How to LIVE inside a BEE in Minecraft 1.15 Update

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today we're showing you how to live inside a B in Minecraft 1.15 why do that well because there are tiny mobs trapped inside the B that needs your help and if you manage to help them they'll reward you with some special new items so allow me to show you how you get inside this B I happen to cross this chest filled with research materials strangest thing it's out in the middle of nowhere really but inside we've got an iron door a poppy some bee spawn eggs and some research notes for yours truly so it says in this chest you'll find all the materials you need to go inside a bee hold a poppy in your hand and when the bee lands give it the poppy alright so I'm gonna hold these in my hand spawning a bee looks like the bee is very curious about what I have in my hand here why don't I go ahead and drop it down and with any luck that should make the B no longer move from there all we need to do is drop an iron door on it and ooh just like that our bee is ready to be entered never mind why I'm hanging out in the grass by the way now the bee is very close to the ground so in order for you to fit the sign at the door you're actually gonna have to sneak and then get close to it and now we're inside this bee we should probably be careful because well I don't know exam I gosh what the heck is happening over there and why is it so dark in here hey you have any information buzz wow I can't believe it it's been a while since someone last entered the be interesting let's talk to him my name is buzz at least that's what they call me in here to be honest I can't remember my real name anymore I used to be a villager before it became what I am now he was a villager what I know it's hard to believe but you're in danger of the same fate as me if you were to ever get out of this be must do what I do and what others failed to do you must restore balance within the mind of this be his mind's been captive by terrible invaders that must be the spiders would keep hearing and I would explain why there's flooded water all over the place and why it's so dark in here alright buzz so what do we need to do exactly defeat the invaders repair the damage they've caught within this be okay oh and he just gave me a whole bunch of goodies boots pants tunic cap we even got ourselves a sword so we're gonna need to figure out how to fix all not good the week invader I can't even damage him maybe I just have some bad aim here guys come on whoa and they've got some serious pushback oh look at that weak invaders remaining so we're gonna have to kill all these guys as soon as possible and it drops something what is that some kind of weird spirit looking item right we're gonna have to be very careful with all these invaders around it looks like they all keep dropping these things there's one over here too we should probably explore this area and figure out what the heck's going on all right let's figure out what the heck else is going on around here I've got like a giant pine ladder area curious to see what is at the top here oh gosh other than more invaders geez don't mind if I do okay oh gosh okay come on come on we're doing good work right now it looks like we've got some parkour that we need to handle you wouldn't expect this to be all inside a beat ooh who are you beekeeper why hello isn't this just so awesome we're inside of a bee yeah I think you need to be more realistic about the situation here I'm a beekeeper and I love bees I decided to climb up here and wait for the transformation to take place once I have my wings I'm gonna buzz right off the ledge and get to work yo something's wrong with this girl she wants to be a bee oh but look she gave me some sponges nice now we can take her a lot of that flooding down there dude when she's got things to trade as well but she needs honey in order to do it okay well I'll keep an eye out for some honey but for now let's take care of this water honey all right so we can put one right over here it looks like perfect handled one remaining floods five out of six hey this is simple enough put one of you right there don't mind if I do there's another one over here too man this isn't bad at all three floods down three more to go look at this all being sorted didn't do course hey not bad now I can walk around a little bit it looks like we're gonna have to figure out some shears or something over there but we're out of sponge and there's more floods that we need to take care of oh boy and speaking of things to take care of we got to handle these invaders yeah they've got some crazy push back stay on fools hey that looks like it could be something let's see what we have down here a maze of some sort it's amazing well you should know by now the easiest way to get through mazes is too wise grass in here that is weird when there's some bees in here too oh my gosh as long as we follow the left wall we should be able to get out of this maze as soon as possible although it's really giving me a run for my money now oh I just heard I think I just heard a Vindicator a vindicate yeah look do you hear him a Vindicator invader that is not good look I found a barrel Hey flowery memory can be placed on grass block ooh maybe that's the grass we've been seeing before Hey okay look here's one flowery memories restored one out of twenty one interesting we have to plant a lot more flowers here's another hi there nameless worker bee you're uh you're kinda in my way one more well we are out of flowers now but there's more grass that we're gonna have to revisit for okay this seems yeah hey somewhere new awesome and look at you baby bee you want your mama okay well I'd love to take you but I don't have any Oh a lead wait can I can I use this on Oh Oh what happened oh he's right there thank goodness all right buddy you're coming with me we're gonna have to find your mom as soon as possible at least we got another sponge while we're at it all right we're out I'm gonna need to figure out what you're alright I get it you want your mama you're gonna have to tell me what she looks like though is this sir oh mama B help help my baby bees lost yeah well not anymore just taken care of mama be my baby bee how can I ever repay you here take this for your troubles oh hey look she gave us some of that honey now we can go back to the beekeeper but first I want to take care of this other flood that I saw there we go only one more look at this oh and there's another barrel with more flowers perfect and we can place one of those now and we can go back to that maze all right nice and handoff alright beekeeper I got what you need some honey combs Hey shears web removers a perfect we can use that to get rid of those webs we saw earlier but I'm curious about what else is up here I do want to see if the oh gosh that B almost took me out I want to see what's in here more flowers perfect but yeah we're gonna have to go back up here and see what else does parkour leads to what else does parkour beats - there's another invader right there I want to know maybe I can reach him yeah perfect oh and look just to the left here we can use some of our cobweb removers right away I wonder what's waiting for us on the other side of this okay let us see what do we have ooh yawn says ring who's yonce what is she doing with a ring very strange what's down here well hey sticky situation huh leads us right to our next victim or I mean hey they're bad guys okay we should probably be on the same page about that take out these invaders there's only three of them left after this one so we're looking pretty good so far not gonna lie hey and maybe we can use yeah that's what I'm talkin about the upwards hopefully Yonsei doesn't mind that I used her gems but okay where else does this lead to okay we've got more cobwebs there bumble is anyone there I'm trapped ooh we're behind here it looks like it are you bumble yeah that's bumble okay what's up bubble thank goodness someone heard me and someone who's not a bee while I was still a villager I was trying to find a bee name nice rumor has it he's got a secret armory that the invaders do not know about if you help me out of here I can give you the key that you need to find nice well I just helped you you'll need something to get rid of these webs don't let me down yeah I took care of it oh look we got the key forney the bee bee's knees probably you can find knees hidden behind a door nearby Oh let me see oh right down here oh gosh that was a heck of a fall is this the door nice it looks like it when a new area this is sting well I thought you heard Buzz talking to someone new I'm so glad you're here I was one of the most recent villages to enter the bee I was about to finish killing the spider invaders but then I got trapped to this honey cell and became a bee so in order to get to these other invaders we're gonna need to kill three more of those weak spider invaders okay I can do that but hey first cookies and honey I ain't mad about that well and after I cleared this web I found even more goodies arrows compass flint and steel I may as well hold it all huh kind of dark in here to be honest it'd be nice if we could get some lights why don't we plant some more of these flowers while we're at it though seven eight nine another one right here ten looking good oh and look another place for us to remove some web here with another barrel oh and some blaze rods hey yeah that's cool yes I'm working on it buzz I'm trying to plant flowers can't you see em bu2 fiying more webs here and what do we do total been dying and some food here's another one of these invaders take him out real quick don't mind if I do and I hear another one I think nearby down here perhaps or is this just another barrel yeah look there's another one of those invaders in there I don't think he sees me but here's another flower we can plant and look a barrel ooh with another flower perfect hey guys take it easy seriously Oh y'all say Beyonce Beyonce's missing ring oh yes I've got it right here Beyonce yes I have it right here Beyonce take it nice found my ring here take this as a thank-you it's full of honey what did you just give me Yonsei is a honey box if you ever get out of this be all of that honey should come in handy got to work on your jokes Yonsei if you like them so much you probably should have put a ring on it just the flower can back up on the top floor seeing if I've missed anything it look perfect that was the last sponge now I think we can take care of all the floods ooh and a hidden barrel right here and look now we can make a bow Oh sick you already have plenty of arrows all right here's the last flooded area so it looks anyways put you right in here yeah it's great ooh Beatrix is someone there it's so dark in here I can't see all this darkness make me grumpy I won't talk to you until the lights are back on well I'm on the same page as you Beatrix you'd have to be so rude now last time I felt through two different holes maybe there's something through ooh hey this looks new oh nice sting told me you were here quick if you can solve this combination you'll unlock what you need to defeat the strong invaders okay rotate the locks to find the correct combination before it's too late all right I'll do it I want the oh hey oh nice look at these actually with this invader poison I might be able to hit that spire that I was too far from last time so if I place this just right uh-oh that one hit me nice it did it perfect I hope I don't need that spirit item whoo but it looks like it doesn't matter too much anyways cuz I found the final invader all the weak invaders are now taken care of and would you look at that he dropped the key yes the honey cell key looking good and not only that we got some other goodies Hey look there's another one of these flower spots right here yeah okay seven more I'm just gonna place them all right now got enough flowers three oh look here's Ruby oh you're new I tell you this place saying what it used to be flowery memories that existed do you think you could find them and restore them here take this I've been keeping it safe I would have restored it myself but I lost my hands my turn into a bee what did you give me doesn't matter there's grass behind you oh wait the maze I totally forgot I knew there was more than one grass patch in here I just didn't remember where I saw them get on my weight perfect boom boom that's it we did them we got all of them guys come on all right Ruby The Situation's handled the lights been restored to this bees mind yeah I'll say you can see everything in here now thank goodness you did it you stopped the flooding I can't believe it you're on your way to freedom keep it up in this B's my wait Beatrice we fixed the light alright Sora did Beatrix finally someone turn the lights back on I guess I owe you on don't tell anyone but I was not a villager like the rest of those who enter this be so log I was the first to enter some known knows my true identity what do you suppose she is what are you hiding from us Beatrix I was a witch and now since you've turned the lights and I'll give you my secret potion recipe I would brew it for you but I don't have my hands anymore you know being a being all right just be easy with the jokes okay so then you need to bring me ten invader souls for the secret recipe we'll talk more then huh just so happens we've already got those invader souls already took care of all those weaklings bring me ten invader souls I've brought you ten invader souls in fact I've brought you an unlucky 13 but we'll hold on to the ten for now fresh Souls take this and brew my secret recipe with it everything's prepared for you ooh Beatrix secret ingredient interesting well I'll tell you what I'm glad I kept these bottles with me don't mind if I do place you all up in now and with just a smidge of time we can get ourselves some special new potions or one Beatrix secret potion strength region and saturation bee-utiful well then all that's left is to defeat those other invaders all right sting I think I'm ready the keys repaired now finish the invaders oh gosh easy does it guys wow they're all over the place come on this is no easy does it seriously I'm gonna have to hit him with all these different potions come on Oh boom-boom this is exactly what I knew they're all going down and they're not exactly terribly difficult to be honest okay well don't punch me with your fist that's a kind of route now you can die die die die a lot of health to be honest oh my word easy does it or should I say beezy doesn't uh-huh right well is there anyone less left in here no maybe we can just toy with these clowns what else do they have up here doesn't appear to be anything else maybe this is just where they were hanging out okay well we do have a bow why don't we try and take them out from a distance looks like they're stuck anyways perfect you be very wise about who you tryin to check here buddy you got a go guys have a lot of health all right only one more to go with any luck I can just yeah we just go get him kill those invaders baby This Is It this is the last one we'll see you later buddy I imagine eventually serious got a lot of help okay it's a done deal we did it sting victory defeated the strong invaders now that the major is over you're free to go hurry before it's too late return to Buzz and I'll tell you to get back to your home all right buzz help me let me outta here dude with the invaders gone the doors are longer lock shut you're free exit through the portal to return to your home Oh oh yeah the place is his exit we didn't have to use beatrix a secret potion or open a Beyonce's honey box my mind has been restored thank you here take this as a reward look at him he's well on his way to the flowers okay so let's see what yon says honey box is all about oh my gosh point made okay so how do I use this whistle right click ooh hello my dears I token of my appreciation you may purchase my potions anytime you blow this whistle at a discounted rate ooh Beatrix flying potion Beatrix mining potion and Beatrix is swimming potion Wow and they hardly cost anything and get all three for just six emeralds we found those in the B okay so let's try this flying potion Wow awesome hey we've got a body of water over here too how about we try the swimming potion next let's see what this does oh wow yeah we are picking up insane speed underwater water breathing night-vision and dolphins grace okay and the mining potion let me see oh wow we're mining way faster yo this was the best I gotta live at B's way more often guys leave a comment below letting us know what mob we should try and live inside of next your as might be chosen
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 4,496,709
Rating: 4.8250971 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, challenge, minecraft how to, how to, realistic, funny, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip,, house, bee house, honey block, custom, 1.15, minecraft 1.15, minecraft bee update, bees in minecraft, minecraft house ideas, minecraft bees, minecraft bee hive, live inside a bee, living inside a bee, how to live inside, gaming, bee update, buzzy bees, living inside blocks
Id: aVJBPedosxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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