10 Skincare Products I Don't Use... & What to Use Instead!

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[Music] hey everybody it's angie and welcome to hot and flashy in today's video i wanted to talk about 10 beauty and skin care products that i don't use now these may be things that you use and you love so don't get me wrong i'm not like bashing products much although i may a little bit but some of these things i may have used in the past some of these things i may have tried and through my trying of them i realized that i just didn't like them or they didn't work for my skin or they're things that i just have a little bit of more insight about than maybe what you hear on the internet because a lot of times the marketing stories behind some of these things really make you think that there's no downside to them but in reality the chemistry of them may in fact reveal that there might be a downside to them and you may want to know about that but i'm also going to tell you what to swap in because i don't want to just leave you hanging like okay well she told me not to use this now what am i supposed to do um so i'm gonna give you my product recommendations of what i would use instead all right so the number one skincare item that i don't use is eye cream and this is something that i get asked about constantly people are always asking me well what eye cream do you use your under eye area looks so nice and smooth and i have never used a dedicated eye cream something that says eye cream on the label and the reason for that is because there's nothing in something called eye cream that you can't get in any other face cream for probably less money it's kind of a marketing gimmick to get you to buy an extra product for your eye area and it really does make a lot of sense because the first place that we generally start to see our faces aging is around our eyes the first thing you see is aging here and you immediately think oh my god i need an eye cream but i would say that any company that's marketing an eye cream that they also have a face cream that has the same active or hero ingredients there's basically going to be no difference between a eye cream that's a moisturizer and a face cream that's a moisturizer they're going to have the same moisturizing ingredients those are generally like glycerin or some kinds of oils like shea butter or jojoba butter or humectants like hyaluronic acid but you will find those ingredients in your regular face cream as well now if you're looking for something that takes it up a notch and maybe has retinol in it or vitamin c or something like that again you can get a regular face product that contains retinol or vitamin c that you can just put right on your eye area it's as simple as that the only thing to be careful about is if you're using acids around your eyes that can be a little extra sensitive things like alpha hydroxy acids beta hydroxy acids retinoids vitamin c for those things you might want to just be careful around your eyes you can use them there but it just might take a little longer to adjust your skin to using it so you may have to ease in over a longer period of time with it to acclimate the skin but you can use all those things around your eyes i have all the great anti-aging ingredients in the rest of my skincare routine and i put everything underneath my eyes so i'm going to refer you out to my skincare routine i'll link that video right up here so you can see everything i use i do use a lot of different products i just don't use an eye cream and i've heard a lot of different arguments saying that well the ingredients and eye creams are a smaller molecule so that they can get into your skin better that is completely false there's no such thing as making a smaller molecule for one kind of cream than another so kind of piggybacking on the first one number two is i don't use neck cream or anything called neck cream so again anything that you're going to use on the skin on your neck are things that you should be using on your face and basically what i've been telling you guys for years is that everything that you put on your face you should also bring down your neck onto your chest and put it on the backs of your hands they are the places that are going to show signs of aging first because they're out they're exposed to the sun they're exposed to pollution they're exposed to all the elements and so of course you want to take all of your skin care all those great ingredients that you're using on your face you want to bring them down your neck onto your chest and onto the backs of your hands creams that claim that they're going to like lift your skin or give you a some kind of a neck lift it just is not possible i hate to be the bearer of bad news but there isn't really a neck cream that is going to be able to do that kind of heavy lifting the best bet that you have is prescription tretinoin but it's really hard to use it on your neck if you're lucky if you ease in really really really slowly with it you might be able to use it on your neck but i gotta say i've been using tretinoin for seven years and i still can't use it on my neck my neck is way too sensitive so instead of using prescription tretinoin on my neck i use the next step down from that which is an over-the-counter retinoid i do use a special product for my neck but it's not called neck cream what i use is avenretrinol 0.5 this is a retin-aldehyde so i use this on my neck it hasn't caused any irritation and then i put all my other skincare things just like i do them under my eyes i also put them all on my neck on my chest on the backs of my hands so i have anti-aging going on on all of these four areas all right number three is facial cleansing wipes now this is something that i used to use for many years when i first started my youtube channel i was using facial cleansing wipes i hadn't discovered the double cleanse yet and now that i'm a convert to the double cleanse i can't even believe that i used to use wipes but i did and the reason that i don't use them anymore is number one i found that using them especially to remove like my stubborn eye makeup like waterproof mascara waterproof eyeliner really did a ton of tugging on my eye area and the other thing about wipes is that it leaves all the residue of the surfactants and everything else that was in there to remove your makeup on your face you know do you really want to leave something that's potentially irritating on your skin and then you're going to put on your skin care and your skin care isn't going to penetrate as well they're just kind of a recipe for not really getting your face that clean not really getting your face ready to receive your anti-aging ingredients so i stopped using facial cleansing wipes quite a while ago i'm going to do the next two because they are also related to facial cleansing and then i'm going to show you my double cleanse routine so the number four thing that i don't ever use are micellar waters i have never used one in my skincare routine if you follow my routine you already don't use one but i know there's a lot of people out there who do because these micellar waters are promoted and marketed as like just basically water that magically it has like some kind of a vacuum cleaner in it that cleans your pores and sucks all your makeup off and breaks down all your makeup and they're so good for you but what they don't tell you in the marketing is that there are ingredients in them that aren't great to leave on your face they all also contain surfactants and surfactants are things that clean your skin they are the things that are in foaming cleansers that do the cleaning and so surfactants are not things that you want to leave on your skin after you wash if you're using a micellar water i would definitely wash your face afterwards because you want to get that stuff off all right the fifth thing that i don't use anymore are foaming cleansers or facial scrubs so when i was younger i use all foaming cleansers i use things with scrubby particles in them and beads because i wanted to get that exfoliation going and can i tell you my skin was always red and always irritated those things can scratch your skin they can irritate the surface of your skin and they're not really good for the planet and foaming washes like those things really strip your skin so they may take away your makeup and your sunscreen but they're also taking away any beneficial oils that your face produces during the day so the way that i clean my skin now is that i use a double cleanse so i use an oil based balm as the first step in my cleanse my favorite one is the clinique take the day off cleansing balm you rub it into your dry face you don't splash with water first and it breaks up especially waterproof mascara and waterproof eyeliner so well but then it's formulated so that when you do splash your face with water all that dirt and the product just run right down the drain so then i do a gentle gel based cleanse and the product that i'm loving now is this neutrogena hydro boost gentle cleansing lotion for sensitive skin and this is my second cleanse so this doesn't foam up either this isn't formulated at a high ph it doesn't have fragrance it's just a very gentle cleanser and the purpose of this really is just to wash away the rest of this it's just a perfect combination for me they work so well together my face never feels tight or dry after i wash my face and it's really just a pleasure to use these two all right so moving on to number six the sixth thing that i have stopped using are chemical sunscreens so i became an everyday sunscreen wearer when i started my youtube channel back when i turned 50. but unfortunately as i also started using more anti-aging products like my retinoid and like vitamin c serum my face started to hurt after i would put on my sunscreen every day there were a lot of different things that made me think that it was the retinoid or maybe the vitamin c and so i stopped using my prescription retinoid which my gosh that was the biggest mistake but that was the first thing that i stripped away because of course everyone tells you that that can cause irritation but in the back of my mind i kept thinking it doesn't hurt when i put the retinoid on at night it doesn't hurt until i put the sunscreen on in the morning in the end what i ended up doing was switching out my sunscreen to an all mineral sunscreen my research eventually revealed that all mineral sunscreens are much gentler on your skin and they don't have the same kind of irritation reaction that is inherent to a lot of the chemical sunscreens out there so my all-time favorite is the elta md uv elements spf 44 this is a tinted mineral sunscreen and this i can put it all over my face including on my eyelids right up underneath my eyes it never gives me any stinging or burning and i'm using more acids now in my skincare routine than i was back when i was using the chemical sunscreen and my skin is calm and it feels nice and it never feels stingy or irritated this is a hydrating formula so if you have drier skin this one will be perfect for you then if you have more oily skin i highly recommend the australian gold botanical spf 50 tinted face bb cream this one is better for people with oilier skin because it can be a little bit drying but this is these both actually work very well as almost a primer underneath your makeup or if you don't wear makeup they really can even out your skin tone they like smooth over your pores they're really awesome to use number seven skin care product that i don't use are facial oils now if you use a facial oil i have no problem with it i have used facial oils in the past i generally will use an oil maybe i don't know a couple of weeks out of the year in the dead of winter when it's really super cold here and my skin is super dry so facial oils definitely have their place and um the thing with facial oils that i think is misleading is that a lot of the marketing wants to make you think that they have natural tretinoin in it right natural retin-a or that they are filled with tons of antioxidants or vitamin c or all these great things for your skin but unfortunately the marketing is very very misleading on it like one kind of facial oil might contain natural vitamin a tretinoin but it is such a tiny tiny tiny minuscule barely their amount that is not going to do anything for your skin same thing with everything else that they say is in there it's in there but so tiny that it's not doing your skin any good the other thing about facial oils is that they come from a plant and so the chemical makeup of the oil that you buy is going to be different from bottle to bottle because it's going to be different from plant to plant you can get antioxidants vitamin a vitamin c in good quantities in other skin care that will actually do something for your skin if you want vitamin c in your skin care i recommend the timeless vitamin c serum this is awesome it's got the most proven most effective form of vitamin c in there in about the maximum amount that your skin can actually use it's formulated correctly you know if you want tretinoin definitely get a prescription or try curology or use a different retinoid like the retinaldehyde or an over-the-counter retinol will have much more in it than one of those facial oils will i mean oils are great for making your skin look a little bit smoother a little bit plumper i think that their main purpose in your mind should be adding hydration or locking moisture onto the skin because oils can be a little bit occlusive and so if you're going to use one in your skincare routine i recommend using it at the back end of your skincare routine so that basically you put on all your things with your active ingredients first then you put on your moisturizer then you put on your oil to kind of lock it all in all right let's move on to number eight which is human growth hormones or hgh so this is kind of a relatively new kind of experimental ingredient in skin care and the thing with hgh is that is so unproven the marketing tries to make you think that they have seen all these great results that it will definitely like kind of cause your skin cells to proliferate that it turns on fibroblasts and makes them start squirting out collagen and elastin and all this stuff well they have clinical studies that show that it did that but guess where it did that in a petri dish on fibroblast cells so they didn't even have human skin in a petri dish but the question is can they prove that it works like that in your skin that the stuff you slather on the outside of your skin penetrates into your skin gets where it needs to go and makes that same thing happen it hasn't been done there is very very little conclusive research on these things it's very much experimental so you know for me it's just too expensive and there's not enough proof showing that it works so i used it once just to try i didn't see any difference in my skin i actually thought it looked a little bit worse so for me it wasn't worth the 285 a bottle on it all right moving on to number nine this isn't something that you put on your face but this is something that you sleep on this is the silk pillowcase and please don't bash me too much i know people swear by their silk pillowcase now a lot of the reasoning behind silk pillowcase is that you are going to say you sleep on your side that the silk is going to not cause your face to be mashed into the pillow which this doesn't make any sense to me because your face is connected to your head which is basically a bowling ball that has a lot of weight to it what is our headway 10 or 12 pounds something like that you put a 10 or 12 pound bowling ball uh covered with you know movable flesh on the surface onto a pillow it doesn't matter what that pillow is covered with your skin is going to crinkle up by the weight of the bowling ball i know a lot of people do use them for hair and i actually have tried one i bought one recently i got this one on amazon that had like fifteen thousand five star reviews i was like oh gosh this is a pillow case that's going to make all the difference in my hair so i styled my hair up one day and i got my new silk pillowcase and i washed it and i was like great i'm going to wake up tomorrow morning my hair is going to look like it was just styled the day before next morning i got up i was like wait a minute my hair looks the same as it usually does sleeping on a cotton pillowcase the other thing about the silk is it's starting to get cool here so the nights have been a little bit cool had the windows open it's cold silk is cold you know if you're suffering with hot flashes you may want a silk pillow case because it might keep you cooler because it does kind of feel colder when you lay down on it the other thing is that you guys know that i sleep kind of elevated with my head on a wedge pillow and i sleep on my back now if you want something that is really going to keep your face from getting wrinkled use a wedge pillow and sleep on your back keeping your head elevated helps to keep fluids from pooling underneath your eyes so it helps to keep puffiness from appearing here and some level of dark circles depending on what they're caused by and then sleeping on my back also keeps me from mashing my face into my pillow and wrinkling things up here and i gotta say i've seen the biggest differences in my skin just from sleeping with my head elevated on my back then the other thing the silk pillowcase it's slippery and so when i'm trying to sleep on my wedge it's kind of semi-elevated it made me kind of slide down my wedge so in the morning i woke up i was flat for the week that i used it to do this experiment oh my gosh my eye bags were so much bigger i couldn't believe the difference in the puffiness of my face in the morning so i really am a walking talking billboard for sleeping on your back with your head elevated and it's free it's 100 free except to buy the wedge which is a one-time investment and then you have it so for me the silk pillow case was like i don't know i didn't get it made me cold made me slide down didn't improve my hair and i really don't believe that it's going to improve wrinkles on the face all right let's move on to number 10 which is hyaluronic acid serum a dedicated hyaluronic acid serum now hyaluronic acid is a really great skin care ingredient it's a humectant it's a big molecule so it sits on the surface of your skin but it's a water binding molecule so it attracts and holds water to it and so it keeps our skin from losing some of the moisture and it has a visual plumping and kind of firming and smoothing effect on the skin which is awesome and so i love hyaluronic acid and i love to use in my skin care i'm just not spending money on a separate hyaluronic acid product the reason being that all my skin care products already contain hyaluronic acid because there's enough of it in my skin care i don't feel the need to buy an extra hyaluronic acid product and so i just don't so if you have been buying a separate hyaluronic acid product i would check the ingredients on your other skin care if it has hyaluronic acid or sodium hyaluronate in it then you could pretty much dump the extra product save yourself a little money and simplify your skincare routine by a step so i'll go ahead and link all the products in my skin care routine below i've also linked the video so that you can watch my skincare routine and i'll put it at the end of this video alright so those were my 10 skin care and beauty products that i just don't use so if you want to save a little money a little time and maybe help your skin to look even better than it does you could try not using these products as well and maybe switching over to some of the things that i've shown you here today so i hope you found the video helpful and informative if you did go ahead and give it a like don't forget to subscribe to my channel as always i thank you so much for your time i really appreciate you watching have a great day and i will see you in the next video take care everybody [Music] bye
Channel: HotandFlashy
Views: 476,566
Rating: 4.9238982 out of 5
Keywords: Anti-aging, skincare, style, how to, hotandflashy, hot and flashy, over 50, over 40, 50 +, 40 +, 50 and, mature, skin, face, skincare I don't use, stop using, don't use, bad skincare, good skincare, best skincare, HGH, double cleanse, makeup wipes, makeup remover, how to remove makeup, silk pillowcase, eye cream, neck cream, best, wrinkles, crepey skin, Hyaluronic Acid, serum, cream, lotion, growth factors, skincare oils, micellar water, face scrub, Curology, retinol
Id: FJTNh8uItyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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