surface because I want it to be more subdivided and I could say simple so it maintains its nice corners here and I could say render up to four viewport up to four if I want if this crashes your computer don't go that high and then add modifier and I'll go displace and then I'll just hit new and you see it bounces it around and what I'm gonna do is this texture okay I can go here to texture and type image and then I can just add in the height map that we loaded in it's there and there we go and you see that it's pretty pretty pretty grotesque and it's also like faceted so the first thing we could do to get rid of that faceting is simply go to object shade smooth gets rid of the faceting but it's still grotesque so what we can do is go back here to the subdivision and the more subdivisions you add the more fine the displacements going to be here but it's gonna start like choking your computer so like I can go up to about six here and it's fine here's my choke or you can dinah maybe you have a really powerful computer you can go higher I don't know but be careful and I can just take the strength here down and I don't want to play with it too much just a little bit and this is actually deforming the geometry so this is another way of getting that look and and having it look bumpy but actually displacing the geometry and if you want you know you can add the the fake stuff here back in and play around and and just get it you know to actually be displaced and actually look displaced and that's you know that's your call I'm not gonna tell you do this don't do that one way or another depending on the project you're doing get the look you want this looks a little bit pushed so you know I could probably take the bump map out of there or I could take the normal map out of there I can take down the strength all right and just just add a little bit in and there you go so now if I change over to this is an Eevee if I change over to cycles here it looks very much the same now cycles gives us a really cool way to do this as well so we can actually use displacement over here in cycles to do something really really interesting as well so if I were to go ahead and take off this displace okay I don't need it anymore it flattens out again okay we're in cycles and it's flat I can now go ahead and say I wanted to like take this this height map and I'm gonna leave this all I don't know maybe I'll unplug it for now and I can take this height map here okay control D pull it over just to show you for the sake of this tutorial and if I want to I can plug this into here but there's two things I want to do first first thing I want to do is I want to go over to my render tab device I'll say GPU so it's faster for the video features set I want to change to experimental and then over here I now have adaptive subdivision so if I turn that on I can now plug in the height okay I don't want to go directly into displacement but I can add in I mean I can borrow let's see I have a normal and a bump I can add vector displacement plug-in displacement there take color plug this into height one last thing we have to do because it's actually not displacing this so we have to go here to texture okay so the materials tab settings displacement and we could choose displacement only you'll see it catches up or we could do like bump displacement and bump either way it's gonna look very similar and you you have you now have an actual displacement and it's displacing this using micro polygon displacement so that's really hot so I can take that down you can see it takes a little while to catch up but you get a really nice I've been really nice displacement here using cycles so it's gonna look a little bit better but comes with a longer render time and in here let me see if I take the scale down negative 0.5 okay now that actually looks a little bit better negative point one now it actually folds down it doesn't come up here and that's looking a little bit better negative 0.25 you get the gist okay so that's how you would go ahead setting up PBR textures and doing displacement inside of blender 2.8 inside of both evie and cycles so that's your basic setup and hopefully you got something out of this video if you did hit like subscribe share it hit that little Bell notification so you get notified when I make another video and if you keep coming back and watching I'll keep making more thanks see you next video bye
Channel: Kev Binge
Views: 384,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eevee displacement map, eevee displacement node, blender pbr tutorial, blender pbr textures, blender pbr textures free, pbr textures in blender 2.8, eevee normal map, micropolygon displacement blender 2.8, vfx school online, beginner, blender tutorial, gleb alexandrov, cg geek, blender eevee, blender modeling, blender enviornment, blender easy, blender easy tutorial, blender cycles, intro to blender, blender 3d, b3d, remington graphics, cg cookie, ducky 3d
Id: UkU0-QeWUcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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