HOW TO Make a Human 3D Model in 10 Minutes! Blender 3D (Tutorial)

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hey guys it's Deus Ex today I'm going to show you how to easily create a 3D model in blender [Music] amazing plugin that I found that allows you to create a 3D model using what I can best describe as a video game character creator just much much more in depth so if you thought this was going to be a sculpting tutorial I apologize but keep watching because I think you'll be very impressed by what you see so the plugin that I found is called mblab and this is a website right here I'll have a link for it in the description and here are the two different versions and I'm currently using blender 3.3 but the mblab 1.7.8 worked perfect for it so that's just what we're going to be using today so I just click download I'm going to cancel because I already have it downloaded but yeah that's what you do you just click this and then you go over to blender I already have it downloaded on the right here but I'm just going to show you how to do it first you go up to edit and then you go down to preferences and then you click install and then you find where you have it downloaded [Music] and then you just click on the zip file and then it'll download and then you just have to go to where it is and then you just have to enable it so if I click cancel here and then I go to my add-ons and I just type in mblab right there and then I just click this and I already have it enabled so I don't have to do that and then you just have to make sure you save so save preferences and I already have some of these things clicked but I just clicked on inverse kinematics because if I'm going to be posting it I want to be able to easily pose it and then basic muscles honestly don't know what that does uh muscle arm I don't know I clicked it anyways and I clicked on use Cycles engine but honestly I'm going to be going back and forth between EB and Cycles so it doesn't really matter and then use portrait studio lights just so I can get that nice lighting so I don't have to fiddle around with light so it just does it for me yeah and then you can just go over here to select and I'm gonna be using Caucasian mail because I'm a Caucasian male and I don't know I just find it easier to um edit a Caucasian meal because I'm a Caucasian yeah I said that okay yeah but there's a lot of options um if you just want to take a look uh if you go towards bottom there's uh fantasy options male elf dwarf um there's anime characters that you can create it's really cool but uh yeah so I'm just gonna be using Caucasian mail and let's get started all right so this is the default character that we start out with and I'm just going to switch over to Evie already just because I don't want it to be loading constantly I'm just going to turn on ambient occlusion and Screen space reflections all right and now we have our default character so as you can see here we can change the character age and then just you know you can make it look older younger I'm gonna undo that the character mass and the character's body tone as well as the face all right and now to get to the part that you're probably wondering how do I change the way the face looks uh you can just go to body measures then you scroll down and it gives you a bunch of options for every part of the body and I'm going to start with the eyes because they're a little bit too far apart [Music] and it gives you a bunch of options here you can play around with them see what they do I already know that this one is how you change the distance of the eyes so let's see what that does already looks a lot better more human cool and now I'm going to change the way the nose looks I'm basically just seeing what each thing does because every time I open this up for the first time I always forget what any of these things do so I keep trying something not liking it undoing trying something else waiting until I get the desired result and now I'm gonna play around with the cheeks that's what she said all right so the zygon uh that's actually the cheekbones so we can make those more prominent and we can also change the height lower make it higher thank you all right not bad let's see what the mask does all right you can make them a model cool that looks nice now I'm going to go over to the chin let's add a little bit more definition to the center of it left a little bit more I'm gonna move that up a tiny bit [Music] all right I like that and now I'm actually gonna go to the face option and I'm just going to play around with the actual shape of the face [Music] yeah this just kind of makes it look a little bit more circular um I don't want that actually I want him to have a little bit more of a squared face looks nice so I'm gonna stop playing around with the face options I'm going to show you the body options so you might have noticed that this guy is freckles and if your heart so it desires you can get rid of those go down here skin freckles put that down to zero gone and you can actually see the blood coursing through his body if you don't like the way that looks you can turn down the veins make those go away I like to have them on a little bit because they kind of triggers your uncanny valley if you don't have just a little bit of that you know you kind of want it like you can you can see it but then when it's gone it just kind of looks plastic there and you can also change the roughness of the skin so I'm actually going to increase that a little bit and then I'm going to decrease the oil because he is not about to perform in a bodybuilding competition so we don't need that so I'm gonna work on the body a little bit more I kind of wanted to be a little bit more jacked [Music] there we go yeah and of course you can also there's options for you know the entire body so you can play around with those I actually just want to go to the body you can actually just change the actual size and so that's everything I'm going to do for the pre-character setup and so now I just have to save it so we go over to finalize and then prefix just means the name of the character so I'm just going to name them guy and I'm going to click finalize with backup and now I just have to determine where I'm going to save it to oh you can actually see their video I'm recording right now that's cool we like to have fun here okay so I'm going to create a new file and once again let's go name a guy and now we just have to wait for that to finish saving just so you know might take a little bit I'm not sure how long this one's going to take so I'll be back whenever it's done and I'll let you know how long it took all right and she's done and yeah I noticed that this happened sometimes that for some reason the color of the skin changes but we can just easily change that I can just click on the skin go to shading go here Albedo map that is what our skin is and I'm going to click shift a go to color Hue saturation and we're just going to add some saturation to the skin [Music] and I'm going to change the Hue slightly [Music] let's see how that looks like in Cycles foreign [Music] all right and now that our character is completed then we have to do the post completion process after creation tools so I want to add a face rig click on my character create face right and that face rig is basically going to allow me to move the face eyes mouth make them smile make them talk all that and here we go here are our tools so I can click on this [Music] oh we're already in post mode perfect okay all right so if I want to make it look like he's saying any of these like if I want to make it look like he's saying E I click on E and then I click this green thing and I rotate it now looks like he's saying e [Music] and uh yeah there's for all these if I want to make it look like he's saying F or V right there and yeah you can do that for all of these um that's how you control the jaw if you want to eat food we like to have fun here okay uh and then you can also do the eyes eyebrows tongue just literally all of it and oh yeah I can also show you how to do so it's already done with inverse kinematics because we clicked on inverse connects in the beginning so for the body I can just click on this and then yeah lose everything and there's also you can see the different layers um I mostly like to stick with this layer because this is the most basic one and if you start to get into stuff like this it becomes a lot so you know just stick here if you want to move you know with a line of sight yeah and another thing that I like to use this for is sometimes if I try to get my character to look a certain way and I'll tweak everything to death and I just can't get to look a certain way and I know I need to do some further sculpting uh what I'll do is I'll just once I'm done and I'm at this stage I can just click on you know the character go shape keys go to the very bottom oh yeah also don't touch any of these this is how you change the expression in the face and all that so I remember one time I deleted all of them not knowing what these were for and then I had to create a new character so that was fun all right so I'm gonna click on new one and then after I click on new one I'm going to change the value all the way up and now let's go to skull mode and I'll just change the way his face looks a little bit just do some further tweaking so we have symmetry on [Music] grab tool here's the radius I think maybe you want to change the jaw a bit oh yeah love it when it works really slow yeah hopefully your computer is not as slow as mine well you get the point basically yeah and the reason I use shape keys to make adjustments to the face is because I don't want to do any permanent you know damage because if I want to change something go back or anything like that then I can because I can just go here turn the value all the way down and it goes back to how it looked before I literally could have just clicked that check mark and it would have done the exact same thing so if you're looking at this and thinking it looks like really similar to what I started out with don't underestimate you know the power of this tool I just basically did a quick face just to show you what you could do the Superman that I created I got it to a certain point where I liked it and then the rest of the adjustments I made using that you know shape key skull plus yeah so if you like this video and it helps you make sure to give it a like And subscribe I'll be making more videos more frequently I have been kind of slow on uploads because I've just been busy with other stuff but yeah I'm gonna try and be more frequent with my uploads and uh hopefully I'll see you next time oh also uh follow me on Instagram I created a new Instagram uh because before I was just using my private account just to post all my art and then I realized I was stupid and so now I created a new account it's just Deus Ex VFX on Instagram and so yeah check that out I'll be posting stuff there I'll be posting you know process videos animations stuff like that so if you like all that make sure to go check it out and now I'm actually leaving okay bye
Channel: Deus Ex
Views: 125,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, how to make, 3D model, how to blender, blender, blender 3D, how to blender 3D, tutorial, blender tutorial, 3D model tutorial, mb lab, blender beginner tutorial, blender guru, blender 3.0, blender tutorial for beginners, blender donut, blender beginner, learn blender in 24 hours, blender 3d tutorial, how to learn blender, learn blender, blender progression, blender sculpting, blender tips, how to use blender, 3d modeling, blender course, blender art, animation
Id: AtbM8YAjJJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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