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hi i am karen flowers the owner of curl house natural hair salon and i'm a certified trichologist as well and today i'm going to show you how i take this old dry seven day old wash and go or curl definition and transform it so i can stretch it for a few more days but before i get started please subscribe to my channel and turn on your notifications so that you do not miss a video okay so i just woke up yes i did beat my face but other than that i just woke up and this is what my hair looks like as you can tell it's flat it's tight it's stretched to my head it's old i did this wash and go about seven days ago so this is at this is really the tail end of the wash and go but i'm trying to stretch it for a few more days so i'm going to show you a few things that i do in the morning to stretch my wash and go or to reset my wash and go this is also something that i do probably midweek after i enhance my curl but it really needs to be washed out but i'm trying to get a few more days out of it so with wash and goes let me first tell you what i use to do this wash and go kinky curly so there are many gels out there on the market i use quite a few but for this curl definition i use kinky curly i like kinky curly because it it it when you apply kinky curly or most gels to your hair you after the hair dries curling heads and gels have fill formers that's a different ingredients in the curl enhancing gel that will coat the hair strand and make the hair kind of clump together to really enhance that curl and it puts a film or cast on your hair and when you wet it sometimes it breaks that cast and when it breaks the cast your hair shrinks so that is partly why my hair looks like this because midweek i re-wet my hair and the kinky curly i broke the film from around the hair and it shrunk up now some people like that some people don't like that that harder film level or layer rather around the hair i prefer it because my it holds my curls in place okay so with re-stretching this curl definition or giving it some life it's going to take two steps the first step is to take a curl refresher this is the meal curl refresher or you can use water to reset the curls now i typically do this in the shower so but because i'm doing it here i also brought my water bottle so we'll just do both now you take a section and you wet it you can use again a curl refresher or water most curl refreshers or leave-in conditioners you can use curl refresher or leave-in conditioner or water they have similar properties but spray it re-wet it so now again when you do that when you re-wet it it's going to break the cast so you can take a little bit of whatever you use to enhance your curls and reapply it and you can see i'm re-stretching the hair that's the goal when you just take well i don't take a curl refresher and just spray it all over in the morning and fluff it out that does nothing to my hair i have to take the curl refresher or water and re-stretch the curl so as you can tell here i'm re-stretching the curls so i'm pulling the hair back out the hair is not saturated wet so it doesn't take a long time to dry but i'm going to take a little bit of product not a lot reapply it and stretch it back out can you see that that is stretched out and here i'm doing the same thing i'm just stretching the hair back out now i'll just use the water bottle for the back doing the same thing in the back spraying water using my fingers to re-stretch and applying a little bit of product not a lot now this is again this curl definition is seven days old that is why i am reapplying a little more product i did do this mid-week as well and when i did it mid-week i did not apply any additional product because kinky curly has a has a way of just kind of resetting itself when you re-wet it you can feel the product in your hair so midweek i didn't apply any more product but because it's old and i'm trying again to savage it because i don't feel like washing it then i'm just applying a little more product again to stretch it so this is all i'm doing the back is the worst you can't see it but i can feel it because i sleep on my back so the back of my hair is flat as a pancake so and it's frizzy so the back is the worst the top is not too bad because i don't sleep you know i don't sleep on my head can y'all see how this is stretched out okay my hands are a little damp okay can you see the difference from this side to this side okay so i'm gonna keep on going again you can use a leave-in conditioner a curl refresher which contains water as the first ingredient or you could just use water now another trick as i'm re-stretching okay i'm doing something called smoothing the hair i promise you i'm going to do a full wash and go start to finish later on this week but i just wanted to do this quick video so that you can see how i reset it but when i'm doing the wash and go you can see i'm putting the putting the product wetting it and i'm using my fingers to smooth the hair that helps with clumping so i'm smoothing it back down okay a little bit of curl refresher or water again a little bit of product not a lot so you're not i'm not doing the curl definition from scratch that's why i'm just applying a little bit of product i'm not making the hair saturated wet this is not going to take a long time to dry okay now after we've done that okay this is the top part again my hands are a little damp so i'm just stretching the hair okay we're all stretched out now my hair is about four four and a half inches long i cut it about nine months ago so it doesn't really have a shape so if you are like me and your hair doesn't have a shape right now you can use you can give your hair shape using some tools and these very same tools you can use to keep your hair stretched as it dries so after i've done that i'm going to take these clips these are my favorites and i'm going to put it around the base of my hair or primarily where i want the hair stretched and this is also going to help with shaping it so you can see i have clips right here and what that does it keeps the hair anchored too so in the back i'm putting some longer clips but it doesn't matter but you can see back here when it dries this hair is going to hang lower and this is what i do again to give my hair some shape but regardless of your length you can anchor the hair using clips okay can you see that and i think we're good here i'll just add another clip here and then we'll add one more here okay so here we go so this is going to set for about maybe 30 45 minutes so that the hair can dry and once it dries then i'll take you to step two okay so here we go so it has dried out it only took about 30 minutes because again the hair wasn't saturated wet i just used a curl refresher a leave-in conditioner or water to reset the hair and to re-stretch the curl so i am now going to take out all of the clips and again i put the clips at the base of the hair to stretch it out you can put clips anywhere actually even if you want more stretch at the top you can but i tend to just put it around the base of the hair to have a little more hang time here okay i got one more okay now all the clips are out you can tell the hair is a little more stretched from before now i'm going to go to my favorite pick this is my favorite and i'm going to pull the hair up at the root and doing that is going to stretch it even more and give it more volume now what you don't want to do you don't want to take the pick and pick your hair all the way through that is going to disrupt your curl and create a afro we just want to give you more volume at the at the at the root or at the base of your hair rather okay here we go so i'm just lifting it right at the root okay there we go y'all see that okay now you can see where the hair has been stretched right here in the bottom now what i do i like the curls to be a little more separated so i take my fingers like this and just twirl some of that hair individual strands around just to separate the curl a little bit so you can see it's coming together okay you can see those curls are popping again i have been rocking this curl definition for seven days so i am going to wash it in a couple more days but these are just a few tips a few things that you can do if you want to stretch your curl definition as a hair stylist i have a lot of clients come in and say well can i do curl definition and i don't have to do anything to it and it lasts for two or three weeks no generally speaking no of course there's an exception to every rule but generally speaking depending on your texture depending on how you like to wear your hair normally you can get about a week out of curl definition also depending on the product gels tend to last a little longer than creams but about a week or even some people can stretch it for two weeks but if you don't want to go through the process of redoing your entire head in terms of curl definition you can do exactly what i just did in this video so here we go y'all see my gray up there i'm loving my gray it's coming in and i'm not coloring it okay so what i do because my hair doesn't have a shape i take my hands and i pull this kind of smash it down a little bit on the sides to give it shape last thing i do i hit these edges now i'm using think arkani coil care um i think this is the one that was featured in the rope challenge i'm not sure someone gave it to me but it does lay the edges down if you apply it a lot it is a little build up but it's okay because i'm about to wash it anyway so i just put a little bit of that edge control and it is one of few edge controls that really keep my edges laid down okay all right here we go this is my one week old curl definition what you think i can stretch it for a few more days okay well i hope you picked up some tips on how you can stretch uh your curl definition again re-wet reapply a little bit of product and pull the product through and that's going to help reset your curls hope you enjoyed the video and until we talk again stay fabulous you
Channel: Karen of Curl House
Views: 8,418
Rating: 4.9632182 out of 5
Keywords: #howtomaintainyourwashngo, #washngo, #curldefintion, #howtostretchyourwashngo, #kinkycurly, #enhanceyourcurls, #curlhouse, #curls, #greyhair, #oldwashngo, #curlygirl, #blackgirlcurls, #curlingenhancinggels, #blackhair, #karenflowers
Id: 2otJbyR53MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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