Entire Youtube Studio Setup ON ONE DESK!

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hey guys welcome back to the channel in this video we're going to be building a monstrosity youtubers dream desk when it comes to a camera that is always ready to go at your desk with lighting audio it's all modular and can move around and we can record on our computer and use it as a monitor since it's right next to us so I'm going to be filming this entire video using the exact thing we're talking about and that we're going to be building in a previous video I did something similar to this but it was all on a rolling light stand and this set up is going to be a little more affordable than that one so here is the entire price if you buy all the stuff on Amazon that we're going to be talking about that includes the camera the lens just absolutely everything and if you already have a camera in lens this is the cost to build this thing it's really not that expensive considering what all you're getting with it and what you can do with it all the sections of this video will be in the time stands below including the parts list actually putting this thing together and then the final results and what all you can do with it so first I want to talk about why you would want to do this in the first place well I think there's several reasons a setup like this makes a ton of sense and the first one is going to be speed you can essentially turn this camera on turn this light on and start recording on your computer immediately which means you can edit immediately and upload very quickly so turnaround when it comes to creating content with a setup like this is amazingly quick the second reason to do a setup like this is the space savings as you can see from the second angle we just have a desk with everything ready to go so if you're working out of your bedroom you can essentially add this to your pre-existing desk and you're ready to rock and roll likewise if you have a spare room you could have a separate desk or table build this thing maybe put it right smack dab in the middle of your entire desk and then you could have a laptop off to one side and create a ton of content very very quickly so we're gonna get off to that a little bit later but first let's go over the parts list and since we're at a desk it makes sense to go ahead and push the camera back show that I'm at my computer and we can go ahead and jump in and take a look at this list so I'm gonna hide QuickTime here and pull up my spreadsheet with all the parts used so just like our last video when it comes to the camera and lens configuration we're using the sony a6000 hundred and the sigma 16 millimeter f1 point for none of these videos are sponsored by Sony I just really enjoy this combination and we're able to capture 4k video which is really really awesome so you could go with something like a Canon DSLR or a Canon mirrorless camera something from Panasonic just about anything is going to work so the whole reason this is possible is because we are using VESA mount arms specifically a post that attaches to your desk and several arms come off of it traditionally you use this to hold monitors but we're obviously using it for film equipment at 33 dollars or so you'll be able to grab the main post and you'll get one arm out of the setup from there we're going to purchase two additional arms another short arm and then a three section long arm and we're gonna use that for our main lights will also need a tripod extension tube a tripod head of choice I'd recommend something lightweight I'm using a ball head in this instance we're also going to need a set of tripod screws and different thread sizes next we're going to need a light I am using this 1 by 2 flexible LED light it comes with a frame it's super lightweight which is perfect for this build and that and everything else will be linked to in the description this light is dimmable comes with a remote and is bicolor so you're able to adjust the color depending on the room that you're in and that's where this thing really shines to adjust the light will need a small ball head that'll screw into the actual frame and from there we can move on to audio which is pretty much identical to my last video $13 mic armed with the rode videomicro and an extension cable to run to our camera that's really all the parts you need there are a couple optional items that are really helped out though those include a power supply for the cameras you don't have to use batteries so if you want to just leave this thing set up all the time you just flip a switch and you're off to the races recording your videos that would be a great one to go with and then if you want to be able to record videos on your computer while you're at your desk using this entire setup you're going to need the cam link which is able to capture 4k video if your system can handle it and you'll be able to just record right on your computer immediately the view and listen to it import edit and upload without ever leaving your desk which i think is pretty awesome and if you're in a pitch-black room without any white walls or any sunlight or anything to help you out you might also need some additional lighting check out my previous videos where I talk about a simple stand and the bowling p1 as really nice supportive lights if it's really dark in your room and last but not least you might need some software if you're going to be capturing footage directly onto your computer OBS is a great free option I'm actually just using Apple's built in QuickTime software which works natively with the cam link out of the box so let's start putting this thing together the first thing you're going to do is take the main post of this VESA arm system which by the way is designed to hold monitors not film equipment but it's gonna work just fine for this and you're going to attach it to your desk obviously it works great if you're doing it next to a computer but you could just use this with a table or a desk in a different room if you just want something that's super clean and ready to go all the time I could also see this being awesome if you do any kind of tabletop stuff you can always add a second camera if you wanted to so with all that done we're going to take the arm that also is included in this visa mount system we're actually going to remove the visa attachment from the end out of the box you'll have to add the visa mount potentially so just don't include that and you may need to remove a bunch of bolts and all the stuff at the end of this arm and at the end of the day you should have something like this a very simple square tube that has a hole on the top and the bottom at this point we're actually going to take a drill and I promise this is the only thing we're modifying here and having to like DIY and we're going to actually enlarge the top hole just a little bit if you're going to do this I highly recommend using a stepper bit as this is very easy very safe and is going to give you a very clean hole without much effort our goal is to be able to take one of those 3/8 tripod threads and to stick it inside of that tube and up through the hole and then we can take our tripod extension hole and add that to the thread once it's all tightened down we now have essentially a baby little tripod that can be extended if you want your camera a little higher or drop down for a nice low angle from there you throw your tripod head onto the tripod extension and then add your camera and that takes care of the camera at this point you can freely move it around address the tripod head and do what you got to do next we're gonna move to audio and essentially what we're doing here is adding a second one of these arms and clamping on our mic stand as you see here it just clamps right on to the end again I remove the whole visa and on this arm and what this allows us to do is not only fold this folding arm but then swing it out of the way and just completely hide it this keeps our desks nice and clean so there's no camera tripod sitting here there's no microphone arm here and I will say that you could obviously use this arm like it's intended to and clamp it to the edge of your desk that would work but the problem with that is your mic if you don't want it in your frame it's going to have to be way out here or way down low somewhere and very far away from your mouth since we moved it up onto the swinging arm and then out over us we're able to get it much closer so my mouth is probably 12 inches away that allows us to drop our levels down gets everything cleaned up it just sounds better I'm Mac here you might be hearing in this videos processing and you know recording this footage so it's fans are going but it's not you know SuperDuper noisy so that takes care of sound of course we have that wired with our extension arm all the way on this pole and up to the camera what's cool about this system since it's designed to hold monitors there's lots of cable management so there's these little clips that attach to each of these arms allowing you to route all your cables you throw in a little extra velcro and you have a really nice clean install like you see here next up we're going to talk about the light now for this setup I bought a third arm and mounted it to this main post here now this arm is a little different actually has three sections allowing it to be run really far out and then instead of removing the actual visa plate I left it there but I did take that stepper bits that we used earlier and expanded one of the holes on the actual visa mount this allowed me to take another tripod screw run it through there and into this little ball head at the bottom in the base of the light so now the light is mounted securely make sure when you use that tripod screw that you go out and buy a little baggie of some lock washers you want to use this with this light setup because what it's going to do is prevent things from loosening so you can pick up a bag of those just about anywhere just bring a quart or 20 with you or 3/8 or whatever you're going to use to make sure it'll work next we can take our light and go ahead and build the frame that comes with it and add the light via velcro and we're pretty much done with that you have a remote you're ready to go with your light we're then going to add a ball mount to the bottom of that light there's actually a quarter twenty in the frame of the light itself and with all that done we can now mount it to our main post make sure you use the diffusion sheet that comes with it it just velcro is on to the entire front of the light from there all that remains to be done is cable management so I routed the cable along this arm here down the center post same with our audio and if you're using the cam link with your computer you'll obviously want to plug that into your computer so with all that taken care of let's go ahead and talk about how to use this thing and what you can do with it okay so at this point we are rolling on the a 6400 we also have our secondary camera so that we can see what's going on I'm also recording on the actual Mac over here so that's the file we'll be using just so you can see how good or not good this looks I'm also going to go ahead and dim my computer screen all the way down so it's not giving us even more light we just want to show off what this light is doing so this is the first setup we have the camera pretty close to me I can easily touch the actual lens we also have it all the way down so this is as low as it can go it's significantly lower than you know my eye line so I'm kind of dressing down to the camera but that's a popular look that a lot of people use we also have great autofocus with this lens so I could just block my face with an object and it's going to catch focus this is great for product reviews you know if you're doing YouTube video just a really nice thing to have so that's setup number one I'm gonna go ahead and raise the camera up so you can see what that looks like there's the camera raised all the way up a lot more eye level than this of course I could adjust my chair if I wanted to as well and we're gonna save the camera we're gonna push it all the way back today you have something like this a really nice wide shot and this is great if you do any gaming or you know just want a really a nice looking tutorial set up you can be like alright guys let's go ahead and dive in boom you're ready to rock and roll it's all right here you can have your notes here there's just so many reasons that this setup makes sense so I hope this video has at least given you a few ideas as to what you can do with a setup like this if you have a spare bedroom but not a ton of space for lights and stands and things and you have a desk or if you're just working out of your bedroom something like this will give you a ton of flexibility and allow you to create content quickly which is really tough to do here on YouTube there's a lot involved in making a video so I hope you enjoyed links to everything will be in the description let me know if you have any questions thanks again for watching and we'll see you in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: DSLR Video Shooter
Views: 2,028,267
Rating: 4.9626842 out of 5
Keywords: desk setup, video setup, youtube setup, lighting setup, camera setup, camera desk setup, desk tour, desk setup 2019, desk setup tour, filmmaker desk setup, livestream setup, desk recording setup, youtube studio tour 2019, youtube studio setup, youtube studio setup 2019, youtube studio setup diy, best youtube studio, how to create a youtube studio, lighting, audio, microphone arm, youtube camera, youtube lighting, caleb pike, dslrvideoshooter, dslr video shooter, setup tour
Id: WedG8LKO6ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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