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melty and crisp cheese loaded with carne asada all added to a fresh flour tortilla slathered with a Chipotle and cilantro chimichurri add some pickled onions and this is it cheap so we're setting the bar a lot higher than your typical steak quesadilla the only thing I'm missing right now with some fresh Hakka cheese mozzarella works okay as a substitute but it's just not the same anyway the recipe is going to start right here however I would suggest you stay around for the inspiration for this dish and also some cool cookie knowledge let's get into this thing the spirit of my recipe today is pairing carne asada with one of my favorite quesadilla vendors while I was in Mexico City this quesadilla spot had a hot comb all with different choices of meats which were then mixed with Oaxaca cheese right on the hot Riddle the flour tortillas are made into an oval and cooked made to order and served up with a variety of fresh topic now carne asada at its most basic is a marinated steak cooked over on a dry heat that could be wood fire or a griddle as Rick Bayless points out in Mexico one plate at a time the most famous carne asada I'll attempt a Kenya is a thin cut beef tenderloin that is lightly marinated then seared on the grill and served with various accoutrements so I wanted to combine those two pieces of inspiration with some slight changes to suit my tastes and cooking style number one I'm gonna be slicing the steak before marinating because I want to create maximum surface area for the flavors of the marinade to stick on you know so then we don't need an hour or two for the steak to marinate also for the base marinade all you really need is salt oil and acidity but I'm adding a couple extra spices into the mix number two I'm using a shot of mezcal or tequila on the steak right before grilling the mezcal has flavor in and of itself but additionally the alcohol helps bind fat and water molecules that are going to carry additional flavor compounds and aromas to our mouth and nose lastly I'm taking a page from the Uruguayan Argentinean cuisine with an uncooked chimichurri except Mexican inspired where I'll be substituting cilantro for parsley and introducing a rehydrated Chipotle mecca for smoky flavor also am adding some lime zest for sour and bitter notes so other than that we're throwing everything into a fresh homemade tortilla with cheese and I mean it doesn't get much better than this let's make the damn thing let's start with the steak using a sharp knife begin slicing across the grain of the steak into very thin slices now I'm using a flat iron which is a cut from the chuck or shoulder of the cow but other great choices for this would be skirt steak flank steak or hanger steak you're gonna add the steak to a large bowl and now we'll prepare the marinade in a separate bowl add 30 milliliters of olive oil the juice of one lime or another acidic liquid like vinegar then add in 6 grams of salt 2 grams of cumin 2 grams of smoked paprika and 2 grams of ancho chili powder now you're just gonna whisk this mixture until it becomes a slight emulsion pour the marinade over the steak and just mix it until it's well combined and covers all the surface area now I'm gonna leave this in the fridge while we prepare our tortillas but you could absolutely grill this up right away and it will be delicious ok tortillas for the tortillas add 6 grams of salt to 250 milliliters of warm water and you're going to gently mix that until it starts to dissolve now in a separate bowl add 450 grams of flour and I'm also going to add 80 grams of pork lard now you can absolutely substitute butter in this case and I showcase that in my in-depth video on these same flour tortillas using your fingers work the pork lard into the flour until it is nice and crumbly once the flour is nice and crumbly and the pork lard has started in beat incorporated we're going to pour in our salt water and begin mixing this with our hands until a sticky and shaggy dough forms [Music] you're gonna turn the dough out onto the counter and just begin kneading it for about six minutes until the dough is fairly smooth and it is no longer sticking now we're gonna cover the bolt and we're gonna let this rest in the fridge for at least 20 minutes and while that's resting I'm gonna make a really tasty chipotle cilantro chimichurri now traditionally chimichurri is an uncooked herb sauce that is used to spread on a variety of grilled meat we're just making ours a little bit more Mexican inspired to start remove the stem and seed a dried chipotle now this is a dried chipotle mecha I brought back from Mexico City but you could easily just substitute a canned chipotle and a double for this as well you know place that chipotle in a bulb and pour some hot water over it then set this aside and let it rehydrate for about five minutes now in a food processor add an enlarged handful of cilantro two garlic cloves the zest from half a lime and the juice from that same lime add in 30 milliliters of olive oil and toss in our hydrated Chipotle lastly add a pinch of salt and a few cranks of fresh ground pepper you're gonna pulse this mixture until they say well combined herb sauce as always taste it and adjust salt as you see fit now if you want this a little thicker you can add some more cilantro or if you wanted it thinner you can add some water but let's get back to our tortillas see how the dough has relaxed and it is much more pliable that is the benefit of letting it rest for those 20 minutes or up to two hours now what we're gonna do is cut the dough into nine even sized balls about 80 grams each now this is going to give us a fairly large burrito size tortilla but feel free to make these any size that you want once portion just roll all the pieces into a taut little dough ball and also another really cool thing about these is that you can make them into the balls ahead of time and then just store them in your fridge for up to three to four days then just roll them out and you literally have on-demand fresh tortillas in your fridge it's pretty sweet for example I didn't cook all nine I threw six in a container that I can have throughout the week now we can start rolling out the tortillas first press the ball with your hands into a circular disk and now we're gonna take a rolling pin and just roll them out what I like to do is move in one direction and then rotate the tortilla and repeat that process until I get them very thin now I like them super thin but I'll let you be the master of your tortilla thickness and also don't worry about getting them perfectly circular I kind of like the character of these slightly misshapen ones with all the tortillas rolled out place a damp paper towel over top so they don't dry out while we head to the stove and cook our steak and things you're gonna set a cast iron over medium-high heat and while that's coming to temp add a shot of mezcal to the steak and mix that in remember this is gonna give smoky flavor from the mezcal itself but it's also gonna help with the flavor aromas when it evaporates when cooked now add the steak to the cast iron letting the excess marinade drip off and you're gonna cook this until it is nice and cooked through it won't take more than a few minutes and since we do have that liquid on the outside it's not gonna get super nice and brownie but it's gonna have a nice flavor plus it's in a quesadilla so you're not gonna really notice the brownie anyway and since we aren't worried about cooking it to medium-rare it's gonna have a little bit of chew but that's kind of what we're looking for with this steak quesadilla once the steak is done you're gonna slide that off into a separate Bowl and just clean the grill for our tortillas so set up your workstation with the fresh tortillas the steak cheese and chimichurri or any other toppings you are using for me I also decided to add some pickled onions because I always do and again I'm going to mimic the style of the quesadilla that I saw made in Mexico at the top of the griddle at a handful of cheese and a bunch of the carne asada so it starts melting together and we do this because the fresh tortilla is gonna cook so fast lay one of your fresh tortillas on the hot griddle and let it cook for just 15 to 20 seconds until it starts to puff up and bubble once it's there flip the tortilla over and let it cook for another 10 to 15 seconds now I'm gonna bring down that melty crispy cheese and steak and then layer it on with chimichurri and pickled onions or anything else you are using once you have all your toppings added fold the tortilla over and just press down on that for 10 seconds help get some nice crispy edges on the bottom of the tortilla then flip it and press down again for another 10 seconds and you can see we got these nice crispy edges from that homemade a flour tortilla where the bubbles are now we can transfer that to a cutting board slice it and enjoy and this is a thick and juicy steak quesadilla I had everyone so full recipe will be up on my website which as always is linked below for the step-by-step process and actually the first one I made of these I completely forgot to throw on my pickled onions because I was just too excited to eat this also gonna hit it with a little bit of extra hot sauce for some bite some spiciness that steaks juicy tangy I mean with the homemade tortilla you really cannot go wrong anyway hopefully you guys enjoy the video if you did drop me a like and subscribe and definitely make this one I mean even if you don't make the flour tortillas like this could come together in 10-15 minutes you don't even have to let that steak you know sit in the fridge or anything you cook it right away if you want to and it's gonna be absolutely delicious that's gonna wrap it up for me in this one I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 281,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cook with E, carne asada, carne asada quesadilla, steak quesadilla, best steak quesadilla, carne asade recipe, flour tortilla recipe, flour tortillas, quesadillas, quesadilla de carne y queso, quesadilla de carne asada, steak quesadillas, quesadilla recipe, homemade tortillas, homemade flour tortillas, best quesadilla, how to make a quesadilla, steak, carne asada recipe, marinated steak
Id: E-OIdpuyaN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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