8 Habits That Made Me A Millionaire

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so a lot of people know my claim to fame building elite daily to 50 million and exiting to a billion dollar company but a lot of people think that that was how i became a millionaire and the truth is i actually became a millionaire at 24 years old i sold elite daily at 30 years old and so i think a lot of people see the habits that i have today as a conscious millionaire that's built two eight figure companies and multiple seven figure companies and let me tell you these habits now were not the same habits that i had to get me to becoming a millionaire like now i'm into like meditation and and just it's just a different lifestyle but i want to give you guys eight habits that will support you on your journey if you're just getting started like i remember when i was like 19 years old 18 19 years old and i had a dream of like becoming the first millionaire in my family i wanted to have just adult lifestyle and make a lot of money and do it taking the unconventional path i want to tell you what this habits were for me to get there by 24 years old and so first and foremost my dad always said a quote to me he said hard work comes before the dream it's actually something that we put on one of the leaders crate leaders clothing brand shirts and i think we had a dope ass hoodie by the way in the description guys we relaunched the leaders crate leaders clothing brand check it out and so hard work comes before the dream for me is the life of grind like it was late nights early mornings and so now i believe that you can become successful without having to necessarily grind and just be a part of hustle culture but if i'm being honest when i started off it was about the hustle and so it was late nights early mornings late nights early mornings and um you know that's not really supporting me too becoming a closer and like what i mean by that is i was having conversations with leads and clients every single day and so i was mastering the sale i was mastering the gift of gab i was mastering how to be able to take someone on a journey on a call and actually enroll them and working with me my first client was 500 a month as an agency i'll tell you guys that story in another video that then ended up becoming clients that hired me for six figures and helped me to become my multi-millionaire by 24 and so become a closer and that means you got to have a lot of conversations every day be having conversations and understanding the art of the sale number three networking like i it's easy today to just be hiding behind a laptop but i really was getting out there i was going out and believe it or not even like going out to clubs i mean i was young i loved to go to clubs i was always looking for like who in the room is someone that i can see is is on it like it has that it factor i could tell that they were an entrepreneur i can tell that they you know they they had something about them that they had that gravitas they had that influence and so i was constantly networking i also was going to events networking events uh i was going to uh just different like summits that basically were out there that i would find and just any way that i could and obviously with social media i was like networking that was like a big habit of mine number four balling out and like you know look there's a lot of content out there about saving money and yes i believe in all that and i definitely believe in investing um and i was investing at that age but i wanted to just say balling out because for me like i really believe like how you feel is so important if you want to become a millionaire it's about embodying what it feels like and i didn't understand what embodiment was when i was back in 19 20 21 years old but for me i just remember that i was balling out like as i was making money i didn't live in scarcity afraid to spend money i went into the sneaker store and i bought the sneakers and the dunks that i wanted to buy multiple pairs when i started making money i got my first bentley it was used but it made me feel like a baller if i went to a club i got a table if i went to um to the mall i bought clothes that made me feel good some days i would wear even a suit because back then it really was something important that made me feel like a boss and eventually balling out for me was even getting my first apartment which was a two-bedroom that helped me to like really set me up to feel so good that i got a two-bedroom apartment and then right before i became a millionaire i moved to the penthouse and the penthouse was ten thousand dollars a month and i remember being scared as to get a 10 000 a month apartment i was like i don't know if i could even really afford this i barely had enough income to just show that i could afford it um but it was stretching me but i knew that if i did that it was gonna stretch me enough where it was gonna force me to level up and that's what it did a lot of people make decisions based on scarcity rather than abundance and how it's gonna make them feel by me getting that penthouse remember floor to ceiling views of the manhattan skyline i remember blasting music and feeling good building my own office in there and so i started to feel like a millionaire which allowed me to meet that frequency and actually from balling out i actually i think i tapped into leveling myself up to becoming more of a millionaire rather than just like hiding out and so ball out do make those decisions on what you feel good be smart of course but ball out number five having a girlfriend again surprising um a lot of people talk about like not even dating at all for me having a girlfriend help ground me and for me like going out and dating there's so many women out there there's so many fish in the sea for my girls there's so many dudes out there and so like having one person that you can just build have a relationship that gets that you are on the ground i guess in your in the in the early years of you building it helps you it helps you to stay focused while still feeling that sexual desire and not being out there going on dates because that's energy man like going on all these dates every single night that tires you out and it takes away time that you can be putting towards your adventure your business your passion six rap music for me just like bumping to travis scott bumping the 50 cent 50 cent back then was my my get rich or die trying like i just remember listening to rap music and allow myself to just tap in and get hyped up and uh it just inspired me seven appreciating and incentivizing a team like not doing it all alone for me in the beginning it was like getting some friends and people that just were like me that had dreams like me and just building a little team we were like the entourage like a little crew and all of us just working together every day pushing each other every day working out together inspiring each other but one of the things i did was i always appreciated them and i always incentivize them appreciate them sometimes i would just get them lunch incentivize them i would like actually set some actual goals that if they help me to hit they would make more money and then last but not least number eight i was writing every day and so i had a newsletter and so i'm not talking about just journaling because i didn't journal every day what i did was actually wrote on the computer every day and i built a newsletter that i sent out almost every single day building out an email list and writing about all the things i was passionate about and so that really kept me into a flow of learning how to write and learning how to build a community build a fan base and build an audience through email marketing and last i want to give you guys a bonus mentorship um you got to be a student every single day learn something new every single day for me i was addicted to learning i'm still addicted to learning but having a mentor that i can ask questions i have so many mentors throughout my career and so like that's a this is a big one find a mentor and also be your own mentor learn something every day i wasn't a big book reader in the beginning now i am but back then i would look up things on the internet learn from blogs i would just heavily reach out and and i wanted to talk to mentors and and really it was just me being coming obsessed with asking questions like i didn't care if you were the doorman or if you were like a millionaire that happened to me like i was always curious to ask people questions like just to know because everyone has a everyone has something you can literally learn from everyone and that's where everyone gets a mistake it's like you think a mentor has to be someone who is some billionaire and yes you want to find a mentor that obviously has the things and has gone through the things that you essentially want to go through and what you want to achieve but you can also learn so much i remember one time i came home to that penthouse building and the doorman opened it up he saw that i was a little down i had a tough day and he was like yo gee you alright and i was like i had a tough day and he's like yo slow motion is better than no motion and he said it was such swag slow motion is better than no motion and to this day i remember that and he actually was somebody who taught me something it was like you know you're gonna have those tough days but no matter what you keep moving forward one foot one percent every single day slow motion is better than no motion and x sticks with me until today literally 18 years later and he actually became a friend of mine eventually went and built his career going into becoming a music mogul which when i learned about his dreams was so dope and so you can learn from everyone from the doorman to the billionaire and so be a student every day ask questions and find ways to learn i hope this is valuable to you guys which one is your favorite habit and if you got to have you want to share with the community drop it in the comments i'm curious to know hi guys i can't wait to see you just to step into becoming the first millionaire so if you're gonna become the first millionaire in your family let me know in the comments and subscribe peace
Channel: Gerard Adams
Views: 1,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: millionaire, success, business, entrepreneur, habits, motivation, meditation, lifestyle, support, start, dream, hard work, leaders create leaders
Id: 4hJbfVxhwMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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