Testing CUSTOM BOSS IQ in Minecraft!

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today i'll be testing the iq of custom minecraft bosses they are very angry that i am standing so close to barack of the sunshield oh he looks angry wait he just walked out oh why'd you have to do that we should have watched until the end to see which ones are go gums and which one are einstein welcome ladies and gentlemen to the custom minecraft boss iq testing arena our first contestant of the day is the ferris wrought nod right now he's starting at a beautiful 100 iq points every time he's able to make it across and kill me he will gain 10 but if he fails the challenge he will lose the iq points hey buddy you're looking awfully stiff today oh i woke up the beast oh he's walking across wait wait it's actually working no no no no no no no no no no no no he's supposed to fall off he's not supposed to be that smart yes negative 10 points for you buddy honestly not a great start from you let's try to give him a little bit whoa whoa whoa what what are we doing no don't don't walk that way i wouldn't walk that way how did he just do that my man's walking on air my man just turned into jesus and he just realized that he was not actually jesus and could not walk on air that would be another negative 10 iq points that's right buddy keep on walking there you go oh another negative 10 iq points the ferris wrong is big but he is also very dumb the next challenge might be a little bit more basic hey wake up wake up wake up we gotta test your act a few points okay all you have to do is walk directly over you can jump you can walk wait wait wait wait a second no he's gonna pass oh baby no no no no no no that would be plus 10 iq points for the ferris wrought knot let's try this one more time for good measure so i'm going to stand in this block right here in the center for whatever reason it really likes to walk on the side oh wait it got really close to the edge how is it still standing well but made it to the other side so that's another 10 iq points for the virus rot knowledge you're not as dumb as we thought the next challenge is to see if the ferris frog knot is able to escape an iron cage right now it's at 90 iq points so it's actually not doing too bad good morning to you buddy wait a second what's happening staring contest three two one go oh why'd you have to do that wait a second he just goes back to sleep he has no idea how to escape it even though it is a see-through block he's looking at me right now he has a giant axe that can probably break this down in one second wait a second oh maybe he can't break it he can stomp his feet but look at it look he can go through it but for whatever reason he's not able to break it that would be another negative 10 iq points for the ferrous rot knot what about if the rolls were reversed i'll go stand over here behind the iron bars and we'll see if the ferrous rot not nope he stops he legit just stops that's another negative 10 iq point honestly i'm not surprised this thing doesn't even have a brain it's just made of metal for the next challenge i'm going to see if i can guide this giant hunk of metal all the way through this maze to get the cake wakey wakey eggs and bakey yo iron for brains wake up well good morning sunshine oh okay it looks like he's walking through oh wait a second wait he's backing up i am so confused right now what is happening the man just went back to the start and he's taking a nap that is not a part of the iq games okay he's not happy i woke him back up let's see if he's able to get around this turn he looks so confused he's not sure if he should go into the cobwebs or wait a second maybe he is okay he is coming this way he's getting really close to the cake i'm not sure if he's broken right now he looks like he wants to take a step but he's not taking a step well he just stomped so i guess that kind of counts you can tell his brain is trying extremely hard to process what's happening but at the same time i feel like he might hurt himself he is extremely frustrated wait a second he made it through he actually broke that piston uh okay well he's almost at the cake i probably should have put a time limit on this but wait hold on hold on okay he got a little bit confused right there but i think he actually might make it he did it he made it to the cake plus 10 iq points wait what's happening now i went back into creative mode where is this man going he didn't even need his cake he walked all the way back to the start to take a nap that was actually way more impressive than getting there honestly let's go ahead let's give him another 10 actual points for that one of the final challenges we have for the ferris rottenod is a massive maze let's go buddy there we go he's moving very slow but very steadily let's see if he's able to get past his door i think the door may be broken i'll open the door for him wait a second he's actually starting to move on his own now he started out way back here and then he went all the way through here just following me but i went back into creative mode and it looks like he gave up about halfway through welp will give him negative 10 iq points for the effort everybody give a warm welcome to contestant number two morocco the sun chief let's see what barack was able to do okay all right i probably should have saw that coming morocco is indeed the sun chief and is able to use the power of the sun gods in order to attack his enemies from far away so even though he's not going to be able to cross this giant lava gap he is able to also spawn in minions that are going to be able to come and kill me all right dude okay we will go ahead and give morocco plus 10 iq points and i'm dead while we're here we might as well test out the iq of his minions obviously bronco is the brains behind the operation because all of those guys just jumped off the edge what are these guys doing he literally just pushed his friend into the lava this is the only smart one that realized he probably couldn't make it anywhere let's move on to challenge number two we'll spawn baraka right there and let's see if he can command his barakona in order to go get the cake sounds like he's trying to communicate with them i'll go ahead and stand right in the center to see which way they go no no no no no what i can also do is someone in an army of zombies to see how they react well they're extremely smart they well the baricona aren't the smartest but morocco is very good at getting rid of the zombies and shoving them down into this hole so i think we're going to have to give him another 10 iq points here next up we'll be spawning baracko inside of a cage let's also spam click all of his baricona now a smart man trapped with so many tiny little people that are saying let's see what happens if i spawn in a zombie what about a little bit closer that didn't seem to do the trick so let's go into survival mode okay so morocco is able to see me somehow all of his minions are screaming different tribal languages that i have no idea what they mean and they're trying desperately to get out they are very angry that i am standing so close to barack of the sunshieve unfortunately for them it does not look like they'll be able to get up this one using iq points so that is going to be negative 10 iq points for morocco's minions i can literally watch this all day shut up shut up scraps okay let's move on to the next challenge this next one is going to be super simple we're going to leave it to his minions so we will spawn in the barakona in this corner and let's see how they react do they go into the lava or do they go it through the completely clear path well it looks like half of them decided to jump down into the lava pit and half of them actually took the right way out so i guess for this one we'll call it a draw zero iq points next up we'll spawn morocco over here with some of his barakona and also the barracuya i'll go over here near this cake morocco is still somehow able to see me he is easily the smartest boss of today but let's see what happens when i get a little bit closer will his minions be able to go through the maze and find me so far i'm standing directly next to them and they wait a second he just commanded them oh baby run through the entire thing no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no wait a second i think we stumped them so they were able to get past the doors the cobwebs and it looks like they maybe got stuck on the lava oh they're coming let's see if they're able to get past the next part some of them definitely fell but it looks like one actually got across and he just went back why would he do that okay this one's actually coming all the way to the end morocco gave the entire squad a couple reinforcements some of them are somewhat close to the edge this guy is actually right next to it and he made it what the heck wait actually did a couple make it it took them a while but we'll give them plus 10 iq points and now for the last contestant of the day the giant frost maul i don't really feel too confident about this guy i mean it just is a giant overgrown yeti polar bear but let's see how it does against the first challenge luckily i picked up a blow gun from that last challenge so let's try to shoot it at the frost ball yup i definitely hit him hi good morning to you too nice weather we're having right oh no no no all right well i'm gonna say wait did he pass challenge number one he completely went around my lava pit let's try this one more time wait a second he gets so close but he just jumps right into the lava i know you're mad buddy but that's going to be a negative 10 iq points from the boy back project all right all right chill chill chill that's not my fault that's your fault the next challenge we have is slightly more basic why hello there okay let's see if he can figure out his way across a simple two block jump wait what what just went around this time we've made a slight adjustment there's glass around the edges so there is no way the frost mall can cheat let's see what it tries to do now oh my gosh it hits me right down but it also jumped into the lava okay it looks like it's coming directly at me it just froze me it is now punching me it is currently still punching me luckily i put on absorption so i i probably should get out of here pretty pretty quickly well i'm going to go ahead and give the frost ball plus 10 iq points honestly i would have been surprised if this ginormous beast couldn't just walk over these two blocks moving on to challenge number three we have to test if any of today's custom bosses can break out of the iron cage oh he looks so cute and cuddly wake up sunshine oh he looks angry wait he just walked out are you kidding me there's no way none of the other bosses was able to do that okay okay all right you are way smarter than you look plus 10 iq points for you the next challenge is actually pretty simple the frost ball just has to figure out how to go around this giant gap that leads directly into the void well it definitely sees me and it just immediately jumped into the void it had no way of knowing that there was void below it and it is currently going to fall until it dies very very slowly minus 10 iq points and for the final challenge for the frost mod we are going to test if it is able to swim or if it will fall all the way down to the void wake up buttercup all i have to do is stand right in this center area and it is just extremely smart it just outsmarted my entire challenge and decided to turn all the water into ice i guess that's another 10 iq points for the frost ball i am however slightly curious what it would do to lava wait a second okay it knows not to go into the lava it just shot an ice ball directly into my eyes it is dancing on the lava but for whatever reason it's not sinking it just looks extremely frustrated oh wait a second it went into the lava it didn't die though so it definitely knew that it wasn't a good thing to go into the lava so it immediately got back out okay maybe it's not that smart it's just it's literally coming in to hit me let's see if it'll get out before it actually dies and there it goes so maybe it's not as smart as we thought so after adding up all the different iq points barraco the sun chief was the smartest comment down below what other custom minecraft mob iqs we should test next oh
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,456,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, testing mob iq, testing minecraft, custom boss, minecraft custom, custom bosses, custom bosses minecraft, mowzies mobs, minecraft villager iq
Id: KStBMGW3f-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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