Carne Asada Tacos | Taqueria Style Fajitas, Beef Ribs & Salsa Recipe

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there's all kinds of ways to make tacos today we're going to do Taqueria style but the arnitex way today we're doing three types of carne asada tacos two of them are going to be fajita base and the other one is going to be beef rib beige I grew up on beef ribs I had to make one style of tacos with beef ribs the way I grew up with them one disclaimer okay I know I know traditionally street style tacos are done with corn tortillas pretty much everywhere I like flour So today we're making the Arty Texas tacos with flour tortillas ain't no right way ain't no wrong way make them delicious and wonderful and enjoy the process and enjoy the tacos all right now let's throw some meat on this Grill and get fired up and let's start making tacos I have cooked tons fajitas in my entire life it is a family favorite my esuegro my father-in-law used to take us to Reynosa that was kind of when I first started to really enjoy fajitas a lot those Street doctors were always amazing they've always he's always been fantastic let's do a little flippity flip here while we're talking that's basically what I'm doing today I'm making my own version of carne asada tacos they have this steak they have other meats but fajita has always been the thing for me I absolutely have always loved fajitas and I've been a barbecue guy for a long time I'm a big fan of using the dermapen and checking your meat temperatures and all that sort of stuff but real taqueros don't use thermapins or any kind of meat Pro it's all I can feel and experience and I've got a little bit of all of that I say these fajitas look done to me hot and fast baby that's the way you make Taqueria style fajitas so they're going into the tray here all right friends now to get these fajitas perfect on the Weber you need a hot fire really you just got to do the flippity flip that is the way you cook thin cut the meat any kind of steak you want to flip it and flip it a few times if you have a hot fire just keep an eye on it and it doesn't have to stay flipped on the other side a long time just keep keep flipping it each time you flip it the heat is sort of like a pressure pushing moisture through the meat so if you flip and you flip and you flip you keep more moisture inside the meat that's what we're doing here today and if you have a little chunk of wood sometimes you can put the lid on it let that wood smolder just a little bit check that out now you're going to add the grill flavor and a little bit of smoke at the same time folks that's just grilled goodness on another level way other level yeah you'll see those juices running they're clear that means that piece of meat is done done I'm going to wrap them in this pan here for just a little bit while I go inside and make my salsa all right guys girls I want to pause for just a minute and talk a little bit about today's sponsor hellofresh the holidays are coming up and that means everybody's short on time you know sometimes when I have a low and slow cook going on outside I need something hearty and delicious to get me through the day and hellofresh has some awesome meals that satisfy just that each recipe comes with pre-portioned ingredients that are delivered right to your your door you can skip the grocery store and a lot of the prep this gives you back some of that precious time that we all need during this busy holiday season hellofresh also has some quick and easy options like the 20-minute meals the Pack's a big flavor these are easy on effort and saves time during the busy season so you can take that time and spend it with your family or friends shopping or just hanging out in the backyard having a good old time next to the barbecue grill or the smoker one thing I really like about hellofresh is the variety now you all know how important that is from feeding a lot of people during the week don't you hellofresh has over 35 recipes to choose from every week that means there's something for everyone you can choose from family friendly fit and wholesome or even veggie plus you can customize your Meals by swapping proteins and sides upgrading your protein and even adding protein to a veggie I like that I got to try the griddled onion cheeseburger my family and I loved them and they hit the spot so y'all if you want to save some time and eat some really good food this holiday season and get some free meals just go to hellofres and use code arnitex18 for 18 free meals plus free shipping that's 18 free meals plus free shipping at using promo code Arnie takes 18. all right now let's make this salsa we roasted some tomatillos we're gonna drop those in there and we have a couple Aroma Tomatoes we also have about a quarter of a white onion gonna drop that in there and we have some roasted Chile de Arbol this is a roasted salsa we roasted these on The Griddle not on the barbecue grill just an FYI we're also going to drop two garlics in here that got roasted as well we got a little bit of juice we want to make sure we get that in there because it's just pure goodness I like a peppery kick in My Salsa and a little more garlic so I'll use OG foreign that looks beautiful the aroma that's good that's really good all right one more bite and let's finish up these tacos see there you kind of want to give them that little bit of a medium to medium well done this so that you don't overcook them the more you overcook them the tougher they get when you go to a street taco place they cut them in strips and then they start chopping it up a lot more fine it's tough and so what they do they chop it all up real fine the way I'm doing here makes it easier to chew and it allows the meat to go a lot further so you get more tacos for your meat I'm going to lay a little bit of canola oil here all right we got three tortillas going there and part of the secret is it's kind of like the meat do a little flippity flip you know everybody has their own techniques I'm going to put me a little bit of meat on this one right here and put a little bit more meat here on this one too all right so now I'm going to assemble my taco I'm gonna put a little bit of cilantro and onion on one of them this is my wife's Taco next we're gonna lay on a little bit of salsa not too much on Mom's Taco a good dose on mine because I do love salsa squeeze the lime on both of them always you gotta have a little Shake of salt in here Taqueria style yeah baby all right let's see oh man here you go babe taquito that's a bonus now there's a lot of different ways to do this this is just one way and this is the way we like to make them in my house these are fantastic um all right friend that taco was good it's time to check my beef ribs they are directly over that really hot fire remember I was cooking the fajita they were on fire super hot it's all in how you regulate the air oh that looks good check that out folks now we're going to sear the meat a little bit I need a little more air so I'm going to open it up here a little bit I'm gonna open the bottom a little bit too get a little bit more air going in there okay now let's go ahead and make another Taco a little different style that is very popular here lately even at the taquerias which take some meat now for this you kind of got to work the meat all we're doing is reheating it we're not cooking it the meat's already cooked right so all we're doing is warming it back up meat's ready nice and hot let's throw a big old dollop of cheese on here now what we want to do is incorporate the meat and the cheese together oh baby it even smells good look at that this is queso Oaxaca it's one of my favorites you use whatever your favorite is oh man this smells good and it's going to taste even better yeah buddy look at that they're pretty much to your preference I mean I do like cilantro I like it a lot some people don't that's okay of course I do want a lot of salsa on mine and again we gotta have that little squeeze line a little Chic salt all right friends I've got two she's got one we're gonna take a bite a little bit more cheese hey nothing wrong with that give me some cheers that's fantastic really really good very good yeah I like the cheese in this one of course we like them both I like them both but if you only had one today which one would you prefer the first one the first one yeah she preferred the first one I like the second one I like that cheese aspect in there that's a really great taco folks really really fantastic they both are actually they've actually both of them are great it's time to check these ribs again let's see what we got here look at that folks you got to learn how to read your fire sometimes you see how it's a little more charred in the middle there that means I got a little extra heat right in the center of those ribs so I'm going to move them around a little bit I'm going to turn them sideways now over here I'm going to turn these sideways and I've got just enough heat in there to continue to cook them both let's take another look at these beef ribs I have a feeling that they're done these are the center cut ribs that's how you know they're done when they start to fold they can probably cook a little bit longer but for our purposes today this is perfect they fold really nice and smooth let's see what the big ones look like here look at that Sizzle right over the fire folks you don't get that when you're smoking look at that bend if it passes the bend test they're ready to go man let's go ahead and start shaving these ribs making some badass beef rib tacos these are finger ribs is what they're called These are called centrica where they basically cut this rib and just give you the center section of the big rib cage these things are meaty too they're not usually super meaty these are really meaty today though well you can eat beef ribs yeah take a big old bite super tender moist that is so so good folks just incredibly delicious I mean that red bite was fantastic but if you want to make any kind of meat better you put it in a big old tortilla with some salsa we're gonna cut these beef ribs up right here I'm just going to shave some of this meat off right here get as much as I can get some of this little Char right here oh that's good stuff right there I'm going to take a couple of these center cut ribs these are really meaty too I'm going to shave that off all right friends let's uh chop up some of this meat here doesn't have to be super fine I like chunky rib meat oh look at that now we're going to take some salsa and blend it in here I did not season these with the OG it was just with a wow we're gonna take a little shakeable G on here that's my salt pepper garlic rub we're ready to make us some tacos let's make them nice and fat it's another level it's another level all right let's see what we got here folks that's good that's good stuff that good stuff man it really is good we're my favorite she has a new favorite now I love the beef the beef rib this takes you to the dark side of the moon foreign good job baby thank you babe man I am Taco it out folks I think that would number five six seven that was like taco taco number nine today because we started in the morning with chicharron and egg tacos folks I ain't kidding do this on the beef ribs I guarantee you you're gonna love it if you make these tacos any of the ones we made for you today tagged me I would like to see how you make them and let me know what you think about it I want to say a special thank you one more time to our sponsor today hellofresh that burger was good too now if you want to buy some of my APC wow and OG rub you can get it at if you want to up your barbecue game go to I promise you're going to become a better cook by taking our class folks thanks for watching keep your smoke flat make it work and make it a wild kind of day come here Mina oh she's already eating the paper towel this is Mina she just had her first fajita today it is Mina approved and of course you got no buddy already today's stockers are definitely buddy approved aren't they buddy boy she can go watch out honey he can get married I don't have my usual spatula so don't hate on my spatula here today [Music] I gave it to you [Music] oh I hate my son since I gave it to him because I didn't like it he's probably right
Channel: ArnieTex
Views: 642,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq, barbecue, barbeque, grill, grilled, grilling, how to barbecue, how to bbq, how to grill, fajitas, how to grill fajitas, fajitas recipe, beef ribs, grilled beef ribs, fajita tacos, beef rib tacos, beef ribs tacos, carne asada tacos, carne asada receta, tacos de asada, carne asada, taqueria tacos, taqueria asada, street style tacos, street style fajita tacos, taqueria tacos recipe, mexican recipe, street tacos, street taco recipe, grilled street tacos, asada street tacos, wow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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