Dragonflight Leveling Guide! 1-60 & 60-70 In No Time!

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the new expansion is here the level cap has been raised to 70 not only that we have a new race a new class new zones so let's get it done the fastest way to level in dragonfly and have a good time while doing it playing World of Warcraft is gonna be in this video so bookmark it check the time stamps get it ready and let's get that level 70 and enjoy the new content and with all the changes to the level squish in the new zones to test out I was questing in the old zones with my dwarf Hunter killing some rares and man they give a lot of XP and I figured that one out a little bit too late and all that time I could have used Silver Dragon to actually check the spawns of all of the rares on my questing path man that could have saved so much time off of my run it's unreal thankfully I did remember to get it in the end and I did it real quick with a curse Forge app didn't even have to close my game just a quick reload and Bam spawns of prayers enabled and there are so many add-ons you can get on the Fly quick and easy update and manage them with no issues just hit the link in the description and download the app no problemo thank you curse Forge app for sponsoring this video and making getting add-ons quick a breeze Silver Dragon is not the only add-on that you can get for rares but you can also take handy notes for later expansions for because for some reason Andy knows just does not have the spawn rate of rares in the old let's say cata revamped zones and it's a really good addition it can also show treasures and stuff which can be something to look forward to later on into your leveling process also we definitely recommend getting the junk as well if you start a fresh character on a fresh realm this is even better since you will collect a whole bunch of gray loot that you will likely want to sell first of all making it easy on your bags second the gold you get adds up enough to the point where you can actually get your Mount writing skills and all of the consumables in the list that follows the first thing we want to mention is the drought of the 10 lands this is a 10 experience potion you can get from your capital city in BFA with five service medals each now this is better if you have tunes that farmed the faction assaults dark Shore and arathi Highlands World quests or even warfront you can still Farm them if you wish to get a whole bunch of them which is the downside of this but the actual farming up until now this is the only potion that still gives bonus experience that we know of obviously there are Dark Moon events anniversary Buffs and so on but since those are not always around we treat them as a nice bonus instead of a suggested requirement the next few console will help you get around quicker gun shoes is an Old Reliable when it comes to moving fast and getting back into town to turn those quests in since this is even faster than mounting it will shave some time off there are a couple of questing hubs that have you walk a bit from point A to B making this particular Constable really cool light step hoof plates is a Mount equipment you can get to have your Mount walk around 20 faster it doesn't stack with other Mount speed effects such as if you are a death knight or a paladin with Crusader Aura alternatively you can also get inflatable Mount shoes there are a few zones with questing in watery places where it's quicker to Traverse a body of water if your class cannot already walk over it and we cannot have a list of consumables without getting Goblin gliders there is no better quality of life when leveling before being able to fly than using Goblin gliders to get down from a tall place to where the bores are and last in the category of speed fried Bonefish is a food buff that only works on levels 55 and higher but does give you a decent move speed buff after you kill a mob very useful especially when leveling in the dragonflight zones for those of you who have a max level character already or at least one with the decent amount of gold heirlooms are your next stop new characters cannot benefit from them unfortunately since you need a lot of gold to buy and upgrade them and upgrade them you might have to since they don't go all the way up to level 59 by default the upgrades cost gold or during certain events can be acquired through stuff like time or badges as a currency you can buy the heirlooms from the top of Orgrimmar gate because you know under city is gone although you can still go to under CD and enable the back in time version and buy them in the Rogues quarter this way you can buy them on your freshly made tune if you don't have flying to get to the orgrimage gate because can I get there any other way and this is for horde for Alliance go to Iron Forge in the Hall of explorers and you will get the vendors there although heirlooms do not provide bonus experience gains they do give you strong bonuses if you are leveling especially if you aren't leveling all in one go because the main benefit is that the set allows you to keep up your rested experience 60 longer not to mention there are benefits such as out of combat regeneration making the the need of food very minimal and when you level up you explode in holy energy damaging mobs around you and getting a two minute buff for a 40 Main stat increase that can be extended on top of it all the gear levels with you so you always have Epic Level items on you to help with killing stuff quicker which makes finishing quests quicker which gets you to 60 quicker one of the best heirlooms you can get is the monari training amulet from the legion Mission table assault of Fel Fire Armory yes you would have unlocked this if you ever played Legion a decent amount or have to play to unlock it now if you can ever spare the time it's a good one to get since it does give you a 5 minute cooldown 40 sprint couple this with the consumables and whatever Mobility your class brings and it can be very useful especially if it can save you from a camp of mobs that would otherwise kill you dying won't make you level faster you know another slot you might want an heirloom in is the ring slot but the best one which I don't have is the dread pirate ring that can be won from the stranglethorne fishing event another one to get if you ever play the Warlords of draener was the Signet of the third Fleet or any of the pirate Rings you can get from your Garrison missions they might be harder to get but you might already have them unlocked the reason that the Rings or necklaces are good is that they actually contribute to your last piece of heirloom set to get the last set bonus any of the Rings or necklaces will do but these are the prominent ones and with this we can talk about the actual set you should get the armor setup propria for your class which consists of a headpiece cloak shoulders chest and legs five pieces and with a ring or necklace you will get all six bonuses on top of this you can also get weapons and trinkets as heirlooms from different sources although they won't provide any specific leveling bonuses they are still items with high item level and a lot of stats that will boost your character's power as a bonus if you can afford it we recommend getting the map heirlooms as well which for some reason turn into toys so you won't find them in the actual heirloom tab they are 5K gold each Mega expensive but they do unlock all the flight points in a specific area depending on which ones you opt to buy for the minimal investment we recommend getting the scouting map the Asian kingdoms campaign for horde and The Scouting map modern provisioning of these soon kingdoms for Alliance since the majority of leveling routes that we will recommend will have you fly around the Eastern kingdoms more than anything [Music] now let's talk about the actual leveling routes and zones you will do a quick disclaimer we will be recommending some routes that will give you a very fast leveling time that will also be easy to follow there are paths and strategies you can take that will Mega speed level you through the zones but for those we would need a 2 hour long leveling video and there are amazing people that have compiled a lot of info for Speed leveling if you all have the gold spare all the heirlooms necessary and so on Carlton is one such individual shout out to him and all of the work he has done in the guides for Speed leveling also the current holder of the fastest level into 60 as of recording this video is amazing so if you are interested in doing this as quick as possible no Shenanigans just get their blast we would recommend checking his stuff out with that out of the way the best way to level from 1 to 10 if you are not playing an Allied race or a hero class is through the Excel reach Zone if you have a new account you will automatically be sent there herb anyway otherwise you will get a choice for this once you are done creating your character not to mention the Exile reach is one of the most beautiful Warcraft zones to date simple with all the warcraft Pizzazz we love the questline is straightforward and if you finish all of the quests with no heirlooms or rested XP bonuses you will get to level 10 before even finishing the end scenario there's also a side secret Quest where you do a little thing for a light spawn Elemental and you get a move speed buff definitely helpful from Level 10 to 60 Alliance and horde will have somewhat different routes but they will intersect at times first of all we would highly recommend you go to chromie and select the legion timeline first if you have done the intro scenario before you will get an option to skip it and we would recommend you to skip it the reason for this is to get the dalaran Hearthstone I didn't do it because I didn't think much of it but I realized they would have saved me a whole bunch of time in traveling you will use the dalaran Hearthstone to quickly get back to your Capital City learn writing skills and buy more constables and use your normal Hearthstone after to get back to your questing Hub without the dalaran Hearthstone you will spend a long time flying around having to unlock stuff like ashran just to get a portal to Stormwind like I did and that's when I realized that was a doofus and could have avoided all of this stuff second tip is to kill all of the rares you can find while doing quests in the old world or the cataclysm revamped zones whereas there give a lot of experience where Westworth actually depending on how you level it might even be worth it to go slightly out of your way to do so and this is where Silver Dragon comes in handy it took me way too long to realize how much I was missing out and who knows how many rares accidentally skipped because of not having this add-on sooner you can still clear rares in other zones that are not the old catarivam zones but they won't give you as much experience as we will talk about it in a few minutes the third tip although kind of an extension of the first tip always go back to Stormwind or Orgrimmar to get your riding skill at 10 you get the basic writing by default since you are already there but at 20 you get the fast riding skill and at 30 you will get flying with level 40 unlocking fast fly I was leveling on an alliance tune so didn't really have the goal to get the fast flying but if you can afford it and can fly in the relevant expansion 100 go for it and now let's get into the actual route as an alliance character you want to start questing in red Ridge Mountains if you had your map toy activated you can simply fly from Stormwind there and to all other zones in this route once you are in red Ridge you will see a big question mark on your map which signals the main quest chain there pick that Quest up and pick all the other quests in the town you can find as a quick tip on your quest you will get to the point where you have to mind control and edit to lift a big boulder the map shows several locations for where this is but for me was right outside of the town in front of the bridge took me a while to run around before I could figure it out and like this you will keep questing until you reach the quest prisoners of War I heard this Quest is poopy pants and decided I was better than all the rest and did it anyway possibly the biggest time waste on this Sprout you'll have a lot of annoying mechanics to deal with stealth through and if you are not smarter than me chances are you will have this happened to you as well and once again you will lose out on some precious time better spent elsewhere and that elsewhere is duskwood and you want to pick up all of the quests you can find and finish the entire Zone mounting will definitely help here and enough gold to give you the consumables to speed around would also be helpful my lack of gun shoes was heavily felt during this time with no gold on my alliance Tunes to speak of when you are done with duskwood you want to quickly hop back to Stormwind and fly all the way to Loch modan if you have discounting map toy you should have zero issues getting there if not taking the Deep Run tram is also an option and might even be faster than flying finish the entire lock modan Zone and you should be around level 30 if you also didn't use any XP bonuses and missed rares such as myself after that we want to start a new crummy time from chromie and that is Warlords of draener some people would recommend Legion and maybe I'm more use of wad since it has been the ideal leveling zones for years but the questing is very stacked and with the Zone Buffs you will get a lot more benefits from leveling here the Warlords of Draenor intro is super good for birds of XP you would get here at about level 30 and you can get up to three levels of experience just from this with no rested XP to exploit as well after you finish it set up your Garrison and do all of the quests available you'll reach a quest Hub called Starfall Outpost and you will want to do all of the quests here towards the end of the question you will need to kill some stuff right next to the blood Thorn cave bonus objective do that objective as well also although Treasures used to be the biggest source of XP they have been nerfed very heavily so if you do happen to come across some on your way they still award several mobs worth of XP so they're not bad but probably not ideal to go out of your way to find them plus you can find the occasional item in there that can boost your power so not worth completely ignoring I've the finishing Starfall loud post and just before getting the quest to move out to ashran you will probably want to transition going to ashran is a lot of time consuming back and forth zigzagging talking to a lot of NPCs the only reason I did it was because I skipped on my dalaran Hearthstone so I was kind of stuck in VOD without a possibility of getting to Orgrimmar to learn my riding skill so move towards talidor after this making your way to the Town Fort Rin on your way you'll get some rares and bonus objectives complete aruna's desolation it's super easy and super quick I wouldn't recommend stopping for all of the rares and treasures though since they are not what they used to be in terms of experience points once you get to the city you can build the artillery Tower there this is a quest part of the world story where you have building bonuses in different zones this one in particular unlocks the zangara bonus objective another easy event for a fat chunk of XP once you've done this your next goal is gor Grunt and you will walk there nor or apply if possible in gor Grant you will get to the southern part where you will want to do two bonus objectives since they are on your way to the starting Quest chain tail Thrashers Basin and ruins of the first Bastion are pretty quick to do depending on your level I was 38 39 while doing these you could spare some time for more objectives which I would recommend if you are around this level doing more bonus objectives on your way to the middle part of the East Coast where your quest change starts will be beneficial in Saving Time off of the last part of the wad leveling that you will have to do which is a bit more tedious once you reach your starting point in the quest chain follow it with all of the side quests you can pick up until you get to high pass that will be the main Hub in Gore Grant and as with taledor you will construct something here Savage bits seems to be the best thing to make either of the two buildings give you a special ability the pits lets you summon dudes to fight with you once every 10 minutes this can be used when you pull a whole bunch of packs together when doing multiple quests at the same time as you quest you will also at one point get into the Crimson fan Zone big huge red mushroom Place finish all the quests here and continue questing until the quests strike while the iron is hot is available while also finishing the bonus objectives value of Destruction Miss creep Meyer and the Razer bloom once you are done with all of this head into spiers of Iraq and Quest until you reach level 60. one tip here is that when you get to Southport construct the stocktron brewery so you can get a 5 minute quick Hearthstone you will zigzag a bit between Quest hubs and having this helps speed things up this is the last part of the questing and where it gets a bit tedious mostly because of all the zigzagging and less straightforward questing route you'll get 60 sometime during the quest chain depending on whatever experience boosters you have used during this time for The Horde aside the starting point horde does most of the same things and I mean literally murdered from the alliance counterpart so we will quickly blast through this section of the video or it will start in Silver Pine Forest and you will want to Quest until on your Majesty's Secret Service this is an easy and straightforward area to keep blasting through you'll get to a point where you are an old dalaran crater going after human Mages take some time and kill the Arcane Elementals one of them will drop a quest item that will make you want to kill a whole bunch more since you are already here might as well do this this being lay energy is the quest name of course another quest to make sure to get is when you are fighting the Infantry with Godfrey next to you one of the infantries will drop a quest item I never forget a face instead XP so make sure you kill the Infantry even after they drop the battle plan you are normally looking for until you also get this particular Quest soon after this you will reach a quest called on her majesty Secret Service stop here this Quest eats up a lot of time and it's particularly difficult to do with certain classes if you aren't decked in Big Boy gear after Silver Pine you want to go to Hills Brad Foothills and make sure you finish the whole Zone remember that there are a bunch of situations where you will be sent into a quest area to kill some stuff that can drop Quest items for instant Quest XP whenever you see a special name mob tag it like McGill the free XP murloc giving you the McGill slipper or something Quest once you are done with Phil's breath go back to Orgrimmar with your dalaran Hearthstone and start the Warlords of Draenor chromie time don't skip the intro even if you do have the option to the experience game is massive and it's like Mega easy and quick to do although the checklist is similar to the Alliance side you will differ here and there after you finish your garrickson stop just before being sent to ashran there's no need to do that since you're done Hearthstone gives you the means to get back to Orgrimmar so instead head to gor Grant first since it's more convenient on positioning same as Alliance you want to get the tail Thrashers Basin and ruins of the first Bastion bonus objectives with anything else in your way cleared at your own discretion after gor grund you will walk your butt down towards spiers of Iraq but stop in talidor for a bit here you want to go to vol'jin's Pride and construct the Arsenal building and proceed to clear the objectives mogrond's log Works zangara aruna's desolation and zorkra's fall doing all of these is going to get you the big chunk of easy XP from talidor at which point you will actually move down to spiers of Iraq where you'll Quest until you get to level 6. if you want to play the new class spec combo the first thing you need to do is to make sure that you already have a level 50 character on The Realm you want to play on and go create the new class which will start at level 58. once that is done you will get your first two levels in the starring area for the drag tier at the end you'll be a bit into the level 60. you won't need heirlooms for this since they will only work for one part of the quest phase not really worth it dragonflight similar to shadowlands in a way has gone back to the streamlined Quest chain where you go Zone by Zone as it was designed instead of choosing your path once the Zeppelin takes you to the first area you're gonna explore in dragonflight the waking Shores you will start the storyline which will take you to the main city eventually the shielded quests will represent the main storyline while the side quests won't have the same Shield icon depending on the content you do and how you like to level it may take you from 4 to 10 hours to get to level 70 by following the story if you're a storyline lover you like to watch the cinematics do side quests pick a flower admire waterfalls and grab a snack while added it will take you quite a while to get there but it's the experience and enjoyment that counts with the new content am I right if you want to get to Max in a decent amount of time you can probably get everything done in about 5 hours blast to the storyline but don't forget that you will need side quests as well to get all the experience you need as a side note the questline and dungeons are not the only things granting you experience if you choose to learn a crafting profession you will also get quite a lot of experience from crafting recipes for the first time and the bonus is often more than you would get from a normal Quest so assuming you have the materials and or gold you need for all the crafts you can get a level or two from them as well or if you choose two crafting professions that XP will double of course this depends very much on the mat available and their price if your dad is a cash machine you should be set as it can get really expensive at the start of a new expansion the main storyline quests will not Grant enough XP to get you all the way to level 70 so you will have to either do side quests bonus objectives reputation side quests Dungeons and or professions to get your character up to max level and with all of this you should be level 70 congratulations you made it here and you can enjoy the end game that is dragonfly hope the guide was useful for you and if you do have any comments suggestions or Corrections critique of any kind leave a comment down below and of course a big shout out once again to Holden for actually doing a lot of research that we peeked a little bit into to see exactly if it was matching what we had and the dude is massive when it comes to speed leveling and I was really freaking impressed so if that's a thing which is not normally what this video is usually said to accomplish speed leveling is a totally different Beast then we would hardly strongly recommend checking his stuff out the links will be down either in the description or in the pinned comment thank you for watching the video and see you next time [Music] it's getting harder to stay but at the end of the day it's a guilty pleasure so just log in and play whether it's classical retail imma do a slash foul still
Channel: MarcelianOnline
Views: 322,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragonflight leveling, dragonflight leveling guide, world of warcraft, speed leveling, dragonflight leveling tips, dragonflight leveling 1-60, dragonflight leveling 60-70, fast leveling, 1-60, 10-60, 60-70, dragonflight leveling changes, dragonflight leveling route, dragonflight leveling addon, marcelianonline, marcelian online, marcelian, flame
Id: eZMpbKJqo6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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