How to LIVE inside any Minecraft Boss

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this is a minecraft boss and today i can go inside of it each boss i go inside has a different challenge if i do them i'll get new items that i can use to travel inside even stronger bosses guys there it is there's the first custom boss wait a second how am i supposed to get inside of it is there like a secret item that i have to find oh my gosh yo that was sick i'm gonna touch it guys look at that it actually worked we got our hands on a magic ender pearl let's go try this on the crab the first boss is called a grotto hello buddy where are you going wait seriously where did it just go i see it there it is get it get it get it get it get it get it get it get it why are you wiggling wait did it just dig underground come back where how do i get you i think i need to find another one i'm gonna get you come here little buddy oh dude i had it don't worry there's another one come on we're gonna try it three two one it's so fast oh my gosh we nailed it are we inside of his leg okay so now that we made it inside our challenge is to collect 10 diamonds i'm pretty sure the grotto's will drop one sadly every time i get close to one it just digs underground do you guys see that over there it looks like some beef on the wall i want some beef we got something called eternal steak uh let's try to eat it oh okay so i can eat that and then it just keeps coming back to me it's infinite steak we got infinity beef so right now i think we're inside of the leg of the diamond crab creature and i'm gonna have to parkour my way all the way to the top oh dude that dude just tried to push me off slowly slowly step steadily steadily still still still steadily steadily just slow like a snail snow slow like a turtle jacket doing your ow god my wife we're gonna be fine it is gonna be a okay we got this the grottos are just jumping from the top of the leg oh yeah let's go we made it into the tummy okay somewhere around here i should be able to find a pickaxe then i'll actually be able to mine the grottle and also probably collect some diamonds from around the area i don't see any i don't see a pickaxe anywhere wait a second what's that on the wall let's go check it out okay we have to jump across here we got it oh my gosh come on no i'm gonna scare them all away wait imagine if i get trapped inside of the grottle that would be terrible i will be slowly digested and turned into a crab come on yes we made it we were able to get the steel leaf pickaxe and also a fire gauntlet whoa look at that let's go test these out after i have some maternal beef i see you come here you little crab don't run don't run don't run please just no stop stop taking underground come on i just need one of you yes we did it i got an achievement called double or nothing kill a grotto with a fortune pickaxe and also you monster kill a grotto i am not a monster this one's jumping in lava it doesn't want to be collected by me at all it would rather burn okay we got two diamonds only eight more do these count i guess we'll find out we could probably just yeah mine this diamond block and then we could turn the diamond block into diamonds oh yeah boys we made it back out and look at that we got another magic ender pearl first things first let's test out our fire gauntlet boom i can light anything on fire just using my fists we having fried chicken tonight ladies and gentlemen the next boss was the foliath and that could only be found in the jungle all right here we are in the jungle we're looking for a giant purple carnivorous flesh-eating plant his name is feliath i like to call it fred freddy freddy bob oh hi is your name fred you guys don't look like fred's you look like a steve and a joke don't worry steven joe we're just looking for fred oh it's fred alfred would you like some eternal big mac okay yes okay all right i get it let's give our magic ender pearl a shot in three two one what so while we're inside this big purple plant we need to collect seven of its seeds that shouldn't be a problem all right well let's see if my fists do a lot of damage okay all right i'm able to set them on fire what they do so much damage though okay i can't get chomped too many more times my body can't handle it maybe i can use my pickaxe come on yes wait a second it still lights them on fire even if i use my pickaxe i got the achievement jennifer dumped me i'm so sorry jennifer oh my gosh wait a second these things aren't even called fred's they're jennifer's hi jennifer don't touch me do not do not okay jennifer jennifer is mad that i dumped her jennifer you don't have to do this right now we're at the bottom of its stem so maybe if we get to the top we'll be able to find something that'll be able to help me kill them faster okay i'm just gonna try to run past them run past them come on jack you can do this whole that one's right there eat the big mac hello oh you're looking awfully oh my gosh you're not looking good today i was gonna compliment it to see if that helped but it did not go past it go past it come on you have this jacket if i go really fast oh no hi i am dead we can do this we can do this oh god nope i'm on half a heart right now i don't feel good about this i feel like i'm gonna die and if i die i won't be able to get my hands on another magic ender pearl we're getting really close to the top these things are the most hungry plants i've ever seen in my entire life oh wait there's one right there i need to get by this one come on oh i got put in the butt these things can reach super far okay i need to make this jump right here i need to get by this one fast oh that was a close call come on right at the top oh gosh no no no i'm in between two how's it going oh my gosh okay we're gonna just have to make a break for it in three two one go oh my gosh right through everywhere we're actually everywhere okay okay now we're safe we're good so it looks like we just made it up to the head so it looks like we just made it up to the head and over there there's a jungle temple we should probably go check that out okay let's put them all to sleep if i'm not close to them they go back inside of their entire plant so we're just going to run past in now go go go go that's right go back to sleep rock goodbye plant please go back to sleep and get by okay this is not working they're not going to sleep go oh god oh god oh god we made it what could be down here is there anything oh there's like skeleton skulls but there's also what is this when it's a lightning dragon phone sword this thing does nine and a half damage i should be able to use this to kill the foliath and collected seats let's try it out whoa that immediately killed it let's try this one all right so we just picked up one flyer seed six more to go oh man come on this one got damaged oh we got it too you dropped another seed five more to go jack just five more to go all right this one looks very kind and friendly hello sir come on yes oh my gosh wait a second we're only at two and a half hearts boom bang oh my gosh wait we just killed two we got seven let's go the next custom boss we had to find was deep inside of a cave we're looking for a big giant knight i'm gonna go left we'll follow the left wall until we eventually find the rotna chamber which should hold my friend the fairest wrought knot we only have one magic ender pearl so we're gonna wake him up hi good morning boom oh yeah boys we made it inside i think we're in its foot our challenge here is to find a button well that shouldn't be too difficult right okay right now we're in the foot so we should probably travel up the leg and get to the chest and then maybe find our way to the brain i'm going to see if i can maybe get around this dude on my screen right now there are five ferris rod knob boss bars that is not making me feel comfy okay okay how do i how do i get by this um okay i need to go up here and then maybe i can build up here and get this way oh my god he's right down there he's right down there he's right flipping down there oh gosh sir i understand that you are very mad and angry but now is not the time to take it out on me okay let's go this way up here make that jump oh my gosh wait there's one right there how am i supposed to lower it down please tell me it'll just drop down oh no oh i fell on the other one oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay i'm gonna lure both of them down to me that's right you go to sleep you follow me oh my goodness oh holy cannoli dude how am i supposed to get by this one guy lightning you and that did nothing okay all right i think we cleared up a path we're gonna run by him later so i'll go later oh no he's right down there i gotta jump over his head come on come on yes we nailed it okay let's go up here just a little bit further jack somewhere along the way there's gonna be at least three more of those giant iron knights okay let's see if i can lure it back down that's right come on this way just a little bit more oh no way can i jump around it okay let's see if i can lower it over here and maybe i can go under it come on just come a little bit over here there you go whoa thank you he just hit me up super high what a nice guy oh my gosh okay we got by the last one we've officially made it to the chest of the ferris wraw knot and inside there's lava and it looks like is this a maze i'm not able to break any of the blocks well we're gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way so when you're in any sort of maze situation all you want to do is just uh follow the left wall and then eventually you'll find your way to the end see look at that it worked like a charm whoa wait there's two more the next area is blocked off i think i'm gonna have to fight them all right one at a time so for those of you guys that haven't seen the ferris rod now before you need to get him to slam down his giant axe of a thousand medals then you'll be able to stab him in the back there it goes and now we need to get behind him yes we landed a hit come on yes there's another one that should be the last one oh big spin buddy yo andy no i missed it no way yo let's go we caught him we picked up the rod helmet and also the axe of a thousand medals the door didn't open so we're gonna have to do the same thing with this dude we got the next one though and look at that the wall actually fell so now we can go inside uh wait where are we are we back inside of another maze okay let's just do the same thing that we did last time do i have to get by this guy too what okay i think i can buy them it looks like there's one more way up this is probably up to the head okay all right all right hopefully that dude can't fit through the doorway he's just stuck down there we made it to the top and there's a chest filled with different legendary items we got a pixie wand an amphithear macko ajito i'm going to call it a fish slapper the phantasmal blade and the mir mech swarm that can summon five miramax swarmers that will defend you that is so sick and right behind it there's the button let's try it out i had to travel pretty far to find the next boss in the barracoa villages all right guys we're looking decked out look at this this is the ghost blade there's also my fish slapper i got my pixie wand we just made that cow fly and we're also at the next custom boss barack of the sunshine what the flip is going on yo what's happening no use my pixie one we also have to use my phantasmal blade so all we have to do is sneak up to bronco and then just throw the magic ender pearl at him easy enough oh no it's not gonna be easy i forgot morocco has an entire village filled with people that want to kill me oh gosh and i do not blend in whatsoever i stick out like a sore thumb on a tuesday morning hey guys how's it going boom oh no i fell inside of this hole i fell inside of another flipping hole they have traps everywhere luckily this will protect me from the sun rays of morocco but in the meantime we're gonna get surrounded by his village people wait guys you picked up one of the mass of the barakoa village peoples i have an idea hey guys uh how's it going it's me jackie maruba how do you do today yes yes yes hi to you it's working okay all i gotta do now is just be very sneaky morocco brocco yes we got the achievement undercover that means that they're not going to attack me oh let's try this out in three two one we're going inside his tummy so while we're here we need to collect the seven mass of morocco and his village peoples hey guys how's it going i still have one of the mass on so i should be able to remain undetected for the time being let's go track down morocco if i can find him and defeat him i should be able to gain his powers and then i'll be able to defeat the rest of his village peoples and steal all of their mass wait am i able to eat the pixie dust oh wait i actually can i can go right past the parkour all right well my head kind of hit the ceiling there but that's okay we're gonna continue to move forward oh these dudes are everywhere hello yes i i don't know how i'm still blending in at this point i look nothing like them other than my mask we're gonna need some more pixie dust so that we can travel all the way up to the next area morocco has a ginormous belly this is probably like the lower intestine and we're gonna be traveling all the way up to the upper intestine and eventually we'll reach his stomach and probably his brain wait guys look up there there's a secret chest all right let's use my pixie dust so that i can float all the way up and see what it is okay we're almost there all right we're on top let's check it out wait receive son's blessing grant's son blessing for 60 minutes that is so sick wait a second i could use this to kill morocco and all of his minions let's do this let's go okay i can't blow my cover yet we must get all the way up to morocco first and unleash a sun beam on him he's about to get a taste of his own medicine hey what's that you guys see that what has my man baracko been eaten other than lots of cheeseburgers it's a siren flute makes a target fall in love for 10 seconds mobs in love will not be able to attack all right wait should i try it out on this dude hello there sir you got some really nice toes fall in love with me madly in love no no i don't i don't want to get married no please please leave me alone stop stop trying to impress me i wonder if this will work on morocco well guys here goes nothing we're going to charge up a mega sunblast attack yes it's working wait he's getting killed he's using siren flute so he's not able to attack me we have to kill his minions his minions are healing him no get out of here they're everywhere oh my gosh wait a second there's way too many let's use our axe and we'll just smash them that looks so cool and we could also use our son's blessing abilities we're mowing them down okay let's kill the minion that's healing him that's right nobody's getting healed today not on my watch your mind okay we got this one and every time we hit two our fire gauntlet sets everything on fire okay let's make sure they collect all of the mass the last one we're gonna have to collect is the soul visage which is on bronco i've tried to make him fall enough but i don't think he wants to fall in love not today okay let's use our phantasmal blade we could spam this thing up some of them are just bouncing off oh wait somebody get more minions need to make sure to kill them wait where are they going they are just teleporting around this is bad let's try to use my pixie wand will that make him float wait it does a little bit of damage too this is actually working we can do this oh my goodness i can't let that hit me too many times maybe i can hit him from back here like a coward it's working let's go oh no it's not i was able to hit me from so far away let's check how many mass i have so i have one two three four five six i only need the mass that he has on excuse me sir what you looking at not today sir wait how is he getting back health when he's getting back a lot of health no i need to go keep applying pressure here come on yes it doesn't really do that much damage on him however sure he would do more damage we got this oh my gosh how am i supposed to dodge that i think if i stay right here wait i actually can dodge it oh that's gonna be big come on oh this is so cool no no no no no what the flip is that fall in love with me sir pixie one pick someone picks you up no no no no no i just gave him an angle to hit me we almost got him we choose the blade yes we killed him well you served barack oh the sun chief did he drop his mask he did so when i picked this up i should be teleported out let's go guys it worked we were able to get out of bronco and now we can put on his soul visage i think that means that i could also summon in his minions again look at that what's up jeff yo jeff go kill that thing for me i don't feel so good jeffs kill the chicken jeffs one of the jeffs is actually healing me that is awesome there's so much happening oh my goodness bro they need to kill this chicken after i dealt with that dinosaur chicken i traveled to the coldest part of my minecraft world to find the frost ball wakey wakey there it is guys it's the frost ball okay it's holding its eyes crystal all we have to do is wake it up and then throw the magic ender pearl at it to travel inside oh hi good morning we're traveling inside you i'm so sorry while we're in here we need to steal the ice crystal from inside of the frost ball what the flip dude so the frost maw has yetis living inside of its body they seem pretty friendly i don't know if i'm buying this though we're gonna just see if we can get by them also somewhere inside of the frost mall there's another frost mall and the alpha yeti we're going to need to kill the alpha yeti and probably the frost maw as well if we want to get our hands on the ice crystal okay we'll jump up here jump up here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's going on there pal he's picking me up i'm gonna block you get out of here what are you doing put me down ho ho that is so overpowered and i love it we could also just smash him all right that clears me up to do the parkour in peace there's another one just chilling up there i need to get rid of it before i go any higher yes yeah that's right you fall down and get deleted by my sun god rave okay we just have to jump a little bit further this is the hardest parkour yet we're just jumping on blue pieces of floating ice yes okay we nailed it i'll need a little bit of momentum for this next one oh come on wait why am i doing parkour i am dumb i have pixie dust guys sometimes i swear my brain just does not operate at 100 max potential yes we are going to eat the dust of my pixies oh my gosh wait that's the alpha yeti now we're gonna need to be very gentle here hi pal i'm gonna use my siren flute to sing you a song and then i'm gonna make you float yes that's right yes you float you float take that i'm going to shower you with love and pixie dust wait a second what is it doing dude it's just flailing it's arms we might as well also use the mirror mech swarm wait is it actually crying no way ew dude look at these little dudes okay hopefully they're able to help me and fight the frost maw in the meantime though the alpha yeti is blocking the way to the stomach of the frost ball so we're gonna need to kill it look at this thing check this out that's crazy okay we almost got it a couple more hits and we killed it over there in the distance i see it it's the frost mall wait what's this on the wall let's check it out we picked up a summoning tomb that fires a fluctuate sphere to hit mobs that sounds pretty cool wait look at this over here it looks like a dragon axe it is a fire dragon steel axe that does 30 attack damage that is insane is there anything else around here hey oh there's a chest behind the frost ball no wait a second it's gonna freeze me oh no i can't move my mirror mix swarm is actually fighting the frost ball for me oh my goodness don't look at me like that let's use our summoning tomb is it working come on unleash oh it did it worked it was like a blue fire because our siren flute to make the frost ball actually like me and then we could test out ice bombs wait these actually do some pretty good damage come on all right i take that back that was trash it is doing a little bit of damage over time though what uh flip is that on the wall a whoopee cushion really really i picked up a whoopee cushion what about in this chest back here uh solstice helmet solstice armor come on come on i need to grab all of it okay let's put all this on my body this one this one this one and the helmet the sword is crazy it does 17 attack damage and it does nine bonus damage after each hit let's use this on the frost ball come on yo no we just got the most insane combo did he drop the ice crystal let's go boys we did it now i can freeze this polar bear
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,545,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, go inside any mob, minecraft bosses, mowzies mobs, minecraft but you can go inside any mob, beckbrojack
Id: h3O44oCVOWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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