The Roadmap to Becoming a Millionaire: Lessons from a Single Millennial's Success

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imagine starting your own business and making 4.3 million dollars in your first year now what if I told you before you can have access to those Millions you would have to heal from your trauma my biggest check in my house in five in 600 square foot apartment was 155 000 for the week at that moment that I'll be honest with you some people look at trauma as just something bad happening that was traumatic but I say traumatic it was like oh my God I'm scared I thought it's more like it was more like whoa let's go you gotta run you get what I'm saying let's go either you want to lose it or you're gonna gain more right that was my mentality right then you know one of my favorite quotes is your trauma is not your fault but healing now healing is your responsibility according to PTSD affects approximately 3.5 percent of U.S adults every year today's guest embodies that very quote from being robbed at gunpoint to overcoming depression and anxiety July after that I wasn't just robbed at gunpoint I was robbed in my confidence I was robbed of um being a Fearless woman yeah I was robbed of my joy I was rather my happiness I allowed myself to be robbed of those things for a very long time and six months in I'm 50 pounds overweight so the irony is I am now in trauma self-made millionaire well correction God made millionaire as she would say is helping hundreds of women through her passion for beauty wellness and health before we hop into Today's Show be sure to like comment and subscribe now let's jump into today's video [Music] so Natalie you are a self-made millionaire at 35. I got to ask this question you're 35 today at the time of us recording this when did you make your first million so I'm a God made millionaires correct okay listen I see this a lot and I'm a god named millionaire and once we get in my story you'll see why yeah my first million dollars was made at the age in 2020 at 33. 2020 yes and it was 33 32 years old okay cool I gotta ask you this question because I think a lot of people ask well how did you do it and and I think we'll go there right but I think I want to know when you made your first million as a black woman right how did you feel internally like what was the thought like like wow a man didn't give me a million dollars you know what I'm saying my husband boyfriend didn't give me a million dollars I worked I used the gifts and the talents that's on the inside of me to make a million dollars how did you feel when you realized like wow I just made a million dollars I felt blessed but then I also felt it was like this sugar that hit is that too much is given much is required right and my first year I made a million dollars God didn't just give me one he didn't give me two he just give me three he gave me 4.3 my first 4.3 million my first year so that's how I knew something Supernatural was happening and I was the example because I worked so hard all my life to just figure it out right open up businesses close businesses bottle service sold hair did hair graduate from Howard University went to Beta Institute and studied skin and God just didn't he didn't give up on me right so in the middle of a pandemic where everybody should have just been had a crisis there was it didn't make sense to the outside world how I was able to earn 4.3 million dollars but I just locked in and I was locking in but it was all seed time and harvest wow so all the work I did for 33 years it was like all right Natalie what you gonna do now wow lock in are you going to play around and sneak outside on the pandemic and go here and do this be booed up yeah locked in so I was in my 600 square foot apartment right there in southwest and I'm locked in I worked out I my mindset I was watching you know church every day I was in my word I was on the phone with conscious conversation anyone that spoke deaf spoke anything outside of life I did not talk to on the phone in the pandemic for real I locked in it was like boot camp for me wow and so okay let's let's stay right there because now we see that you locked in went to a HBCU that's what I'm saying that's black love you know you know uh my uh my goddaughter um Simone what up baby girl hey Simone graduated from um Howard University um so I have I have much love for Howard um 4.3 million dollars first year let's talk about the Practical how how did you make 4.3 million for what were you doing to make 4.3 million dollars at 33 years old during the during the height of covet so one of the industries that people hate and it has a stigma to his network marketing oh talk to me you know talk to him okay and that's a that's a trauma that I believe our community has to get through because if you don't have the skill sets and the resources you need to find something that's going to pay you in real time okay so after graduate from Howard University I opened up my salon when I was 22 years old okay right there by Brooklyn station Catholic University right around the corner literally open at 22 years old no investor or no bank loans yeah literally I was doing bottle service at everybody's favorite clubs Stadium Park all the favorite clubs yeah and I was flipping my bottle service money okay buying hair selling hair saving the money that's like twenty thousand dollars and I opened up my first business brick and mortar okay and at that moment I realized that being an entrepreneur does not mean your boss come on now I was working day in and day and day in and day out yeah going to the bottle service at night time sleepless nights traveling across the world to do bottle service I said Natalie the same grind that you have for bottle service you either find something and put that grind in over there so I got into network marketing with total Life Changes okay I found a woman stormy Wellington stormy coach stormy big storm right storm I need to get you on the show let's get her let's have three people on my show talking about stormy that's my big sister and one thing I love about this is that sea time of harvest before I got into network marketing I don't have the same story broke and busted that wasn't my thing I was a girl that was like you know doing your perspective right six figures all that good stuff but I had to find a product okay that works yeah and that pain see people join products and companies because of the hype excitement but it don't work right like you know that wasn't my thing and I'll be honest with you I knew nothing about stormy so that was another thing people said stuff but I went to however you already know how we are Howard I'm okay that's dope what she's doing but does it work right right so when I met her I said okay well this needs to make me five thousand dollars a month that's what I need for me to leave bottle service I need 5 000 extra a month so I can be able to move my my Brands yeah plush at the time to the next level so throughout this time what was the most interesting thing was I realized people buy into the person not the product that's true with everything yeah right yeah and I think a lot of times people are focusing so much on this big thing and this service in this product and they're not realizing that they're the brand so how you show up who you are your character your integrity like your compassion right who are you behind closed doors not so media so the word travel through the city Natalie is doing network marketing and when I tell you the gates open the gates opens because people said wow okay you're doing this then social media I got a little juice on social media 5 000 followers my DMs were crazy so I had literally like over a thousand people that signed up my first year network marketing wow my first 90 days my first 30 days I made twelve thousand dollars part-time my first 90 days I made thirty five thousand dollars so then something clicked to me I said all right yes stormy's a millionaire I wasn't thinking Millions I'm thinking Freedom I'm a young girl at the time so good I wasn't thinking Millions I was thinking freedom I think a lot of times this millionaire thing is and I want I want that for everybody yeah but the truth really is what is your freedom amount what is that freedom number that's gonna make you feel good what's that what's that what's that dollar amount that's going to fuel your why what hurts you what pains you if you don't keep going what is going to be felt if you don't keep waking up in the morning is it your children is it your parents and mind you I don't have any children yet yeah I love my parents but I thought about Legacy I thought about life I thought about just reversing the narrative yeah yeah right yes because I was supposed to be a statistic it is very important to have a freedom number your freedom number is in direct proportion of what you need to survive and thrive as an individual whether you're a man or a woman so let's give me let me give you an example let's say that every single month you have more month than money you need extra dollar amount to come in cash flow so you can be able to live a peaceful life so you won't be stressed out about money it's very difficult to really show up every day stress out about money my freedom number has changed my bills have changed I don't want to just make enough money to pay my bills my mother is on my payroll my dad's on my payroll I have a full staff I have three businesses so my freedom number is always changing in addition my goal in this season is to generate more income so I can create more wealth so I can create a legacy for whenever I have a family right but I'm as excited right now to be able to understand freedom and understand that money is a byproduct of freedom but money is not everything they look at me on social media but who's your baby daddy right and that's just the truth right and it's a shout out to all the moms and dads but that's not my story I want Simone to look at me and say I can do it because of Natalie yeah yeah yeah right yeah yeah yeah yeah so I I network marketing changed my life because I found a service I found a Compensation Plan and a culture that was real then Natalie was evolving so Natalie did people know at 21 and 22 I love coming home but sometimes you come to your city you don't know me like that right right that's true if you knew me even two years ago you don't really know me like that because I've evolved so much right the things I care about it's different now right so I believe that when you're really about to enter a financial um increase where God is about to open up your territory you have to be authentic and real with your truth you can't chase the money so the the money and the millions are waiting for me times you're saying caught up it didn't it didn't catch up yet God already won he already had abundance on my life but he needed me to be obedient and I just I was fighting a good fight I was listen I was fighting a good fight yeah I was sneaking doing bottle service I stopped doing bottle service sneaking doing that hanging out with this person here and there and he was like Natalie did not show you time and time again that I got you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yes so yeah so all right so year one so you're saying all four million of that came from network marketing so I got network marketing in 2016. 16 all right doing hairstyle 2016. still doing hair yes okay so check the story I was really interesting I didn't think Millions I thought freedom right I wanted to get out of doing hair I no longer won't do hair anymore okay I said when I make my first six figures from network marketing I'm retiring I'm doing hair okay 10 months I retired from doing hair okay exactly right yeah so 10 months I retire from doing hair because I feel like when you're touching people yeah it's like that's an anointing yeah I want the hairstyles that would call for that to do hair yeah not for me that I wanted to get money yeah right so then my non-profit woman who boss launched okay and Another Blessing and this is how I knew that something God was trying to get my attention a half a million dollars in government grants contracts wow my first year launching my non-profit okay so the government saw fit that my story and my brand Natalie Nicole was powering woman who boss and they wanted me to go into the school systems teach entrepreneurship go into uh the juvenile detention centers it's powerful powerful I'm talking about when I tell you if I need it's a course correct and fix myself was me looking at those little girls in the detention center and that was a healing because remember I was I was working the Bible service so I didn't go back to bottle service wow my next outside of doing network marketing part-time still I'm still doing it part-time okay I have a woman who boss Network yeah I'm doing youth conferences with Tryon okay the mayor you know I'm getting awarded all these things and it's from my philanthropist for my work yeah so that's how I knew I was in it yeah I was like I like this I like service so fast forward 2019 things are changing the government you know like policies and procedures change but I still enjoy working with the kids but I had to Pivot a little bit right right so I have a retail stock close down my salon I have a retail store inside of right up the street in Upper Marlboro awesome it's called it was plush RX okay and we just literally was selling total Life Changes products and my I have my own skincare line okay and then Beauty we were having that in there waist trainers all that good stuff then network marketing went from part-time to full time in 2019. okay literally four years of network marketing yeah I did about 290 000 okay right okay 2019 stormy and I got a deeper alignment we got on the road we started going to different cities yeah March February March of 2020 uh-huh we get that call it's covered is the the you know Corona all that stuff I go full time 2019 six months later right that's 2020. a little bit a few months later I make a million dollars my first million dollars that's still 20 20. we're still like in in April May right now right I was talking about this was like unbelievable right it's like me looking at my check for a week and I don't make any income plans with network marketing right but this is me doing the work my biggest check in my house in five in 600 square foot apartment was 155 000 for the week at that moment some people look at trauma as just something bad happening that was traumatic that was traumatic whoa whoa whoa my producer's even laughing like uh whoa the the knowledge you say making a hundred and fifty thousand dollars in one week don't say that yo I want you to drop a comment just drop it in the comments if you made a hundred and fifty thousand dollars in one week are you traumatized uh are you what huh I remember the first time I made 150 000 actually I mean yeah I think it was in in a in a day that's big yeah man and just the other just the other day actually I I showed my uh my producer I got an email saying hey man just one day here we go hey you got a hundred fifty thousand dollars okay cool and it's like we've we've been seeing that a lot now I don't know if you know um um I just went blank David montia yeah yeah yeah good friend of mine and um he was all right man you're making all this money he said this is it's it's now it's time for a million dollar months yeah and I was like now that brings some trauma to my life so let me say this and congrats first of all congratulations oh man we win it that's a big deal right why I was making 150 000 traumatized so check this out you're making money already yeah and you're pivoting yeah at a hundred thousand dollars a day and 150 000 a day people don't even make that in a year right right right right right you have a black girl that my mom and dad worked hard and you know single-family household I don't know I've never seen anyone own real estate outside of my grandma right okay you're let's let's go back a little bit yeah yeah yeah yeah in college yeah trying to figure it all out right I'm living Coldest Winter level coldest winter ever in real life yeah I'm dating guys in the streets I'm figuring it out you know you know I'm it girl you know in DC yeah I had to fight to continue to stay a a woman of worth and value right without compromising there's many times where I could have got married and all that stuff but I've always knew that God had a different level of anointing in my life and I need to be patient okay so here I am being patient I was making six figures yeah going from six figures for the year you was yeah making a quarter million dollars a year million dollars yeah okay it's still having bills yeah so you go from this is their financial trauma is a thing right so if you weren't taught or understand the value of money that's real your credit's bad I made four million dollars of a credit score of a 600 590. oh what though so you get what I'm saying you made 4 million with a credit score of five nine yeah this is trauma come on we see the bags we see the shoes on Instagram yeah that's things that we were taught right so now you gotta bring it back a little bit you gotta say okay black woman yes Harry's having their thing she's still amazing Rosa Parks Michelle Obama Oprah Winfrey but Natalie Nicole Smith you were created to be a disrupter and you have to teach the people the truth so when you make money that money is not yours are you tithing are you reinvesting are you saving are you putting money away for your taxes are you handling the little things is are your bills on autopay come on now ma'am all your bills on auto pay talk to me so I had to recondition how I treated money so how did you do that though exactly what I did I got out of when I say traumatic I was like oh my God I'm scared I thought you were like yeah it was more like whoa let's go you gotta run you get what I'm saying let's go either you want to lose it or you're gonna gain more right that was my mentality right then so I started digging into personal development I start getting you know asking the right questions I start investing I start saving differently I became a Chase Private Client people argue about that but listen build a relationship with a bank One bank then you better place of another bank so Navy Federal Chase Private Client yeah those are my peoples right because you want to make a move you go to the people that you have a relationship with I got you so I'm learning different things then the second part you can be a public success in a private failure absolutely I handle my debts I handle my debts now she's talking about right I handle my dad ah dog right let's go I move differently yeah I don't just put my money and everything any bright idea that you tell me people whoever's watching they would they will tell you firsthand firsthand Natalie have a great idea I'm on that season right now I'm on that flow right because I can't be everywhere I'm one person and I want to make sure that my cup run is over yeah I can't just be all over the place yeah so that was another way I was dealing with that Financial reset in my life because I realized that fear and faith can't operate in the same space either you have faith where you have fear yeah and if I believe that abundance has my name on it I would never be broke another day in my life yeah yeah my family will be financially free and it's up to me to change the whole dynamics of how we treat money so that's what I did to do the work so on social media guess what right I started speaking truth I was like telling the truth and I got caught up a little bit and we're getting I don't know if you know about the whole robbery situation I do it so much right so it was hard Anthony like because you at the when you are making money people want money from you everyone has a great idea they want to go places so guess what I started doing buying people stuff like yo I'll pay for you or I'll pay for this so there's trauma right there you're not supposed to pay for everything you get what I'm saying no is no right and I wasn't saying no yeah so they took me like about two to three years to go through that whole like being financially responsible wow it did so you made 4.5 with a 590 credit score and you was sounds like you was buying some of your friends family some things and it's so funny um um I tell my team this all the time I was like hey man I want you to make six figures with me like I'm not giving you six figures right I'm saying you're gonna work gotta work I paid my I pay my team they get a base salary and I tell them this was like hey now you can get 30 of that you can get five percent of this but you can't put in the work I ain't gonna just give it to you yeah you know and I feel as if sometimes a lot of people when they look at people like yourself myself or successful people they automatically assume you well you got it just give it but me giving it to you is not good stewardship talk about it versus God has given me talk about it it's like I had to work I had to bust my butt you need to work and bust your butt as well because faith and works worse than Faith Works hand in hand in the end so it's like for me I I I feel that and I remember the first the first time I really really started making money and I started just you know just just giving money to my family and buying them large things and doing this then God convicted me and said man you're single no kids no wife if you sit here and you give all these ladies this stuff sit here and give all your family and friends to stuff and then when you find your best thing you're gonna go to her you're gonna say well I'm sorry I gave it all the way to her to the girl who ended up being just a friend I gave it to my mama who was my mom I gave it to my dad and my brothers my sisters my my boys my people but I wasn't stewarding it well to actually save so now Tori Roberts taught me this a while ago he said man the my favorite word to say now is no and Noah's is is cheap yes it's very expensive and so it's like now I'm like okay wait um they asked me like he was like hey I got this idea I want to run this nah because I need to see the value in it before I say yes first so I can say something funny I used to hate the word no for real oh my gosh because it's like no it's not right now I have a friend and I've realized this person always says no first like why do you always say no listen it's easy to say no then yes I come back and say yes later or I'll come back and think about it and I realized after going to therapy from my healing process yeah of getting Roxy everything happens for a reason and now like thinking about it now because when you get when you're in it you're in it too deep yeah when you're out of it you reflect and say oh this wasn't even for me yeah that was for us yeah to learn yeah I was a Living Sacrifice I still lived but I'm the testimony that people are going to learn from and I realized that at that moment in my life as a people pleaser always saying yes never say no no when you say you was Rob I want to go there because yeah let's talk about it I was reading on your story and I was like and you said man I like talk about that where were you robbed why were you Rob and do you think it was someone who you knew or knew of so there's Dynamics in this story that's interesting a lot very interesting see well you do things because of your flesh and God and I say hey this is your steps this is what it some people always say Natalie why are you talking about God let me tell you something the moment I do not keep him in the Forefront of my life is the moment I can't even think clear yeah I don't even like that's what it is right right and I realized that I can't rely on my own thoughts to make the Right Moves right right so in that process that that that day and if I can take full responsibility today um full responsibility I had no business being where I was at I had was in my Lamborghini okay red flag why in the red why are you in the Lamborghini in the middle of Houston looking at a venue by yourself by yourself by yourself by yourself and Lamborghini trucker car truck the Urus by yourself in a narrow Street I've been surviving DC for this long yeah what in my right mind thought that was okay right right I didn't think secondly got Chanel bag okay you got uh AP on what made you think that was okay let's talk about that yeah yeah we gotta think before we move right that's another thing like I'm just starting to like be more minimalist recently because he's like I don't like I might have little pieces of here and there but I don't need it to validate myself as a woman right right right right so that that on that day number one I have a Range Rover now I shouldn't have been in that car number one and number two I should have been alone and number three I went to the same place I was looking for a venue for an event okay my my team was coming in town I wanted to get an event for them okay I went to that same place two times in a row the day before and the second day I went around the same time with my same car wow that don't make sense Natalie wow wow oh yours is back the girl is back yeah right and at that time social media is a thing yeah so I don't like now I didn't really dig too deep I have some ideas but the reality is let me take full responsibility at that moment I had to choose to live and the event planner the person like when the guys pulled up it was the guy that owns the venue he was like a Caucasian wherever he's from okay the event planner is me why didn't he get robbed he was with you as well yeah it was three people it was the Caucasian guy or whatever country he's from yeah the the event planner was a black guy and me you the only one who got robbed I got robbed it happened so fast but I was literally the guys came the guys down the street right and it was like a movie Anthony wow the guys are coming down the street it was like rolling down the street right I'm telling you it was kind of Street the door is a little ajarred okay it happened so fast and I was in my trunk sampling TLC products to the owner doing what I do because I'm a worker yeah right so I'm like let me sample let me use some privacy before I leave right he jumped out the driver had the gun pointed and the other guy had the gun pointed at the same time so as soon as he came I'm like what like in my mind I'm like it's happening but you think like it's like your heart just drops you're like dead but you're walking for real because you're like what's happening right your body goes in shock so I go there's nowhere for me to go right so I go to the side of my car like the the guy that the the event planner runs inside he locks he like locks the door locks the door yes he's like it's nothing for me to do it's not like come here it was the nothing and it was such close proximity so I go to the side of my car and I just pray and I was like Lord please like this this ain't it please save my life right now that's only I can think about I blacked out like as far as I'm praying well he's robbing me and I'm praying because he get the guns to my head he's like trying to take whatever off he didn't even get everything he was a newbie for real like and that's what God said because a newbie could have shot me right it was nothing but the grace of God that I'm here right now wow he didn't get like I had other stuff on he didn't get it right right right took my watch he took my bag why don't you understand this that was God these guys could have put me in the trunk yeah they could have took my car yeah this could have been bad yeah but God said no yeah he's imma slow you down I'm not gonna take you out the game so at that moment I just was like I was my mom and dad everybody I'm like by myself right at the time like you know um you know the guy was dating at the time with he was out of town and his best friend did come he helped me like I'm so grateful for my bro you know he came and then you know I called him but he felt hopeless it was crazy on FaceTiming him and he's like he can't do anything it was so I mean I'm like I feel hopeless in DC I know a lot of people you know so fast forward my life changed a lot after that I wasn't just robbed at gunpoint I was robbed in my confidence I was robbed of um being a Fearless woman yeah I was robbed of my joy I was rather than my happiness I allowed myself to be robbed of those things for a very long time and six months in I'm 50 pounds overweight so the irony is I am now in trauma it was so important for me to heal after my robbery because I believe that I was living in fear I deserve to be happy I deserve to have joy and I could not get to that point until I felt better about myself so healing getting therapy getting closer to God allow me to understand what I deserve and to live in it so I can actually attract that I am a full trauma at this moment right and I'm a walking traumatic mom at this point because I'm doing everything for social media I'm showing up as a leader that weekend we found another venue and I still was there right wow I was committed and I was consistent and I'm still I was still knocking down the door Brick by Brick but the truth was I was not okay internally I was not okay so I'm in a new relationship at the time and I don't even think he fully understands this even to this day I was not okay hey real quick when you're feeling your best did you know you can actually take on the world and accomplish anything you want and anything you set your mind to but sometimes life can get in a way and you may start to feel overwhelmed or like you're not showing up as the best version of yourself that's where therapy can come in by working with a licensed therapist you can get closer to being the best version of yourself and feel more empowered to handle whatever life throws away if you're considering giving therapy a try which I highly suggest better help is a fantastic option you see it's convenient it's flexible it's affordable it's going to fit inside of your budget and it's all done online fam simply fill out a brief questionnaire to be matched with a licensed therapist and here's the thing you can switch your therapist at any time for no additional charge if you want to live a more empowered and fulfilling life therapy can help get you there and right now because you are my family you can get 10 off your first month when you visit Anthony o' forward slash therapy again that's Anthony o' forward slash therapy you can get the link in today's show notes but hey take the first step towards a better you now here's the Second Step let's get back to the show because I know it's a good one no way you can love anyone properly and if you don't live on lovable friends you don't know me anymore I don't even know myself so I'm in a space where I I did not get therapy I'm in a space where I'm figuring it out I'm trying to figure it out you're this new millionaire and during the space I'm telling you something so so amazing most people would have like been flat out broke God gave me a couple more millions and I got I stopped working so I was network marketing keeps on going you know you do the work you you show up it was bare minimum what I was offering yeah I had nothing in me I'll show up here and there and my business kept running wow so that's why I'm faithful in network marketing yes I have other businesses but network marketing never stop paying me yeah so my mind everything that people talk about network marketing it's a scam it's this the people stop network marketing kept on paying me do you feel as if there are some companies out there in the network marketing space that our scam so so when you're looking for a network marketing company you're looking for a product and service that works yeah you're looking for leadership a culture corporate staff not just the person not just Natalie Nicole Smith who owns this company what's that character what's their core values right right because you can create a culture amongst your team right right and then compensation plan right people keep selling dreams in these big meetings of yes it's the next best thing and we're gonna do this right show me your check show me what you did um because a lot of leaders take deals yeah to come to companies yeah without a deal show me what you're doing matter of fact don't just show me what you're doing show me 10 people you've helped in the last 30 days and what did they make at least a thousand dollars yeah I'm not I'm not looking at the millions of dollars so in that season in my life literally like that six months gaining weight I had to reset Natalie so I had to reset my people like people it was felt because I was a leader that was like very energetic right and as I'm leading I had to leave I had to get back with God and start re-leading myself and that's like self-love so I can leave my people properly because God gave me a team of 81 000 people I'm leading them virtually right so but I was not okay so that's another thing with network marketing is like the head matters too as a leader and a lot of times leaders get caught up in the world and you got to go back to the core when you didn't have anything well I didn't have anything what did I need to be able to win in this company yeah so although I have other business I have my store in Houston galleries my store is still there a woman who boss Network I'm a brand new agency yeah Natalie these people don't have that um double double down and go back to the basics yeah so as I rebuilt Natalie I re I'm rebuilding my team right now that's good because they need they need Freedom yeah so I realized that my assignment was way bigger than just me and these things these these projects I have there are innocent people that are working their jobs see there's this thing where everybody wants to quit their job no keep your job your job is sustainable yeah but get them also have multiple streams of income yeah it's important for your family you know that keep it real with you we're at the table I like I like what you're saying right you know I did network marketing for a while I did prepaid legal okay what was that I was young I was talking 38 so I think I was like 20. this was popular at one point right oh it was huge you know you had you had your Darnell self um who's still you know in a network marketing space now and here's the problem that I have with network marketing I'm not a huge fan of it but I believe that it works yeah because I look at you look at stormy look at David and Monty uh my boy Justin is in it I know a lot of people who are winning in network marketing and I think it's great I don't believe everything is for everyone like I'm in the personal brand content creation space I love it some people look at me and say that's not a job you know doing YouTube that's not a career and I respect that they don't know though they really don't know and it's like and that's why I don't knock nothing I think the biggest problem that I have in that remarks and I want you to speak to it for the people who are watching because network marketing may be for you let's let's be real but I think the biggest problem is we'll see you we'll see the coast stormies who are making the millions but then we'll see everyone about them barely barely making it where though uh I mean there's a lot of network marketing companies though that have it yeah so if you follow my page and I'm sure you like my Instagram friends now yeah um I have a girl right um her name is laquella Johnson she's working at Macy's spring perfume okay overweight she was like probably 280 pounds right or whatever and she was just consistent and through working together keeping God first she earned about 2.5 million dollars with me I have a girl named dequandra you know and she's in North Carolina CNA and she's still a CNA and was making less than six figures at her job and she's made over a quarter million dollars with me and I have green dossey who actually was a deputy in the government with the contracts I work with older woman she's like what 50 now right two children has more degrees than thermometer okay and she earned over 1.5 million dollars of me okay I have single moms I have dads making ten thousand twenty thousand five thousand a month so the issue is Anthony and I love that we're talking about this yeah when we think about network marketing we can stop thinking about the Millions that's good now you know how are you talking about the millions now you talking I I do content creation okay I I make money for my personal brand yeah that's not gonna work for everybody else right right in network marketing when you have a product in the service I was 50 pounds overweight I feel good I was 205 pounds I weighed 171 right now putting in that word come on now what did I use my products so people keep focusing on the money you join a business because the stuff works right and then secondly when it comes down network marketing it's about the everyday person forget my let's not like I actually would love people to stop talking about the millions like it'll make me feel more comfortable yeah because that's not the story for everybody that's not the majority it's the people that pay their car note their cell phone bills their light bills their kids daycare take your family on a trip yeah that's why network marketing was created network marketing is one of the fastest paid Industries in the world that the everyday average person with no social media following can work yeah you can go set up at the church yeah you can go set up at the schools you can do at the PTA meetings you can set up a yard so much you can do but I think social media has 10x the reality of a lot of things and that's where it sucks so for me my job right now because I have other streams Natalie if you're gonna do network marketing you have to share the truth come on I don't no longer want to do meetings talking about millions of dollars yeah yeah that was the past yeah yeah the work ethic has changed post pandemic people's work ethic has changed what is your freedom amount what is that dollar amount you keep talking about your kids school and your kids daycare and groceries are high keep saying everybody groceries are high you know gas is high how much gas do you need a month that's the money I want you to make you need 700 a month that's what your freedom amount is absolutely like let's do that and I'll also say that's of any business people have this high standard for these businesses whether it's boutiques or whatever they're starting and they want to start off with the million start off with the freedom amount um you know not not now you talking I mean I I could respect I could respect that man I I have a lot of people ask me my opinions about network marketing and I'll be honest I speak for a lot of them you know yeah I just um spoke for um Mary Kay Gloria I love her yeah and I'm like man I think there's a lot of I think there's a lot of good in it I think there's a lot of good in every industry but then there's also a lot of that and I think people have to be wise like you said look at do your research on any company um because I'll tell people don't join my company don't don't do not tell everyone who joined my staff don't join the staff if you don't believe in the product and it messes what I'm teaching the vision yeah if you don't believe in being debt free if you don't believe in Building Wealth without accumulating debt don't be on the team because you're not gonna show up and if you don't believe in a product of the services or the message then you're going to have a bad experience because you you're not going to really move it the way you need to move it and so and I learned that from my mentor and friend Dave Ramsey he was like Hey listen man if you don't agree in the message leave because out of alignment yeah when you're out of alignment you can't do the assignment so maybe on your team has their own Vision but you can have your own Vision but are you a part of Anthony's Vision come on can you serve the mission it's servitude and the last thing I'm gonna say this about that remark and I love that you're talking about this because this needs to be talking about the emotional manipulation that's so good the emotional manipulation is a problem in network marketing and they're innocent people that are weak and they're trying to get built up right yeah yeah just like where's important what church you go to yeah and you gotta make sure that that Pastor yeah Is On Assignment it stays in aligned with the word of God yeah right yeah it stays in their anointing but if you go to a church that's not blessed and the pastor is not is in the world you can't grow right so in network marketing there's a lot of Mind Games yeah so for me guess what yeah I had to take a seat back a step back for a second as I was healing as I was feeling better I said all right let me first talk to coach stormy okay let's have a conversation what's your vision where are you at right now it clicked we get it now we get it we can rock let me talk to the owner what's going on where we at I'm gonna make sure that we're for the people I can't do anything that's out of alignment with my assignment right now I tried that before so when people are coming they I can be trusted God can trust he can give me the words I don't gotta like finesse and say all these big things that I understand and when I say go to these meetings or see stuff on Instagram I'm like what are you talking about yeah I understand that we're selling personal development but can this person leave this meeting it still feel filled up so we boy I wish we had a uh much longer show because you ain't here dropping some jewels and I mean I I actually um I think I've only had three people in a network marketing space on my show David uh and Justin Owens who are good friends of Mines yeah they're super dope love what they're doing um so you're my 31st woman I'm a coach stormy I'm coming for you I'm gonna get you on the show we're gonna talk I actually have her coming to DMV for uh a public change meeting this this weekend we'll have on a Friday but I have I'm bringing her back so when she comes back we'll line it up we'll connect that happen because I like her story is incredible I like her story and I think I think it sort of need to be heard it has to be heard because people don't think it's real 50 million dollars and until life changes like in eight years that's crazy yeah we're gonna that's my gift to you oh man I appreciate it thank you I really do hey before we go you you uh you wrote a book and I really want to make sure that people know about your book and how they can get your book um and what's inside the book because um y'all this is a young Queen winning um in this space and 30 35 five millionaire God millionaire not self-made um single not married I don't know about her dating life so brothers that's only y'all if y'all but listen if you slide into DMS boy y'all better come correct don't let Anthony get y'all excited because I'm DMS being shambles all my book is called becoming a brand okay is 12 principles on how to build your brand I mix it with personal development and actual steps to build on social media and how to network okay all right all right so we're going to drop her book in the show notes today well I was gonna drop her website and her social media and thank you I appreciate that uh because she she winning y'all thank you she is she is winning I am I am just inspired I love seeing our black sisters win thank you you know because the number one rise in entrepreneur is a black woman yes uh but then also to while they're Rising entrepreneurship they also have the most debt listen to hear you say it's like hey I made this money I made some mistakes but when I quickly had to reprogram myself I started attacking the dead and really making wiser decisions with money and black sisters need to hear that from other blasters yes you know I'm gonna do more of it and I'm dedicated to this Mission man listen so y'all need to go follow her ladies thanks hands down yo we love you we'll see in the next show peace out [Music]
Channel: The Table With AO
Views: 264,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anthony Oneal, AO, The Table With AO, how to be happy, financial freedom, how to achieve financial freedom, network marketing, network marketing training, what is network marketing, network marketing tips, mlm, nathalie nicole smith, nathalie smith, Women who boss, life lessons, girl boss, how to be a girl boss, girl boss feminism, girl boss tips, financial independence, what is financial freedom, storytime, god, god finances, god and money, faith, dave ramsey, bible and money
Id: o1Yx67ZnQZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 8sec (2708 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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