THESE ARE THE BEST PHASE 3 BUILDS! Mage PvE Builds For SoD Phase 3 - WoW SoD

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yo guys what's going on it's Shao here and today I'm bringing a new video unless you've been living under a rock you would have seen the season of Discovery phase 3 has been announced it was announced yesterday and it's time to start looking at builds this is a huge phase coming up we're going to have a 20-man raid in sunken Temple there's going to be PVP gear there's going to be duel spec there's going to be so many good things and it's so amazing to see and I really can't wait to get in there but it's time to start looking at the best builds what is the best build going to be we will find out today we're going to be running simulations on this video so you can see no BS this is exactly what's going to happen now for this simulation what we are using is General gear from Phase 2 because we don't know what's going to change in Phase 3 yet we've been told some of the dungeon gear will be buffed but for this test we're going to use the same gear set for every check to give a fair comparison to see which is the best this is nowhere near the prebis we don't know what the preis is this is just a set that I've put together because we can't import gear that we don't know about so this is purely for testing so don't take this video and think oh I should get all of these items no this is just for the test now what we're going to test is we're going to test the current fire build which is the best the hot streaks build Phase 2 we're going to test a build for frost we're going to test a build for Arcane and then we're going to test the final build which will be a fire build with some adaptations so the first one we're going to look at is a pure fire build that we're using at the moment now we've gone into the fire tree obviously with elemental Precision I've added into Arcane subtlety Arcane focus and Arcane concentration with two points but these five points you can put anywhere you like it makes little difference you can put it in fire blast you put it in flamewing that's entirely up to you I've just put this as purely for a long fight you might want those Arcane concentrations we're using Deep Freeze on the head for every build that we've got so far because we don't know about any other head runes so these builds could change but for now we're just going to use deep freeze it does 2 to 3,000 damage so it's really nice the chest we've got burnout on the wrists we've got the molten armor the new Rune that is coming the hands living bomb waist hot streak legs living flame and feet is spell power so this will be the first build that we're going to test so we're going to import it in here and we're going to use a fire rotation we want to make sure that molten armor is ticked the Arcane intellect now for all these test this is going to be self buffed so the DPS is going to be a lot higher like I said this is just a comparison of builds this isn't about the numbers the numbers are going to be much higher uh we're going to pop combustion at about 15 seconds and this is going to be on a 35 second fight so we can do a fair comparison so what we're going to do then is we're going to run this build which is 640 DPS so this is the first build 640 DPS can see here that we're using scorches the Pyro blast procs we get this is the best DPS we can achieve is 640 on average 938 on the top end the next one we're going to look at is the frost build now I say frost build it's the frost fire build we'll be using Frost Firebolt Frost Firebolt since the Buffs is absolutely insane because what's happened is they buffed it at level 40 to try and make it good but no one really used it but now at level 50 is going to be pretty Bonkers so this build is utilizing shatter and ignite with fingers of frost so your Frost Firebolts will act as if they're frozen which will trigger shatter um and we've got eyce shards we've got all of the juicy talents that you need to make this work got deep freeze fingers of frost molten armor living bomb cross Firebolt living Fame and spell power just as a note I I have tested this with brain freeze but brain freeze is a lot lower so we're keeping spell power put this into the simulation got no combustion so it's not going to be as good I can tell you that now however let's run it because there's always people in the comments are going to say oh but Frost could be good with this well this is the numbers let's see got 516 with a top end of 887 so when you compare that it is good don't get me wrong this is the best place Frost has been now it's a fire rotation but we can see it's Frost Firebolt you're still using living bomb you're still using scorches so yes is it really a frost build well yes you're using a lot of frost talents using Frost bolt and a deep frost build is going to be a lot less DPS so let's just call it a frost build and we're looking at 516 d PS average now again as I remind you this are not final numbers going to be a lot higher in the actual phase things could change with runes but we're looking right now it's just behind fire you know 130 DPS less next we're going to look at Arcane so what we're going to be doing is looking at Arcane now for this one what we've done is we've got the Arcane talents as normal um we're using up to Arcane power then the extra talents that we had I've put into fire so impact and ignite only reason for this is we're going to weave in some fire blasts occasionally so it could proc ignite that's the basically the minmax way of doing it you could put these 10 points anywhere you could put them in Arcane but there's nothing in Arcane that is really going to incre increase your DPS so for DPS Min maxing purposes ignite is probably the best we can get again head is going to be deep freeze because we don't really know what what else we're going to get chest is Enlightenment wrist is molten armor hands is Arcane blast waist is Arcane barrage or missile barrage sorry legs is living flame and feet is spell power now again we're going to copy this in change the rotation to arcane and then we're going to run the simulation no sorry 612 DPS 612 so it's about 100 DPS more than Frost but there we go so you can see obviously Arcane missiles um Arcane blast sorry Arcane missiles when it procs we've got one fire blast in there and ignite proc and living flame well so yeah so far the best is the fire now the last build we're looking at is the frost fire fire bellfire build um I've done a lot of testing for all of the builds this is the best you can get with frost Firebolt and Bell Firebolt it's better than a lot of the other builds but I'll just go into it and I'll show you the numbers so we're using impact because of course Fireball we're not going to use at all using ignite we're using pyrro blast uh mostly for pre-c casting you could take this out and use flame throwing instead we've got burning sole got incinerate got improved Scorch got master of elements critical mass again blast wave if you want to use blast wave you have to take pyro blast if you don't want to use blast wave or pyro blast put these ones into flamethrower then we've got five in Firepower one in combustion two in Frost warding three in Elemental Precision five in ice shards now the reason we're using ice shards is of course that Fross Firebolt is a frost spell and a fire spell so it will benefit from Ice shards we're using Deep Freeze on the chest we're using burnout on the wrist we're using the new B Bale Firebolt hands is living bomb waist is Frost Firebolt legs is living flame and feet is spell power now the new spell called bellfire bolt it unleashes a burst of raw magic at your enemy each time you cast bellfire Bolt the damage of your next bellfire bolt within 30 seconds will be increased by 10% but your spirit will be decreased by 10% both stacking up 10 times now if your spirit reaches zero you will immediately die so what this means is you can cast this nine times and if you cast it the 10th time you will instantly die now the funny thing about this is there will be people going for the top DPS and I can guarantee you somehow it will time crazily that when you cast the 10th one the boss is going to die off of it so they will die at the same time the boss dies but they will get the number one pass because they had the balls to throw that in there so I'm really looking forward to seeing that now what we're going to do is load this one in use a fire rotation going to be using Mage Armor because of course we don't have the fire armor the molten armor we're going to be popping combustion about 15 seconds um and let's run it 68 81 so there we go so this is the best so far it's better than the normal fire and the top end is higher as well now the Spells we're using is Bale Firebolt and when we're not using that we're using Frost Firebolt now obviously the duration of this fight is set to 35 seconds so you won't be using that many frost Firebolts but what would happen is you would cast nine of these after your scorches um keeping living bomb up and then you would revert to frost Firebolt now talking quickly on Frost Firebolt it is better than Fireball it's a lot less Mana even if you're using traditional fire you're going to be using cross Firebolt now Bell Firebolt is even better so it's looking like this will be the build to use but with gear I can imagine this is going to be absolutely insane you can see the max damage there is 2 and a half th000 um but with gear it's going to be a lot lot higher so this will be the best build I'm looking forward to getting into phase 3 gear and simulating this build properly but this will be the best build but now at least you've got four builds here you can choose from they're all pretty good now one thing you can notice is Arcane is not that far behind fire so it could be Arcane will be insane I've been trying to work out a way to to use Bell Firebolt with Arcane but currently unless uh missile barrage gets changed and will proc off of bell Firebolt uh it's looking like you can't really use it which is a shame because it is an Arcane and fire spell so we'll see what happens with that in the future but yeah definitely this is looking like a very nice build um with gear we're probably looking at a good solid 1500 DPS potential um so yeah looking forward to it if you have any questions comment below if you want me to do any other videos just comment below let me know um I'm looking forward to the phase and I'll see you all very soon
Channel: SEANO
Views: 12,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, wow sod, wow sod phase 3, wow sod phase 3 mage, wow sod phase 3 mage guide, mage guide, mage new runes phase 3, best mage build phase 3, how to dps high phase 3 mage, wow fire mage phase 3, wow frost mage phase 3, wow sod fire mage, wow sod frost mage, wow sod arane mage, wow arcane mage, wow sod phase 3 frost mage, wow sod phase 3 fire mage, wow sod phase 3 arcane mage
Id: ClcRYWsgEmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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