How to Mage Heal in SoD Phase 2 - WoW Classic Season of Discovery Build Guide

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hello everyone and welcome to this guide on how to Mage heal in season of Discovery Phase 2 this is a regen mage build for both solo questing and healing Dungeons and raids specifically nomer and this is a culmination of everything I've learned from Ming regen Mage through both phases so let's dive in we'll get into Rune and talent setup rotation in mechanics stat pryo and end with a couple Rune swap macros but first there are two very important Concepts to understand when it comes to Mage healing the first is the value you bring to a group in a Raider dungeon the Mage healer is basically filling two rolls simultaneously you can pump significant DPS while carrying a large portion of the heels you're essentially contributing the value of two bodies to the group for this reason alone I expect Mage healer to rise in priority as raids continue to scale in size and difficulty the second concept is the number one mechanic to master when it comes to Mage healing and that is regen badging basically what this means is you'll want to avoid ever just channeling regen by itself instead you'll always want to try to cast Arcane blast first at the very end of that arcan Arcane blast you can cast either regen or mass Regen to batch it with the Arcane blast you just casted this causes an instant big heal from 80% of the Arcane blast damage healing through Beacon and at the same time feeds that Arcane blast stack into the regen to give it 15% increased healing if you're not pre-c casting Beacon before a fight this is how you should always try to get your temporal Beacon buff up and it makes the actual channeling of regen feel much more effective keep in mind that even though this is season of Discovery all the classic cast mechanics still apply and so if you're unfamiliar with the nuances of casting in this version of the game I strongly recommend checking out this video on efficient casting which is linked in the description because all of it is very important to Mage healing but none of it will be covered here and if you have any questions or ideas I'm trying to stream as often as I can at zigg with a zero on Twitch and you're always welcome to come kick it and theorycraft with me now one of the coolest things about Mage healing is the diversity of the Rune setups meaning there's not just one set of runes you run all the time the build basically has two main Rune variations that you'll swap between depending on what you're doing and the main runes we are rotating here are regeneration and mass regeneration we never really need to run both at the same time because in most situations one or the other is going to be much more effective the single regeneration beam which is the Regeneration runee on chest costs less mana and the beacon buff lasts for 30 seconds while Mass regen on legs costs more mana and the beacon buff lasts 15 seconds but it can hit up to five Targets in a party temporal Beacon is the buff that regen gives in turns 80% of your Arcane damage into healing on any Target that has the buff and the value of this healing is haved on yourself AOE Arcane abilities like Arcane explosion and living flame have an additional 80% reduction on their healing single regen feels much better for self heals in Solo play questing or healing only a couple targets running regen on chest also opens up a variety of Rune swap macros we can use to rotate through the cooldowns on leg runes which feels fantastic and I will get to that in a bit Mass regeneration on the other hand feels better when you are in a situation where you're entire enire group is taking damage so mostly in harder dungeons or raids with mass regen Mana becomes more of a concern because the spell itself costs more mana and the beacon only lasts half the time but the tradeoff is you can hit five targets simultaneously and now with the class changes that just hit the actual healing value of the beams themselves will be much higher as they are receiving an 88% increase to their spell value coefficients making spell power gear much more effective at increasing their values so for good examples of when you might use one or the other when Solo questing or doing anything in the open world I'm running single regen on chest so I can rotate through the cool Downs on my leg runes and when I'm healing a dungeon I'm in the mass regen setup with burnout on chest for nomer I run the mass regen setup for the first four bosses because there's a lot of group AOE damage and then the last two bosses I run the single regen setup prioritizing keeping regeneration up mainly on the tanks and letting the other healer cover the rest in addition we also have two different versions of the mass region setup we can use depending on the group or situation for a solid group with good DPS we want to go with the damage Focus setup I just discussed with the burnout Rune on chest and spell power Rune on boots running this damage Focus setup feels much better when the group is aware of raid mechanics and doing fights properly so you are able to rotate your cooldowns effectively and hard cast without having to panic if your group is taking a lot of consistent raid damage or if you are just wanting to lean more into the raw healing side of Mage instead of being so focused on damage I recommend this setup it's exactly the same except we are using Enlightenment on chest and chronoa preservation on boots Chron static preservation is The Flash Shield that you can basically cast and hold and honestly already feels pretty good but the changes that just happened with this class balance will make it much better as it will scale better with spell power and cost significantly less Mana when playing the damage Focus version you really have to be a cast or two ahead of your heels because all your heals are based on damage which requires additional time to cast when you get behind it can be hard to catch up and can result in someone going down if your other healer doesn't cover you the chronoa preservation Rune on boots basically gives us that quick save heal we need if we're behind to blast someone back to full health with a quick 1 and A2 second cast like I was mentioning you'll find that with a good group or even just a strong second healer at your side you won't need this type of save heal nearly as often and so the slot is better used for the extra damage from the spell power room Chronos static preservation is definitely a dope spell though and it just got a lot better so I definitely think it is viable to run this in a lot of different situations depending on your play style Enlightenment on chest is basically going to make your Mana go further than burnout and you can ride the 10% damage buff at the beginning of fights and when Shi starts to hit the fan and you get low on Mana you'll have that extra regen kick in which when stacked with Mage Armor and Arcane meditation is going to put us at 55% Mana regen while casting again this Rune will be more effective than burnout if you're going for more of a traditional healer play style and pairs very nicely with Chronos static preservation on boots the same way burnout and spell power synergize very well together with the crit so I either run one combo or the other depending on the situation when running regen on chess Solo in the open world if I'm doing harder stuff or encoun ing any PVP I like to keep Chronos static preservation on boots because if you can get just one cast of it off it will often bring you all the way back to full health now let's take a look at the talent tree as we transition into mechanics and rotation like I mentioned at the beginning the number one mechanic for mage healing is to batch your regen at the end of your Arcane blast instead of channeling regen by itself the only time you really want to cast regen by itself is to quickly pre-cast it just for the beacon buff right before the start of a fight or to save someone who's about to die to use it as a save effectively you'll want to start the channel while keeping an eye on your Target's Health if it looks like they're going to live let the beacon Channel through if it looks like they're going to die you'll want to interrupt that Channel with an instant Palm Arcane blast and go right back into another regen channel that will be 15% boosted as regen Mage presence of Mind from the Arcane talent tree should be mainly used like this a way to instantly get an Arcane blast off to heal your beacon targets when shit's hitting the fan or when you're on the move and don't have time to cast if it's looking really rough you can even add your other cooldowns like Arcane power in there as well to boost the damage which will boost the heal now let's discuss the rotation which is fairly simple in theory but has a lot of cool variation in the actual gameplay to start a fight you'll always want to try to pre-cast regen on the targets that will be taking damage just before the fight begins and also sneak in a quick drink this is generally either the tanks or the whole melee group are on yourself if you're soloing if the fight starts without Beacon up cast Arcane blast first and batch your regen right at the end like we already discussed once Beacon is up basically what you're going to be doing is casting Arcane blast until you get a missile barrage proc missile barrage is the new belt Rune that causes Arcane missiles to be clear casted and channel in half the time and it will proc 40% of the time you cast Arcane blast to keep the rotation simple cast Arcane blast until you get a missile BR proc then dump your Arcane blast Stacks into that free cast of double speed missiles you're doing this while always keeping temporal Beacon up on the priority targets so as soon as temporal Beacon is about to fall off try to batch a new regen at the end of your next Arcane blast if people are taking big damage you can feed your Arcane blast stacks into extra regen channels instead of waiting for Missle barrage try to save your big cooldown burst for a 15-second window where you can stand and hardcast and it can be useful to try to line this up with the difficult part of the fight where the group is taking big damage your max burst window will look like this with your beacon already up cast three Arcane blasts then rip Arcane power in presence of mind so you get an instant empowered forth blast then feed those Max Stacks into a missile barrage if you're running living flame on legs with a single regen setup you want to dump these four Stacks into living flame instead I recommend creating an easy one button go macro that looks like this this will rip Arcane power presence of mind the abys tailoring Helm and Icy Veins if you are running it all at the same time if you want to hold your palm for the big save heel like we were discussing remove it from this macro and just hard cast the fourth Arcane blast using Palm in this macro to get your fourth stack will maximize the DPS output you have with Arcane power up since you don't need to spend the extra second casting the last blast and you can use that Global to reposition to a good spot for the rest of of your Arcane power window the onuse effect of the new tailoring Helm has perfect Synergy with Arcane power evening out the Mana consumption while stacking the damage boost so if you're a tailor I highly recommend always trying to use your Helm cool down with Arcane power now there's a few nuances worth mentioning in regards to rotation since you're Chain Casting Arcane blast often you'll get a Missle brage proc right as you're starting the next blast cast in this situation you basically have two choices if you're trying to be Mana efficient you want to cancel that Arcane blast right when you see the barrage proc and let it rip into a free double speed Arcane missiles if you're going for Max damage when you see missile barrage proc you'll want to let that Arcane blast you're already casting finish then instantly dump the proc into missiles with an extra Arcane blast stack under it when batching regen at the end of an Arcane blast if you're trying to be Mana efficient or if party members are low let the full regen Channel through if you're going for damage you'll want to cancel the regen Channel as soon as your homies have enough health and go straight back into your damage rotation now let's quick quickly talk about wands and a couple Talent Point variations I originally had this build with two out of two in wand specialization but realized I wasn't using my wand hardly at all in ner this is because Mana scaling feels a lot better at 40 than it did at 25 and the two longer fights at the end have buttons you can press on cool down to keep your Mana up that being said if you're focused Less on damage and wanting to lean more into the raw healing side of Mage or if you're trying to be super Mana efficient I think running wand specialization with a good Arcane wand is definitely viable especially when running Mass regen enlightenment and chronoa preservation if you want to run W specialization I recommend moving two points out of magic absorption another potential option here is to move these two points into improved counter spell if you want to be able to mess around with this build in PvP my biggest frustration with Mage healing in PvP is that every one of our healing spells and Buffs can be offensively dispelled or purged including temporal Beacon which is the main mechanic that enables Mage healing temporal Beacon Chronos static preservation Arcane power presence of Mind Arcane intellect amplify and dampen magic can all be dispelled if a priest or Shaman is chain dispelling you you literally won't be able to heal at all except for channeling regen and this feels super bad I don't think Mage healing will be truly viable in PvP until temporal Beacon can't be dispelled because this is the fundamental mechanic that enables Mage healing chronoa preservation is the only healing spell that feels decent in PvP but if you're just Chain Casting this you're basically playing priest with only one spell so you might as well just be playing priest at that point to get all the other healing spells in their kit that don't require a dispellable buff to function speaking of amplify and dampen magic it's worth mentioning the utility of these spells now that we can heal ourselves amplify and dampen magic will have significant effect on the actual channeling of your regen spell as well as the healing from chronoa preservation amplify will result in more healing while increasing the magic damage the target takes while dampen will reduce healing while also reducing the magic damage the target takes note that these effects do not appear to influence the healing from damage enabled by temporal beacon in fact healing from damage with temporal Beacon has some very interesting interactions if you pay attention to it you'll notice that crits or partial resists have no effect on the healing value the healing appears to be based off of 80% of Arcane damage before hit crit or resist calculations this means that hitting an Arcane blast critting an Arcane blast or resisting an Arcane blast will result in the same amount of healing from temporal Beacon it turns out the heal actually has its own independent crit chance you'll notice that your temporal Beacon heel can even crit when your Arcane blast doesn't and when your Arcane blast does crit the healing will be the same as a normal hit in general I mainly use amplify and dampen Magic on myself when doing stuff in the open world and the rule of thumb is fairly simple if fighting against casters use dampen and if fighting against physical use amp it can be a bit risky to use these in raid unless you really know what's going on so I recommend avoiding them alt together if you're unsure of the results all right now let's quickly talk about stat pry and itemization rather than go through everything individually here's a screenshot from my guild Discord of what I believe to be Mage healer B for PVE this phase for PVE abys you want the full irradiated set for PVP B you want the full tier set it's important to try to acquire at least a single piece of gear with 1% spell hit because this will let you run just two combo points in the Arcane Focus talent to reach the 5% spell hit cap for nomer the Epic tailoring boots from last phase the irradiated Boots the nomer cloth belt the staff of the evil genius and the tier two set bonus all give 1% spell hit if you have three of these pieces you can move an additional point out of Arcane focus into magic absorption keep in mind that you only need 3% spell hit cap for PVP so if you have at least one of these pieces in your PVP set you can get away with running just one point in Arcane Focus making sure you are at the 5% spell hit cap is top priority for PVE so if you don't have any hit gear yet run three points in Arcane Focus for other stat pryo spell power continues to be king especially with the recent changes to our healing spells enabling them to scale 88% more effectively from spell power the only time you'll really want to PR prioritize healing power is if you can't get spell power in that slot or if you are leaning into the raw healing side of Mage that we discussed earlier after spell power you'll want to grab extra crit anywhere you can get it which is still a fairly rare stat and mostly only on a few pieces of the new nomer gear for base stats intellect remains number one priority but is now followed very closely by spirit this is because this phase we now have access to Mage Armor in three out of three in Arcane meditation which puts us at 45% Mana regeneration while casting what this means is you'll get access to 45% of your spirit regardless of the 5-second rule again if you're unfamiliar with these nuances I highly recommend checking out the efficient casting video in the description which will help you master the fundamentals of being a great Caster in classic if you're building a PVP set then I recommend prioritizing stamina over both int and spirit just because of how high damage is right now in PvP but in PVE Stam is not nearly as important with our ability to heal ourselves I want to quickly mention that if you have high spirit and you find yourself going um on fights when running regen on chest it might be worth trying Arcane surge on legs instead of living flame and this was actually a tip left by someone in the comments on my last Mage healing video in this instance you would use surge mainly for the increased regen so when you're about to be o get Beacon up on the priority targets then cast surge The Surge a hit will heal your beacon targets like an Arcane blast and then you'll get a nice regen window that overrides the 5-second rule and increases regen by 300% for the next 8 seconds when testing this with my current gear it usually gets me back to somewhere between 800 and 1,000 Mana another thing worth doing if you find yourself going o is summoning both your Mana gems before a fight you can make this macro to have a single button that will use all your different types of Mana gems from biggest to smallest press this button to pop your first Mana Gem and then pop a Mana potion early in the fight after you've used your first bit of Mana in order to start the two-minute cool down on both of them so 2 minutes later if the fight is still going you can rip your second Mana Gem and another Mana potion all right let's close it out with one of my favorite mechanics in sod which is Rune swapping this will enable you to run multiple runes in the same slot that you can instantly swap when you drop combat if you want a deeper tutorial on how this works check out my previous guide on run swap macros which is also linked in the description for mage healer the best run swap macros are for your leg runes when running single regen on chest this works great for any type of open world PVE or PVP or when using single regen in a dungeon basically what you want to do is acquire a total of three pairs of pants including the ones you have equipped if you're looking for backup spell pants you can make or buy the Black Mage weave and Red Mage weave ones from tailoring which are both great inexpensive options for setting something like this up engrave your main pants with living flame your best Spirit pants with Arcane Surge and your best int pants with Icy Veins then create these three simple macros to equip each pair I personally like to have these bound to key binds but if you're out of binds you can definitely just click this stuff because you're only doing it when you drop combat keep in mind that living flame has a 1 minute cool down Arcane surge has a 2-minute cool down and Icy Veins has a 3-minute cool down you want to basically try to use living flame on cooldown or as often as possible because of the raw power of the spell as soon as you've used living flame and it's on cool down swap your pants to Icy Veins and try to use this with all the big cooldowns in your go macro that we mentioned earlier using veins with Arcane power synergize is great because you can get off more cast with the damage buff up and they are both on 3-minute cooldowns when you're starting to get low on Mana switch your Arcane surge pants for the last mob right before you go o if you get the killing blow on this mob with Arcane surge you can drink in instantly after because you just dropped combat drinking while benefiting from the 300% increased Mana regen from surge will bring you back to almost full Mana in just a few seconds this basically gives you the same Mana as casting a full evocation every 2 minutes and lets you save your actual Evo cool down for when you need it in combat once the surge regen ends switch back to living flame and rinse and repeat you'll find that with Mana this phase especially when rocking Mage Armor you'll hardly ever have to drink while questing or grinding mobs solo because you can use use this surge drink regen every 2 minutes also because you are a wizard with unlimited magical water you can always utilize chugging between mobs to stay topped off boom that's it for this one I hope you found it useful if you have any questions ideas or feedback I love to see that stuff in the comments I tried to get to as many of those as I can but if I miss it and you really want to reach me consider dropping by my stream on Twitch at Zig with a zero one of my favorite things about Mage healer is that I can play a DPS class and pump while still healing all the homies because none of my friends heal H Pro s and so I hope to see many more Mage Pumpers out there blasting and healing the homies at the same time thanks so much for watching take care of yourself and I'll catch you in the next one peace
Channel: Zikorik
Views: 19,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mage, sod, season of discovery, sod mage, sod mage build, sod mage healer, sod mage healer build, mage healing in sod, mage healer build sod, mage healing, mage healer, mage heal, mage build, best sod healer, best healing class in sod, wow classic
Id: FB-ZGMyhAdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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