How To Make a BB8 Droid In Blender

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hey guys welcome back to backwards video in this video i'm going to show you how to make a bb-8 model in blender um so down here you can see whatever i'm doing so if i hold the middle mouse button and move around the viewport it'll show it over here so i'm going to delete the default cube and press shift a and add in a uv sphere and then i'm going to go over to the modifiers properties and add a modifier subdivision surface i'm going to increase the viewport to 2 and then i'm going to right click and click shade smooth make it smoother and then um i'm going to press d for the head and move it up on the z axes press it g and z to move it on the z axis i'm going to scale it like a little more than point five and um so now i'm actually gonna delete the bottom half so i'm gonna press numpad one to view it from the front i'm going to press tab into edit mode so i can edit the vertices and i'm going to press a z and click on wireframe and i'm going to delete um vertices delete all the bottom vertices and um i'm going to extrude this down on the z-axis level and then i'm going to extrude it one more time on the z-axis i'm also going to scale it okay now i'm going to move it down like that i'm going to press z and go into solid and now you have bb8 head bb8 head and the next thing i want to do is press shift a and add in a cube or not a cube for the antenna i'm going to add in a cylinder i'm going to scale it down move it up scale it down i'm going to move it like right about there i'm going to scale it down scale it on the z axes now i'm going to tab into edit mode and select this top face and then scale it and move it like that and then extrude it straight up on the z-axis okay now i'm gonna press shift d and duplicate it over here and just scale it down a lot and move it forward by pressing gmz just like that is good and then i'm gonna make it a little bit thicker so if i tap into edit mode and then select all by pressing a and select all i can scale it and press s shift z to scale it on the x and y axes but not the z axes scale shift z like that and now i should move it back a little i guess that's good enough for now okay now i'm going to press shift a again and add in a uv actually now i'm get just going to press shift d on this and scale it down move it exactly to where the eye is and just scale it down just make sure it's in the right position and i'm going to press shift d to duplicate it again move it over here and move it down like that okay um yeah that's good now there's like some sort of eyelid thing on this so i think i'm gonna make that is i'm gonna press shift a and go to mesh or actually i'm gonna press shift s and then cursor to selected and now if i press shift a and mesh and circle now the circle will go to the eye so if i rotate it on the x-axis 90 degrees and scale it and then if i go to um if i press one and then press a to select all it'll select all the vertices and i can press e to extrude that out and i can right-click and scale it and all i want to do is for the top part so i'm going to select all these vertices on the bottom delete them and i can extrude this out now and i think if i i press alt and select the top i can press g and y to move it on the y axis backward and i can click right right click and shade smooth um and i'm gonna move it backwards a little bit more and i'm also gonna move this a little bit more or maybe not okay that's good now um this shade smoothing doesn't look good so i'm gonna go to object data properties and under normal i can turn on auto smooth and i'll look much nicer and also um when i increase the angle looks worse so i'm just going to keep that at 30. great um next i guess i'll add some color to it so for this i'm going to press ctrl r with this antenna the bigger one selected and press control r and click i'm going to drag it up i'm going to press i'm going to press i'm going to actually just select all these top ones and then go to the material properties add a new material and add another new material and click assign and make it black and i'm also going to shift alt shift select this bottom one and then i'll sign in that one too and i'm actually just gonna i'll select this loop and move it on the z axes up a little and now you can't see the colors i mean this should be black right now but it isn't because we're not in uh the material preview mode so now we can see it and it's the top and bottom are black and that's what we want um for this one we're just going to keep it white for this for the top there's like a ring around uh here an orange ring so i'm gonna uh press ctrl r and then right here i'm gonna add a loop cut and then i'm going to press three to uh select the one face at a time or select faces i'm gonna uh press alt and select this select the whole loop i'm gonna make new material another new material and click assign and make this orange and uh white is good for the rest of it okay so for the eye i'm going to select both of these and then press ctrl or actually uh no no what i'm going to do is i'm going to select the eyelid click new and i'll make it black and then for the eye i want it to be the exact same material so i'm gonna uh let the eye press shift and select the material that you want it to the i to b and then press ctrl l and click materials and now the i is this material and now it's kind of cool if we change um the material on one of these it'll change it all all the all the objects and if we didn't want them to be the same we could click on this little two thing it's just saying that there's two objects that have the same material and then we can change it i'm gonna control z to undo that so this is the same now okay great um this should also be the same press control l materials and it's looking good for this a little ring like right here um no actually i think i'm just gonna leave this white so yeah i guess that's it for this video um if you liked it please make sure to like and subscribe and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Blackbird Studio
Views: 68
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: bb8, star wars, droid, blender, blender 2.8 beginner tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, blender guru, blender 2.9, blender 2.92
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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