How to live stream like CodeMiko in Unreal Engine

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hey what's going on guys and gal mom i know you're out there watching i hope you're proud of me so in this video we're gonna be talking about code mikko i think that's her name that name keeps popping up on my channel over and over and over again i had no idea who she was until people started commenting her name asking you know how is she doing that oh so basically long story short there's a streamer right now on twitch streaming her most motion capture suit facial pretty much creating a digital copy of herself and streaming it to twitch and i'm pretty sure that's where twitch is going to go from now on which is insane because i know it's just technology right so as you all know i've been making a lot of unreal engine 4 videos and people keep asking me this stuff like how is she doing this i can't tell you how she's doing 100 because i really don't know who she is but what i'm going to show you today is how you can do it in unreal engine 4 like it's pretty much how i would do it if i was to do something like that now you're going to need a couple of things for this to work and i'm not going to show you how to set it up completely i'm just going to show you pretty much what you will need to get this thing started and if you watch a couple of my videos you'll probably learn how to do this thing now i've probably shown it in the channel in bits and pieces but and but what i'm going to do today is kind of do like an overall thing on how you would approach in doing something like what she's doing she's streaming as a digital character from unreal engine 4. so the first thing you're going to need is a mocap suit now for my understanding she's using an xs mocap suit which is 30 000 plus like a yearly subscription which i can't afford so i have right here on my head and my body is the perception neuron version 32. i bought this last year and i can tell you right now i don't regret buying it it's a great entry suit for you guys out there that are just starting out and i'm pretty sure it's gonna become even more popular nowadays like i said with twitch and all that stuff going digitally so second thing you're gonna need this computer that can run unreal engine four probably the best you can buy because streaming online especially if you're thinking about a character that has a lot of graphics mesh lod whatever you're gonna need the best hardware as possible okay uh the third thing you're gonna need is a plug-in that i'm gonna show you how to install right now inside unreal engine 4 and then you're gonna need obs as well and then you're gonna need twitch and that's pretty much everything you need to get this going now with her interactions as far as i know she has like a developer team working on that stuff but what i'm gonna do today is just show you how you can stream live as a character in unreal engine 4. now a very good thing about this is as you if you guys have been in my channel for a little bit there is a meta human character creator tool that's coming out hopefully soon now when that releases it actually lets you create cg characters inside unreal engine 4 so you can probably imagine right now you can stream in unreal engine 4 so whenever that comes out this whole thing is just going to get crazy because now you have people creating characters for unreal engine 4 and the meta human creator and now they're streaming live to twitch so by watching this video right now you can kind of get ahead of that curve because you know what you'll need to be able to do that for streaming you're going to need a motion capture suit you're going to need a computer that can run it you're gonna need to plug in obs and an iphone which is what i'm gonna be using to facially motion capture my face since again i'm not sure what she's using i could it's probably accents something if she bought the whole suit she probably got the face mocap as well but i'm using the live link app from the unreal engine marketplace which is absolutely free so with that being said let's go ahead and go to unreal engine 4. but yeah so install this you just have to install it to your engine and i already have it installed in my 4.26 and after you have it installed let's go to the actual readme file if you go to the description sometimes it's really good to just read what they have to say in these readme files because we actually have to download another uh we actually have to download another software from here which is the uh spout receiver plugin right here so i'm gonna go to that github and i'm also gonna download that so if i go right here go to the release page and the newest version is 220 is it mainline 26.00 go ahead and download that and install it but at the same time make sure you have obs installed first and i have it running here already to record this screen capture so just install that exe it's going to install it to your obs and then for the plug-in whenever you install that to your engine you might have to do this if you go to your actual app so go to your epic games folder alright so go to your epic games folder 4.26 engine uh plugins marketplace you're gonna see it right here uh just to make sure that it's in your project go ahead and copy that go to that project that you're working on so unreal projects for me and i'm gonna call this tutorial and i'm gonna create a plugins folder right here so plugins and i'm gonna paste that plug-in right there and that should be good to go uh just so you know though uh for this to work uh they said that you need one gpu or so for this to work they said you're gonna need to use the same exact gpus for you guys out there on laptops that has integrated gpu in your laptop so you might have to change some settings so right now i am using the rtx 3090 so it's one gpu so it should work okay so we have the uh plug-in installed and we have the spout plug-in installed for obs so i'm gonna go to edit plugins and i think i have to restart oh nope it's right here so that's good off world live streaming i'm gonna enable that and then restart my unreal engine four okay so inside unreal engine four you already installed obs you already installed the spout plug-in like i showed you guys in my previous video so now we're gonna go ahead and set this guy up for uh my motion capture suit now i uploaded a million uh videos about this so i'm gonna go through it real quick and see if i can still remember it but basically we just have to retarget this so they'll accept my motion capture data that's coming from the software so a little t post here and like i said if you want to see this in full detail i got a lot of videos about this here and i'm going to go create asset yeah create animation create animation current post and let's post me i don't know just title it something all right and then we go to blueprint i'm going to disconnect this and i'll disconnect this i'm gonna add a live link post right here and then for the input post i'm actually gonna drag and drop that thing we just created the post itself so i'm just going to look here pose post me just like that input and then output so basically this is just going to connect my um mocap suit to my left link post and then it's going to go to out which is going to show you the animation i'm going to compile there you go you see the t-post and then for the live link i'm going to have to turn that on for my perception neurons i actually have to install it okay so i'm going to go to the marketplace and download neuron because as you all know my computer crashed and i pretty much had to pretty much lost all my programs all right so going back to access neuron i'm going to check out because like i said i just reinstalled this today because everything crashed i'm gonna go to bvh for the broadcasting if i remember correctly and if i go to output turn off the displacement now one of the cool things i really like about this uh for the price that i paid for it it comes with head and uh gloves and fingers which is not bad i mean it's it's pretty insane all right so i'm gonna connect everything do hate the velcros though but it's all right it's all right it's all right so you want to learn unreal engine 4 but majority of the videos out there are for video game creations maybe i can help with that i just created a beginner's course on how to make a movie inside unreal engine 4. in an hour and 40 minutes i'm going to teach you how to install unreal engine 4 to create your very first cg animation unreal engine is the future and this video is the perfect introduction to it yeah all right so we're plugged in we're gonna go to our axis neuron here let's see if i can connect and i just installed this like two minutes ago so it's probably not calibrated all right actually dang all right it's not bad got my fingers in there and i'm gonna calibrate it just for the sake of it and i don't have the legs that's why it looks funny i have no pants i mean i i don't i don't have the uh the the leg parts i only have the upper body okay so that's why um you can see right here in the uh right corner right here on the right side says upper body because i only have upper body on then we're gonna change the body size to j jbody because i did have my wife measure this for me which is kind of cool and then what i'm going to do is just calibrate i have to do the remap asset so i'll go to medium i'm going to go to blueprint and go here click on this right here i have to change this to a manual remap asset which i have to download it actually have it and like i said i'm only having to set this up again because my computer crashed so i've already set this up you know like earlier you don't have to do this ctrl v and there's js films and i'm gonna go back to the body here not the torso i have to go to the body go to the skeletal mesh go to the blueprint and under the live link subject name i'm gonna go do this and there should be a js films one which is good so i'm gonna compile save and we're still missing the connection here okay so back in uh x's neuron here the software i'm gonna go back to the settings i do have to change it to b uh to udp i forgot so click udp it was tcp go to udp and then right here 7002 go to output make sure displacement is not checked on go back to unreal and this should work so if i go to source action to run live and i type in 7002 press ok there you go now i see my character i'm going to go back to the mesh the body let's go check out the skeletal mesh go to blueprints click down here select your character compile and now we have body motion like i said no legs though because i'm not wearing you know stuff we have body movements so you can see i can i can do the shape you can dance a little bit so that's good we want that yeah i already turned it all the way down and i'm going to save this all so we don't use it oh we don't lose it i mean okay okay so next step is going to be my phone that i'm going to connect so that's easy and as you can see right here apple ar is already on there so it's good we're um we're dropping it right now this is working but we have to go to the face and actually we have to go to the meta human four click on roku and if i press play okay that's not working give me a second i'm gonna go to the face double click the face let's take a look at what's going on here with the blueprint my live link looks like it's right it's working oh it's disconnected shoot i forgot i was trying to modify the bone here earlier so i'm going to be making another tutorial about how you can calibrate your stuff that's why i was messing around with this so i'm going to add the pin right here and i think it was shrug mouth shrug it's pretty cool big thanks to uh style marshall again for hooking me up with this right here mouth shrug lower hey and this one you can mess around with the settings but we'll talk about this a little bit more later after this uh tutorial here so i'm gonna go point two and i'm gonna connect that here and that's just gonna fix the mouth problem so now i'm actually i should be able to open my mouth and close my mouth a little bit better so if i simulate ah now you can see that right that's good all right so we have the body and we have the mouth movements going see this is awesome now we have to do is just again i can start from the beginning here all you need to do with the plugin installed that's the live link streaming plugin we go here and just type owl we're gonna put a camera in there put a camera move up and we're gonna find it's underground right now right so we have the camera right here we're gonna stream 720 for now okay so we're going to stream to 720 and i already have obs open i'm going to save all just in case um my mouth is not moving again because it's not simulated i'm going to go to obs and if i turn this on it's gonna turn off my feed okay so what i'm gonna do now is go to my laptop what's wrong with my head okay i'm gonna go to my laptop open up twitch and screen record twitch because i'm gonna have to turn this one off because i'm gonna be using obs to stream to twitch but all i'm doing is turning this off turning this on go to my settings go to streaming and switch this to twitch right here and that's it that's all i'm doing here everything is gonna be working as soon as i press play here it's gonna stream it to twitch so let me go ahead and stream twitch okay so for a minute there i was like why is it not working i was in the wrong channel in twitch apparently somebody already reserved js films so i had to go to jsfilms0402 for this to test out uh but as you can see it's working we are streaming data with my hands and mouth and head and stuff like that from unreal engine 4 to twitch live through obs using a live streaming plug-in that's free so this is pretty much how i would and i think it's just lagging a little bit it looks like twitch yeah this is how i would pretty much do what code miko is doing so i don't know how exactly she's doing it but this is probably the cheapest route to do it if i was to do something she was doing um and as you can see there is a little bit of a delay but that's just the nature of the beast you know what i mean so i'm capturing it on my laptop and then streaming it on my main computer but yeah guys that's pretty much it i really hope uh you guys learned something new today and i know it was really fast but i just really wanted to give you guys an overview on how i would do something like this you
Channel: JSFILMZ
Views: 44,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to stream like codemiko, how does codemiko stream, codemiko stream setup, live stream unreal engine to twitch, live stream like codemiko tutorial, codemiko live stream, stream unreal engine 4 to twitch, how to live stream like code miko, code miko unreal engine tutoriakl, codemiko xsens, codemiko stream tutorial, codemiko computer setup, codemiko unreal engine, how to stream live video in unreal engine 4, jsfilmz, noitom, codemiko banned
Id: F8lif4fVNoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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